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Mashaal vows to Gaza crowds Hamas will not concede land

So the Jews never stole anyone's "land". The land has been ancient Jewish ancestral land to begin with. The Palestinians want a second Arab terrorist shithole state? Maybe if they behaved like human beings the world and Israel will consider.

Well, actually, they kinda did. The European immigrants did just that, migrated to a land that other people lived on and effectively stole it. The indigenous Jewish population (who were outnumbered 10-1 by the Arab population) of Palestine had as much claim to the land as the Arab population, but not the European - which were the vast majority of the population of Israel after its birth.

There is no such thing as a 2000 year old right to 'ancestral' land. This is religious nonsense. Laughable, really. Can you imagine a Mexican turning up in Spain, kicking someone off their land, all the while claiming that it was his because his great *10 grandfather lived there. This is exactly the same situation as European Jewry's 'claim' (only there is more time in between), especially when we consider that the Muslim Arabs of Palestine largely have some Jewish blood of their own. The Arab Palestinians had an actual claim to the land through their rights to self-determination.
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The country Palestine never existed.

So? The country of 'Pakistan' never existed. The country of 'Afghanistan' never existed. The country of 'Northern Ireland' never existed. The country of 'Germany' never existed. And, believe it or not, the country of 'Britain' at some point never existed.

The subject of when a country's and people's nationalism began, does not in any way reflect their human rights to self-determination. It does not in any way nullify their claim to a land that is theirs; a land they have direct ties to. If half of France decided to break away from the rest and call themselves whatever, then they can because it is their right.

Why on earth do you think that when the country was first called something matters? It is the inhabitants of the land that matter.
I come from the Piedmont of Appalachia.That area is not a state but people sometimes refer to themselves as Appalachians. They may be Marylanders, West Virginians, New Jerseyites, etc. That's about the same as Gazans calling themselves Palestinian when they are actually Syrian, Jordanian or Egyption.
you continue to fail expand----now find that PASSPORT that describes an arab muslim as a "PALESTINIAN" so far all you have is ATTEMPTS by some people to foist upon arabs a novel "PALESTINIAN NATIONALITY" which never existed before but which did exist for almost 2000 years for jews
living in palestine aka Judea/israel------all that time----without interruption

I'm not sure why I keep replying to you as it has become clear that all you do is make baseless claims and try to wash away documented record with nothing more than your empty claim, but alas, here I am again.

"The Mandatory Palestine passport refers to the travel document that was intended for residents of Mandatory Palestine between 1924 and 1948. From 1926 to 1935 alone approximately 70,000 of such travel documents were granted"

Page 149 of this book: The International Law Foundations of Palestinian Nationality: A Legal ... - Mutaz M. Qafisheh - Google Books

It refers to the 'citizens of Palestine' (which includes Arabs). Now, if you please, provide me with your own 'proof' that they were only issued to Jews?

Palestinians are the newest of all the peoples on the face of the Earth, and began to exist in a single day by a kind of supernatural phenomenon that is unique in the whole history of mankind, as it is witnessed by a former PLO terrorist that acknowledged the lie he was fighting for and the truth he was fighting against:

“Why is it that on June 4th 1967 I was a Jordanian and overnight I became a Palestinian?”
“We did not particularly mind Jordanian rule. The teaching of the destruction of Israel was a definite part of the curriculum, but we considered ourselves Jordanian until the Jews returned to Jerusalem. Then all of the sudden we were Palestinians - they removed the star from the Jordanian flag and all at once we had a Palestinian flag”.
“When I finally realized the lies and myths I was taught, it is my duty as a righteous person to speak out”.

