Mass shooting at Tennessee black party

A top Memphis police official recently said that crime is now out of control in that city.

Well, of course, it is.

And we all know why.

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Another thread for racist to cheer about someone black bring killed, it makes them happy because it reminds them of when their grandpappy and greatgrandpappys could do the same thing to black folks.

You need some serious serious serious help.
A lack of human decency and no respect for life will keep events like this alive regardless of skin tone
It's a fact whites tend to murder whites and blacks murder blacks. You cant even admit the 1/6 white terrorists are criminals so just shut your hole, boy.
Boy. LOL

Must have hit a raw nerve ending in the other thread. Want some Salt? Or is that Racist too.
What solutions have you and your racist buddies brought? Not a damn one. All you do is try to equate crime to every black person in America.

Well, they are the leaders in their field. IM2 says we need to shut our mouths about blacks.

Personally, I think that blacks should make their own enclaves and then they can prey on each other. Blacks are the same as Africanized bees. They are OK in Africa but that is it. Everyplace else they cause problems.

That's not racism, Brutha...that is stats...

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Well, they are the leaders in their field. IM2 says we need to shut our mouths about blacks.

Personally, I think that blacks should make their own enclaves and then they can prey on each other. Blacks are the same as Africanized bees. They are OK in Africa but that is it. Everyplace else they cause problems.

That's not racism, Brutha...that is stats...

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You have caused more problems in this country than we have.
Cambodia has had more than 3 million murders since 1975. The United States hasn't had 3 million murders in its existence.
that’s almost all due to the Cambodian genocide under the Khmer rogue Completely different event compared to every day life in the modern era.

The United States lost hundreds of thousands of men in the US Civil War.

the point is There is no mass school shootings in the eastern part of the world. No danger in malls or walking the streets in Japan, Singapore, Saudi Arabia and yes, Cambodia. But there is in the USA and perhaps it’s been going on for decades, but it’s only gotten worse recently.

We shouldn’t have any of that in the strongest and wealthiest country in the world today. Democrats in this thread and Biden’s supporters offer no solutions whatsoever. Only a few of them have claimed that crime is lower today in the USA then before..But it’s not like it’s safe like it is in Japan or plenty of other countries.. That’s the point.

Well across the USA, there are dangerous areas where black and white folks are afraid to walk alone at night. The politicians and community leaders need to figure out a way to end that danger once, and for all.
What, your stereotype racist caricature of black Americans? Please. You have a sickness.

If you have no ideas for solving the issues of single parent homes for black and white Americans what good are you?

No matter how much you post about how inferior you think blacks are it won’t ever make your life a success.
Trolling/making up other posters views/not responding to the points being made.

Go back to the many points I’ve made and respond to them point by point.

There was a reason why I had you on ignore before I think that might have to happen again.
Well you see there were these dumb whites on 1/6 that decided to riot and loot the Capitol of the United States. They even murdered a cop and caused quite a few cops to commit suicide. Talk about a disregard for law and order! However, justice prevailed and over 1k were jailed.

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