Martin Bashir kicked out of MSNBC

Have you told your mother?

Never worked for MSNBC but I have worked in broadcasting, about 25 years. It's how the business works.


Started in broadcast in 1959. I think I gotcha by a few years. But you'll grow into it.

I hope you're better at it than you are at quoting, because I never said "have you told your mother".

When did you get fired? 1960? Doesn't matter; if you've been in the industry you know as well as I do that getting fired is common, for any number of reasons, so don't try to bullshit me. We both know better.
Have you told your mother?

Never worked for MSNBC but I have worked in broadcasting, about 25 years. It's how the business works.


Started in broadcast in 1959. I think I gotcha by a few years. But you'll grow into it.

I hope you're better at it than you are at quoting, because I never said "have you told your mother".

When did you get fired? 1960? Doesn't matter; if you've been in the industry you know as well as I do that getting fired is common, for any number of reasons, so don't try to bullshit me. We both know better.

Sorry about that, got ham-fisted with the quoting mechanism. But it does raise the interesting question as to, if you knew your mother, would you have confessed to her that you were working for MSNBC?

I have heard that getting fired is more and more common these days wot with corporate ownership cutbacks and you have my deepest sympathy (which ain't all that deep). I retired prior to all that consolidation started but, anyway, it didn't so much apply to engineers as to "talent". Especially we who understood how to program/repair computer based automation systems.
Never worked for MSNBC but I have worked in broadcasting, about 25 years. It's how the business works.


Started in broadcast in 1959. I think I gotcha by a few years. But you'll grow into it.

I hope you're better at it than you are at quoting, because I never said "have you told your mother".

When did you get fired? 1960? Doesn't matter; if you've been in the industry you know as well as I do that getting fired is common, for any number of reasons, so don't try to bullshit me. We both know better.

Sorry about that, got ham-fisted with the quoting mechanism. But it does raise the interesting question as to, if you knew your mother, would you have confessed to her that you were working for MSNBC?

I have heard that getting fired is more and more common these days wot with corporate ownership cutbacks and you have my deepest sympathy (which ain't all that deep). I retired prior to all that consolidation started but, anyway, it didn't so much apply to engineers as to "talent". Especially we who understood how to program/repair computer based automation systems.

What the fuck does "if I knew my mother" mean?

I've never been fired, if that's what your second implication means, thanks anyway. True, engineers are immune to what we're talking about but nobody is going to claim that either Martin Bashir or Glenn Beck is a CE. "Talent" is exactly what we're talking about. And by talent we mean the industry term, not a value judgement, just so we understand.
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I've never been fired, if that's what your second implication means, thanks anyway. True, engineers are immune to what we're talking about but nobody is going to claim that either Martin Bashir or Glenn Beck is a CE. "Talent" is exactly what we're talking about. And by talent we mean the industry term, not a value judgement, just so we understand.

Rather a stretch to call the ability to mouth foul invective "talent" but if thazz wot floats your boat, enjoy!
I've never been fired, if that's what your second implication means, thanks anyway. True, engineers are immune to what we're talking about but nobody is going to claim that either Martin Bashir or Glenn Beck is a CE. "Talent" is exactly what we're talking about. And by talent we mean the industry term, not a value judgement, just so we understand.

Rather a stretch to call the ability to mouth foul invective "talent" but if thazz wot floats your boat, enjoy!

Well you just busted yourself then. If you had actually worked in broadcasting you'd know the guy behind the mic or in front of the camera is called the "talent" -- regardless whether he has any.
I've never been fired, if that's what your second implication means, thanks anyway. True, engineers are immune to what we're talking about but nobody is going to claim that either Martin Bashir or Glenn Beck is a CE. "Talent" is exactly what we're talking about. And by talent we mean the industry term, not a value judgement, just so we understand.

Rather a stretch to call the ability to mouth foul invective "talent" but if thazz wot floats your boat, enjoy!

Well you just busted yourself then. If you had actually worked in broadcasting you'd know the guy behind the mic or in front of the camera is called the "talent" -- regardless whether he has any.

I guess being so foul mouthed IS a sort of talent - but something so common among liberals - no matter what (if any) job they it fair to call that "talent". Yes, I understand the common misusage but insist on calling a spade a spade and a no-talent a no-talent.
Rather a stretch to call the ability to mouth foul invective "talent" but if thazz wot floats your boat, enjoy!

Well you just busted yourself then. If you had actually worked in broadcasting you'd know the guy behind the mic or in front of the camera is called the "talent" -- regardless whether he has any.

I guess being so foul mouthed IS a sort of talent - but something so common among liberals - no matter what (if any) job they it fair to call that "talent". Yes, I understand the common misusage but insist on calling a spade a spade and a no-talent a no-talent.

