Masks DO NOT WORK says CNN reporting on a NEW YORK TIMES article about a bunch of medical studies. None of them work. It was all politics.

Movie the giver!! About sameness! Injections to forget your memories
? Once you copy link just paste it into text box here.

Hold down in the text box and a pop-up should come up with PASTE as one of the options.
Anton, do you know what pleiomorphic means?

Go look it up.

Here, I will offer some science to assist you.

Well, the attempt by MAGA morons continues. Of course they never had any evidence as to why every hospital and medical research facility in the country is wrong and only these maga morons are right.
Yes .. the CDC is a moron for recommending proper protocols, which a majority of Americans certainly didn't follow, because there was no education on it.

How many people, including you most likely, wore a mask more than once? Stored it in the center console or in the door? Didn't wash their hands after touching their mask? Didn't wash their masks?

Who is the moron to have a false sense of hope and follow the left's religion of COVID and it's religious symbol -- the mask?


Cloth masks have been used in healthcare and community settings to protect the wearer from respiratory infections. The use of cloth masks during the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic is under debate. The filtration effectiveness of cloth masks is generally lower than that of medical masks and respirators; however, cloth masks may provide some protection if well designed and used correctly. Multilayer cloth masks, designed to fit around the face and made of water-resistant fabric with a high number of threads and finer weave, may provide reasonable protection. Until a cloth mask design is proven to be equally effective as a medical or N95 mask, wearing cloth masks should not be mandated for healthcare workers. In community settings, however, cloth masks may be used to prevent community spread of infections by sick or asymptomatically infected persons, and the public should be educated about their correct use.
It was all a dog and pony show to hamper Americans and hamstring Trump.
Throw us into a state of fear like lib loons perpetually live in. 10% of us had this right from day 1 and 90% wanted us locked up and now 90% have joined the truth troops.
Libs are frantic that their pet hoax got old and crippled.
Yes .. the CDC is a moron for recommending proper protocols, which a majority of Americans certainly didn't follow, because there was no education on it.

How many people, including you most likely, wore a mask more than once? Stored it in the center console or in the door? Didn't wash their hands after touching their mask? Didn't wash their masks?

Who is the moron to have a false sense of hope and follow the left's religion of COVID and it's religious symbol -- the mask?
And, you’re smarter than every medical research facility in the world. Why don’t you get off your ass and actually read how masking helps instead of making up shit.
And, you’re smarter than every medical research facility in the world. Why don’t you get off your ass and actually read how masking helps instead of making up shit.
Read the ignorant bullshit from the leftards?

Not a chance.

Fraudci and company are abject leftard liars. Their word is worthless. LESS than worthless, it's actually dangerous.

Fraudci himself said the purpose of masking was to prevent the populace from panicking. It was all political from the git go.

So our hospitals get overwhelmed by a simple fucking flu, that's because Fraudci the political asshole refused to let them prescribe medications that actually work.

You may not realize this, but hospitals made a TON of money on Covid. It kept several hospital chains from going bankrupt.
Read the ignorant bullshit from the leftards?

Not a chance.

Fraudci and company are abject leftard liars. Their word is worthless. LESS than worthless, it's actually dangerous.

Fraudci himself said the purpose of masking was to prevent the populace from panicking. It was all political from the git go.

So our hospitals get overwhelmed by a simple fucking flu, that's because Fraudci the political asshole refused to let them prescribe medications that actually work.

You may not realize this, but hospitals made a TON of money on Covid. It kept several hospital chains from going bankrupt.

Read the ignorant bullshit from the leftards?

Not a chance.

Fraudci and company are abject leftard liars. Their word is worthless. LESS than worthless, it's actually dangerous.

Fraudci himself said the purpose of masking was to prevent the populace from panicking. It was all political from the git go.

So our hospitals get overwhelmed by a simple fucking flu, that's because Fraudci the political asshole refused to let them prescribe medications that actually work.

