Masks DO NOT WORK says CNN reporting on a NEW YORK TIMES article about a bunch of medical studies. None of them work. It was all politics.

Actually it isn't a vaccine, there's that. A vaccine is not supposed to alter your immune system. A vaccine is supposed to allow the immune system to fight off the infection. That isn't what this jab does. Sorry!!!! Learn some science before you post in here, your own words.
Thanks for your stupid opinion Dr. Jackass
Thanks for your stupid opinion Dr. Jackass
The fact you respond to me like this exposes your lack of knowledge between virus and bacteria protection. If you actually did do any research you would have found out that viruses are smaller in size than bacteria. Masks were not manufactured for viruses but for bacteria for health industries. I wish, truly, once, you stupid fks would at least discuss factual data. You can't! It seems that is outside your knowledge set.
This is a lot more about politics than science. If there's a science involved it's the science of crowd control and mass obeisance. I'm certainly not an epidemiologist but a cursory knowledge of science coupled with entry level statistical examination leads one to the inevitable conclusion that masks were pretty much a waste of time. I suppose insofar as they brought a certain amount of mental and emotional peace to people they had a value.
Catering to fears while avoiding facts

Go to about the 4:30 mark.

It is what we have been saying all along….and then Fauci disagrees somehow, saying some unintelligible nonsense about “It will protect the individual, but not the whole….”

Fauci disagrees WITH THE SCIENCE.




IF god really exists, why does he allow you to breathe the same air as regular, normal, decent, honest human beings??
The data says the exact opposite.

Of course you don't care. You parrot what TheParty tells you to parrot.
Um... No it doesn't. There are no instances of great disparity showing less infection rate because of masking.
If anything the pestilence was delayed but still not deterred.

Um... No it doesn't. There are no instances of great disparity showing less infection rate because of masking.
If anything the pestilence was delayed but still not deterred.

Requiring masking outdoors PROTECTED the virus. UV radiation from the Sun destroys viruses in under 2 minutes, by requiring masking the anti science loons protected it.
There's NO such thing as a Flu VACCINE, idiot.

...pretty sure even the other nutbags facepalmed at that.

You calling someone else an idiot while saying this is just a cherry on top.

It's no coincidence that almost all antivaxxer losers are Trumptards. Only the most addled and senile kook-losers will fall for such reality-defying conspiracies, and only the most corrupt Stalinist apparatchiks will embrace the evil of such death cults.

That's why they congregate in online SafeSpaces. In them, they can pretend that they're not despised by decent society.
It's no coincidence that almost all antivaxxer losers are Trumptards. Only the most addled and senile kook-losers will fall for such reality-defying conspiracies, and only the most corrupt Stalinist apparatchiks will embrace the evil of such death cults.

That's why they congregate in online SafeSpaces. In them, they can pretend that they're not despised by decent society.

It's no coincidence that morons driving in their cars wearing masks are all progressive morons, like you.

Don't forget your booster!
The study quoted there did not say masks don't work. The brainwashed antivaxxers are off on another weird propaganda campaign.

The big flaw? Most of the studies don't address COVID, and in the cases they address, masks were only worn briefly. The two studies that were done after the start of COVID showed that masks helped.

The CDC has a better summary of the research.

I personally prefer the left keep wearing masks. It's helpful in many ways.

1. You know who the morons are at a glance.
2. It hides the ugly among us. Especially leftist women!
3. Its good for daily laughter which is good psychology.
I've noticed the number of antivaxxers gradually declining.

Darwin, he always wins in the end.
I've noticed the number of antivaxxers gradually declining.

Darwin, he always wins in the end.

Really? Where?

There's a LOT more progbots gone than there are critical thinkers.
It's no coincidence that almost all antivaxxer losers are Trumptards. Only the most addled and senile kook-losers will fall for such reality-defying conspiracies, and only the most corrupt Stalinist apparatchiks will embrace the evil of such death cults.

That's why they congregate in online SafeSpaces. In them, they can pretend that they're not despised by decent society.
remember that slaves must comply or else!!! you are a good little slave.

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