Marjorie Taylor Greene tells Tucker she's introducing articles of impeachment against Biden on Monday because he [checks notes] sells oil to China

She really needs to stop that shit. Everyone knows it's a stunt. She's not fooling anyone. Even if the Congress did take up the Articles of Impeachment the Democrats are still in control. You know how that's going to go? The Democrats would investigate the Democrats and find themselves innocent.

Honestly, even if the GOP takes control I still don't support impeachment. I don't want to weaponize impeachment. I don't want the right to lower themselves to the desperation the left had in the past.
She really needs to stop that shit. Everyone knows it's a stunt. She's not fooling anyone. Even if the Congress did take up the Articles of Impeachment the Democrats are still in control. You know how that's going to go? The Democrats would investigate the Democrats and find themselves innocent.
There is nothing to impeach Biden for.
Not only have these leftists voted for Biden who in turn caused a massive economic crisis, leaving middle class people struggling with grocery and gas prices, they have the gall to call Trump voters morons, traitors, and racists.
Biden didn't create the current global inflation.
There was nothing to impeach Trump for either...but we saw two sham impeachments.

You can't have your cake and eat it too.
Actually there was a lot of things to impeach trump for. That's why he was impeached.
Not only have these leftists voted for Biden who in turn caused a massive economic crisis, leaving middle class people struggling with grocery and gas prices, they have the gall to call Trump voters morons, traitors, and racists.
That's because you ARE!
Sure, you just can't prove it.

WHICH, has absolutely, nothing to do with my comment.

But I will comment on yours.
So, Trump used the Strategic Petroleum Reserve, to pay for his tax cut, and sold oil to China.

“We’re going to fill it right up to the top — saving the American taxpayer billions and billions of dollars, helping our oil industry,” Trump said at the time.

Then whine, because it's low because Trump squandered it.
You have GOT to be kidding with this shit….Biden’s inflation problem with gas in this country is entirely of HIS own making, AND, according to HIS plan I might add.

You know this. I know this. And, the American voter knows this…And in November you’re going to find out what they are going to do about it, unless y’all cheat AGAIN!
You fail to see the fact that Iran was secretly going on with their bomb work.
A ”fact” that isn’t entirely proven and ignores several key points: we were able to inspect, it was buying us time which was the main point of it. How has the situation improved? Instead of 10 years, in half that time Iran is pretty much much almost there. We have a reputation now of reneging on deals meaning the world can’t trust us beyond a president’s term, and Iran has now elected a staunch hardliner. Not to mention giving nuclear secrets to the Saudis…so….I’m not seeing the positives other than Iran will get the bomb, so to will the Saudi’s, and the world will have to learn to live with three nuclear powers in the oh so peaceful Middle East.

Kind of reminds me of this song…;)

Lie through your teeth and when you get called on your mendacity, call your accusers "snowflakes" - another lie. That's all you Leftists can do is lie. And we can't even block your lies.
Sickening how the owner manages this hole.
I can call you “snowflakes”, snowflake, just like you can call me the same or worse. Time for you to stop wallowing in your victimization cess and get into the pool with the big boys.

In the mean time, I find it laughable that the Jewish Space Laser Barbie proposes anything that should be taken seriously.
You have GOT to be kidding with this shit….Biden’s inflation problem with gas in this country is entirely of HIS own making, AND, according to HIS plan I might add.
Sure it was, every president strives to make things more expensive, especially fuel.
That way, Trump's cult won't be able to go to their dear leaders's pity rallies.
You know this. I know this. And, the American voter knows this…And in November you’re going to find out what they are going to do about it, unless y’all cheat AGAIN!
The American Q NUT voter is convinced.

I can call you “snowflakes”, snowflake, just like you can call me the same or worse. Time for you to stop wallowing in your victimization cess and get into the pool with the big boys.

In the mean time, I find it laughable that the Jewish Space Laser Barbie proposes anything that should be taken seriously.
And do you tell IM2 to stop wallowing in his victimization as he screams racist at anyone and everyone?

News flash: when the President of the United States gets on prime time television to call 60 million Americans a threat to democracy, and his mindless idiots ramping up their disgusting attacks on those who don’t agree with them, we have a right to feel victimized. We are being targeted by our own government, by a leader who demonizes his own citizens because he doesn’t approve of their opinions.

YOU do that, of course, but you’re without power. When the U.S. president and the ruling party turn on 40% of American citizens, it’s scary.
If Republicans get the House and Senate they can and should impeach him for anything and everything. Oh, and remove him.

Why not?

Because they will never have 2/3 Senates votes to remove and they'll get their asses handed to them in the next elections for their frivolous impeachments.

A ”fact” that isn’t entirely proven and ignores several key points: we were able to inspect, it was buying us time which was the main point of it. How has the situation improved? Instead of 10 years, in half that time Iran is pretty much much almost there. We have a reputation now of reneging on deals meaning the world can’t trust us beyond a president’s term, and Iran has now elected a staunch hardliner. Not to mention giving nuclear secrets to the Saudis…so….I’m not seeing the positives other than Iran will get the bomb, so to will the Saudi’s, and the world will have to learn to live with three nuclear powers in the oh so peaceful Middle East.
Iran has been jerking the world around since Obama's historic nuclear deal.
They've either totally blocked inspections or delayed access by weeks on end, while they moved equipment or materials they didn't not want them to know about.
Isn't too much secret about making nukes these days.

2014 - The IAEA is seeking access to leading Iranian nuclear scientists who are believed to have been involved in nuclear-weapons research.

The agency also is demanding access to Iranian research and military sites. Among them is a military base south of Tehran, called Parchin, where the IAEA and the U.S. believe atomic-weapons development occurred.

Iran so far has denied Mr. Amano’s investigators access to the scientists or the sites, despite Tehran’s insistence that its nuclear program is solely for peaceful purposes. Iran also has said that the IAEA’s evidence of weapons work is based on fabricated intelligence.

Iran Blocks Inspections, Hobbling Nuclear Deal - Iran News Update

One of the reason Trump withdrew was Iran dicking us around over inspections.

Iran’s parliament voted Tuesday to approve a bill that would suspend United Nations-led inspections of the nation’s nuclear facilities, as well as promote the enrichment of its uranium supply should the European members of the 2015 nuclear deal not provide sanction relief.

Bill to block nuclear inspections approved by Iranian parliament

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