It doesn't matter what you or I think of the degree of "talent" as a value judgement: the fact is, the subject presented to the listener or viewer IS called "talent" regardless whether he or she has any --- just as the audio engineer is described as a soundman (or A1) even if he has no clue what he's doing, just as the TD is, etc etc. Hence Al Sharpton, weird as it sounds, can be described as "talent" -- as long as you're talking about his position sitting in front of the camera and not his human abilities, if indeed there are any. So it's not that the host has talent; it's that he is "the talent".
It doesn't matter what you or I think of the degree of "talent" as a value judgement: the fact is, the subject presented to the listener or viewer IS called "talent" regardless whether he or she has any --- just as the audio engineer is described as a soundman (or A1) even if he has no clue what he's doing, just as the TD is, etc etc. Hence Al Sharpton, weird as it sounds, can be described as "talent" -- as long as you're talking about his position sitting in front of the camera and not his human abilities, if indeed there are any. So it's not that the host has talent; it's that he is "the talent".

Oh, I extend my best Obamaesque apology!

I had absolutely no idea you and Marty were kinfolk!
It doesn't matter what you or I think of the degree of "talent" as a value judgement: the fact is, the subject presented to the listener or viewer IS called "talent" regardless whether he or she has any --- just as the audio engineer is described as a soundman (or A1) even if he has no clue what he's doing, just as the TD is, etc etc. Hence Al Sharpton, weird as it sounds, can be described as "talent" -- as long as you're talking about his position sitting in front of the camera and not his human abilities, if indeed there are any. So it's not that the host has talent; it's that he is "the talent".

Oh, I extend my best Obamaesque apology!

I had absolutely no idea you and Marty were kinfolk!

It's got nothing to do with ancestry; it's how broadcast industry terms work.
Either you don't know that because you were lying about working in it, or you do know that and you're deliberately playing dumb. Either way you're wasting my time. Bottom line: Bashir was fired. Regardless how they spin it.

“Upon further reflection, and after meeting with the president of MSNBC, I have tendered my resignation” -- Mediaite

Read between the lines.

Bashir, did deserve to get fired. What he said was really stupid and gave us an idea about how sick and twisted he was, however he should of stayed on. It's not like his ratings could not have been worse than the other shows on that network.
Bashir resigned.

Nobody at MSNBC had the balls to fire him. They might have made the pot mighty sweet to convince him to resign but no matter how powerful Your New Messiah, He cannot regrow balls on eunuchs.
Bashir resigned.

Nobody at MSNBC had the balls to fire him. They might have made the pot mighty sweet to convince him to resign but no matter how powerful Your New Messiah, He cannot regrow balls on eunuchs.

You're extremely gullible if you believe he "resigned".

I don't know why you're dogging on with this ridiculous point but here are the two possible scenarios:

1 - MSNBC CEO finds Bashir, tells him "Look Martin, we're taking a bath on this Palin thing. It's not blowing over. Your resignation needs to be on my desk, ASAP."

or 2-
Bashir walks into MSNBC CEO's office and declares, "Look here, two weeks ago I embarrassed you with a ridiculous analogy involving Sarah Palin and shit eating, and you continue to give me airtime. I won't stand for this, I'm outta here".

-- Now which do you think more likely?

You're extremely gullible if you believe he "resigned".

I understand your acceptance that Bashir LIED when he said he resigned. It is normal behaviour for liberals so, yes, not at all difficult to comprehend your attitude.

Sill me for believing him.

"Sill" you? Are you a window? Well you are transparent...

Hey, maybe I'm just a realist rather than an idiot.
Yes realistic for a liberal to accept lies from another liberal. An interesting belief system but perhaps better than anything else to which those of the ilk might apsire.

You're digging yourself deeper.

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OK, I've kept you up past your bedtime. Your parents might consider buying one of those timer apps for that tablet. It might prove easier than shouting down the cellar stairs.
OK, I've kept you up past your bedtime. Your parents might consider buying one of those timer apps for that tablet. It might prove easier than shouting down the cellar stairs.

Wassamatta little one? So embarrassed over losing an argument that was stupid on its face that you've melted down into blanket ad hominems?

Shall I conclude that this is how all of you "conservatives" -- or whatever cockamamie mooovement you slavishly follow around like a lost puppy -- react when you're losing the argument?
"Sill" you? Are you a window? Well you are transparent...

Hey, maybe I'm just a realist rather than an idiot.

Wow, another who gets all excited when he finds a typo and can pretend that he can make a point.

I find that people tend to react that way when they realize how silly they've made themselves look...and you do look silly. Bashir announced that he resigned. If MSNBC had integrity, THEY would have announced that he'd been terminated, just as they did with Baldwin.
Riiiiight. Bashir resigned because he was so disappointed at MSNBC not firing him. Obviously that's how broadcasting works.

Wanna buy a bridge?


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