This declaration by a true "Palestinian" should have some significance for a sincerely neutral observer. Indeed, there is no such a thing like a Palestinian people, or a Palestinian culture, or a Palestinian language, or a Palestinian history. There has never been any Palestinian state, neither any Palestinian archaeological find nor coinage. The present-day "Palestinians" are an Arab people, with Arab culture, Arabic language and Arab history. They have their own Arab states from where they came into the Land of Israel about one century ago to contrast the Jewish immigration. That is the historical truth. They were Jordanians (another recent British invention, as there has never been any people known as "Jordanians"), and after the Six-Day War in which Israel utterly defeated the coalition of nine Arab states and took legitimate possession of Judea and Samaria, the Arab dwellers in those regions underwent a kind of anthropological miracle and discovered that they were Palestinians - something they did not know the day before. Of course, these people having a new identity had to build themselves a history, namely, had to steal some others' history, and the only way that the victims of the theft would not complain is if those victims do no longer exist. Therefore, the Palestinian leaders claimed two contradictory lineages from ancient peoples that inhabited in the Land of Israel: the Canaanites and the Philistines. Let us consider both of them before going on with the Palestinian issue.
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another NO POINT except PEOPLE DO MATTER and
sometimes in order to protect the rights of some----lands
are partitioned into separate countries ----in fact
such phenomena are not at all uncommon and actually
laudable Some people resent it. The most resentful
I have encountered in my life were INDIAN MUSLIMS who
cannot get over the fact that something happened to the
insist that hindus are shit whose
blood "we" will someday "DRINK"!!!
Tinny you keep insisting that there are lots of jews who OWN YEMEN having resided in that land long before the dogs of arabia got there .

scientific theories whether in the SOCIAL SCIENCES or the PHYSICAL SCIENCES have to be APPLICABLE universally------or they are not valid

There were jews in Palestine aka Israel/judea ---long before "arabs"
got there-----you have created a theory that if invaders can DECIMATE
a population -----the DECIMATED POPULATION loses all rights forever
I am intrigued how long does it take for the decimated population to
lose all rights?

in any case---this is a moot disucssion since ---TODAY ----most of the
jewish population of Israel was BORN IN ISRAEL
Well, actually, they kinda did. The European immigrants did just that, migrated to a land that other people lived on and effectively stole it. The indigenous Jewish population (who were outnumbered 10-1 by the Arab population) of Palestine had as much claim to the land as the Arab population, but not the European - which were the vast majority of the population of Israel after its birth.

There is no such thing as a 2000 year old right to 'ancestral' land. This is religious nonsense. Laughable, really. Can you imagine a Mexican turning up in Spain, through their rights to self-determination.

Wrong again expand----the jewish population who began migrating to palestine in
the 1800s BOUGHT land from the OTTOMANS as you well know they STOLE
nothing Of course nazis like you see the OWNERSHIP of land by those not of
your race or choosing as THEFT I know you well-----I was brought up in a town
that had been bundist in the era of your "god" adolf abu ali.

an interesting factoid is that some IRISH workers in New York City considered
the migration of blacks from southern oppression to be something like an INVASION---so they hanged a whole bunch of them from lamp posts I know you well. On the other hand ----there were places in the USA in which some people saw the migration of
irish from starvation in Ireland to be a kind of INVASION too------more of the same
I come from the Piedmont of Appalachia.That area is not a state but people sometimes refer to themselves as Appalachians. They may be Marylanders, West Virginians, New Jerseyites, etc. That's about the same as Gazans calling themselves Palestinian when they are actually Syrian, Jordanian or Egyption.

Gee, home of moonshine, inbreeding and pig fucking. Why am I not surprised? :lol:
So the Jews never stole anyone's "land". The land has been ancient Jewish ancestral land to begin with. The Palestinians want a second Arab terrorist shithole state? Maybe if they behaved like human beings the world and Israel will consider.

Well, actually, they kinda did. The European immigrants did just that, migrated to a land that other people lived on and effectively stole it. The indigenous Jewish population (who were outnumbered 10-1 by the Arab population) of Palestine had as much claim to the land as the Arab population, but not the European - which were the vast majority of the population of Israel after its birth.

There is no such thing as a 2000 year old right to 'ancestral' land. This is religious nonsense. Laughable, really. Can you imagine a Mexican turning up in Spain, kicking someone off their land, all the while claiming that it was his because his great *10 grandfather lived there. This is exactly the same situation as European Jewry's 'claim' (only there is more time in between), especially when we consider that the Muslim Arabs of Palestine largely have some Jewish blood of their own. The Arab Palestinians had an actual claim to the land through their rights to self-determination.


Yes, I agree with all of that! And, further, those Jews in Europe themselves were likely descended from a Kingdom that had converted to Judaism, so the European Jews may have had no ancestors from Palestine at all! This is discussed by Israeli Historian Shlomo Sand in his recently written book The Invention Of The Jewish People.

