Mass shooting at Tennessee black party

Ooops. I meant "block party."

Listen to the amount of gunfire going on. It sounds like a war zone.

16 people shot, 2 dead during Orange Mound block party, police say​

"MEMPHIS, Tenn. (WMC) - Memphis Police Department is investigating a shooting incident in the Orange Mound area.

Around 7 p.m., officers surrounded the area near Carnes Avenue and Grand.

When officers were on the scene, they discovered five victims had been shot.

Three were rushed to the hospital in critical condition and two were pronounced dead on the scene."

16 people shot, 2 dead during Orange Mound block party, police say

Look at how some of those folks are talking. Broken English. A denigrated culture. And no politicians Even Republicans are talking about this. Are they afraid of getting called a racist or maybe they’re part of the problem?

That type of ghetto language and ghetto culture among a portion of blacks, is going against the honorable history of Africa, which has a vibrant, culture and history, in my opinion. To be fair, ghetto language and ghetto culture has also affected a portion of white people, known as wiggers

The left-wing BLM people on the messageboard, who believe in white supremacy, never address the type of ghetto language that a portion of black shoes. When will that be addressed once and for all?

Politician or a leader of a community leader, who actually cares about making the lives of young Black people better, Will directly confront the issue of ghetto language and ghetto culture. And they will stop the nonsense about “white supremacy.”

Doesn’t matter somebody’s white or black every one of us has a right to freedom of speech, and we should also use common sense and care about fellow people. And that includes having a solution to the terrible problems affecting the black majority communities that simply don’t exist in white majority rich suburbs. People can ask themselves why are there not nice restaurants in the so-called ghettos in the USA but there are in white majority neighborhoods.

Course the media and Hollywood has everybody whipped up into a frenzy about Israel, Palestine, Russia, Ukraine, and “white supremacy”. That’s a big part of the problem.
Where do these kids get the money for the tires they must be burning through?.... who does that to their car?.... shit I would have shot them myself for that if they did that in my town...
Curried Goats Superbadbrutha

This is exactly what American patriots are talking about when they say we can’t stand the country anymore. This is appalling that our black brothers and sisters who are good citizens have to live and ghetto neighborhoods where people use broken English, they dress in a degraded fashion, they shoot people. You see these types of shootings, we see at so-called block parties don’t exist in other areas of the world like in sage, Japan, or Cambodia. And there’s tons of guns in Cambodia so the guns aren’t the problem.

I mean there it is man this is it. This is the challenge of America. Will things continue to get worse for the middle class including working class black folks. Well, we continue to have ghetto culture be a part of American culture. Or will we have changed for the better in the future.?

Praying that we have politicians and actors who start criticizing BLM, who starts saying white supremacy doesn’t exist, who criticize ghetto culture among a portion of black and whites known as wiggers….

Working class black and white deserve better in this country.
Where do these kids get the money for the tires they must be burning through?.... who does that to their car?.... shit I would have shot them myself for that if they did that in my town...
Certainly some of them are drug dealers. Selling crack to grandmothers and kids.

A part of the ghetto culture is to view drug Dealing as cool. That type of backwards ideology is so entrenched into some of the black community that even when they become NFL superstars or rap stars they’re still involved in “the game.”

Suge Knight is an example. Guy made millions and millions of dollars in the music industry. And he kept up in the gangbanging industry and now he’s in prison for 28 years.
If a working class, black man, a black Christian
criticized a white mafia member. I would agree with the black man. Now a white man similarly has every right to criticize a gangbanging black person. But you see that’s where the media and Hollywood comes in to call people racists and “white supremacists” for pointing out problems within black majority communities.

Everybody knows that there are places called “the hood” all throughout the USA that are black majority, and filled with all sorts of problems. And it only hurts good working class black folks. Hopefully the future will be better and we will see change for the better.
Curried Goats Superbadbrutha

This is exactly what American patriots are talking about when they say we can’t stand the country anymore. This is appalling that our black brothers and sisters who are good citizens have to live and ghetto neighborhoods where people use broken English, they dress in a degraded fashion, they shoot people. You see these types of shootings, we see at so-called block parties don’t exist in other areas of the world like in sage, Japan, or Cambodia. And there’s tons of guns in Cambodia so the guns aren’t the problem.

I mean there it is man this is it. This is the challenge of America. Will things continue to get worse for the middle class including working class black folks. Well, we continue to have ghetto culture be a part of American culture. Or will we have changed for the better in the future.?

Praying that we have politicians and actors who start criticizing BLM, who starts saying white supremacy doesn’t exist, who criticize ghetto culture among a portion of black and whites known as wiggers….

Working class black and white deserve better in this country.
You dont see mass shootings in white schools by white shooters in other countries either. The commonality in US tragedies is access to weapons not violent people. We are at our low point in violent crime in America and its people are safer than ever, however, mass shootings are a blight. Most are white middle aged men followed by white loner kids but about 99% are men period.

No one has guns like we do. Japan? Give me a break. Cambodia? Cambodia is the 83 safest place.. near the bottom. We are 45.

