Marxist left believes in “Repressive Tolerance”. Movements from the left must ALWAYS be extended tolerance, never for the right.

They have been extremely repressive from the Reign of Terror in France to Purges in USSR to Cultural Revolution in China to Cancel Culture in Modern West.
History and the Etymology and the Provenance of words, and in this case the Left's meanings today, is outlined in my post #20 above.

The Reign of Terror and the Purges' in Russia and China are different too: The former was a Revolution by the people - as was our revolution from England - and the latter two were examples of putting down the revolutions in 1848.

In short, the left is for the people, and the right puts the state above the people.
I agree with you on this issue -- White Supremacy is evil.

Sadly, on many issues Progressives are wrong. Progressives view all men as the gender of oppressors and enemies. They view you as an oppressor.

Conservatives tolerate Dissident Liberals. Progressives do not tolerate us.
The problem is the 21st Century Conservatives are not true conservatives. Compare the behavior of the Republican Party today, and the 1956 Republican Party Platform:

HERBERT MARCUSE, A LEADING MARXIST ACTIVIST wrote this about pushing through Marxist ideology.

Educate yourselves. The Marxist left DOES NOT BELIEVE IN AN LEVEL PLAYING FIELD.

Whatever they need to do to win the poltical debate and push their communism, THEY WILL DO IT.

One of the tenets of the Marxist left, “Repressive Tolerance”. Movements from the left must be extended tolerance,movements from the right must never be tolerated under any circumstances.

Left wing hypocrisy is not a bug, its a feature of their ideology.
You can get medication for your paranoia. Its called
The Cultural Revolution is a perfect example of the left eating the left, after the right has already been eaten. It's a repeat of the end of the Reign of Terror, except with Marxism thrown in to further poison the well.
just more evidence Hitler wasn't defeated.
What I find fascinating is that hypocrisy and double standards is one of the CENTRAL TENETS OF THE LEFT….but they lie and pretend they are not.

Here it is on paper, a leading Marxist theologist…laying out the Marxist methodology.

That is silly because Marx was an 1830 veteran who was just sick of the imperialist European wars.
Obviously some sort of egalitarian change was and still is needed.
The only alternative to Marx is going back to feudal imperialism, which makes no sense at all.
You can get medication for your paranoia. Its called

Why wont you comment on the writings of Marcuse?

You are attacking me instead….like a good little commie!

Clap for your masters, you trained seal.
just more evidence Hitler wasn't defeated.

But Hitler was must a scapegoat.
He was never in control.
He was just selected as a patsy who could be used to take the blame for a war that was started intentionally by the western Military Industrial Complex, in order to make profits.
But Hitler was must a scapegoat.
He was never in control.
He was just selected as a patsy who could be used to take the blame for a war that was started intentionally by the western Military Industrial Complex, in order to make profits.
I supposed that's correct, but somewhere there is a name to draw focus on. Since a group of oligarchs can't be singled out, that money has never left this earth, not even when Germany was defeated. Take over of the world is still active and every demofk in here backs that path.
I love these far left radical assholes who post and PROVE THAT MARCUSE‘S tenets are being followed.


Read the 50 year old manual on how to be a good little commie from Herbert Marcuse.

Why wont you comment on the writings of Marcuse?

You are attacking me instead….like a good little commie!

Clap for your masters, you trained seal.

Herbert Marcuse is no Marxist, and became well know for criticizing Marxism.

Between 1943 and 1950, Marcuse worked in US government service for the Office of Strategic Services (predecessor of the Central Intelligence Agency) where he criticized the ideology of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union in the book Soviet Marxism: A Critical Analysis (1958). In the 1960s and the 1970s he became known as the preeminent theorist of the New Left and the student movements of West Germany, France, and the United States; some consider him "the Father of the New Left".[10]

I supposed that's correct, but somewhere there is a name to draw focus on. Since a group of oligarchs can't be singled out, that money has never left this earth, not even when Germany was defeated. Take over of the world is still active and every demofk in here backs that path.

