CDZ Marriage IS the Joining of One Man and One Woman.

Some say marriage has always been between one man and one women. Not true ...

How marriage has changed over centuries

Has marriage always had the same definition?
Actually, the institution has been in a process of constant evolution. Pair-bonding began in the Stone Age as a way of organizing and controlling sexual conduct and providing a stable structure for child-rearing and the tasks of daily life. But that basic concept has taken many forms across different cultures and eras. "Whenever people talk about traditional marriage or traditional families, historians throw up their hands," said Steven Mintz, a history professor at Columbia University. "We say, 'When and where?'" The ancient Hebrews, for instance, engaged in polygamy — according to the Bible, King Solomon had 700 wives and 300 concubines — and men have taken multiple wives in cultures throughout the world, including China, Africa, and among American Mormons in the 19th century. Polygamy is still common across much of the Muslim world. The idea of marriage as a sexually exclusive, romantic union between one man and one woman is a relatively recent development. Until two centuries ago, said Harvard historian Nancy Cott, "monogamous households were a tiny, tiny portion" of the world population, found in "just Western Europe and little settlements in North America."

Gay 'marriage' in medieval Europe
Same-sex unions aren't a recent invention. Until the 13th century, male-bonding ceremonies were common in churches across the Mediterranean. Apart from the couples' gender, these events were almost indistinguishable from other marriages of the era. Twelfth-century liturgies for same-sex unions — also known as "spiritual brotherhoods" — included the recital of marriage prayers, the joining of hands at the altar, and a ceremonial kiss. Some historians believe these unions were merely a way to seal alliances and business deals. But Eric Berkowitz, author of Sex and Punishment, says it is "difficult to believe that these rituals did not contemplate erotic contact. In fact, it was the sex between the men involved that later caused same-sex unions to be banned." That happened in 1306, when the Byzantine Emperor Andronicus II declared such ceremonies, along with sorcery and incest, to be unchristian.



It's as if they lack the means to reason.

Marriage IS the Joining of One Man and One Woman. And this without regard to the idiocy that has attempted to define it otherwise.

Now you'll know them by there fruit.

Take a look at "what marriage has also been" and find a successful sustainable culture that has come as a consequence of ANY OF THAT NONSENSE.

You do realize that same sex marriage will soon be legal in all states?
Marriage is the Joining of One Man and One Woman.

Now click you heels 3 times. You are incorrect.


So the natural standard of marriage, which is direct a consequence of human physiology... OKA: REALITY; you claim is fantasy. Which you assert to lament fantasy.

LOK! That is adorable.
First of all, marriage is a human construct. It isn't part of nature. Second of all, you seem to forget that human desire to bond, not just sexually (that would be lust).
"It is through this, perversion of reason, wherein relativism axiomatically rejects the objectivity that is essential to truth." According to whom? By whose standard?

That is a nice sentence above, but relativistic, because it is merely the poster's belief.
"It is through this, perversion of reason, wherein relativism axiomatically rejects the objectivity that is essential to truth." According to whom? By whose standard?

That is a nice sentence above, but relativistic, because it is merely the poster's belief.

It is a nice sentence.

What makes it such is that represents a soundly reasoned conclusion, set within a valid logical construct.

Meaning that "the standard" that establishes such as truth, are the observed facts presented in the formal, defining attributes of Relativism. Facts which observed as fixed, immutable laws of nature... over the history of human existence.

The claim that such is a baseless opinion, is a literal demonstration of the delusion that presents as Relativism; wherein otherwise incontestable facts are simply denied by the need which simply needs the facts to be otherwise, in order to serve one's subjective needs.

(Reader, any assertion that is not either preceded by or follows substantiating fact, is an assertion offered absent a stated basis. This of course is he only thing that provides for a baseless position.

Any position that is so preceded or followed by well substantiating evidence is a well founded assertion.

The opposition needs to simply pretend that such is not the case and that words can mean anything the need them to mean whenever the need to use the intrinsic implication. Which in short, is simply a form of deceit, which in even shorter terms is simply a lie)
First of all, marriage is a human construct. It isn't part of nature.

(Reader, for this statement to be true, humanity cannot be 'a part of nature'.

Marriage is defined by Nature... Constructs which attempt to alter that natural definition, perverting the definition of marriage, are human constructs.)
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It is a flawed conclusion because the assertion cannot be objectively tested.

