Mass media & IS united!


Senior Member
Jan 21, 2015
Fox News recently claimed that they post IS photos & videos to show the real violence of jihad. Islamic State militants demonstratively execute their victims filming it to make us blanche at the sight of blood. Their brutality attracts blood-thirsting bastards from all over the world to join their ranks. It’s a demonstration of power like «look, we commit crimes against humanity here and we remain unpunished!»

IS militants and their violence have become one of the main topics in the world news. Every murder is a great newsworthy event. Thanks to mass media! The more media covers the news about IS violence, the more their propaganda works.
Just think if there was an Isis airliner that disappeared into the Indian Ocean that was on its way to an Ebola/measles convention in Berkeley. CNN could stay busy 24/7 for a year and a half.
FOX NEWS is giving complete unedited coverage to ISIS produced propaganda. It's been a real ratings booster.
Hell the mainstream networks wont even admit ISIS is islamic, just like dear leader tells them.
Just kill ISIS with a ground and air coalition that involves islamic countries and ISIS will no longer exists.
Just kill ISIS with a ground and air coalition that involves islamic countries and ISIS will no longer exists.
And how many innocent citizens will be killed that way? How many soldiers will be lost? IS militants control whole towns and know how to shoot well because of training in special camps. They were trained to build the new state with the new order, and coalition forces soldiers are being trained to draw salary.
Just kill ISIS with a ground and air coalition that involves islamic countries and ISIS will no longer exists.
And how many innocent citizens will be killed that way? How many soldiers will be lost? IS militants control whole towns and know how to shoot well because of training in special camps. They were trained to build the new state with the new order, and coalition forces soldiers are being trained to draw salary.

Or we could continue to ignore the problem. Let them not just control towns, but whole regions. Heck - why not a whole country...wait...why just one??
Holy Sh*t
Just kill ISIS with a ground and air coalition that involves islamic countries and ISIS will no longer exists.
And how many innocent citizens will be killed that way? How many soldiers will be lost? IS militants control whole towns and know how to shoot well because of training in special camps. They were trained to build the new state with the new order, and coalition forces soldiers are being trained to draw salary.

Kill at all costs. Hell I'd launch a bunker buster bomb right in the middle of the entire city and have the airforce and ground troops ready when they start fleeing the city to open desert. Kill them all and take no one alive. Perhaps this way the Christians who fled would control the state and there will be peace and civility and a fresh start.

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