The DNA testing that supposedly shows Jews with links to Palestine is heavily criticized by many scientists presently and I would not be surprised but that if it in the future, all those so called DNA findings becomes completely discredited.

So, we have a Zionism that is a total fabrication of History and a fabricated claim by a people to land in Palestine!

I come from the Piedmont of Appalachia.That area is not a state but people sometimes refer to themselves as Appalachians. They may be Marylanders, West Virginians, New Jerseyites, etc. That's about the same as Gazans calling themselves Palestinian when they are actually Syrian, Jordanian or Egyption.

Gee, home of moonshine, inbreeding and pig fucking. Why am I not surprised? :lol:
As we can see, Ima becoming a Frau still has the mind set of a dirty vulgar male. I guess the mind of a dirty old male will remain with him/her throughout his/her life no matter what gender he/she thinks it is right now. Frau Ima, how's your marijuana garden going. Are you sharing it with your favorite sheep to keep them happy ? BAA, BAA.
So the Jews never stole anyone's "land". The land has been ancient Jewish ancestral land to begin with. The Palestinians want a second Arab terrorist shithole state? Maybe if they behaved like human beings the world and Israel will consider.

Well, actually, they kinda did. The European immigrants did just that, migrated to a land that other people lived on and effectively stole it. The indigenous Jewish population (who were outnumbered 10-1 by the Arab population) of Palestine had as much claim to the land as the Arab population, but not the European - which were the vast majority of the population of Israel after its birth.

There is no such thing as a 2000 year old right to 'ancestral' land. This is religious nonsense. Laughable, really. Can you imagine a Mexican turning up in Spain, kicking someone off their land, all the while claiming that it was his because his great *10 grandfather lived there. This is exactly the same situation as European Jewry's 'claim' (only there is more time in between), especially when we consider that the Muslim Arabs of Palestine largely have some Jewish blood of their own. The Arab Palestinians had an actual claim to the land through their rights to self-determination.


Yes, I agree with all of that! And, further, those Jews in Europe themselves were likely descended from a Kingdom that had converted to Judaism, so the European Jews may have had no ancestors from Palestine at all! This is discussed by Israeli Historian Shlomo Sand in his recently written book The Invention Of The Jewish People.

The DNA testing that supposedly shows Jews with links to Palestine is heavily criticized by many scientists presently and I would not be surprised but that if it in the future, all those so called DNA findings becomes completely discredited.

So, we have a Zionism that is a total fabrication of History and a fabricated claim by a people to land in Palestine!

So Frau Sherri believes Winston Churchill was lying when he said the Arabs came from their poor surrounding countries in droves when the Jews had jobs for them. We realize that Frau Sherri lives in a small Southern town where she doesn't see many immigrants, but if she lived in any city of a decent size she would become aware of how many immigrants come here for jobs that are not available in their own countries. Maybe Frau Sherri can tell us why Muslims are swarming into Europe for jobs. Why don't they stay in their "glorious" Muslim countries?
So the Jews never stole anyone's "land". The land has been ancient Jewish ancestral land to begin with. The Palestinians want a second Arab terrorist shithole state? Maybe if they behaved like human beings the world and Israel will consider.

Well, actually, they kinda did. The European immigrants did just that, migrated to a land that other people lived on and effectively stole it. The indigenous Jewish population (who were outnumbered 10-1 by the Arab population) of Palestine had as much claim to the land as the Arab population, but not the European - which were the vast majority of the population of Israel after its birth.

There is no such thing as a 2000 year old right to 'ancestral' land. This is religious nonsense. Laughable, really. Can you imagine a Mexican turning up in Spain, kicking someone off their land, all the while claiming that it was his because his great *10 grandfather lived there. This is exactly the same situation as European Jewry's 'claim'
(only there is more time in between), especially when we consider that the Muslim Arabs of Palestine largely have some Jewish blood of their own. The Arab Palestinians had an actual claim to the land through their rights to self-determination.


Yes, I agree with all of that! And, further, those Jews in Europe themselves were likely descended from a Kingdom that had converted to Judaism, so the European Jews may
have had no ancestors from Palestine at all! This is discussed by Israeli Historian Shlomo Sand in his recently written book The Invention Of The Jewish People.

