Mary Jo White Must Fire Urban Meyer Or College Football is Destroyed

College football will be destroyed? Exaggerate much?

There are records, if I am not mistaken, that Meyer reported it to the AD.
Yeah so where are they? Also, this Ohio State Program has some pretty disturbing issues going on with it besides Urban Meyer. They had a diving coach supposedly molesting children. I don't want to get off point here though. Urban Meyer had Zach Smith on his staff at Florida and knew he was abusive then and still brought him to Ohio State and I can see Ohio State and their fans are trying to put their heads in the sand here but if you do some more research into what was going on with Urban Meyer and his staff, you'd realize he should without a doubt be fired.

And if all you say is true, the Ohio State football team will have a new coaching staff this fall. They have a lot of talent on the team and will probably still do fairly well. It is easy to attract top coaching talent to a top program. And despite the failings of some coaches (if all your accusations are true) OSU is still a top program.

So the Buckeyes have a disappointing season or two. Do you think that will destroy college football?
If Urban Meyer is no longer coaching then college football will still have credibility because it will be the OHIO STATE University declaring that they are not willing to pretend Urban Meyer didn't carry around Zach Smith for all these years with the knowledge that his coach was beating up his wife/ex wife. There's more to it as well. Zach Smith brought home a woman member of Meyers staff to supposedly "give her a safe place to sleep." That woman and Smith remained on Meyers staff for years after. I cannot remember the name of the woman but I believe it is a woman in the Ohio State athletic department.

Once again, in the title of this thread you claimed that unless Meyer is fired college football will be destroyed.

In post #5 you stated "If Urban Meyer keeps his job then College football is FUCKED". Then all you do is talk about what has happened at Ohio State. If anything, other teams will get recruits and transfers from Ohio State. So it will actually help some other teams.

You are still exaggerating.
Okay, so what's your point? I stand by that. Urban Meyer is the coach at Ohio State and this is happening at Ohio State. You are saying I am saying "college football will be destroyed if he is fired" and that is not what I am saying.

I am not saying that you claim college football will be destroyed if Meyer is fired. I am saying you claim college football will be destroyed if Meyer is NOT fired.

And that is exactly what you are saying.

In post #5 you stated "The credibility of large college football programs like Ohio State will be and this is just one among many where fan bases will ignore victims of violence, rape, and assault because they idolize a sport more than the rights of women or any human beings. It really isn't an exaggeration. If Urban Meyer keeps his job then College football is FUCKED,

The title of the thread you created is:
"Mary Jo White Must Fire Urban Meyer Or College Football is Destroyed"

And if all you say is true, the Ohio State football team will have a new coaching staff this fall. They have a lot of talent on the team and will probably still do fairly well. It is easy to attract top coaching talent to a top program. And despite the failings of some coaches (if all your accusations are true) OSU is still a top program.

So the Buckeyes have a disappointing season or two. Do you think that will destroy college football?
If Urban Meyer is no longer coaching then college football will still have credibility because it will be the OHIO STATE University declaring that they are not willing to pretend Urban Meyer didn't carry around Zach Smith for all these years with the knowledge that his coach was beating up his wife/ex wife. There's more to it as well. Zach Smith brought home a woman member of Meyers staff to supposedly "give her a safe place to sleep." That woman and Smith remained on Meyers staff for years after. I cannot remember the name of the woman but I believe it is a woman in the Ohio State athletic department.

Once again, in the title of this thread you claimed that unless Meyer is fired college football will be destroyed.

In post #5 you stated "If Urban Meyer keeps his job then College football is FUCKED". Then all you do is talk about what has happened at Ohio State. If anything, other teams will get recruits and transfers from Ohio State. So it will actually help some other teams.

You are still exaggerating.

As much as I would like to see the demise of the OU football program -- being a Hawkeye fan :biggrin: -- this doesn't hold water. He did what was required of him and now it is up to the University to do the right thing. As for an end to College Football, it's a ludicrous statement.

