Mass shooting at Tennessee black party

Well you see there were these dumb whites on 1/6 that decided to riot and loot the Capitol of the United States. They even murdered a cop and caused quite a few cops to commit suicide. Talk about a disregard for law and order! However, justice prevailed and over 1k were jailed.
Unequal justice of the law.

It’s not. there are 3M more white single moms than black single moms. If you think one is an issue and the other isn’t I can’t help you.
Blacks are 12% of the population. When are you gonna stop trolling.

Trump supporters want to see poor black folks have a better life. You offer up no solutions. And we will continue to have a worse situation for black majority inner city communities with your type of attitude. Your behavior itt I think is part of the Democrat party but I think many Democrats know better, and they simply engage in their race baiting because it makes the money.

I’m certain you know better too but your constant trolling in this thread is really problematic. You’ve already resorted to lying about peoples view calling me racist, saying I’m stereotyping blacks with absolutely no evidence.

You need to go back and respond to the many points I’ve made , point by point because you haven’t done so.

I probably made 15 different points ant least and you’ve responded to perhaps one of them with your nonsensical point about 7 million whites and 3 million blacks.. and even then your response was insufficient and responded to. Blacks are 12% of the population. So you are intentionally trolling on that point and that is despicable behavior.

Maybe like some of the other BLM supporters in this thread you’re intention is to try and turn this into a flame war, and bait people into making a racist comments because you’re lacking substance.. That is a poor strategy…. you should at least try and be honest and bring some solutions to the table. And debate people with more sincerity and integrity.
Well you see there were these dumb whites on 1/6 that decided to riot and loot the Capitol of the United States. They even murdered a cop and caused quite a few cops to commit suicide. Talk about a disregard for law and order! However, justice prevailed and over 1k were jailed.
Countering a lie with a lie doesn’t make what you say the truth


Diamond Member​

That's what happens when you let too many of those savages gather in one place.

So all the black folks at this gathering are savages?
The ones who were the gang members shooting the guns absolutely. Of course they are savages.

And there’s also the problem of the broken English and ghetto language used in the video by some of those black youth. That is a bad culture and it’s not a part of the working class black community of American history and the present day. Wiggers are a problem as well.

You know I’ve criticized young white folks for their problems and you don’t seem to say anything about it. What’s up with that? Are you now racist against whites?

There’s some kind of poisonous problem with a portion of BLM Democrats. They only see what they want to see. Meanwhile, we continue to have problems in the so-called “hoods” of the USA. Yeah whites commit crimes, but blacks are overrepresented in the category of violent crime and robberies. Everyone in this thread who voted for Trump knows this. And even deep down inside a lot of Democrats know it as well.

It’s not racist to point out facts. It’s only racist of people refused to hire a qualified black for a job or if they think that blacks are inferior to whites or vice versa.

There is a massive difference in degraded dangerous black majority communities in the USA compared to white majority suburbs where you have nice restaurants, clean roads. And that’s a shame for the good hard-working Black people in the intercity communities.

citygator respond to these points without the name-calling and trolling

Explain why black majority communities of the day are riddled with crime, dilapidated homes. Are you living in a cave or something. I’m from Buffalo New York, and we have what is known as the Eastside and West side of Buffalo. They are black majority and they are dangerous areas. The roads are broken filled with potholes, the homes are dilapidated, there is a much higher percentage of crime and robberies in these areas compared to the white majority suburbs. Now are you going to be a troll and bring up the previous points You did about 7 million whites and 3 million blacks. Wow if you do so you’re a willing troll. You control all you want but you’re not changing anything. How about all those potholes and broken roads and no nice restaurants on the east side of Buffalo? Everybody in Buffalo knows this black or white people are afraid to go into these areas at night time. Now this is a more modern phenomenon that didn’t exist in America’s history. in some capacity, the white politicians are to blame for this. They don’t offer up solutions. They just blame white people, or they are not brave enough or simply have the common sense to just talk about these issues frankly and do something about it.

Explain why the middle-class was better in American history compared to today. Explain why the divorce rate and child born out of what rate is astronomical now among whites and blacks, and more so a problem with black folks.

Explain why we did not have school shootings in the American past like we do today.

