Mark Judge, Key Witness To Alleged Brett Kavanaugh Assault, Refuses To Testify

This IS THE FBI's jurisdiction, NOT the police....the statute of limitation on criminal charges have long passed... NO ONE IS LOOKING for criminal charges....just the truth.
I stopped reading your OPINIONATED RANT at this point, because the FBI has already declared they have ZERO intent to investigate this because it is NOT their jurisdiction, that activity of this nature, which consists of/involves a supposed crime of this nature, IS THE LOCAL POLICE'S JURISDICTION / RESPONSIBILITY!

This has been supported by multiple links so far in various places quoting the FBI verbatim.

Why don't you call FBI Director Wray and inform him that he is WRONG, that it IS his agency's jurisdiction, and that YOU and Ford demand they investigate this supposed crime that is not supported by any evidence and one in which the eye witnesses have declared IT NEVER HAPPENED.

One would think the judge would want an investigation, what is he hiding, he can demand on and Trump would oblige.

He's not hiding a damn thing, under our system he is innocent until proven otherwise and that isn't going to happen. This is nothing but a political freak show, and Ford just happens to be the freak of the week.


Kavanaugh’s apparent lies to the Judiciary Committee are totally acceptable to Siegfried, but Ford’s accusation of “frat boy” Brett’s attempted rape of her is something Siggy just can’t abide.

In his editorial, Siegfried made an even bigger fool of himself when he advised Kavanaugh that he “ 'must put the integrity of the Supreme Court and its future rulings first, and withdraw his nomination. Trump can then replace him with a nominee with stellar credentials and no controversy.’ ”

Put the integrity of the court first? That’s a laugh. The GOP has seen the USSC as a political arm of the party since the conservatives high jacked the party in the early 20th century.

There are NO Republican politicians or judicial candidates who possess even an ounce of integrity. So finding one with “stellar credentials”, as Siggy suggests, is an impossible task.

There is no Supreme Court Justice appointed by a Republican president past 100 years that has not or does not consider the U.S. nothing more than a god damned piece of paper.

Except for the last three or four paragraphs of his editorial, Siegfried’s comments only reinforce the truth, that no Republican has any integrity or honor.

Now, will come the usual nonsense from the idiot trump’s fans as they respond to this OP. Any reply to them legitimizes their pitiable foolishness.

Republican Strategist Urges Brett Kavanaugh to Withdraw His Nomination In the Wake of Sexual Assault Allegations

View attachment 217463


No accusation should ever disqualify anyone for anything. This is a dangerous and stupid door the Dems are opening and the results will change the county forever if he is stopped because of unproveable accusations

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Well then have an investigation. The women is more creditable since he never requested one, so she wins. This is not a criminal court.

Is this the new norm that you want for this country? A month before every election their will be dozens of accusations come out and then nobody can be elected till after the “investigations” are complete...after the election.

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Well lets see the GOP refused to even talk to Garland for over 300 days, so yes this can take another two weeks, I mean all Kavanaugh needs to do is request one to clear his name, but yet he doesn't. Why not? Also subpoena his buddy.

Poor thing, so this is all about 2016 butt hurt? Garland is an asterisk in the history books. Deal with it.

Democrats managed to destroy Judge Roy Moore with this same playbook despite the accusations being 40 years old, so hey they're trying it again. Thank heavens this time around Republicans are displaying some testicular fortitude and not buying into this bullshit.

Sigh. Better late than never.

Yes, please keep attacking this woman. Please, please, please... just to remind suburban women that you are willing to throw them under the bus to pander to the religious crazies.

You're right, suburban women are too dumb to recognize bs accusations when they hear them.
Well then have an investigation. The women is more creditable since he never requested one, so she wins. This is not a criminal court.
A self-identified Trump/Conservative Judge-Hating Liberal Progressive activist who never wanted this story to come out, never pressed charges, refuses to press charges, refuses to testify under oath, refuses to testify, and Feinstein - who started all of this with a 2nd hand account mentioned in some letter refuses to release the letter ... her own 'eye witnesses' have declared what she says happened NEVER HAPPENED ... the FBI REFUSES to investigate further (than the background check they have already done) because it is a local police mater now....and Kavanaugh is smart enough to know this is the case and will not demand the FBI do it anyway, primarily because he knows it is BS....

...and you pull ' she wins' out of some bodily orifice....

The term you are avoiding is 'INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY', and Ford has proved NOTHING except everything she has claimed is unsupported by any evidence. She has as much evidence on Kavanaugh as Mueller has on Trump, which - as we know - is NOTHING.
No accusation should ever disqualify anyone for anything. This is a dangerous and stupid door the Dems are opening and the results will change the county forever if he is stopped because of unproveable accusations

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Well then have an investigation. The women is more creditable since he never requested one, so she wins. This is not a criminal court.