All I can really say is, "Die Tide!!" :funnyface:
Okay everyone well I made a headline to get peoples attention. The end of College Football won't be because of Urban Meyer it will be because of the violence of the sport and the dangers of CTE for the players later on in life unless head health is taken extremely seriously really soon.
Could be. It is the wussification of America and it continues apace.
What's the "wussification of America?" People not wanting a disease that destroys their brain when they are 28 years old. Go out there and play with them. We'll see who's the wuss.
Yeah so where are they? Also, this Ohio State Program has some pretty disturbing issues going on with it besides Urban Meyer. They had a diving coach supposedly molesting children. I don't want to get off point here though. Urban Meyer had Zach Smith on his staff at Florida and knew he was abusive then and still brought him to Ohio State and I can see Ohio State and their fans are trying to put their heads in the sand here but if you do some more research into what was going on with Urban Meyer and his staff, you'd realize he should without a doubt be fired.

And if all you say is true, the Ohio State football team will have a new coaching staff this fall. They have a lot of talent on the team and will probably still do fairly well. It is easy to attract top coaching talent to a top program. And despite the failings of some coaches (if all your accusations are true) OSU is still a top program.

So the Buckeyes have a disappointing season or two. Do you think that will destroy college football?
If Urban Meyer is no longer coaching then college football will still have credibility because it will be the OHIO STATE University declaring that they are not willing to pretend Urban Meyer didn't carry around Zach Smith for all these years with the knowledge that his coach was beating up his wife/ex wife. There's more to it as well. Zach Smith brought home a woman member of Meyers staff to supposedly "give her a safe place to sleep." That woman and Smith remained on Meyers staff for years after. I cannot remember the name of the woman but I believe it is a woman in the Ohio State athletic department.

Once again, in the title of this thread you claimed that unless Meyer is fired college football will be destroyed.

In post #5 you stated "If Urban Meyer keeps his job then College football is FUCKED". Then all you do is talk about what has happened at Ohio State. If anything, other teams will get recruits and transfers from Ohio State. So it will actually help some other teams.

You are still exaggerating.

As much as I would like to see the demise of the OU football program -- being a Hawkeye fan :biggrin: -- this doesn't hold water. He did what was required of him and now it is up to the University to do the right thing. As for an end to College Football, it's a ludicrous statement.

All I can really say is, "Die Tide!!" :funnyface:
Okay everyone well I made a headline to get peoples attention. The end of College Football won't be because of Urban Meyer it will be because of the violence of the sport and the dangers of CTE for the players later on in life unless head health is taken extremely seriously really soon.

So you exaggerated to get attention.

And then posted 6 more times denying that you exaggerated.
If Urban Meyer is no longer coaching then college football will still have credibility because it will be the OHIO STATE University declaring that they are not willing to pretend Urban Meyer didn't carry around Zach Smith for all these years with the knowledge that his coach was beating up his wife/ex wife. There's more to it as well. Zach Smith brought home a woman member of Meyers staff to supposedly "give her a safe place to sleep." That woman and Smith remained on Meyers staff for years after. I cannot remember the name of the woman but I believe it is a woman in the Ohio State athletic department.

Once again, in the title of this thread you claimed that unless Meyer is fired college football will be destroyed.

In post #5 you stated "If Urban Meyer keeps his job then College football is FUCKED". Then all you do is talk about what has happened at Ohio State. If anything, other teams will get recruits and transfers from Ohio State. So it will actually help some other teams.

You are still exaggerating.

As much as I would like to see the demise of the OU football program -- being a Hawkeye fan :biggrin: -- this doesn't hold water. He did what was required of him and now it is up to the University to do the right thing. As for an end to College Football, it's a ludicrous statement.

All I can really say is, "Die Tide!!" :funnyface:
Okay everyone well I made a headline to get peoples attention. The end of College Football won't be because of Urban Meyer it will be because of the violence of the sport and the dangers of CTE for the players later on in life unless head health is taken extremely seriously really soon.
Could be. It is the wussification of America and it continues apace.
What's the "wussification of America?" People not wanting a disease that destroys their brain when they are 28 years old. Go out there and play with them. We'll see who's the wuss.

I have. The wussification of America is making choices for men who may not want that choice forced upon them. We used to be free to make our own way in life.
And if all you say is true, the Ohio State football team will have a new coaching staff this fall. They have a lot of talent on the team and will probably still do fairly well. It is easy to attract top coaching talent to a top program. And despite the failings of some coaches (if all your accusations are true) OSU is still a top program.