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Curried Goats Superbadbrutha

This is exactly what American patriots are talking about when they say we can’t stand the country anymore. This is appalling that our black brothers and sisters who are good citizens have to live and ghetto neighborhoods where people use broken English, they dress in a degraded fashion, they shoot people. You see these types of shootings, we see at so-called block parties don’t exist in other areas of the world like in sage, Japan, or Cambodia. And there’s tons of guns in Cambodia so the guns aren’t the problem.

I mean there it is man this is it. This is the challenge of America. Will things continue to get worse for the middle class including working class black folks. Well, we continue to have ghetto culture be a part of American culture. Or will we have changed for the better in the future.?

Praying that we have politicians and actors who start criticizing BLM, who starts saying white supremacy doesn’t exist, who criticize ghetto culture among a portion of black and whites known as wiggers….

Working class black and white deserve better in this country.
Cambodia has stick gun control laws.... :nocknockHT:
Oh no, the leftists here are going to tell us that crime is way down. All the government people say so.

And posters here espouse this too often ( Tell the lie enough times ...
Your ’feelz’ matter not. The fact is crime is low but still occurs. They fact you only notice crime when a democrat is in the White House says more about your intelligence level than the levels of crime.
You dont see mass shootings in white schools by white shooters in other countries either. The commonality in US tragedies is access to weapons not violent people. We are at our low point in violent crime in America and its people are safer than ever, however, mass shootings are a blight. Most are white middle aged men followed by white loner kids but about 99% are men period.

No one has guns like we do. Japan? Give me a break. Cambodia? Cambodia is the 83 safest place.. near the bottom. We are 45.

correction Trannie homeO Black or brown commee shooters the last five years. Sick minds. Skip medication. Fake body parts irritate.
Your ’feelz’ matter not. The fact is crime is low but still occurs. They fact you only notice crime when a democrat is in the White House says more about your intelligence level than the levels of crime.
Midsommar ( Migrant Crime Tsunami and hard hitting Terrorist strikes ) won’t be able to be poo pooed and swept under a rug
Your ’feelz’ matter not. The fact is crime is low but still occurs. They fact you only notice crime when a democrat is in the White House says more about your intelligence level than the levels of crime.

not low. Up up up. But not reported or sanitzed by the Obiden deep state kkklan. Like in FLA. can’t suspend as it was all one type of kids.
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Ooops. I meant "block party."

Listen to the amount of gunfire going on. It sounds like a war zone.

16 people shot, 2 dead during Orange Mound block party, police say​

"MEMPHIS, Tenn. (WMC) - Memphis Police Department is investigating a shooting incident in the Orange Mound area.

Around 7 p.m., officers surrounded the area near Carnes Avenue and Grand.

When officers were on the scene, they discovered five victims had been shot.

Three were rushed to the hospital in critical condition and two were pronounced dead on the scene."

16 people shot, 2 dead during Orange Mound block party, police say

Did you hear that? I did. Someone said nigg€r!
You dont see mass shootings in white schools by white shooters in other countries either. The commonality in US tragedies is access to weapons not violent people. We are at our low point in violent crime in America and its people are safer than ever, however, mass shootings are a blight. Most are white middle aged men followed by white loner kids but about 99% are men period.

No one has guns like we do. Japan? Give me a break. Cambodia? Cambodia is the 83 safest place.. near the bottom. We are 45.

What’s that from left wingers of the US state department. Some of them claim “it’s dangerous to travel in Cambodia”. Could not be any more wrong one of the safest places around.

Curried Goats

I see you guys haven’t responded to the core points made by myself and others. Why is there a sort of ghetto culture and broken English among the segment of black folks, and even some whites known as “wiggers”… please respond to this point even if you might disagree with the other points this is a critical point. You saw it in the very video from the original post, ghetto culture, broken English, and a degraded culture among those black folks. And it’s an insult to the working class black man. Again as a white man I would agree with a black man who criticizes hoodlums or criminals from Irish American or Italian American communities.

That ghetto culture was nonexistent in the American past. I’ve already talked about school shootings. It’s a big problem among young whites. So is ghetto gangbanging violence among black communities.

Plenty of countries in the world that have access to a lot of guns, but they don’t have the types of violence we have in the USA. I just don’t get it you folks see these points but never respond to them. And I wonder if American politicians are the same way, although surely they know there are problems but I think a lot of them don’t address the problems because they make money from it. Racebaiting is a way to make money these days. It doesn’t solve any issues for communities, but it makes individual politicians a lot of money.
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Ooops. I meant "block party."

Listen to the amount of gunfire going on. It sounds like a war zone.

16 people shot, 2 dead during Orange Mound block party, police say​

"MEMPHIS, Tenn. (WMC) - Memphis Police Department is investigating a shooting incident in the Orange Mound area.

Around 7 p.m., officers surrounded the area near Carnes Avenue and Grand.

When officers were on the scene, they discovered five victims had been shot.

Three were rushed to the hospital in critical condition and two were pronounced dead on the scene."

16 people shot, 2 dead during Orange Mound block party, police say

16 shot, 2 dead. Why are blacks such lousy shots?

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