Marjorie Taylor Greene tells Tucker she's introducing articles of impeachment against Biden on Monday because he [checks notes] sells oil to China

Since Biden has intentionally created economic hardships for Americans, he is in violation of his oath. This could have just as easily applied to the faux-black hack, Obama.
Of course not. But I am angry at them for voting in someone who has caused so much damage to our country and then have the nerve to us “threats to democracy.”

BIDEN should be impeached. He is intentionally trying to weaken this country.
That is just beyond stupid. You are a threat to democracy, mostly because of your ignorance more than anything else. I mean the founders warned us about fools like you.

Last week, Biden signed an executive order making it more difficult for companies to sell their technology to China. Did Trump do anything like that? Uh, no. He started a trade war and WE LOST.

Oil production, that is almost comical. This year we will break records for domestic oil production. Natural gas exports are already through the roof, record highs. Although I don't think it is smart to sell off our natural gas.

Immigration is a function of the economy more than anything else. The US has the strongest economy in the world right now. Did we while Trump was president? No, Germany and China both out performed us, but not now. Looks like Biden made America great again.

The war in Ukraine is terrible, and has impacted the entire world in so many ways, of which your clueless ass knows nothing. Biden has handled things quite well thank you. Sorry you believe Trump could have done better. Which come to think of it, Trump is a could of, would of, should of, hero. Like today, he posts to his fans that he would not have been seated in the back at the Queen's funeral like Biden was. How stupid, how stupid to even make that claim. First, it is supposition, it means absolutely nothing. It can't possibly be proven, like what he would have done in Afghanistan. GTF out of here with that stupid shit. You don['t get judged on what you could have done, what you would have done, or what you should have done. You get judged on WHAT YOU FLIPPIN DID. Trump left this nation more divided than any time since the Civil War. His inept handling of the Covid crisis, his willingness to incorporate signaling of public health, and perhaps more than anything, his total disregard, and quite honestly distaste, for the very people that support him, speaks volumes as to what a self-absorbed little prick he really is.
So you're arguing you (Lisa558) want to impeach the American people?

*Moderator* puts his words in Lisa's mouth and then pretends she said the words HE said, not her. Typical mendacity of the left, and disgraceful for a *moderator* to so misrepresent members not of his Biden apologist group.
*Moderator* puts his words in Lisa's mouth and then pretends she said the words HE said, not her. Typical mendacity of the left, and disgraceful for a *moderator* to so misrepresent members not of his Biden apologist group.
Thank you.
really, all we need to do is play Biden‘s Hitler wannabee speech in which he demonizes 60 million Americans, flanked by military as a sign of strength, with a caption that reads “Offset the demonization of American citizens by voting Republican.”

We win.
Biden didn't demonize 60 million Americans. Probably not even 30 million. But maybe a bit more than 15 million. I mean that is the thing with you Trumpsters. You, like him, have an overinflated view of yourself, and your "movement".

I mean I like what I see. In several senate races, my own state included, have Trump nut is representing the Republican party. And here is the thing,

He is about one out of three. Trump over party. One out of three. Honey, he could never have been elected the first time without one out of three. Those were "his" people. Put another way, in those senate races, when two out of three are not considering supporting Trump a positive, you got a problem. Cause one out of three just might vote the other way. And in some of these senate races, capturing 10% of the Republican vote by Democrats is a sure winner. Can you say Georgia? One out of three staying home and you lose the seat.

And it is only going to get worse for him. You probably don't even know about that lawsuit the terrible AG in New York is conducting. Trump made a settlement offer, LMOA--AG told him to pound sand. Why make a settlement offer if you are not guilty? And how many times has Trump done this?

Look, I live, and was raised, in what is probably the reddest Congressional district in the nation. Upstate New York has kind of slipped a little. I have lived here, raised a large family here, kids graduated from my high school kind of thing. And from the time I was in that high school, to today, I have been well known as a raving liberal--almost yellow dog democrat, on economic issues, not social issues.

I do all right. But my legacy is legendary around here, and by that, I mean my children. This is Trump country, but even here, he is starting to lose his shine. But all those children, and their spouses or significant others, they vote too. And in 2016, well we were split pretty even. I mean I was livid. But I can tell you, in 2020, not a one of those that voted for Trump voted for him again. While most of my friends and neighbors did, more than a third have came to me and said they won't do it again.

This ain't the battle you want. You are viewing it through orange colored glasses. I mean it is time to cut bait, and Trump is the bait. He is not your ticket to salvation. I mean he was your Titantic, and the iceberg done hit. You missed the lifeboats, now it is time you swim away, as fast as you can, in frigid water, or get swept under in the vortex as Trump rapidly descends to Fort Dix, or maybe Butner if he claims Florida residency. Besides, Butner probably has a golf course.