Is this the new norm that you want for this country? A month before every election their will be dozens of accusations come out and then nobody can be elected till after the “investigations” are complete...after the election.

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Well lets see the GOP refused to even talk to Garland for over 300 days, so yes this can take another two weeks, I mean all Kavanaugh needs to do is request one to clear his name, but yet he doesn't. Why not? Also subpoena his buddy.

You are comparing apples to oranges. What they did to Garland does not justify either a fake accusation or holding on to the accusation of a serious crime for months till it got your political agenda.

In my personal opinion if this lady were telling the truth she would be the most pissed off about them holding it for months. But it did not bother her in the least

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A month and a half, she did not want to come forward at all but she was outed. Feinstein said she told no one about it. She said she got the letter July 30th.

And when she was outed she had her lawyers in place and a supposed polygraph already taken. Doesn't seem she was taken too off guard. Doesn't seem to fit the commies narrative, does it?


Kavanaugh’s apparent lies to the Judiciary Committee are totally acceptable to Siegfried, but Ford’s accusation of “frat boy” Brett’s attempted rape of her is something Siggy just can’t abide.

In his editorial, Siegfried made an even bigger fool of himself when he advised Kavanaugh that he “ 'must put the integrity of the Supreme Court and its future rulings first, and withdraw his nomination. Trump can then replace him with a nominee with stellar credentials and no controversy.’ ”

Put the integrity of the court first? That’s a laugh. The GOP has seen the USSC as a political arm of the party since the conservatives high jacked the party in the early 20th century.

There are NO Republican politicians or judicial candidates who possess even an ounce of integrity. So finding one with “stellar credentials”, as Siggy suggests, is an impossible task.

There is no Supreme Court Justice appointed by a Republican president past 100 years that has not or does not consider the U.S. nothing more than a god damned piece of paper.

Except for the last three or four paragraphs of his editorial, Siegfried’s comments only reinforce the truth, that no Republican has any integrity or honor.

Now, will come the usual nonsense from the idiot trump’s fans as they respond to this OP. Any reply to them legitimizes their pitiable foolishness.

Republican Strategist Urges Brett Kavanaugh to Withdraw His Nomination In the Wake of Sexual Assault Allegations

View attachment 217463


No accusation should ever disqualify anyone for anything. This is a dangerous and stupid door the Dems are opening and the results will change the county forever if he is stopped because of unproveable accusations

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Agreed, but what if they are.proven? She has passed a poly and there is a.witness that will not come forward because he was to drink to remember. It could be true!

Yes, it could be true. It could be true the Clinton’s were running a child sex ring out of a pizza joint, but chances are neither are true.

Why was this lady cool with the Dems holding her letter till a time when it would cause the most damage?

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What I am heading is she did not want to be identified, you can easily see why now. How do you explain away the lie detector test. Pssst, just so you know about 60% of the peeps on this sight do believe in pizzagate, just saying. Do not burst their bubbles!

So, she wanted to accuse a man of an unprovable crime without letting him face his accuser? And you are ok with that?

And yes, that is why I choose pizzagate.

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I never said I was s I with it, find where I said I was ok with it. Just said that was the reason given for the delay!
There is no evidence he did anything she claims. So far she has no witnesses, is unsure of the 'facts', and won't even press charges.

His word, character, reputation, judgement, any ruling he ever makes again - all damaged now over a baseless allegations by an admitted Trump-hating, pu$$y hat-wearing, women's march-participating, liberal extremist activist who scrubbed her social web pages due to their content before being dragged into the spotlight as part of a political hit on a good man to 'stop Trump'.

His family has to hear he is a sexual assaulted, a would-be rapist, under siege by reporters...while many have already 'convicted' him although no evidence has been presented...

You know not of what you speak...

We've thrown black kids in jail for less evidence than we have against KavaNOPE.

Has it occured to you the reason the reason why this woman is a hard core feminist is because when she was 15, two entitled frat boys tried to rape her?

We've thrown black kids in jail for less evidence than we have against KavaNOPE.

Link to any black kids thrown in jail based on 35 year old "memories".
Why doesn't Kavenaugh insist on being interviewed by the FBI? Because it is against the law to lie to the FBI?

Why won't this other friend of his, Mark Judge, who was in the room, come before congress or be interviewed by our FBI? Because it's a felony to lie before our Investigators at the FBI?

She, has no reason to lie and put another person in the room with this supposed lie....

