Masks DO NOT WORK says CNN reporting on a NEW YORK TIMES article about a bunch of medical studies. None of them work. It was all politics.

You realize you just posted that the CDC and Fauci shouldn’t be believed, right?

And you call others ignorant?

That was a question. Obviously, you think you’re smarter then every medical research facility in the world and every HOSPITAL.Name one hospital that doesn’t promote masking….
You can’t because you are MAGA MORONS.

Go to about the 4:30 mark.

It is what we have been saying all along….and then Fauci disagrees somehow, saying some unintelligible nonsense about “It will protect the individual, but not the whole….”

Fauci disagrees WITH THE SCIENCE.




Why do surgeons wear masks ? For effect ?
The demented LEFT says, "You MUST wear a mask to protect others!"
Completely illogical BULLSHIT. I have slight PTSD from the memory of seeing the DEMANDS to wear a mask on the fucking LI Expressway EVERY DAY in its Orwellian aberration of reality.
Masks CANNOT stop viruses, here's a demonstration; within EVERY vape exhale tiny airborne "droplet" lurks the potential of HOUSING a virus....
Do surgeons wear the crappy, cloth masks you were able to get on Amazon for a few bucks? You know .. the ones most people wore outside of healthcare?
Why don‘t you ask a doctor or goggle it ? Otherwise, you’re just trolling.
Why don‘t you ask or goggle it ? Otherwise, you’re just trolling.
The answer is obvious .. you know, from the CDC article I provided you about the efficacy of cloth masks and the appropriate protocols for wearing them.
The demented LEFT says, "You MUST wear a mask to protect others!"
Completely illogical BULLSHIT. I have slight PTSD from the memory of seeing the DEMANDS to wear a mask on the fucking LI Expressway EVERY DAY in its Orwellian aberration of reality.
Masks CANNOT stop viruses, here's a demonstration; within EVERY vape exhale tiny airborne "droplet" lurks the potential of HOUSING a virus....

And with up to a billion viruses being able to exist on the head of a pin, even the droplets that are invisable to the human eye, would contain millions.

Again, a mask that would contain such microscopic critters would suffocate the wearer.
The answer is obvious .. you know, from the CDC article I provided you about the efficacy of cloth masks and the appropriate protocols for we
The answer is obvious .. you know, from the CDC article I provided you about the efficacy of cloth masks and the appropriate protocols for wearing them.
Yes it is. Hospitals, the cdc, Fauci and every med research facility have it right.
And with up to a billion viruses being able to exist on the head of a pin, even the droplets that are invisable to the human eye, would contain millions.

Again, a mask that would contain such microscopic critters would suffocate the wearer.
Yes Dr….
And with up to a billion viruses being able to exist on the head of a pin, even the droplets that are invisable to the human eye, would contain millions.

Again, a mask that would contain such microscopic critters would suffocate the wearer.
It's sad that "common sense" is diminishing into depths I find hard to recognize anymore.
Thanks, Marxist zombies!
Yes Dr….
At the height of the covid 19 pandemic, an international award winning mathematician calculated, if you took every Covid 19 virus in the world, they would easily fit in a single 16 ounce soft drink can.

Your surgical masks are a pathetic attempt at control.
At the height of the covid 19 pandemic, an international award winning mathematician calculated, if you took every Covid 19 virus in the world, they would easily fit in a single 16 ounce soft drink can.

Your surgical masks are a pathetic attempt at control.
Yes Dr Norm. Tell Mayo Clinic you’re smarter than they are.
How many healthcare workers wore the same type of mask most people purchased at a local store or online? Educate us.
Why are you asking me ? Ask your local proctologist next time you have your rectum examed for brain cramps.
masks are one part of 1910-1030

which is the gold standard of all medical personel

Why are you asking me ? Ask your local proctologist next time you have your rectum examed for brain cramps.

You mean those masks that had warning labels that they aren’t intended to stop viral spread?

Those masks.

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