So the Buckeyes have a disappointing season or two. Do you think that will destroy college football?
If Urban Meyer is no longer coaching then college football will still have credibility because it will be the OHIO STATE University declaring that they are not willing to pretend Urban Meyer didn't carry around Zach Smith for all these years with the knowledge that his coach was beating up his wife/ex wife. There's more to it as well. Zach Smith brought home a woman member of Meyers staff to supposedly "give her a safe place to sleep." That woman and Smith remained on Meyers staff for years after. I cannot remember the name of the woman but I believe it is a woman in the Ohio State athletic department.

Once again, in the title of this thread you claimed that unless Meyer is fired college football will be destroyed.

In post #5 you stated "If Urban Meyer keeps his job then College football is FUCKED". Then all you do is talk about what has happened at Ohio State. If anything, other teams will get recruits and transfers from Ohio State. So it will actually help some other teams.

You are still exaggerating.

As much as I would like to see the demise of the OU football program -- being a Hawkeye fan :biggrin: -- this doesn't hold water. He did what was required of him and now it is up to the University to do the right thing. As for an end to College Football, it's a ludicrous statement.

All I can really say is, "Die Tide!!" :funnyface:
Okay everyone well I made a headline to get peoples attention. The end of College Football won't be because of Urban Meyer it will be because of the violence of the sport and the dangers of CTE for the players later on in life unless head health is taken extremely seriously really soon.
Could be. It is the wussification of America and it continues apace.

It is not the wussification of anything. It is a sport that has increased the size of the athletes, the speed of the athletes and has not changed the rules or equipment to keep pace with the dangers involved. It is not a "design a better helmet" issue. Rugby players don't wear pads or helmets and they hit just as hard. But they were never taught to use their heads for tackling.
If Urban Meyer is no longer coaching then college football will still have credibility because it will be the OHIO STATE University declaring that they are not willing to pretend Urban Meyer didn't carry around Zach Smith for all these years with the knowledge that his coach was beating up his wife/ex wife. There's more to it as well. Zach Smith brought home a woman member of Meyers staff to supposedly "give her a safe place to sleep." That woman and Smith remained on Meyers staff for years after. I cannot remember the name of the woman but I believe it is a woman in the Ohio State athletic department.

Once again, in the title of this thread you claimed that unless Meyer is fired college football will be destroyed.

In post #5 you stated "If Urban Meyer keeps his job then College football is FUCKED". Then all you do is talk about what has happened at Ohio State. If anything, other teams will get recruits and transfers from Ohio State. So it will actually help some other teams.

You are still exaggerating.

As much as I would like to see the demise of the OU football program -- being a Hawkeye fan :biggrin: -- this doesn't hold water. He did what was required of him and now it is up to the University to do the right thing. As for an end to College Football, it's a ludicrous statement.

All I can really say is, "Die Tide!!" :funnyface:
Okay everyone well I made a headline to get peoples attention. The end of College Football won't be because of Urban Meyer it will be because of the violence of the sport and the dangers of CTE for the players later on in life unless head health is taken extremely seriously really soon.
Could be. It is the wussification of America and it continues apace.

It is not the wussification of anything. It is a sport that has increased the size of the athletes, the speed of the athletes and has not changed the rules or equipment to keep pace with the dangers involved. It is not a "design a better helmet" issue. Rugby players don't wear pads or helmets and they hit just as hard. But they were never taught to use their heads for tackling.
That's great. It also wasn't what I said.
College football will be destroyed? Exaggerate much?

There are records, if I am not mistaken, that Meyer reported it to the AD.
Yeah so where are they? Also, this Ohio State Program has some pretty disturbing issues going on with it besides Urban Meyer. They had a diving coach supposedly molesting children. I don't want to get off point here though. Urban Meyer had Zach Smith on his staff at Florida and knew he was abusive then and still brought him to Ohio State and I can see Ohio State and their fans are trying to put their heads in the sand here but if you do some more research into what was going on with Urban Meyer and his staff, you'd realize he should without a doubt be fired.

