Mass shooting at Tennessee black party

Curried Goats

How about broken families in black-and-white communities today. It’s more of an issue among black families. There’s an astronomical divorce rate and child born out of wedlock right among black families today That did not exist in the American past. Also, the ghetto culture and broken English and drug dealing is praised among a portion of the black community today…..that phenomenon did not exist in the 1930s or 1950s. Let’s see you guys talk about this issue , address the issue Even if you disagree let’s just see what you have to say about it.

Rich white left-wing people who live in suburbs don’t know about this nor do they care. But talk with the man on the street and they will all acknowledge that the inner-city communities were better in the early to middle 20th century.
What’s that from left wingers of the US state department. Some of them claim “it’s dangerous to travel in Cambodia”. Could not be any more wrong one of the safest places around.

Curried Goats

I see you guys haven’t responded to the core points made by myself and others. Why is there a sort of ghetto culture and broken English among the segment of black folks, and even some whites known as “wiggers”… please respond to this point even if you might disagree with the other points this is a critical point.
What you derogatorally call broken English is simply different English. There is no one true version of English or any language for that matter.
This never happened! It was another government false flag!

The mass shooting at the block/black party was orchestrated by a secret government agency to justify the implementation of stricter gun control laws.
  1. Advanced Planning: The agency meticulously planned the attack, selecting the block party due to its large gathering of people and minimal security measures.
  2. Patsy: A lone gunman was manipulated or coerced into carrying out the shooting, perhaps through mind control or manipulation of personal circumstances.
  3. Media Manipulation: The agency controlled the narrative through mainstream media, ensuring that the public only received the information they wanted them to hear. Any witnesses who contradicted the official story were discredited or silenced.
  4. False Flag Operation: The shooting was used as a pretext to push for stricter gun control legislation, playing into the government's agenda to disarm the populace and consolidate power.
  5. Cover-up: Any evidence that contradicted the official narrative was swiftly swept under the rug or labeled as conspiracy theory, further fueling distrust and confusion among the public.
  6. Agenda Advancement: The aftermath of the shooting provided the perfect opportunity for the government to introduce and pass sweeping gun control measures, citing public safety as the primary concern while infringing upon individual rights and liberties.
Another thread for racist to cheer about someone black bring killed, it makes them happy because it reminds them of when their grandpappy and greatgrandpappys could do the same thing to black folks.
When are you going to make serious posts man. If you have a disagreement with somebody or point to be made, make the point. Why is there a ghetto language and broken English from a lot of young black folks, and even white known as “ wiggers”

Why do we have violence in the USA, gang banging violence by black youth , young white kids shooting up schools such a phenomenon doesn’t exist in the eastern part of the world and other parts of the world where in parts there is access to a lot of guns. Guns are not the problem.

What’s wrong with American culture today is many things …the question is how do we fix it.

Ghetto language and ghetto attitudes was nonexistent in the middle 20th century in the USA.

There is no white supremacy in the USA in any positions of power today . Doesn’t exist. But there is a dwindling middle class, the price of homes have doubled under Joe Biden, the price of a home loan has tripled under Joe Biden. The media is not talking too much about the cost of living in the USA, the rampant crime surges…but they sure are talking a lot about the war in Ukraine and the war in Palestine, which has no effect on continental USA. As well as “white supremacy”
Look at how some of those folks are talking. Broken English. A denigrated culture. And no politicians Even Republicans are talking about this. Are they afraid of getting called a racist or maybe they’re part of the problem?

That type of ghetto language and ghetto culture among a portion of blacks, is going against the honorable history of Africa, which has a vibrant, culture and history, in my opinion. To be fair, ghetto language and ghetto culture has also affected a portion of white people, known as wiggers

The left-wing BLM people on the messageboard, who believe in white supremacy, never address the type of ghetto language that a portion of black shoes. When will that be addressed once and for all?

Politician or a leader of a community leader, who actually cares about making the lives of young Black people better, Will directly confront the issue of ghetto language and ghetto culture. And they will stop the nonsense about “white supremacy.”

Doesn’t matter somebody’s white or black every one of us has a right to freedom of speech, and we should also use common sense and care about fellow people. And that includes having a solution to the terrible problems affecting the black majority communities that simply don’t exist in white majority rich suburbs. People can ask themselves why are there not nice restaurants in the so-called ghettos in the USA but there are in white majority neighborhoods.

Course the media and Hollywood has everybody whipped up into a frenzy about Israel, Palestine, Russia, Ukraine, and “white supremacy”. That’s a big part of the problem.
Broken English, hmm, you evidently never heard of Hillbilly Latin.
What you derogatorally call broken English is simply different English. There is no one true version of English or any language for that matter.
“Derogatory” wow

It’s a disgrace. It’s a disgrace to our ancestors. Again, even some white people engage in this known as “wiggers”.

Care about community and church values are all down today in the USA across the races. And it’s the very thing that the older black and white community would say we need more of today. The Wall Street Journal did a study on this, and there is a lot more concern about getting rich, individuality, and selfishness among the youth today in the USA. So we need to address these issues.

Many of the problems and filth we have in the USA today did not exist in the American past my friend. Such as Mass school shootings, huge numbers of young lonely people, flash mob looting, men going into women’s bathrooms, men playing on women’s sports, children born out of wedlock all over the place more so in black communities… but it’s a problem in both white and black communities.

That very ghetto attitude with the broken English that we see in the video in the original post is telling. And it is something widely ignored by Democrats and not addressed by Republicans. So the uniparty has got to do better.
“Derogatory” wow

It’s a disgrace. It’s a disgrace to our ancestors. Again, even some white people engage in this known as “wiggers”.
This is just histrionics. When are you going to attempt a counter argument?
Care about community and church values are all down today in the USA across the races. And it’s the very thing that the older black and white community would say we need more of today. The Wall Street Journal did a study on this, and there is a lot more concern about getting rich, individuality, and selfishness among the youth today in the USA. So we need to address these issues.

Many of the problems and filth we have in the USA today did not exist in the American past my friend. Such as Mass school shootings, huge numbers of young lonely people, flash mob looting, men going into women’s bathrooms, men playing on women’s sports, children born out of wedlock all over the place more so in black communities… but it’s a problem in both white and black communities.

That very ghetto attitude with the broken English that we see in the video in the original post is telling. And it is something widely ignored by Democrats and not addressed by Republicans. So the uniparty has got to do better.
I did address it and you ran away like a little bitch from addressing my counter argument to you.

The fact is is that we all speak dialects of English. No one speaks the objectively true version of English because such a thing doesn't exist.

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