He ain't that smart. Seriously, his vocabulary is laughable, almost robotic. And look, there is nothing more dangerous than someone who ain't that smart, and yet believe they know everything. Intelligence is not measured in what you know. It is measured in what you know you don't know. There is not anything Trump doesn't know. You understand that? And while you might think that about intelligence is horseshit, that is absolutely the mindset of a real servant leader. Trump failed, miserably.

In the end, maybe old Trump will walk into the sunset. He ain't going to be president again. He is probably going to be broke, certainly by his standards, which wouldn't be that bad for you or me. But maybe he won't be watching his back at Fort Dix. He just needs to sit down and stfu.
There are many reasons Biden should be impeached. This is just one and certainly not his most egregious by a long shot.

He's creating an energy crisis: MTG introduces Articles of Impeachment over Biden's dangerous oil reserves game

6-7 minutes

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) officially introduced Articles of Impeachment against President Biden on Monday for selling off our Strategic Oil Reservices to the highest bidder which will almost certainly include our enemies.
Greene’s move follows the Department of Energy announcing on Monday that it is auctioning off 10 million barrels of oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR).
“I just introduced Articles of Impeachment on President Joe Biden. Joe Biden is selling our strategic petroleum reserves. This should never happen. He is draining our reserves and selling our oil. American’s oil to foreign countries and China is a top buyer,” Greene stated in a video released on Twitter.
“China’s our enemy, they are not our friend. They’re buying American’s oil,” she proclaimed.
No President should be selling the American people’s oil to our enemies.
Joe Biden is creating a national security crisis and a national energy emergency.
He must be impeached.#ImpeachBiden
— Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene
(@RepMTG) September 19, 2022
Greene is alluding to the fact that some of our oil has already made its way to the communist Chinese under the watchful eye of Biden.
“The Strategic Petroleum Reserve is our emergency supply, for if something goes wrong in this country, it’s now down to 434 million barrels of oil, that is nearly half of what it was when President Trump left office. This is an outrage, this is completely wrong and no president of the United States should be doing this to the American people,” Greene declared.
“It’s going to create a national emergency crisis and that’s exactly what President Joe Biden is doing. This is the number HR 1362. Impeach Joe Biden,” she urged.
Joe Biden is draining our Strategic Petroleum Reserve and selling it to our enemies.
On Monday, I’m introducing articles of impeachment to hold him accountable. #ImpeachBiden
— Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene
(@RepMTG) September 17, 2022

This is comedy gold. Thanks for posting it.
Biden didn't demonize 60 million Americans. Probably not even 30 million. But maybe a bit more than 15 million. I mean that is the thing with you Trumpsters. You, like him, have an overinflated view of yourself, and your "movement".

I mean I like what I see. In several senate races, my own state included, have Trump nut is representing the Republican party. And here is the thing,

He is about one out of three. Trump over party. One out of three. Honey, he could never have been elected the first time without one out of three. Those were "his" people. Put another way, in those senate races, when two out of three are not considering supporting Trump a positive, you got a problem. Cause one out of three just might vote the other way. And in some of these senate races, capturing 10% of the Republican vote by Democrats is a sure winner. Can you say Georgia? One out of three staying home and you lose the seat.

And it is only going to get worse for him. You probably don't even know about that lawsuit the terrible AG in New York is conducting. Trump made a settlement offer, LMOA--AG told him to pound sand. Why make a settlement offer if you are not guilty? And how many times has Trump done this?

Look, I live, and was raised, in what is probably the reddest Congressional district in the nation. Upstate New York has kind of slipped a little. I have lived here, raised a large family here, kids graduated from my high school kind of thing. And from the time I was in that high school, to today, I have been well known as a raving liberal--almost yellow dog democrat, on economic issues, not social issues.

I do all right. But my legacy is legendary around here, and by that, I mean my children. This is Trump country, but even here, he is starting to lose his shine. But all those children, and their spouses or significant others, they vote too. And in 2016, well we were split pretty even. I mean I was livid. But I can tell you, in 2020, not a one of those that voted for Trump voted for him again. While most of my friends and neighbors did, more than a third have came to me and said they won't do it again.

This ain't the battle you want. You are viewing it through orange colored glasses. I mean it is time to cut bait, and Trump is the bait. He is not your ticket to salvation. I mean he was your Titantic, and the iceberg done hit. You missed the lifeboats, now it is time you swim away, as fast as you can, in frigid water, or get swept under in the vortex as Trump rapidly descends to Fort Dix, or maybe Butner if he claims Florida residency. Besides, Butner probably has a golf course.