And if all you say is true, the Ohio State football team will have a new coaching staff this fall. They have a lot of talent on the team and will probably still do fairly well. It is easy to attract top coaching talent to a top program. And despite the failings of some coaches (if all your accusations are true) OSU is still a top program.

So the Buckeyes have a disappointing season or two. Do you think that will destroy college football?
If Urban Meyer is no longer coaching then college football will still have credibility because it will be the OHIO STATE University declaring that they are not willing to pretend Urban Meyer didn't carry around Zach Smith for all these years with the knowledge that his coach was beating up his wife/ex wife. There's more to it as well. Zach Smith brought home a woman member of Meyers staff to supposedly "give her a safe place to sleep." That woman and Smith remained on Meyers staff for years after. I cannot remember the name of the woman but I believe it is a woman in the Ohio State athletic department.

Once again, in the title of this thread you claimed that unless Meyer is fired college football will be destroyed.

In post #5 you stated "If Urban Meyer keeps his job then College football is FUCKED". Then all you do is talk about what has happened at Ohio State. If anything, other teams will get recruits and transfers from Ohio State. So it will actually help some other teams.

You are still exaggerating.

As much as I would like to see the demise of the OU football program -- being a Hawkeye fan :biggrin: -- this doesn't hold water. He did what was required of him and now it is up to the University to do the right thing. As for an end to College Football, it's a ludicrous statement.

All I can really say is, "Die Tide!!" :funnyface:

Yeah so where are they? Also, this Ohio State Program has some pretty disturbing issues going on with it besides Urban Meyer. They had a diving coach supposedly molesting children. I don't want to get off point here though. Urban Meyer had Zach Smith on his staff at Florida and knew he was abusive then and still brought him to Ohio State and I can see Ohio State and their fans are trying to put their heads in the sand here but if you do some more research into what was going on with Urban Meyer and his staff, you'd realize he should without a doubt be fired.

And if all you say is true, the Ohio State football team will have a new coaching staff this fall. They have a lot of talent on the team and will probably still do fairly well. It is easy to attract top coaching talent to a top program. And despite the failings of some coaches (if all your accusations are true) OSU is still a top program.

So the Buckeyes have a disappointing season or two. Do you think that will destroy college football?
If Urban Meyer is no longer coaching then college football will still have credibility because it will be the OHIO STATE University declaring that they are not willing to pretend Urban Meyer didn't carry around Zach Smith for all these years with the knowledge that his coach was beating up his wife/ex wife. There's more to it as well. Zach Smith brought home a woman member of Meyers staff to supposedly "give her a safe place to sleep." That woman and Smith remained on Meyers staff for years after. I cannot remember the name of the woman but I believe it is a woman in the Ohio State athletic department.

Once again, in the title of this thread you claimed that unless Meyer is fired college football will be destroyed.

In post #5 you stated "If Urban Meyer keeps his job then College football is FUCKED". Then all you do is talk about what has happened at Ohio State. If anything, other teams will get recruits and transfers from Ohio State. So it will actually help some other teams.

You are still exaggerating.
Okay, so what's your point? I stand by that. Urban Meyer is the coach at Ohio State and this is happening at Ohio State. You are saying I am saying "college football will be destroyed if he is fired" and that is not what I am saying.

I am not saying that you claim college football will be destroyed if Meyer is fired. I am saying you claim college football will be destroyed if Meyer is NOT fired.
I have already answered this. We are talking in circles now. You want me to explain the context of my use of the word "destroy" then I will say "destroyed credibility" from a College Football Powerhouse. If we have to watch games with Urban Meyer coaching then that is an embarrassment to football and to our country. That is what I mean by :"Destroyed."

And that is exactly what you are saying.

In post #5 you stated "The credibility of large college football programs like Ohio State will be and this is just one among many where fan bases will ignore victims of violence, rape, and assault because they idolize a sport more than the rights of women or any human beings. It really isn't an exaggeration. If Urban Meyer keeps his job then College football is FUCKED,

The title of the thread you created is:
"Mary Jo White Must Fire Urban Meyer Or College Football is Destroyed"
Yeah so where are they? Also, this Ohio State Program has some pretty disturbing issues going on with it besides Urban Meyer. They had a diving coach supposedly molesting children. I don't want to get off point here though. Urban Meyer had Zach Smith on his staff at Florida and knew he was abusive then and still brought him to Ohio State and I can see Ohio State and their fans are trying to put their heads in the sand here but if you do some more research into what was going on with Urban Meyer and his staff, you'd realize he should without a doubt be fired.

