Masks DO NOT WORK says CNN reporting on a NEW YORK TIMES article about a bunch of medical studies. None of them work. It was all politics.

When you wear the mask on your chin instead of mouth and nose....

Cut a hole in the mask so you can smoke a cigar....

Constantly remove the mask and put it back on while in public....

It is not going to keep you from not infecting anyone else. Everyone around you is going to catch covid from you.
Read the OP, moron.

You know diddly about squat.
That’s it dufus ? No evidence.
Nothing ? OPs reference summary said this.
Covid is a respiratory virus
They recommend wearing mask dipshit.
So far you and your tardy have produced NOTHING.
So, you can’t read your own shit.

Physical measures to try to prevent respiratory viruses spreading between people include:

· washing hands often;

· not touching your eyes, nose, or mouth;

· sneezing or coughing into your elbow;

· wiping surfaces with disinfectant;

· wearing masks, eye protection, gloves, and protective gowns;

· avoiding contact with other people (isolation or quarantine);

· keeping a certain distance away from other people (distancing); and

· examining people entering a country for signs of infection (screening).
That’s it dufus ? No evidence.
Nothing ? OPs reference summary said this.
Covid is a respiratory virus
They recommend wearing mask dipshit.
So far you and your tardy have produced NOTHING.
So, you can’t read your own shit.

Physical measures to try to prevent respiratory viruses spreading between people include:

· washing hands often;

· not touching your eyes, nose, or mouth;

· sneezing or coughing into your elbow;

· wiping surfaces with disinfectant;

· wearing masks, eye protection, gloves, and protective gowns;

· avoiding contact with other people (isolation or quarantine);

· keeping a certain distance away from other people (distancing); and

· examining people entering a country for signs of infection (screening).
If they told you to jump off a cliff, you would
That’s it dufus ? No evidence.
Nothing ? OPs reference summary said this.
Covid is a respiratory virus
They recommend wearing mask dipshit.
So far you and your tardy have produced NOTHING.
So, you can’t read your own shit.

Physical measures to try to prevent respiratory viruses spreading between people include:

· washing hands often;

· not touching your eyes, nose, or mouth;

· sneezing or coughing into your elbow;

· wiping surfaces with disinfectant;

· wearing masks, eye protection, gloves, and protective gowns;

· avoiding contact with other people (isolation or quarantine);

· keeping a certain distance away from other people (distancing); and

· examining people entering a country for signs of infection (screening).
None of that is mask mechanics, you brainless idiot.

YES, we should all do what our mothers told us when we were two years old.

Libtards are complete fucking morons.
I can send the link to a friend but I can't post it here.
? Once you copy link just paste it into text box here.

Hold down in the text box and a pop-up should come up with PASTE as one of the options.
The fantasy to handicap all Americans has been discredited.
Well, the attempt by MAGA morons continues. Of course they never had any evidence as to why every hospital and medical research facility in the country is wrong and only these maga morons are right.
None of that is mask mechanics, you brainless idiot.

YES, we should all do what our mothers told us when we were two years old.

Libtards are complete fucking morons.
Mask mechanics ? I’m suppose to impressed by a phrase you stole to sound smarter than Harvard Med ? Nope bubba.
You brainless morons are still trying to play politics with my health.

Go fuck yourself.
Your health ? You think anyone personally gives a shit about the health of illiterate MAGA morons ? Nope. But Harvard Med does.
That’s half the country and infectious behavior went to the demofks. They couldn’t advertise enough at how they got sick so fking frequently and my family no one. Follow facts and learn
Wrong. Only the infection rates of MAGA morons went up. Your death rates from covid did too. But keep not washing your hands and pissing on each other, by all means. .
That’s it ? No other reference, no link, just a MAGA moron claim that mask wearing is like jumping off a cliff ?
I posted links back during the mask madness. Virus vs bacteria. Junior, until you can tell me the difference, I’m not rehashing your limitations
The study quoted there did not say masks don't work. The brainwashed antivaxxers are off on another weird propaganda campaign.

The big flaw? Most of the studies don't address COVID, and in the cases they address, masks were only worn briefly. The two studies that were done after the start of COVID showed that masks helped.

The CDC has a better summary of the research.

"The pooled results of RCTs did not show a clear reduction in respiratory viral infection with the use of medical/surgical masks. There were no clear differences between the use of medical/surgical masks compared with N95/P2 respirators in healthcare workers when used in routine care to reduce respiratory viral infection. "


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