The DNA testing that supposedly shows Jews with links to Palestine is heavily criticized by many scientists presently and I would not be surprised but that if it in the future, all those so called DNA findings becomes completely discredited.

So, we have a Zionism that is a total fabrication of History and a fabricated claim by a people to land in Palestine!


The most significant dilemma of the ISLAMO NAZI pigs is that jews have been LITERATE for more than 4000 thousand years. sorry sherri-----there is a written history that proves that you are an islamo nazi piece of shit

one of sherri's DESPERATE fellow islamo nazi pigs actually claimed that the DEAD SEA SCROLLS are FORGERY

LOL give up sherri that you emerged from a sewer of filth and illiteracy is not my fault
So the Jews never stole anyone's "land". The land has been ancient Jewish ancestral land to begin with. The Palestinians want a second Arab terrorist shithole state? Maybe if they behaved like human beings the world and Israel will consider.

Well, actually, they kinda did. The European immigrants did just that, migrated to a land that other people lived on and effectively stole it. The indigenous Jewish population (who were outnumbered 10-1 by the Arab population) of Palestine had as much claim to the land as the Arab population, but not the European - which were the vast majority of the population of Israel after its birth.

There is no such thing as a 2000 year old right to 'ancestral' land. This is religious nonsense. Laughable, really. Can you imagine a Mexican turning up in Spain, kicking someone off their land, all the while claiming that it was his because his great *10 grandfather lived there. This is exactly the same situation as European Jewry's 'claim' (only there is more time in between), especially when we consider that the Muslim Arabs of Palestine largely have some Jewish blood of their own. The Arab Palestinians had an actual claim to the land through their rights to self-determination.


Yes, I agree with all of that! And, further, those Jews in Europe themselves were likely descended from a Kingdom that had converted to Judaism, so the European Jews may have had no ancestors from Palestine at all! This is discussed by Israeli Historian Shlomo Sand in his recently written book The Invention Of The Jewish People.

The DNA testing that supposedly shows Jews with links to Palestine is heavily criticized by many scientists presently and I would not be surprised but that if it in the future, all those so called DNA findings becomes completely discredited.

So, we have a Zionism that is a total fabrication of History and a fabricated claim by a people to land in Palestine!

Ha ha. Sherri is promoting anti semetic lie # 55, "the Jews aren't real Jews". Hey lightbulb, majority of Israelis today are Jews from the middle east, or descendants thereof. these same Jews can clearly trace their ancestry to ancient Babylon and the destruction of the first and second temples in Jerusalem. What now, crack whore?
Well, actually, they kinda did. The European immigrants did just that, migrated to a land that other people lived on and effectively stole it. The indigenous Jewish population (who were outnumbered 10-1 by the Arab population) of Palestine had as much claim to the land as the Arab population, but not the European - which were the vast majority of the population of Israel after its birth.

There is no such thing as a 2000 year old right to 'ancestral' land. This is religious nonsense. Laughable, really. Can you imagine a Mexican turning up in Spain, kicking someone off their land, all the while claiming that it was his because his great *10 grandfather lived there. This is exactly the same situation as European Jewry's 'claim' (only there is more time in between), especially when we consider that the Muslim Arabs of Palestine largely have some Jewish blood of their own. The Arab Palestinians had an actual claim to the land through their rights to self-determination.


Yes, I agree with all of that! And, further, those Jews in Europe themselves were likely descended from a Kingdom that had converted to Judaism, so the European Jews may have had no ancestors from Palestine at all! This is discussed by Israeli Historian Shlomo Sand in his recently written book The Invention Of The Jewish People.

The DNA testing that supposedly shows Jews with links to Palestine is heavily criticized by many scientists presently and I would not be surprised but that if it in the future, all those so called DNA findings becomes completely discredited.

So, we have a Zionism that is a total fabrication of History and a fabricated claim by a people to land in Palestine!