Yes, but once we realize Hitler was the pasty instead of the cause, we can then realized the problem is still with us, in the corporations like GM, US Steel, Std Oil, etc. that gave millions to Hitler so he could stage his arena events and enthrall millions of dupes into war.

They are still doing it.
Like Vietnam, Panama, Grenada, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, etc.

And NOW, they want us to start WWIII with Russia, with an illegal no-fly-zone, in order to protect the evil dictatorship in Kyiv.
That is not only incredibly greedy and corrupt, but really stupid, because Russia would always win a nuclear war because they are not dependent upon a centralized economy or fragile technology.
Marxists refer to this guy as a huge influencer of commie I post his writings, and I am attacked.

I love these far left radical assholes who post and PROVE THAT MARCUSE‘S tenets are being followed.


Read the 50 year old manual on how to be a good little commie from Herbert Marcuse.


That is silly because Marcuse worked for the CIA and was anti-Russian.
There is not a human alive who is not inherently a communist, since all families are inherently communist.
Yes, but once we realize Hitler was the pasty instead of the cause, we can then realized the problem is still with us, in the corporations like GM, US Steel, Std Oil, etc. that gave millions to Hitler so he could stage his arena events and enthrall millions of dupes into war.

They are still doing it.
Like Vietnam, Panama, Grenada, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, etc.

And NOW, they want us to start WWIII with Russia, with an illegal no-fly-zone, in order to protect the evil dictatorship in Kyiv.
That is not only incredibly greedy and corrupt, but really stupid, because Russia would always win a nuclear war because they are not dependent upon a centralized economy or fragile technology.
Well he did a really good job, he exposed himself with his handling of jews. War is always war, but what happened to jews is egregious. What Roosevelt did to Japanese isn't far off, he just didn't send them to death in gas chambers.

Fk, these people created the pandemic to gain control globally, people are starting to finally fight back, thanks to the canadian truckers. Around the globe, it is truly wonderful to see.

As for Kyiv, I'm still wondering who really bombed that medical building. Let's work to get the facts there. Not that that is easy, but one should try.
Marxists refer to this guy as a huge influencer of commie I post his writings, and I am attacked.


Using the word "Marxist" is offensive because Karl Marx himself was just an anti-war and anti-imperialist, who never actually did anything but only wrote about altruistic theory.
The word "Marxist" was part of the boogey man propaganda campaign against the Bolsheviks before WWI.
No one knows what Marxism even is, but was slandered as evil since it sounded foreign.

The word are so deliberately tainted that they can't be used rationally any more.
For example, most people have been falsely convinced that communism is centralized dictatorship, when in reality, communism by definition, has to be local, decentralized, and democratic.
Well he did a really good job, he exposed himself with his handling of jews. War is always war, but what happened to jews is egregious. What Roosevelt did to Japanese isn't far off, he just didn't send them to death in gas chambers.

Fk, these people created the pandemic to gain control globally, people are starting to finally fight back, thanks to the canadian truckers. Around the globe, it is truly wonderful to see.

As for Kyiv, I'm still wondering who really bombed that medical building. Let's work to get the facts there. Not that that is easy, but one should try.

Yes, I agree Hitler himself had to be responsible for the deliberate genocide attempt against Jews.

I also agree the covid epidemic was deliberately prolonged.
I do not know. I am neither Liberal nor Conservative.

Liberal and conservative are not opposites at all.
Liberal means putting individual liberties as the most important thing, and the justification for all legal authority.
Conservative means either being fiscally conservative and not running a deficit, or constitutionally conservative and not allowing the federal government to violate the restrictions on federal jurisdiction in the Constitution.
One likely should be both liberal and conservative, since they mostly overlap.
Read that writing by Marcuse and of course, Sal Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals, and you have the entire playbook for the left wing commie sheep.

The authors are leftists, it not like these are writings by a right winger critical of lefties…..this is the lefty playbook as written by the lefties themselves.

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