He ain't that smart. Seriously, his vocabulary is laughable, almost robotic. And look, there is nothing more dangerous than someone who ain't that smart, and yet believe they know everything. Intelligence is not measured in what you know. It is measured in what you know you don't know. There is not anything Trump doesn't know. You understand that? And while you might think that about intelligence is horseshit, that is absolutely the mindset of a real servant leader. Trump failed, miserably.

In the end, maybe old Trump will walk into the sunset. He ain't going to be president again. He is probably going to be broke, certainly by his standards, which wouldn't be that bad for you or me. But maybe he won't be watching his back at Fort Dix. He just needs to sit down and stfu.
Biden’s a disaster on Ukraine. Billions sent to promote a war in a nation with no US interests, while millions of Americans suffer in poverty and homelessness. Fuck him.
*Moderator* puts his words in Lisa's mouth and then pretends she said the words HE said, not her. Typical mendacity of the left, and disgraceful for a *moderator* to so misrepresent members not of his Biden apologist group.
Moderators are allowed to post as members and there is no requirement that we adjust our opinions to fit the delicate sensibilities of USMB board snowflakes.
Moderators are allowed to post as members and there is no requirement that we adjust our opinions to fit the delicate sensibilities of USMB board snowflakes.
The snowflakes being conservatives, of course. Leftist snowflakes get a safe zone created for them.
Impeach that sonofabitch.

Gasoline that rose to twice the price it was during 2018, an inflation rate that rose as high as 9.1%, which was almost 5 times higher than it was in 2019, a recession, the average middle-class family coming up about $6,000 short of disposable income, hefty taxes coming for the lower and middle class, and retirement accounts losing $3 trillion dollars just over the last year. The price of oil jumping up to $130 per barrel, having to beg Saudi Arabia and Venezuela for oil while draining our own strategic reserves, sporadic shortages on the store shelves, supply line disruptions, a monumental trade imbalance with China, an exponentially- spiraling epidemic of violent crime and drugs, hundreds of migrants dying while crossing the border, more than enough fentanyl to kill everyone in the country, 4 million more illegals within only two two years, more COVID deaths than in 2020, a dishonorable withdrawal from Afghanistan that cost 13 American soldiers their lives, leaving billions of dollars worth of military equipment to the Taliban, a weakened, emasculated military, the IRS arming and training to be home invaders, using the DOJ and the FBI to harass political opponents by conducting covert raids on American citizens and confiscating personal property, Iran's nuclear program having enough nuclear material to build a bomb and conducting attacks on US citizens, a revitalized Russian oil industry, China becoming energy and militarily dominant, a war in Ukraine that has cost us billions of dollars and has killed thousands of people, and a president who is trying to incite a civil war against half the country.
Yes. Speaking of Iran. Thank you Mr. Trump for insuring Iran is closer than ever to making a bomb.

Other than that…bunch of hogwash.
Yes. Speaking of Iran. Thank you Mr. Trump for insuring Iran is closer than ever to making a bomb.

Other than that…bunch of hogwash.

That's utter bullshit, I really thought you were more intelligent than that. They couldn't have built a nuke when their economy was being hammered by Trump's sanctions.

"Since 2017, the Trump administration has continuously tightened the noose of sanctions on Iran, targeting more than 80 per cent of the country’s economy. There can be little doubt that this “maximum pressure” policy is inflicting considerable economic harm on Iran. Economic growth that followed the lifting of sanctions in 2016 has given way to an inflationary recession. The Iranian currency has lost two-thirds of its value, and oil exports, which are a crucial source of government revenue, have dropped from 2.5 million barrels/day to less than 0.5 million barrels/day. Despite exemptions for humanitarian trade, human rights groups and international aid organisations operating in Iran report the adverse impact of sanctions in areas such as medical imports, emergency relief and refugee assistance programs."

Iran Sanctions under the Trump Administration

Meanwhile, that idiot you voted for is removing sanctions against Iran's nuclear program, as well as releasing $3 billion of frozen Iranian assets.

Biden Lifts Sanctions On Iran’s Nuclear Program | The Daily Wire
Moderators are allowed to post as members and there is no requirement that we adjust our opinions to fit the delicate sensibilities of USMB board snowflakes.
Lie through your teeth and when you get called on your mendacity, call your accusers "snowflakes" - another lie. That's all you Leftists can do is lie. And we can't even block your lies.
Sickening how the owner manages this hole.
Yes. Speaking of Iran. Thank you Mr. Trump for insuring Iran is closer than ever to making a bomb.

Other than that…bunch of hogwash.
You fail to see the fact that Iran was secretly going on with their bomb work.

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