Masks DO NOT WORK says CNN reporting on a NEW YORK TIMES article about a bunch of medical studies. None of them work. It was all politics.

There is a reason our parents told us to not go under the covers in bed. It’s unhealthy to breathe back in your own exhaust especially immediately in a confined area
Lib loons would have benefitted from two tiered parenting.
There is a reason our parents told us to not go under the covers in bed. It’s unhealthy to breathe back in your own exhaust especially immediately in a confined area
And yet it's only the antivaxxers here who clearly delight in inhaling their own farts.

I mean, look at their posts.
It's no coincidence that almost all antivaxxer losers are Trumptards. Only the most addled and senile kook-losers will fall for such reality-defying conspiracies, and only the most corrupt Stalinist apparatchiks will embrace the evil of such death cults.

That's why they congregate in online SafeSpaces. In them, they can pretend that they're not despised by decent society.

Here's what we got from you geniuses:

1910-1030 comprises the culmination of all our sciences

It's stood for a good 3 decades

So ask , why are the useful idiots here challenging it now?

Hey "thinker" did you figure out what the word "vaccine" means yet?

Long before you, moron. Your argument about that subject was with somebody else.

Lose track of your sock puppets did ya?
Ok lets test that mr "thinker" - is there such thing as Flu vaccine ?

Of course. Its efficacy is marginal. I have never had one. I don’t tend to get sick.

Hell, one of my wife's friends is a nurse, and she caught the newest strain of COVID, so she invited us over for an infection party.

My wife caught it, and it presented in two days.

I swapped spit with my wife for three solid days before I finally caught it. I am on day two, and other than being tired, am fine.

Interestingly, I am fighting a bacterial infection in my upper gum, and my antibiotics ran out. So, I replenished.

But I haven't started the new prescription yet because the COVID seems to be wiping out the bacterial infection.

I will know more tomorrow.
she caught the newest strain of COVID, so she invited us over for an infection wife caught it, and it presented in two days....I swapped spit with my wife for three solid days before I finally caught it.....COVID seems to be wiping out the bacterial infection

Yep, this "thinker" here, "thinks" himself into getting double-infected ON PURPOSE.


Darwinism in action.

But hey, good on you to at least know that flu vaccine is real.
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Darwinism in action.

Infection parties are old school. Were you not a science denier you would know that.

Covid is nothing. It is a mild disease so long as you have no comorbities, Only retards, like you, believe the propaganda.
So are STDs, doesn't make it smart.
Sure it is. Chickenpox as a kid is nothing. As an adult it is debilitating. That's why chickenpox infection parties were common.

Same thing with covid, and any other mild disease. Get it, get over it, and you are immune.

You silly people trust a treatment, sold to you as a vaccine, and call us stupid.

Look in the mirror when you say that from now on.
Yep, just a mild desease that cut American life expectancy for the first time since Influenza pandddemic in 1918.


Your so called vaccine had more to do with that, bub. We have reams of proof that the covid death rate was grossly inflated.
Yep, just a mild desease that cut American life expectancy for the first time since Influenza pandddemic in 1918.

Stop deflecting, asshole.


Medical science proves it.

Physics and chemistry prove it.

Only ignorant science denying leftarded dimwits claim otherwise.

There will be no more mask mandates.

America will IGNORE the dumb fucking assholes who claim masks mitigate Covid.

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