I think it happened.... he and his co-conspirator friend, might have been a drunk as a skunk 17 year old, and never did anything like that again, but what he did that night, emotionally scarred Doctor Ford...

He's had 6 FBI investigations ..

Mark Judge says he knows nothing about it.. (mmm. kinda convenient that the Dems and Chrissy added him)

She has plenty of reasons to lie... why wouldn't she anyway?

YOU THINK IT HAPPENED and you like fictional fantasies...

Your hate runs deep Care4all and it's more about you..
This is new information, that they need to investigate... if the FBI has already investigated it in the other 6 back ground checks, then they should submit to congress what they found out. Why were there 6 background checks? Why didn't the one back ground check, just be used for all the job changes? BECAUSE things may pop up, that were not known before...

The FBI had already completed Clarence Thomas's back ground check, but when Anita Hill business came out, they were asked to add that to their investigation and amend it.

IF mark Judge says it didn't happen etc., then say it, before the FBI Investigators when they professionally question him. What's the problem? A felony for lying, could be the only problem I see? Otherwise do it!!! It would make us, the audience, be more at ease.

She has no reason to lie, to ruin her life, or her kid's life or her husband's life, to take away the safety she and family had to move freely, to get her workplace and career put in the spotlight for something like this....NONE!

IT IS NOT HER FAULT, for someone to have leaked this, she just confidentially, wanted the Senators to know what she knows, about Kavanaugh... But she had to come out....after the leak. Some scummy Dem staffer leaked it, she DID NOT, and has been caught off guard.
THERE IS NO GAIN FOR HER to have to put her and family in danger....
so - she has no reason to lie.
judge is lying.

got it.

and again - she came out on her own to identify herself. stop the drama-fest.
Why don't we let the PROFESSIONAL FBI Investigators figure that out.... that's what they do, they are simply fact finders....

Maybe he is lying, maybe she is...though doubtful imo...but still possible. Let the investigators investigate.... the Senate members are not investigators....with no bias. there is nothing at stake with the FBI, like there is for the Republicans and Democrats with their political posturing.

Why isn't Kavanaugh insisting on having the FBI investigate.... I would if I were being falsely accused, FOR CERTAIN!!! Wouldn't you??
why don't you believe the PROFESSIONAL FBI when they say not their role?
More than 200 graduates from the same high school as Christine Blasey Ford, the professor who has alleged that Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh assaulted her at a party three decades ago, have written an open letter supporting her.

The letter, written by students from the prestigious Holton-Arms School In Maryland and first reported by HuffPost, comes as a growing number of senators from both sides of the aisle have called on Ford to testify publicly about her claim that Kavanaugh and a friend assaulted her in the early 1980s.

It reads:

We are alumnae of Holton-Arms School, and we are writing in support of Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, a fellow Holton graduate.

We believe Dr. Blasey Ford and are grateful that she came forward to tell her story. It demands a thorough and independent investigation before the Senate can reasonably vote on Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination to a lifetime seat on the nation’s highest court.

Dr. Blasey Ford’s experience is all too consistent with stories we heard and lived while attending Holton. Many of us are survivors ourselves.

Holton’s motto teaches students to “find a way or make one.” We dream of making a world where women are free from harassment, assault and sexual violence. We hold deep gratitude to Dr. Blasey Ford for bravely stepping forward and bringing us closer to that world we all seek.​

The letter concludes by saying it has already been signed by “200+” Holton Arms alumnae stretching from 1968 through the present day.

Hundreds of Women From Christine Blasey Ford's High School Sign Letter Supporting Her

More than 200. Dr. Ford seems to have a high level of credibility and support.
More than 200 graduates from the same high school as Christine Blasey Ford, the professor who has alleged that Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh assaulted her at a party three decades ago, have written an open letter supporting her.

The letter, written by students from the prestigious Holton-Arms School In Maryland and first reported by HuffPost, comes as a growing number of senators from both sides of the aisle have called on Ford to testify publicly about her claim that Kavanaugh and a friend assaulted her in the early 1980s.

It reads:

We are alumnae of Holton-Arms School, and we are writing in support of Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, a fellow Holton graduate.

We believe Dr. Blasey Ford and are grateful that she came forward to tell her story. It demands a thorough and independent investigation before the Senate can reasonably vote on Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination to a lifetime seat on the nation’s highest court.

Dr. Blasey Ford’s experience is all too consistent with stories we heard and lived while attending Holton. Many of us are survivors ourselves.