And if all you say is true, the Ohio State football team will have a new coaching staff this fall. They have a lot of talent on the team and will probably still do fairly well. It is easy to attract top coaching talent to a top program. And despite the failings of some coaches (if all your accusations are true) OSU is still a top program.

So the Buckeyes have a disappointing season or two. Do you think that will destroy college football?
If Urban Meyer is no longer coaching then college football will still have credibility because it will be the OHIO STATE University declaring that they are not willing to pretend Urban Meyer didn't carry around Zach Smith for all these years with the knowledge that his coach was beating up his wife/ex wife. There's more to it as well. Zach Smith brought home a woman member of Meyers staff to supposedly "give her a safe place to sleep." That woman and Smith remained on Meyers staff for years after. I cannot remember the name of the woman but I believe it is a woman in the Ohio State athletic department.

Once again, in the title of this thread you claimed that unless Meyer is fired college football will be destroyed.

In post #5 you stated "If Urban Meyer keeps his job then College football is FUCKED". Then all you do is talk about what has happened at Ohio State. If anything, other teams will get recruits and transfers from Ohio State. So it will actually help some other teams.

You are still exaggerating.

As much as I would like to see the demise of the OU football program -- being a Hawkeye fan :biggrin: -- this doesn't hold water. He did what was required of him and now it is up to the University to do the right thing. As for an end to College Football, it's a ludicrous statement.

All I can really say is, "Die Tide!!" :funnyface:


Hey, as long as Iowa give OU a spanking again this year, I"m good to go. It is way too early yet for them to go out to LA to get humiliated again.
I love football. I do not want this to happen but I got a feeling Ohio State is going to attempt to pull something and that would lead to a boycott of Big Ten Football. Heed my warning.

Why would anyone boycott Michigan football because of what is happening at Ohio State?

Answer? They won't. No one at Michigan (or Michigan State or Wisconsin or Iowa State ect) had anything to do with the accusations against Ohio State. The scandal at Penn State did not effect any other school. The scandal at BYU did not effect any other school. Why would a scandal at Ohio State effect any other school?
Why would people boycott the NFL because one guy tells them they should on twitter? Because people are sheep and don't think for themselves. To answer your question, no, the die hard fans won't boycott but the people who don't give a damn about it will.
I love football. I do not want this to happen but I got a feeling Ohio State is going to attempt to pull something and that would lead to a boycott of Big Ten Football. Heed my warning.

Why would anyone boycott Michigan football because of what is happening at Ohio State?

Answer? They won't. No one at Michigan (or Michigan State or Wisconsin or Iowa State ect) had anything to do with the accusations against Ohio State. The scandal at Penn State did not effect any other school. The scandal at BYU did not effect any other school. Why would a scandal at Ohio State effect any other school?
Why would people boycott the NFL because one guy tells them they should on twitter? Because people are sheep and don't think for themselves. To answer your question, no, the die hard fans won't boycott but the people who don't give a damn about it will.
The Big Ten has some seriously explaining to do. This Urban Meyer case and Mark Dantonio giving scholarships to players who gang rape girls. This is not going to go away because you all want to call it fake news so either wake up and declare this unacceptable or get out.
I love football. I do not want this to happen but I got a feeling Ohio State is going to attempt to pull something and that would lead to a boycott of Big Ten Football. Heed my warning.

Why would anyone boycott Michigan football because of what is happening at Ohio State?

Answer? They won't. No one at Michigan (or Michigan State or Wisconsin or Iowa State ect) had anything to do with the accusations against Ohio State. The scandal at Penn State did not effect any other school. The scandal at BYU did not effect any other school. Why would a scandal at Ohio State effect any other school?
Why would people boycott the NFL because one guy tells them they should on twitter? Because people are sheep and don't think for themselves. To answer your question, no, the die hard fans won't boycott but the people who don't give a damn about it will.

People are boycotting the NFL because multiple players on multiple teams are kneeling during he national anthem. If players on only one team were kneeling, people would not be boycotting the other teams.