Explain why we have politicians saying it’s OK for a man to go into a woman’s bathroom or a man to play on a woman’s sports team today.

Explain why vandalism and graffiti are found all over the USA. Explain why there is theft and violent crimes occurring even in malls in the USA. Explain why we have flash mob looting in the USA but not in countries like Japan.

john doe 101 now a troll like you hasn’t even read this far. Your behavior is a disgrace to America. You’re part of the problem.
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A lack of human decency and no respect for life will keep events like this alive regardless of skin tone
Modern day American culture is the problem. These issues you’re talking about simply don’t exist in countries like Japan or Singapore or Saudi Arabia. Or Thailand. There are no mass shootings in these countries. But there is in the USA today. But in the American past we did not have these problems.

You can go anywhere in Japan at any time of the day or night and you won’t get robbed or shot. Not in America today though.
How many times do people in America whether they’re white or black say to “be sure to lock your doors” if you’re in a certain area. Known as the hood

That phenomenon doesn’t exist in many other parts of the world. And it wasn’t a part of the American past.

Myself along with probably every Trump supporter in this thread Want to see a better life for all Americans black-and-white. We need to get rid of the mass school shootings, we need to get rid of flash mob looting. People shouldn’t feel scared to walk in certain areas of the country.
Well obviously you flunked math and percentage and I doubt your claim

Go learn and then respond
I do math for a living and everything I said is true. Percentages can’t be helped. Only people. And we both know none of you has an interest in policies for helping anyone. Just regurgitated bitching and moaning.
Trolling/making up other posters views/not responding to the points being made.

Go back to the many points I’ve made and respond to them point by point.

There was a reason why I had you on ignore before I think that might have to happen again.
You started this thread with a post disingenuously talking bout ghetto culture. Ridiculous. I don’t see you posting about the redneck meth lifestyle in West Virginia or Alabama. Just an obsession with black folk. Why?
You don't know WTF I bring, why would I come on an anyomous forum and talk about any solution in our community with racist and sell outs.
You bring nothing.

That's the point.
Blacks are 12% of the population. When are you gonna stop trolling.

Trump supporters want to see poor black folks have a better life. You offer up no solutions. And we will continue to have a worse situation for black majority inner city communities with your type of attitude. Your behavior itt I think is part of the Democrat party but I think many Democrats know better, and they simply engage in their race baiting because it makes the money.

I’m certain you know better too but your constant trolling in this thread is really problematic. You’ve already resorted to lying about peoples view calling me racist, saying I’m stereotyping blacks with absolutely no evidence.

You need to go back and respond to the many points I’ve made , point by point because you haven’t done so.

I probably made 15 different points ant least and you’ve responded to perhaps one of them with your nonsensical point about 7 million whites and 3 million blacks.. and even then your response was insufficient and responded to. Blacks are 12% of the population. So you are intentionally trolling on that point and that is despicable behavior.

Maybe like some of the other BLM supporters in this thread you’re intention is to try and turn this into a flame war, and bait people into making a racist comments because you’re lacking substance.. That is a poor strategy…. you should at least try and be honest and bring some solutions to the table. And debate people with more sincerity and integrity.
You haven’t offered up anything. You posted about bathrooms and ghetto culture. Words matter. Use them to make sense.

  • Education in poor communities is the number 1 issue. They are underfunded and should be over funded to make up for the additional challenges kids have. This disproportionately impacts communities of color.

  • Guaranteed childcare. When you can’t afford a job cuz you can’t afford day care single moms are in a circle of failure. This disproportionately impacts communities of color.

  • After education issues the biggest issue is healtcare. GOP is killing expanded Medicare. Disproportional impacts communities of color.
Basically how about not making life harder?
Modern day American culture is the problem. These issues you’re talking about simply don’t exist in countries like Japan or Singapore or Saudi Arabia. Or Thailand. There are no mass shootings in these countries. But there is in the USA today. But in the American past we did not have these problems.

You can go anywhere in Japan at any time of the day or night and you won’t get robbed or shot. Not in America today though.
It's because in the past the US had sensible gun laws just like the countries you mentioned do currently. LOL "culture" being the problem. With your kind it's always ANTHING but a gun problem.
How about we take care of the schools in our communities instead of trying to take our children where they are not wanted.
You said it, keep them uneducated and on the government dole. Sorry I would rather have them succeed and get a good education. But you blame the white man for your failures. That's failure in it's self.
You haven’t offered up anything. You posted about bathrooms and ghetto culture. Words matter. Use them to make sense.

