Masks DO NOT WORK says CNN reporting on a NEW YORK TIMES article about a bunch of medical studies. None of them work. It was all politics.

Anton, do you know what pleiomorphic means?

Go look it up.

Here, I will offer some science to assist you. does any have to do with you quoting instruction to paste a link?

If you have an actual response to what I've explained about mask use, then post it, I'm not interested in irrelevant bs.

Go to about the 4:30 mark.

It is what we have been saying all along….and then Fauci disagrees somehow, saying some unintelligible nonsense about “It will protect the individual, but not the whole….”

Fauci disagrees WITH THE SCIENCE.




That study had nothing to do with the efficacy of masks.

Masks work:

Masks work when most people in society wear them during a nationwide deadly pandemic.
They and every other medical research facility that mega morons think they are smarter than. You want a list….Google medical reserch facilities.
Bacteria vs virus….what a dufus. Its Not that comparison for non medical personell. dufus. It’s aerosol and droplet control bubba.
It’s airborne you jackass.

Post the mayo link that backs your statement
The study quoted there did not say masks don't work. The brainwashed antivaxxers are off on another weird propaganda campaign.

The big flaw? Most of the studies don't address COVID, and in the cases they address, masks were only worn briefly. The two studies that were done after the start of COVID showed that masks helped.

The CDC has a better summary of the research.

Wow. Closest I've ever come in DECADES on agreeing with the Mamooth. Let's join up and school these clowns on the defining what "works".

Masks work if YOU'RE sick and want to go see a doctor. Because they greatly REDUCE the flow of crap coming out your facial orifices if you cough or sneeze.

Even surgical masks are worn to protect YOU -- not the doctors.

This explanation that masks didn't work because they didn't stop the spread of covid is juvenile horseshit. And it was juvenile horseshit when politicians and public officials PROMISED it would STOP anything.

It's not an "all or none" rating for what masks were EVER capable of doing during Covid. That and people were never instructed how to wear, clean, replace them properly anyways.
Masks only work if they're the right kind, and then only if you use them properly.

Any mask you can buy at 7/11, or get for free on the bus train or plane, is completely worthless.

If you get an N92 and SEAL it around your face, it might help. Maybe.

However the Covid virus is still airborne, any form of industrial air will completely defeat the mask.

You got the 1st part right.

But even with the right mask and fit -- it's never a matter of "defeating" a mask. A mask just attenuates the transmission by a known number under ideal conditions. There are no N100% masks without full Hazmat gear.

In a LOT of cases,, just attenuating the exhale or sneeze or cough by 20% is significant in reducing spread.
That study had nothing to do with the efficacy of masks.

Masks work:

Masks work when most people in society wear them during a nationwide deadly pandemic.

No, they don't. Try reading the later studies.

You are stuck on stupid with the EARLY studies.
You got the 1st part right.

But even with the right mask and fit -- it's never a matter of "defeating" a mask. A mask just attenuates the transmission by a known number under ideal conditions. There are no N100% masks without full Hazmat gear.

In a LOT of cases,, just attenuating the exhale or sneeze or cough by 20% is significant in reducing spread.

Not with a virus. Virology labs use full body suits, that are pressurized so if there is a puncture air can only go one way...out.

And, even with that, people still get infected.
Ha Ha Ha
You are a dufus. Can you do any better maga moron ? The Mayo Clinic agrees with Fauci

He was perfectly right. Read the entire statement….what a dufus you are. Most typical cloth and paper masks are NOT DESIGNED TO STOP THE VIRUS IDIOT. No one ever said they do did for surgical and lower masks ever claimed they did…..

the exception is for the n95 and higher level masks.

They are designed to minimize the droplets they travel on stupid. It’s no diferent for any viral infection idiot. They are designed to minimize the droplets of aerosol stupid .Here you go dufus…right in line with Fauci,
You fucking moron.


Are you really this fucking stupid?

Wait, don't answer that question.

(We already know the answer). does any have to do with you quoting instruction to paste a link?

If you have an actual response to what I've explained about mask use, then post it, I'm not interested in irrelevant bs.
What YOU posted is irrelevant garbage.

We're talking SCIENCE. Mask mechanics. Not political fucking platitudes

Bring some SCIENCE to the table or shut the fuck up.

"Wash your hands" is not science, you dumb fucking moron.

Everyone's starting to think you're incapable of dealing in science.

You think "advice" is science.

Well, IT AINT.

No, they don't. Try reading the later studies.

You are stuck on stupid with the EARLY studies.
You're a shithead if you think wearing a mask doesn't reduce exposure.

Masks are extremely effective in eliminating exposure in public crowded venues, the problem is that assholes like you refuse to wear them. The mask prevents your infected saliva from coming in contact with others. In other words, the mask protects others, and then I wear my mask and I protect you. When you're wearing a mask in public you're saying:

"I'm protecting you, so can you please protect me by wearing your mask?"

If you have a few people in a room without masks, that reduces the effectiveness of the mask. So the masks are effective, it's the miscreant, sociopathic shitheads who refuse to wear them, who are the problem. Everyone or a significant majority needs to wear the masks, for it to be effective.
What YOU posted is irrelevant garbage.

We're talking SCIENCE. Mask mechanics. Not political fucking platitudes

Bring some SCIENCE to the table or shut the fuck up.

"Wash your hands" is not science, you dumb fucking moron.

Everyone's starting to think you're incapable of dealing in science.

You think "advice" is science.

Well, IT AINT.


Moron, tell me what part of this is "political platitudes":

Let me repost the edit:

Mask does't stop all covid-particles from getting out, it just limits their flow coming out of you.

So if 1000 particles of Covid-19 are traveling out of your throat, part of them would settle on your mask along with the moisture that carries them and the remainder would get through on finer particles, but because your airflow is limited, they would travel much shorter and settle on the ground faster instead of gliding around in the air. Without the mask more particles shoot out and their spread has much more reach.

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Bullshit, but then again, thats all you know.

CLAIM: Dr. Anthony Fauci “admitted” in a recent interview that face masks were a “failure.”



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