You, St. Keys the Relativist, are not the authority on natural laws or relativism.

Example: the Relativist assets, "(Reader, for this statement to be true, humanity cannot be 'a part of nature'. Marriage is defined by Nature... Constructs which pervert marriage, are human constructs.)" Such is merely your assertion, the assertions don't hold up, are not supported, and you are not an authority.

You are so easy to draw out. Like a kitten chasing a laser dot, you chase the unobtainable.
Gay 'marriage' in medieval Europe
Same-sex unions aren't a recent invention. Until the 13th century, male-bonding ceremonies were common in churches across the Mediterranean.

Such interesting paper... It's a joke, isnt' it? I'm chocking with this distortion of medieval history! :)
First of all, marriage is a human construct. It isn't part of nature.

(Reader, for this statement to be true, humanity cannot be 'a part of nature'.

Marriage is defined by Nature... Constructs which pervert marriage, are human constructs.) for procreation is defined by nature. Marriage is a human construct.....not needed for anything natural, but extremely useful for artificially created things such as property inheritance, survivor benefits, etc.
First of all, marriage is a human construct. It isn't part of nature.

(Reader, for this statement to be true, humanity cannot be 'a part of nature'.)

Marriage is defined by Nature... Constructs which pervert marriage, are human constructs.)

Marriage is a human construct.....not needed for anything natural, but extremely useful for artificially created things such as property inheritance, survivor benefits, etc.

So I say ... Nature designed humanity with two distinct genders, each respectively designed to compliment and join with the other forming one sustainable body from two... And that by extension this objectively defines marriage; wherein two bodies join as one, with the male serving the needs of the female, the female serving the needs of the male and that the Union of the two recognized as one legal entity.

I further say that human constructs of Marriage, are perversions serving puerile, subjective personal needs and your response is to define marriage in terms of personal financial benefits.


I say it here and it comes out there.

Be amazed!
It is a flawed conclusion because the assertion cannot be objectively tested.

You, St. Keys the Relativist, are not the authority on natural laws or relativism.

Example: the Relativist assets, "(Reader, for this statement to be true, humanity cannot be 'a part of nature'. Marriage is defined by Nature... Constructs which pervert marriage, are human constructs.)" Such is merely your assertion, the assertions don't hold up, are not supported, and you are not an authority.

You are so easy to draw out. Like a kitten chasing a laser dot, you chase the unobtainable.

OH! So to demonstrate Relativism, you strip statements from their stated context, as a means to fit them within your own subjective needs?


You have succeeded in demonstrating yourself as a Relativist, thus being wholly distinct and separate from anything even remotely in kinship with an American, OKA: A Conservative.

Well done. (And I want you to know, that I could have never got you to do THAT... without YOU!
This as a result of the natural design which established the physiological standard regarding human sexuality.

Wherein Nature provided two distinct, but complimenting genders, each respectively design to join with the other, not only physically, but emotionally; which defines marriage through that default standard. Providing that; as noted in the title of this thread: Marriage is the joining of two distinct bodies, into one sustainable body... which is essential to the propagation of the species and as the nucleus, is essential to the viability of nothing less than civilization itself.

GIven there's only a bit over 7 billion humans on this planet, but many millions of times more insects, I'd say that since many insects (the really small ones and simpler ones like worms and nemotodes,) can reproduce asexually, just because some human creation defines marriage as this plus that no more makes it true acording to nature than anything else it claims.

If majority rules, nothing humans propose is in the majority ont his planet as we're vastly outnumbered by thinsg which do things very differently.
First of all, marriage is a human construct. It isn't part of nature.

(Reader, for this statement to be true, humanity cannot be 'a part of nature'.)

Marriage is defined by Nature... Constructs which pervert marriage, are human constructs.)

Marriage is a human construct.....not needed for anything natural, but extremely useful for artificially created things such as property inheritance, survivor benefits, etc.

So I say ... Nature designed humanity with two distinct genders, each respectively designed to compliment and join with the other forming one sustainable body from two... And that by extension this objectively defines marriage; wherein two bodies join as one, with the male serving the needs of the female, the female serving the needs of the male and that the Union of the two recognized as one legal entity.

