Masks DO NOT WORK says CNN reporting on a NEW YORK TIMES article about a bunch of medical studies. None of them work. It was all politics.

Not with a virus. Virology labs use full body suits, that are pressurized so if there is a puncture air can only go one way...out.

And, even with that, people still get infected. therefore virology labs are stupid to wear pressurized full body suits? :cuckoo:

Help me out buddy, I'm running out of facepalm memes for all the silly nonsense you post around here.
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You fucking moron.


Are you really this fucking stupid?

Wait, don't answer that question.

(We already know the answer).
You’re an idiot. Read the Mayo mask description.
You fool. Masks do not stop a virus. they don’t have to idiot To be effective. Virus you fool, don’t fly like birds. They ride on droplets. MASKS HELP STOP THESE DROPLETS FROM EVEN BEING EMITTED.

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No he did not…..that’s unadulterated bullshit.
Even the op video shows fauci saying, “ masks work” no different than Harvard med, Mayo Clinic or JHU…
and every Fking hospital in the modern world.
Have you fking clicked your heals three times MAGA moron ?
Last edited: therefore virology labs are stupid to wear pressurized full body suits? :cuckoo:

Help me out buddy, I'm running out of facepalm memes for all the silly nonsense you post around here.
This is the umpteenth time that MAGA morons have used links, they think or claim supports them yet upon actual reading, does just the opposite.
We're talking SCIENCE. Mask mechanics. Not political fucking platitudes
You aren’t using science. You have no links referring to any medical research facility. “ mask mechanics”

Go to the Mayo Clinic or JHU instead of sounding like a fool. therefore virology labs are stupid to wear pressurized full body suits? :cuckoo:

Help me out buddy, I'm running out of facepalm memes for all the silly nonsense you post around hThere.

You're like a simpleton. I say something, and you reverse it 180 degrees.

I said they MUST wear pressurized suits, so any moron who thinks a face diaper is going to stop a virus is a full blown idiot.
It’s airborne you jackass.

Post the mayo link that backs your statement
Posted it already bubba….now it’s your turn. Droplets only become airborne when propelled by breathing. Ever notice how your own glasses fog up when wear a mask ? Oh, that’s right, you’re a freedom fan who sneezes on anyone passing by.
You’re talking about technology that’s been around for a decade and the only person who wants to control your personal freedom, is Trump, MAGA morons and the gop.
Sounds like election fraud where the right whines about left, and it’s only the right who have been prosecuted for it.
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Posted it already bubba….now it’s your turn. Droplets only become airborne when propelled by breathing. Ever notice how your own glasses fog up when wear a mask ? Oh, that’s right, you’re a freedom fan who sneezes on anyone passing by.

And I’m still alive.

You're like a simpleton. I say something, and you reverse it 180 degrees.

I said they MUST wear pressurized suits, so any moron who thinks a face diaper is going to stop a virus is a full blown idiot.
Nah. You’re just so poorly informed it’s hilarious. Face masks inhibit droplets, pressurized suits inhibit the actual virus. You see bubba, to put this in terms you understand, virus are really, really, really tiny. Droplets are the mechanism they use to travel through the air…..BIG SHIT.
So you can’t post a link either, just, “ I’m alive”
I agree, you do have to be alive to be foolish.
I’ve posted plenty. You’ve ignored them.

I should be dead right? Because I didn’t fall for the false sense of security that the leaky vaccine and masks supplied?

And yet, here I am.
Nah. You’re just so poorly informed it’s hilarious. Face masks inhibit droplets, pressurized suits inhibit the actual virus. You see bubba, to put this in terms you understand, virus are really, really, really tiny. Droplets are the mechanism they use to travel through the air…..BIG SHIT.

So the virus doesn’t just travel on droplets. You just said as much. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
I’ve posted plenty. You’ve ignored them.

I should be dead right? Because I didn’t fall for the false sense of security that the leaky vaccine and masks supplied?

And yet, here I am.
That‘s your version of a link ? “ here I am”
Posted it already bubba….now it’s your turn. Droplets only become airborne when propelled by breathing. Ever notice how your own glasses fog up when wear a mask ? Oh, that’s right, you’re a freedom fan who sneezes on anyone passing by.
Post #
Ha Ha Ha
You are a dufus. Can you do any better maga moron ? The Mayo Clinic agrees with Fauci

He was perfectly right. Read the entire statement….what a dufus you are. Most typical cloth and paper masks are NOT DESIGNED TO STOP THE VIRUS IDIOT. No one ever said they do did for surgical and lower masks ever claimed they did…..

the exception is for the n95 and higher level masks.

They are designed to minimize the droplets they travel on stupid. It’s no diferent for any viral infection idiot. They are designed to minimize the droplets of aerosol stupid .Here you go dufus…right in line with Fauci,
I don’t see any word of stopping wuhan?

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