Masks DO NOT WORK says CNN reporting on a NEW YORK TIMES article about a bunch of medical studies. None of them work. It was all politics.

Masks do not stop a virus. they don’t have to idiot To be effective. Virus you fool, don’t fly like birds. They ride on droplets. MASKS HELP STOP THESE DROPLETS FROM EVEN BEING EMITTED.
So when we got to a hospital, they have masks on all the you are telling me they are all infected and trying not to spread their virus to us?
I’m smarter than you….you’re a troll.
Your lack of response implies you concede? Virus vs bacteria? Difference?

I’ll give you another chance to show everyone you aren’t a troll! BTW, post # on mayo link?
Isn’t it amazing how loud the demofks are about science, yet can’t explain the difference between viruses and bacteria.
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I'm done with these morons.

This thread is a perfect example of why this country is in so much trouble

These fucking leftards are STUPID.

They surf to the Mayo clinic, read Fauci's drivel, and STOP THERE.

They don't bother to read the actual science.

They WILLFULLY ignore the actual science, because Fraudci tells them what they want to hear.

These idiots are terminally stupid, and I'm done with them.
You're like a simpleton. I say something, and you reverse it 180 degrees.

I said they MUST wear pressurized suits, so any moron who thinks a face diaper is going to stop a virus is a full blown idiot.

yes dummy, they must, even though you say it is still possible to get infected.

Same applies to masks, because 100% efficacy IS NOT THE STANDARD. They help reduce the viral spread, even if not entirely block it.

Get it?
Lost another debate so you’re shifting gears. They teach you that at the MAGA moron class.
It’s called reading.

Mayo says,
Also follow these tips to prevent illness:

“Wash your hands with soap and water.
Keep your hands away from the face”

Tell me how you can put a mask on without putting your hands to your face! And you I know are far too stupid to understand what they are talking about
I'm done with these morons.

This thread is a perfect example of why this country is in so much trouble

These fucking leftards are STUPID.

They surf to the Mayo clinic, read Fauci's drivel, and STOP THERE.

They don't bother to read the actual science.

They WILLFULLY ignore the actual science, because Fraudci tells them what they want to hear.

These idiots are terminally stupid, and I'm done with them.

Yep, you have nothing to support your bs.

Run along nutbag.
yes dummy, they must, even though you say it is still possible to get infected.

Same applies to masks, because 100% efficacy IS NOT THE STANDARD. They help reduce the viral spread, even if not entirely block it.

Get it?
yes dummy, they must, even though it is still possible to get infected.

Same applies to masks, because 100% efficacy IS NOT THE STANDARD. They help reduce the viral spread, even if doesn’t entirely block it.

Get it?

No, dumbass. Face diapers have ZERO effect on viruses. That is PROVEN beyond doubt.

Simpletons, like you, ignore science because you have your religion telling you what to do.
Yep, you have nothing, run along nutbag.
Do you need your hands to put on a mask? Mayo Clinic’s guidance?

“Also follow these tips to prevent illness:

Wash your hands with soap and water.
Keep your hands away from the face.“
No, dumbass. Face diapers have ZERO effect on viruses. That is PROVEN beyond doubt.

Simpletons, like you, ignore science because you have your religion telling you what to do.

Where has it been proven?

You were shown studies that show they help.

You were explained the mechanics of how masks work to reduce spread.

In response all you have are baseless assertions that it’s not so and you imagine yourself to have proven something?

You live on the fucking moon.

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