Mass shooting at Tennessee black party

What solutions have you brought to the table?

You put your head in the sand and whine "it's racist to point out violent thugs doing violent things"

Here's a solution. You do a violent crime, you go to jail. You kill someone, you never get out.
You don't know WTF I bring, why would I come on an anyomous forum and talk about any solution in our community with racist and sell outs.
Another thread for racist to cheer about someone black bring killed, it makes them happy because it reminds them of when their grandpappy and greatgrandpappys could do the same thing to black folks.
Pulling the old race card again .. we won't believe our lying eyes with ANOTHER violent event we continue to see trending.
You are in here lying like the POS you are. A racist comes in this thread and calls black folks savages and any other vile name they can think of and you are quiet as hell, so :fu:

You are one to talk. One of the most RACIST posters on the board.


Diamond Member​

That's what happens when you let too many of those savages gather in one place.

So all the black folks at this gathering are savages?
Sigh .. Did you graduate from a Baltimore school? Perhaps you should read my post again ..

Are mass shooters who needlessly shoot individuals something other than savages?

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