I further say that human constructs of Marriage, are perversions serving puerile, subjective personal needs and your response is to define marriage in terms of personal financial benefits.


I say it here and it comes out there.

Be amazed!
Nature designed humans so one woman, many men....nothing in nature indicating that solid pairs is the natural way to go. That's a human construct for purposes of property, inheritance, etc.
It is a flawed conclusion because the assertion cannot be objectively tested.

You, St. Keys the Relativist, are not the authority on natural laws or relativism.

Example: the Relativist assets, "(Reader, for this statement to be true, humanity cannot be 'a part of nature'. Marriage is defined by Nature... Constructs which pervert marriage, are human constructs.)" Such is merely your assertion, the assertions don't hold up, are not supported, and you are not an authority.

You are so easy to draw out. Like a kitten chasing a laser dot, you chase the unobtainable.

OH! So to demonstrate Relativism, you strip statements from their stated context, as a means to fit them within your own subjective needs? Brilliant. You have succeeded in demonstrating yourself as a Relativist, thus being wholly distinct and separate from anything even remotely in kinship with an American, OKA: A Conservative. Well done. (And I want you to know, that I could have never got you to do THAT... without YOU!
OK, Mr. Relativist. Your "context" are your assertions, nothing more. They mean nothing at all other than that is what you think. How cute you identify being American as being exclusively Conservative. :lol:
This as a result of the natural design which established the physiological standard regarding human sexuality.

Wherein Nature provided two distinct, but complimenting genders, each respectively design to join with the other, not only physically, but emotionally; which defines marriage through that default standard. Providing that; as noted in the title of this thread: Marriage is the joining of two distinct bodies, into one sustainable body... which is essential to the propagation of the species and as the nucleus, is essential to the viability of nothing less than civilization itself.

GIven there's only a bit over 7 billion humans on this planet, but many millions of times more insects, I'd say that since many insects (the really small ones and simpler ones like worms and nemotodes,) can reproduce asexually, just because some human creation defines marriage as this plus that no more makes it true acording to nature than anything else it claims.

If majority rules, nothing humans propose is in the majority ont his planet as we're vastly outnumbered by thinsg which do things very differently.

These threads NEVER seem to go ver long before someone points out the asexual nature of basic forms of life.

Sadly, this format precludes further discussion on the reasons why a discussion of human life, precludes the topic of insects, non-arthropod invertebrates and their close cousins on the ideological Left.

But thanks for thinkin' of us..., nonetheless.
Yes I am. The only difference is that I can support my opinions... Because my opinions are soundly reasoned, resting in valid logical constructs.

And yes... It is as easy as I make it look.
Yes I am. The only difference is that I can support my opinions... Because my opinions are soundly reasoned, resting in valid logical constructs.

And yes... It is as easy as I make it look.
Oh? What reasoned, valid logical constructs would those be?
Yes I am. The only difference is that I can support my opinions... Because my opinions are soundly reasoned, resting in valid logical constructs.

And yes... It is as easy as I make it look.
Nope, they don't. They are your opinions, reasoned, but not conclusive or objective.
First of all, marriage is a human construct. It isn't part of nature.

(Reader, for this statement to be true, humanity cannot be 'a part of nature'.)

Marriage is defined by Nature... Constructs which pervert marriage, are human constructs.)

Marriage is a human construct.....not needed for anything natural, but extremely useful for artificially created things such as property inheritance, survivor benefits, etc.

So I say ... Nature designed humanity with two distinct genders, each respectively designed to compliment and join with the other forming one sustainable body from two... And that by extension this objectively defines marriage; wherein two bodies join as one, with the male serving the needs of the female, the female serving the needs of the male and that the Union of the two recognized as one legal entity.

I further say that human constructs of Marriage, are perversions serving puerile, subjective personal needs and your response is to define marriage in terms of personal financial benefits.


I say it here and it comes out there.

Be amazed!
Nature designed humans so one woman, many men....nothing in nature indicating that solid pairs is the natural way to go. That's a human construct for purposes of property, inheritance, etc.
Yes I am. The only difference is that I can support my opinions... Because my opinions are soundly reasoned, resting in valid logical constructs.

And yes... It is as easy as I make it look.
Oh? What reasoned, valid logical constructs would those be?
That is what we have been waiting for. He says he has done so, but he hasn't.

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