Holton’s motto teaches students to “find a way or make one.” We dream of making a world where women are free from harassment, assault and sexual violence. We hold deep gratitude to Dr. Blasey Ford for bravely stepping forward and bringing us closer to that world we all seek.​

The letter concludes by saying it has already been signed by “200+” Holton Arms alumnae stretching from 1968 through the present day.

Hundreds of Women From Christine Blasey Ford's High School Sign Letter Supporting Her

More than 200. Dr. Ford seems to have a high level of credibility and support.

200? Is that supposed to be impressive? 59% of Americans polled by CNN say Kavanaugh is innocent until proven guilty and gets their benefit of the doubt.
Two points, A Hills comments should not be taken out of contest, read the whole thing & then comment. Both sides do this, we now spend time hurling crap like 20 year old traffic tickets, or a youth full trip to a strip bar, on people running for office. lets get honest this is different this is a lifetime commitment to our highest court. going the extra mile to make sure he has earned it seems worth while, many see this as a stolen seat from a man who both party's approved of.
So a bunch of like minded liberal women sign a letter in support of the lie. Why didn't any of them make a complaint to the head mistress of the Elite liberal private school "1968" Was Ford even born then and if they knew of abuses then and all through the WOMENS movement of the 70's why didn't they speak up. DEMS are cowards who work so hard to deceive the People of this country simply because Socialism / Progressive ism don't work propaganda however does " just ask ADOLF
More than 200 graduates from the same high school as Christine Blasey Ford, the professor who has alleged that Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh assaulted her at a party three decades ago, have written an open letter supporting her.

The letter, written by students from the prestigious Holton-Arms School In Maryland and first reported by HuffPost, comes as a growing number of senators from both sides of the aisle have called on Ford to testify publicly about her claim that Kavanaugh and a friend assaulted her in the early 1980s.

It reads:

We are alumnae of Holton-Arms School, and we are writing in support of Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, a fellow Holton graduate.

We believe Dr. Blasey Ford and are grateful that she came forward to tell her story. It demands a thorough and independent investigation before the Senate can reasonably vote on Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination to a lifetime seat on the nation’s highest court.

Dr. Blasey Ford’s experience is all too consistent with stories we heard and lived while attending Holton. Many of us are survivors ourselves.

Holton’s motto teaches students to “find a way or make one.” We dream of making a world where women are free from harassment, assault and sexual violence. We hold deep gratitude to Dr. Blasey Ford for bravely stepping forward and bringing us closer to that world we all seek.​

The letter concludes by saying it has already been signed by “200+” Holton Arms alumnae stretching from 1968 through the present day.

Hundreds of Women From Christine Blasey Ford's High School Sign Letter Supporting Her

More than 200. Dr. Ford seems to have a high level of credibility and support.
So what? Who gives a crap if the entire school signs the letter saying the 'believe' her?

The only thing that matters is the FACTS...and so far she is coming up seriously empty on those.

So far the 'witnesses' she claim were there, who 'saved' her, either say they weren't there or IT NEVER HAPPENED.

She has not pressed charges, her lawyer is trying to insist she NOT be put under oath to testify (the 'Hillary' treatment), etc...
She cant press charges, the crime was to long ago. Nor should she be under oath - there is nothing to be testifying to that would require it.

AFAIK, she is claiming that she will not testify if the FBI does not also investigate though that might as well be a play because she knows the FBI really cannot investigate - there is not a crime to investigate.

If not mistaken, Maryland does not have a statute of limitations on sex crime. As far as an FBI investigation, this was not a federal crime.
So no stat of limitations in MAryland she should take her "evidence" to the Police and they will very quickly close the case as unfounded just like the US SEnate will
"Kavanaugh bears the “burden of persuasion” here"
- Anita Hill

WTF do liberals NOT understand about the established reality in this country that peep are INNOCENT until PROVEN guilty, that you don't get to wrongly destroy a good man's entire life for political party gain just by making unverified accusations?


This is precious. "Burden of persuasion" is a legal term. While you haven't a clue what you're talkng about Anita Hill is a legal scholar.

In a legal case, both parties may have a burden of persuasion as to different sets of alleged facts, and that burden may change (and possibly change back again) based on evidence that has been brought forward. Hill explaining that the facts as known tend to give credence to Ford's accusations, and that Kavanaugh now has the burden of convincing finders of fact that he is the one telling the truth.

A burden of persuasion is the responsibility of a party in a lawsuit or trial to prove to the judge or jury that there is enough evidence to justify that party's position. In criminal cases, the burden of persuasion is on the prosecution. In civil cases, the burden of persuasion is on the plaintiff.

What is the Burden of Persuasion? - Definition from Justipedia

That's easy, there is zero evidence.

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