Masks DO NOT WORK says CNN reporting on a NEW YORK TIMES article about a bunch of medical studies. None of them work. It was all politics.

That's not mask mechanics, you idiot.

How long does it take an 80 nm virus to penetrate a 92 nm mask?

You know what the answer is?


That's mask mechanics.

Fourteen seconds in industrial air and you have the virus, mask or no mask.

Stop pretending you know anything about science.

That doesn't at all address what I've explained about the masks and how the virus spreads in the moisture particles coming out of you.

READ the post before trying to refute it.
I can send the link to a friend but I can't post it here.
Yep, this "thinker" here, "thinks" himself into getting double-infected ON PURPOSE.


Darwinism in action.

But hey, good on you to at least know that flu vaccine is real.
You never heard mothers use to do that for their babies? You know nothing
Infection parties are old school. Were you not a science denier you would know that.

Covid is nothing. It is a mild disease so long as you have no comorbities, Only retards, like you, believe the propaganda.
“Comorbities“ ? You must mean being a Republican . They continuously died at a higher rate during covid…
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Infection parties are old school. Were you not a science denier you would know that.

Covid is nothing. It is a mild disease so long as you have no comorbities, Only retards, like you, believe the propaganda.
Keep dying at higher rates. Those who believe you won’t be around to cheer you on. They’ll be dead.
We have reams of proof that the covid death rate was grossly inflated.
Of course, you never produce it. That’s a Tucker line you stole. You know Tucker, the guy who says one thing while getting his vaccines and boosters.
So no, you can't cite any medical source for your batshit crazy claims.

Here is dictionary definition of the meaning of vaccine:

: a preparation that is administered (as by injection) to stimulate the body's immune response against a specific infectious agent or disease

Covid-19 vaccines simulate Covid-19 infection in the body, training the body to respond to it. In what way are they NOT vaccines?

You can call it a vaccine, but unlike other noted vaccines, it qualifies as a “leaky” vaccine. And that can be nasty in the long run. I will not be a party to that.

No, dumbass. They don’t. They work against bacteria, but not viruses.

A virus is multiple times smaller than a bacteria. So much so that billions can live on the tip of a pin.

The webbing of a mask would have to be so tight that to keep a virus, or billions of viruses from escape, it would suffocate the wearer.
You clearly don't understand the mechanics of the particles involved.

I trying to explain to you, but you aren't getting it.

Mask does't stop all covid-particles from getting out, it just limits their flow coming out of you.

So if 1000 particles of Covid-19 are traveling out of your throat, part of them would settle on your mask along with the moisture that carries them and the remainder would get through on finer particles, but because your airflow is limited, they would travel much shorter and settle on the ground faster instead of gliding around in the air. Without the mask more particles shoot out and their spread has much more reach.
Son, you can’t understand viruses vs bacteria and the science is beyond your knowledge set
Another dumb uninformed statement. Masked do and did work, and science verified it.
More libtard lies. ^^^

There is NOT ONE single solitary piece of evidence indicating that masks had ANY EFFECT AT ALL on Covid.

Not one.

Even CNN finally had to admit it.

But idiot leftards like this ^^^ person still buy into the propaganda and the lies.

More libtard lies. ^^^

There is NOT ONE single solitary piece of evidence indicating that masks had ANY EFFECT AT ALL on Covid.

Not one.

Even CNN finally had to admit it.

But idiot leftards like this ^^^ person still buy into the propaganda and the lies.

Prove it. Post it

Its so easy to make you MAGA morons look foolish.
Another dumb uninformed statement. Masked do and did work, and science verified it.
Why didn’t infections stop? In fact, they went up. That’s why your dishonest demofks went to two!! Hahaha when facts support us
Because you MAGA morons stick then up you ass instead of wearing them.
That’s half the country and infectious behavior went to the demofks. They couldn’t advertise enough at how they got sick so fking frequently and my family no one. Follow facts and learn

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