You may not realize this, but hospitals made a TON of money on Covid. It kept several hospital chains from going bankrupt.
All made up shit…..go ahead….complete speech or publication link…
Read the ignorant bullshit from the leftards?

Not a chance.

Fraudci and company are abject leftard liars. Their word is worthless. LESS than worthless, it's actually dangerous.

Fraudci himself said the purpose of masking was to prevent the populace from panicking. It was all political from the git go.

So our hospitals get overwhelmed by a simple fucking flu, that's because Fraudci the political asshole refused to let them prescribe medications that actually work.

You may not realize this, but hospitals made a TON of money on Covid. It kept several hospital chains from going bankrupt.
As usual, all bullshit. No,links, just babble. Even the OP is babble in his claim.

Easy peasy.

Fauci was all over the map on masks, to hide the simple fact that HE DIDN'T KNOW.

The fucktard bureaucrat said this

And he also said this

Fauci is an ignorant bureaucrat. He hasn't set foot in a laboratory for 30 years.

But hey, if you want to listen to that idiot go right ahead. I personally have done more work with viruses than Anthony Fauci has, I'll stick with the science.
It was all a dog and pony show to hamper Americans and hamstring Trump.
Throw us into a state of fear like lib loons perpetually live in. 10% of us had this right from day 1 and 90% wanted us locked up and now 90% have joined the truth troops.
Libs are frantic that their pet hoax got old and crippled.
It was for cheating 2020
Easy peasy.

Fauci was all over the map on masks, to hide the simple fact that HE DIDN'T KNOW.

The fucktard bureaucrat said this

And he also said this

Fauci is an ignorant bureaucrat. He hasn't set foot in a laboratory for 30 years.

But hey, if you want to listen to that idiot go right ahead. I personally have done more work with viruses than Anthony Fauci has, I'll stick with the science.
Ha Ha Ha
You are a dufus. Can you do any better maga moron ? The Mayo Clinic agrees with Fauci

He was perfectly right. Read the entire statement….what a dufus you are. Most typical cloth and paper masks are NOT DESIGNED TO STOP THE VIRUS IDIOT. No one ever said they do did for surgical and lower masks ever claimed they did…..

the exception is for the n95 and higher level masks.

They are designed to minimize the droplets they travel on stupid. It’s no diferent for any viral infection idiot. They are designed to minimize the droplets of aerosol stupid .Here you go dufus…right in line with Fauci,
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At this stage, we'd like to once more thank the antivaxxer morons for helping Democrats win elections.

First, they help kill off a lot of conservative voteres.

Second, they're such vile humans, no decent person wants to be associated with them.
At this stage, we'd like to once more thank the antivaxxer morons for helping Democrats win elections.

First, they help kill off a lot of conservative voteres.

Second, they're such vile humans, no decent person wants to be associated with them.

We’d like to thank the MEGA morons who forced the denier lunatics away from being vaxxed and making them sick and depleted their attendance at the polls. Thank them. It cost them an election; you’re stupidity is driving more and more republicans into voting for Biden. They made Biden president with their insane candidates. Ha ha
Loser Trump has lost since. The left is afraid they might not run this felon
I posted links back during the mask madness. Virus vs bacteria. Junior, until you can tell me the difference, I’m not rehashing your limitations
Did you post links from sources like Mayo clinic ? If you dint, it’s still your version of the same old bullshit.
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Did you post links from sources like Mayo clinic ? If you dint, it’s still your version of the same old bullshit.
They’re the only say? Hahaha haha still waiting on is there a difference virus vs bacteria and what is it! Were masks made for bacteria or virus? Mayonnaise
They’re the only say? Hahaha haha still waiting on is there a difference virus vs bacteria and what is it! Were masks made for bacteria or virus? Mayonnaise
They and every other medical research facility that mega morons think they are smarter than. You want a list….Google medical reserch facilities.
Bacteria vs virus….what a dufus. Its Not that comparison for non medical personell. dufus. It’s aerosol and droplet control bubba.

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