Ha ha. Sherri is promoting anti semetic lie # 55, "the Jews aren't real Jews". Hey lightbulb, majority of Israelis today are Jews from the middle east, or descendants thereof. these same Jews can clearly trace their ancestry to ancient Babylon and the destruction of the first and second temples in Jerusalem. What now, crack whore?
Show me proof of ONE person who can actually trace their actual family tree back to ancient Babylon.
Russian Pretend-a-Jews, like 'Evet' Lvovich Liberman Avigdor Lieberman - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Why Yousef Mohammed (AKA as Mr. Gooz in some places in Iran and Mr. Coon in other places in Iran), many of these so-called Palestinians come from surrounding countries, and you don't seem to have a problem with that. You no doubt have no problem with all the Muslim Iranians who have left Iran and have taken up residence in the Western Hemisphere as well as Europe. People with your mind set only have a problem when it comes to Jews moving into Israel from a different location. By the way, why did you leave that "glorious republic of Iran" in the first place? Is anyone in your town complaining to you that you don't belong there?

Yes, I agree with all of that! And, further, those Jews in Europe themselves were likely descended from a Kingdom that had converted to Judaism, so the European Jews may have had no ancestors from Palestine at all! This is discussed by Israeli Historian Shlomo Sand in his recently written book The Invention Of The Jewish People.

The DNA testing that supposedly shows Jews with links to Palestine is heavily criticized by many scientists presently and I would not be surprised but that if it in the future, all those so called DNA findings becomes completely discredited.

So, we have a Zionism that is a total fabrication of History and a fabricated claim by a people to land in Palestine!

Ha ha. Sherri is promoting anti semetic lie # 55, "the Jews aren't real Jews". Hey lightbulb, majority of Israelis today are Jews from the middle east, or descendants thereof. these same Jews can clearly trace their ancestry to ancient Babylon and the destruction of the first and second temples in Jerusalem. What now, crack whore?
Show me proof of ONE person who can actually trace their actual family tree back to ancient Babylon.
Most of the Jews that come from middle eastern ancestry are Babylonian Jews. For example there is historical record of Persian Jews that goes back 2500 years, and Iraqi Jews that goes back even more.
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Ha ha. Sherri is promoting anti semetic lie # 55, "the Jews aren't real Jews". Hey lightbulb, majority of Israelis today are Jews from the middle east, or descendants thereof. these same Jews can clearly trace their ancestry to ancient Babylon and the destruction of the first and second temples in Jerusalem. What now, crack whore?
Show me proof of ONE person who can actually trace their actual family tree back to ancient Babylon.
Most of the Jews that come from middle eastern ancestry are Babylonian Jews. For example there is historical record of Persian Jews that goes back 2500 years, and Iraqi Jews that goes back even more.

leave the whore alone, Roudy ----people who are spawned from filth and illiteracy
do not trust "BOOKS" From the manner in which the whore posts ----my sense
is that the "sunday school teacher" never so much as actually read the bible or
has any concept of the style and content revealed therein
Ha ha. Sherri is promoting anti semetic lie # 55, "the Jews aren't real Jews". Hey lightbulb, majority of Israelis today are Jews from the middle east, or descendants thereof. these same Jews can clearly trace their ancestry to ancient Babylon and the destruction of the first and second temples in Jerusalem. What now, crack whore?
Show me proof of ONE person who can actually trace their actual family tree back to ancient Babylon.
Most of the Jews that come from middle eastern ancestry are Babylonian Jews. For example there is historical record of Persian Jews that goes back 2500 years, and Iraqi Jews that goes back even more.

So in other words, you have nothing. You said:"Jews can clearly trace their ancestry to ancient Babylon". And you can't even trace ONE person back to that time. Which makes me wonder: who's the one smoking crack? :D
wrong "expand" The fact of OCCUPATION does not mean that countries are in a State of War . The USA OCCUPIED japan long after Japan surrendered and the state of war between the USA and Japan was terminated I do not believe that you are all that IGNORANT--------you are simply a typical lying islamo nazi

Well you actually, in your own post, provided the verb that shows the difference between the two situations.

The Japanese 'surrendered'. Can you show me when the Palestinians surrendered?

And thanks for the insult. How desperate must you be to resort to such tactics, when you know nothing about me, after I post once in this forum?

The Japanese 'surrendered'. Can you show me when the Palestinians surrendered?

Good point.

Can anyone supply that information?

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