Your claim that OHIO State's scandal will hurt other teams is baseless.
I love football. I do not want this to happen but I got a feeling Ohio State is going to attempt to pull something and that would lead to a boycott of Big Ten Football. Heed my warning.

Why would anyone boycott Michigan football because of what is happening at Ohio State?

Answer? They won't. No one at Michigan (or Michigan State or Wisconsin or Iowa State ect) had anything to do with the accusations against Ohio State. The scandal at Penn State did not effect any other school. The scandal at BYU did not effect any other school. Why would a scandal at Ohio State effect any other school?
Why would people boycott the NFL because one guy tells them they should on twitter? Because people are sheep and don't think for themselves. To answer your question, no, the die hard fans won't boycott but the people who don't give a damn about it will.
The Big Ten has some seriously explaining to do. This Urban Meyer case and Mark Dantonio giving scholarships to players who gang rape girls. This is not going to go away because you all want to call it fake news so either wake up and declare this unacceptable or get out.

If you want to make claims about what I have said, please make sure I actually said it. I never once called it fake news. Any insinuation that I did is a lie.
And if all you say is true, the Ohio State football team will have a new coaching staff this fall. They have a lot of talent on the team and will probably still do fairly well. It is easy to attract top coaching talent to a top program. And despite the failings of some coaches (if all your accusations are true) OSU is still a top program.

So the Buckeyes have a disappointing season or two. Do you think that will destroy college football?
If Urban Meyer is no longer coaching then college football will still have credibility because it will be the OHIO STATE University declaring that they are not willing to pretend Urban Meyer didn't carry around Zach Smith for all these years with the knowledge that his coach was beating up his wife/ex wife. There's more to it as well. Zach Smith brought home a woman member of Meyers staff to supposedly "give her a safe place to sleep." That woman and Smith remained on Meyers staff for years after. I cannot remember the name of the woman but I believe it is a woman in the Ohio State athletic department.

Once again, in the title of this thread you claimed that unless Meyer is fired college football will be destroyed.

In post #5 you stated "If Urban Meyer keeps his job then College football is FUCKED". Then all you do is talk about what has happened at Ohio State. If anything, other teams will get recruits and transfers from Ohio State. So it will actually help some other teams.

You are still exaggerating.

As much as I would like to see the demise of the OU football program -- being a Hawkeye fan :biggrin: -- this doesn't hold water. He did what was required of him and now it is up to the University to do the right thing. As for an end to College Football, it's a ludicrous statement.

All I can really say is, "Die Tide!!" :funnyface:


Hey, as long as Iowa give OU a spanking again this year, I"m good to go. It is way too early yet for them to go out to LA to get humiliated again.

Iowa did humiliate them last year. That loss hurt. I liked it since it got Bama in the CFP and got us to another National Championship.
I love football. I do not want this to happen but I got a feeling Ohio State is going to attempt to pull something and that would lead to a boycott of Big Ten Football. Heed my warning.

Why would anyone boycott Michigan football because of what is happening at Ohio State?

Answer? They won't. No one at Michigan (or Michigan State or Wisconsin or Iowa State ect) had anything to do with the accusations against Ohio State. The scandal at Penn State did not effect any other school. The scandal at BYU did not effect any other school. Why would a scandal at Ohio State effect any other school?
Why would people boycott the NFL because one guy tells them they should on twitter? Because people are sheep and don't think for themselves. To answer your question, no, the die hard fans won't boycott but the people who don't give a damn about it will.

People are boycotting the NFL because multiple players on multiple teams are kneeling during he national anthem. If players on only one team were kneeling, people would not be boycotting the other teams.

Your claim that OHIO State's scandal will hurt other teams is baseless.
First off, no one is really boycotting the NFL unless you throw away every single NFL product and fantasy football draft in your friends basements. There is no boycott. And that is an incorrect statement by the way. Colin Kaepernick was on one team and people were calling for the entire NFL to be boycotted. Then Donald Trump enjoyed the Superbowl.
If Urban Meyer is no longer coaching then college football will still have credibility because it will be the OHIO STATE University declaring that they are not willing to pretend Urban Meyer didn't carry around Zach Smith for all these years with the knowledge that his coach was beating up his wife/ex wife. There's more to it as well. Zach Smith brought home a woman member of Meyers staff to supposedly "give her a safe place to sleep." That woman and Smith remained on Meyers staff for years after. I cannot remember the name of the woman but I believe it is a woman in the Ohio State athletic department.

