Marxist left believes in “Repressive Tolerance”. Movements from the left must ALWAYS be extended tolerance, never for the right.

Read that writing by Marcuse and of course, Sal Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals, and you have the entire playbook for the left wing commie sheep.

The authors are leftists, it not like these are writings by a right winger critical of lefties…..this is the lefty playbook as written by the lefties themselves.
Two authors generations ago are no longer relative. And I doubt you've read any and all of their works, or any have any education of World History, US History or Political Science.

As a good liberal I'm here to help people like you, but most don't bother for fear of their biases being broken:

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Correct, but only because one side is the correct one and the other believes in fascism

What a fucking moron. Fascism is a leftwing ideology.

White Supremacy marches in Charlottesville are disgusting and should not be tolerated.
So you don't believe in freedom of speech or the Constitution? That's what should be tolerated.

Civil Rights marches for George Floyd are beautiful and should be tolerated.

You believe this should be tolerated?

Both Progressives and Conservatives can act viciously. I agree with Liberals on some issues and with Conservatives on others.
Correct, but only because one side is the correct one and the other believes in fascism

White Supremacy marches in Charlottesville are disgusting and should not be tolerated.

Civil Rights marches for George Floyd are beautiful and should be tolerated.
Do you even know what fascism is?

I assume you're using it as a synonym for authoritarianism (which it's not).

But... on the subject of authoritarianism, why did the left shut down and censor anyone who dared to challenge Black Lives Matter?

You realize they turned out to be a bunch of corrupt communists, right? The Dems (and other liberals) got totally hoodwinked, they donated almost 100 million dollars to a bunch of commies!

And now it's even worse, the Clintonistas (Marc Elias and them) are in there trying to clean up the books. Corruption on top of corruption.

30 million dollars of that money just vanished. Poof, gone.

But we know where it went. And the Clintons won't be able to cover it up.
Why wont you comment on the writings of Marcuse?

You are attacking me instead….like a good little commie!

Clap for your masters, you trained seal.
Youre like the rest of the right wing fascist republicans. You don't like being challenged. Belueve anything you fools. Not a brain amongst the lot.

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