Marjorie Taylor Greene tells Tucker she's introducing articles of impeachment against Biden on Monday because he [checks notes] sells oil to China

There are many reasons Biden should be impeached. This is just one and certainly not his most egregious by a long shot.

He's creating an energy crisis: MTG introduces Articles of Impeachment over Biden's dangerous oil reserves game

6-7 minutes

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) officially introduced Articles of Impeachment against President Biden on Monday for selling off our Strategic Oil Reservices to the highest bidder which will almost certainly include our enemies.
Greene’s move follows the Department of Energy announcing on Monday that it is auctioning off 10 million barrels of oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR).
“I just introduced Articles of Impeachment on President Joe Biden. Joe Biden is selling our strategic petroleum reserves. This should never happen. He is draining our reserves and selling our oil. American’s oil to foreign countries and China is a top buyer,” Greene stated in a video released on Twitter.
“China’s our enemy, they are not our friend. They’re buying American’s oil,” she proclaimed.
No President should be selling the American people’s oil to our enemies.
Joe Biden is creating a national security crisis and a national energy emergency.
He must be impeached.#ImpeachBiden
— Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene
(@RepMTG) September 19, 2022
Greene is alluding to the fact that some of our oil has already made its way to the communist Chinese under the watchful eye of Biden.
“The Strategic Petroleum Reserve is our emergency supply, for if something goes wrong in this country, it’s now down to 434 million barrels of oil, that is nearly half of what it was when President Trump left office. This is an outrage, this is completely wrong and no president of the United States should be doing this to the American people,” Greene declared.
“It’s going to create a national emergency crisis and that’s exactly what President Joe Biden is doing. This is the number HR 1362. Impeach Joe Biden,” she urged.
Joe Biden is draining our Strategic Petroleum Reserve and selling it to our enemies.
On Monday, I’m introducing articles of impeachment to hold him accountable. #ImpeachBiden
— Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene
(@RepMTG) September 17, 2022
MTG is one stupid bitch. Trump's very first budget proposal included revenues of 16.7 billion dollars from selling off the strategic oil reserve, and yeah, selling it to China was perfectly fine then. If anyone should be impeached, it should be her, for being STUPID.

There are many reasons Biden should be impeached. This is just one and certainly not his most egregious by a long shot.

He's creating an energy crisis: MTG introduces Articles of Impeachment over Biden's dangerous oil reserves game

6-7 minutes

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) officially introduced Articles of Impeachment against President Biden on Monday for selling off our Strategic Oil Reservices to the highest bidder which will almost certainly include our enemies.
Greene’s move follows the Department of Energy announcing on Monday that it is auctioning off 10 million barrels of oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR).
“I just introduced Articles of Impeachment on President Joe Biden. Joe Biden is selling our strategic petroleum reserves. This should never happen. He is draining our reserves and selling our oil. American’s oil to foreign countries and China is a top buyer,” Greene stated in a video released on Twitter.
“China’s our enemy, they are not our friend. They’re buying American’s oil,” she proclaimed.
No President should be selling the American people’s oil to our enemies.
Joe Biden is creating a national security crisis and a national energy emergency.
He must be impeached.#ImpeachBiden
— Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene
(@RepMTG) September 19, 2022
Greene is alluding to the fact that some of our oil has already made its way to the communist Chinese under the watchful eye of Biden.
“The Strategic Petroleum Reserve is our emergency supply, for if something goes wrong in this country, it’s now down to 434 million barrels of oil, that is nearly half of what it was when President Trump left office. This is an outrage, this is completely wrong and no president of the United States should be doing this to the American people,” Greene declared.
“It’s going to create a national emergency crisis and that’s exactly what President Joe Biden is doing. This is the number HR 1362. Impeach Joe Biden,” she urged.
Joe Biden is draining our Strategic Petroleum Reserve and selling it to our enemies.
On Monday, I’m introducing articles of impeachment to hold him accountable. #ImpeachBiden
— Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene
(@RepMTG) September 17, 2022
Another do nothing, go nowhere piece of legislation from Rep. Redneck Trailer Queen
Unemployment lower, deficits lower, Covid lower, yep it's the ideal time. I look forward to the attempt. It will be fun!

Remember if you impeach and convict Harris is President. This is like Veep! in real time.

Inflation increasing,
Crime increasing,
Open Border illegals increasing!

Between now and the mid-terms, all the Repubs need to do is wash, rinse, repeat these 3 issues!!

And beat back abortion by stating the obvious that SCOTUS has ruled on it and it's left to State Legislatures that no one individual has control over.

On the surface, it is relatively simple and easy-peasey.
Unemployment lower, deficits lower, Covid lower, yep it's the ideal time. I look forward to the attempt. It will be fun!

Remember if you impeach and convict Harris is President. This is like Veep! in real time.
I suspect that she would be included in the charges for all of her lies and neglect of the laws.
Of course not. But I am angry at them for voting in someone who has caused so much damage to our country and then have the nerve to us “threats to democracy.”

BIDEN should be impeached. He is intentionally trying to weaken this country.
I think all magaturds should be deported for electing the worst *pResident ever.

1. Until January impeachment is not on the cards. After depends.

2. America has not suffered enough to rush out and buy the piano wire so many will need. When the Great Xiden Piano Wire Shortage strikes you will know the time is nigh.
Unemployment lower, deficits lower, Covid lower, yep it's the ideal time. I look forward to the attempt. It will be fun!

Remember if you impeach and convict Harris is President. This is like Veep! in real time.
Unemployment is lower because nobody is looking for work (they’re getting paid to stay home), unnecessary spending is making inflation worse, and more people died from COVID under Biden in 2021 than under Trump in 2020.

But the reason he will be impeached is his deliberate attempt to weaken America and put Americans at risk. That was apparent as he fought the SCOTUS to let as many COVID-infected illegals in and spread the virus even more.

As far as Harris, one month with her at the helm will show why picking people based on race and gender rather than intelligence and competence leads to disaster. She will be impeached as well.
Inflation increasing,
Crime increasing,
Open Border illegals increasing!

Between now and the mid-terms, all the Repubs need to do is wash, rinse, repeat these 3 issues!!

And beat back abortion by stating the obvious that SCOTUS has ruled on it and it's left to State Legislatures that no one individual has control over.

On the surface, it is relatively simple and easy-peasey.
really, all we need to do is play Biden‘s Hitler wannabee speech in which he demonizes 60 million Americans, flanked by military as a sign of strength, with a caption that reads “Offset the demonization of American citizens by voting Republican.”

We win.

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