Once again, in the title of this thread you claimed that unless Meyer is fired college football will be destroyed.

In post #5 you stated "If Urban Meyer keeps his job then College football is FUCKED". Then all you do is talk about what has happened at Ohio State. If anything, other teams will get recruits and transfers from Ohio State. So it will actually help some other teams.

You are still exaggerating.

As much as I would like to see the demise of the OU football program -- being a Hawkeye fan :biggrin: -- this doesn't hold water. He did what was required of him and now it is up to the University to do the right thing. As for an end to College Football, it's a ludicrous statement.

All I can really say is, "Die Tide!!" :funnyface:


Hey, as long as Iowa give OU a spanking again this year, I"m good to go. It is way too early yet for them to go out to LA to get humiliated again.

Iowa did humiliate them last year. That loss hurt. I liked it since it got Bama in the CFP and got us to another National Championship.
Yeah, I'd feel bad about that, but hey. It was Iowa embarrassing OU so....I don't. lol
a Boycott of the NFL would mean no fantasy football, no Madden, no shirts, no watching NFL games. Nothing. That would be a boycott of the NFL and it's not going to happen so get over the fact that people with black skin kneel during the national anthem. Get over it and stop crying about it.
I love football. I do not want this to happen but I got a feeling Ohio State is going to attempt to pull something and that would lead to a boycott of Big Ten Football. Heed my warning.

Why would anyone boycott Michigan football because of what is happening at Ohio State?

Answer? They won't. No one at Michigan (or Michigan State or Wisconsin or Iowa State ect) had anything to do with the accusations against Ohio State. The scandal at Penn State did not effect any other school. The scandal at BYU did not effect any other school. Why would a scandal at Ohio State effect any other school?
Why would people boycott the NFL because one guy tells them they should on twitter? Because people are sheep and don't think for themselves. To answer your question, no, the die hard fans won't boycott but the people who don't give a damn about it will.
The Big Ten has some seriously explaining to do. This Urban Meyer case and Mark Dantonio giving scholarships to players who gang rape girls. This is not going to go away because you all want to call it fake news so either wake up and declare this unacceptable or get out.

When did Mark Dantonio give scholarships to players who gang rape girls? I know there was an accusation in 2014 about players committing a gang rape 7 years prior to that. But none of the players were charged. Should scholarships be withheld from people based solely on accusation? There was an investigation that yielded no charges.
a Boycott of the NFL would mean no fantasy football, no Madden, no shirts, no watching NFL games. Nothing. That would be a boycott of the NFL and it's not going to happen so get over the fact that people with black skin kneel during the national anthem. Get over it and stop crying about it.

WTF? YOU are the one who brought up the NFL boycott. I simply pointed out that it was not the same as boycotting college football games based on what is happening at OSU.

I have no problem with players kneeling. I am over it and not crying. You are the one making shit up.
Once again, in the title of this thread you claimed that unless Meyer is fired college football will be destroyed.

In post #5 you stated "If Urban Meyer keeps his job then College football is FUCKED". Then all you do is talk about what has happened at Ohio State. If anything, other teams will get recruits and transfers from Ohio State. So it will actually help some other teams.

You are still exaggerating.

As much as I would like to see the demise of the OU football program -- being a Hawkeye fan :biggrin: -- this doesn't hold water. He did what was required of him and now it is up to the University to do the right thing. As for an end to College Football, it's a ludicrous statement.

All I can really say is, "Die Tide!!" :funnyface:


Hey, as long as Iowa give OU a spanking again this year, I"m good to go. It is way too early yet for them to go out to LA to get humiliated again.

Iowa did humiliate them last year. That loss hurt. I liked it since it got Bama in the CFP and got us to another National Championship.
Yeah, I'd feel bad about that, but hey. It was Iowa embarrassing OU so....I don't. lol

I think it may be Clemson winning it all this year. Lots of great skill players and a D line that will be full of 1st round draft picks in 2019.

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