  • Education in poor communities is the number 1 issue. They are underfunded and should be over funded to make up for the additional challenges kids have. This disproportionately impacts communities of color.

  • Guaranteed childcare. When you can’t afford a job cuz you can’t afford day care single moms are in a circle of failure. This disproportionately impacts communities of color.

  • After education issues the biggest issue is healtcare. GOP is killing expanded Medicare. Disproportional impacts communities of color.
Basically how about not making life harder?
How about the dad's that cannot afford daycare? You want to go after women?
Don't they do that in Chicago every day and night?

What's new? I mean really....:dunno:

Mass shooting at Tennessee black party​

The ones who were the gang members shooting the guns absolutely. Of course they are savages.

And there’s also the problem of the broken English and ghetto language used in the video by some of those black youth. That is a bad culture and it’s not a part of the working class black community of American history and the present day. Wiggers are a problem as well.

You know I’ve criticized young white folks for their problems and you don’t seem to say anything about it. What’s up with that? Are you now racist against whites?

There’s some kind of poisonous problem with a portion of BLM Democrats. They only see what they want to see. Meanwhile, we continue to have problems in the so-called “hoods” of the USA. Yeah whites commit crimes, but blacks are overrepresented in the category of violent crime and robberies. Everyone in this thread who voted for Trump knows this. And even deep down inside a lot of Democrats know it as well.

It’s not racist to point out facts. It’s only racist of people refused to hire a qualified black for a job or if they think that blacks are inferior to whites or vice versa.

There is a massive difference in degraded dangerous black majority communities in the USA compared to white majority suburbs where you have nice restaurants, clean roads. And that’s a shame for the good hard-working Black people in the intercity communities.

citygator respond to these points without the name-calling and trolling

Explain why black majority communities of the day are riddled with crime, dilapidated homes. Are you living in a cave or something. I’m from Buffalo New York, and we have what is known as the Eastside and West side of Buffalo. They are black majority and they are dangerous areas. The roads are broken filled with potholes, the homes are dilapidated, there is a much higher percentage of crime and robberies in these areas compared to the white majority suburbs. Now are you going to be a troll and bring up the previous points You did about 7 million whites and 3 million blacks. Wow if you do so you’re a willing troll. You control all you want but you’re not changing anything. How about all those potholes and broken roads and no nice restaurants on the east side of Buffalo? Everybody in Buffalo knows this black or white people are afraid to go into these areas at night time. Now this is a more modern phenomenon that didn’t exist in America’s history. in some capacity, the white politicians are to blame for this. They don’t offer up solutions. They just blame white people, or they are not brave enough or simply have the common sense to just talk about these issues frankly and do something about it.

Explain why the middle-class was better in American history compared to today. Explain why the divorce rate and child born out of what rate is astronomical now among whites and blacks, and more so a problem with black folks.

Explain why we did not have school shootings in the American past like we do today.

Explain why we have politicians saying it’s OK for a man to go into a woman’s bathroom or a man to play on a woman’s sports team today.

Explain why vandalism and graffiti are found all over the USA. Explain why there is theft and violent crimes occurring even in malls in the USA. Explain why we have flash mob looting in the USA but not in countries like Japan.

john doe 101 now a troll like you hasn’t even read this far. Your behavior is a disgrace to America. You’re part of the problem.
So a black neighborhood is supposed to fill pot holes? You’re nuts. You’re talking about a group of people who weren’t allowed to buy a house anywhere except in designated areas - was called red lining. Go read “The Color of Law” and then tell me how you make up the generations of wealth building they missed out on only being allowed to buy in less desirable areas.

You’re so blinded with prejudices that you actually think school shootings are a race issue?

Our country is as safe as it has ever been and the fact you think it isn’t tells me you don’t live in reality.


You’re not interested in diagnostics. You are referencing graffiti and gender bathrooms for God sakes. You’re all over the place, there is nothing to debate. You are just an old man with old man gripes. There are a million of you and none of you are interesting.

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