Mass shooting at Tennessee black party

This is just histrionics. When are you going to attempt a counter argument?

I did address it and you ran away like a little bitch from addressing my counter argument to you.

The fact is is that we all speak dialects of English. No one speaks the objectively true version of English because such a thing doesn't exist.
The core issue was not addressed internet tough guy ..ah calling me a bitch is hilarious. Nowhere do I do that to you so keep up the Internet Tough guy attitude Thanks for the laugh.

Sure there’s different accents when it comes to the English language. Nobody can deny the danger of the ghetto culture. That is the point. And they’re broken makes them look really bad. That is the negative side effect of the negative influence of our American culture and media. And such a denigration has even affected other other areas of the world unfortunately.

And also a part of that ghetto culture is violence, dealing crack cocaine making it look cool to deal drugs. People who want to deny it simply live in a fantasy world.

We have problems today that did not exist in America’s past. issues among the black-and-white family more so among black families. 75% of young black kids born in a single parent household. Places across the USA known as “the hood”. mass school shootings. Flash mob looting. These issues were unheard of in the American past. Thanks for the hard work of our ancestors from all backgrounds.

Many many issues. I made the points in tons of post. I’m not gonna reiterate myself anymore. Waste of time brother.
The core issue was not addressed internet tough guy ..ah calling me a bitch is hilarious. Nowhere do I do that to you so keep up the Internet Tough guy attitude Thanks for the laugh.
No. Instead you talk passed me like a side talking little bitch because you can't ever seem to address my points directly. You make a speech and then when the stupid points you raised are addressed you cry and cry and cry and then go back to making speeches.
Sure there’s different accents when it comes to the English language. Nobody can deny the danger of the ghetto culture. That is the point. And they’re broken makes them look really bad. That is the negative side effect of the negative influence of our American culture and media. And such a denigration has even affected other other areas of the world unfortunately.
So the negative affect is caused by you looking down on people who talk differently than you? No fucking shit but thanks for the admission you Clown.
And also a part of that ghetto culture is violence, dealing crack cocaine making it look cool to deal drugs. People who want to deny it simply live in a fantasy world.
Non "ghetto" culture also promotes violence and drug use. White people love Westerns and they're full of violence.
We have problems today that did not exist in America’s past. issues among the black-and-white family more so among black families. 75% of young black kids born in a single parent household. Places across the USA known as “the hood”. mass school shootings. Flash mob looting. These issues were unheard of in the American past. Thanks for the hard work of our ancestors from all backgrounds.
Marriage rates aren't the same a parental involvement. The CDC study showed that black fathers are the most involved in their children's lives.

Study: Black dads more involved in children's lives than other groups
Many many issues. I made the points in tons of post. I’m not gonna reiterate myself anymore. Waste of time brother.
You reiterate your talking points but you can't address counter points because you're talking points don't stand up to much scrutiny.
No. Instead you talk passed me like a side talking little bitch because you can't ever seem to address my points directly. You make a speech and then when the stupid points you raised are addressed you cry and cry and cry and then go back to making speeches.

So the negative affect is caused by you looking down on people who talk differently than you? No fucking shit but thanks for the admission you Clown.

Non "ghetto" culture also promotes violence and drug use. White people love Westerns and they're full of violence.

Marriage rates aren't the same a parental involvement. The CDC study showed that black fathers are the most involved in their children's lives.

Study: Black dads more involved in children's lives than other groups

You reiterate your talking points but you can't address counter points because you're talking points don't stand up to much scrutiny.
More Internet tough guy. We’re having a conversation. And I don’t look down on anyone.

Violence and movies and video games is an issue. I would agree with you on that. That’s not a counterpoint it is you talking about something else that I probably agree with. Ghetto culture still promotes violence. It’s part of the denigration of American culture in general.

It does not override or change the fact we have so many problems today among young whites and young blacks in America. Problems that did not exist in Americas past. Like there were no mass school shootings in the American past. There was no acceptable idea of a man playing on a woman’s sports team.

Your “counterpoint” do not overcome the facts. Whatever the case may be among black families or white families who are actually still intact We have an astronomical divorce rate and child born out of wedlock rate. You have not addressed that. You’re making these laughable points calling people a bitch acting like an Internet tough guy. It’s not really a counterpoint by you. You’re talking about something else.

Yeah very well might be that black families who are luckily enough to be intact are doing better than white families intact . But the overriding issue is the filth we have in this country. Nobody’s being looked down upon here. Myself and any other Trump supporters and maybe even a few Democrats just want to see a better country. We want to see less children born out of wedlock. less gangbangers and less or zero mass school shootings.

Now away from the Internet I’ve noticed tactics left wingers use. They will scream and shout at people They call them names unprovoked and make the personal attacks…and they will use violence. And so this is a terrible issue that is a uniquely leftist phenomenon. For example, the shouting down of conservatives speakers at college campuses, or even them getting attacked is only a left-wing phenomena.
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Midsommar ( Migrant Crime Tsunami and hard hitting Terrorist strikes ) won’t be able to be poo pooed and swept under a rug
Migrant caravans and evil border hopping terrorists have been promised by you jokers for years. Where they at? Why would a terrorist go to Mexico an climb over the border fence when all he has to do is fly in on a tourist visa or recruit some mental case just dying to kill someone?
Curried Goats

How about broken families in black-and-white communities today. It’s more of an issue among black families. There’s an astronomical divorce rate and child born out of wedlock right among black families today That did not exist in the American past. Also, the ghetto culture and broken English and drug dealing is praised among a portion of the black community today…..that phenomenon did not exist in the 1930s or 1950s. Let’s see you guys talk about this issue , address the issue Even if you disagree let’s just see what you have to say about it.

Rich white left-wing people who live in suburbs don’t know about this nor do they care. But talk with the man on the street and they will all acknowledge that the inner-city communities were better in the early to middle 20th century.
I showed you already. There are 7M single white moms and 4M single black moms. It not a race issue it an unfortunate situation women find themselves in and I’d ask you what policy to help them are you advocating?
I showed you already. There are 7M single white moms and 4M single black moms. It not a race issue it an unfortunate situation women find themselves in and I’d ask you what policy to help them are you advocating?
Blacks are 12% of the population. You’re also not responding to the other key points being made.
I showed you already. There are 7M single white moms and 4M single black moms. It not a race issue it an unfortunate situation women find themselves in and I’d ask you what policy to help them are you advocating?
You caused it! Massive subsidies from the taxpayer goes for this. It is so painful watching people struggle more than they have to.
You dont see mass shootings in white schools by white shooters in other countries either. The commonality in US tragedies is access to weapons not violent people. We are at our low point in violent crime in America and its people are safer than ever, however, mass shootings are a blight. Most are white middle aged men followed by white loner kids but about 99% are men period.

No one has guns like we do. Japan? Give me a break. Cambodia? Cambodia is the 83 safest place.. near the bottom. We are 45.

Cambodia has had more than 3 million murders since 1975. The United States hasn't had 3 million murders in its existence.
That's what happens when you let too many of those savages gather in one place.
To arrange to bring in his hardware? Corrupt Mexicans (cartels) will do anything for money.//
You can get anything you want in the US. No one is sneaking over the border with a bag of high powered rifles. lol. You funny.
Blacks are 12% of the population. You’re also not responding to the other key points being made.
What, your stereotype racist caricature of black Americans? Please. You have a sickness.

If you have no ideas for solving the issues of single parent homes for black and white Americans what good are you?

No matter how much you post about how inferior you think blacks are it won’t ever make your life a success.

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