Mass Thallium Poisoning, Russia


Gold Member
Oct 22, 2016
Apparently the poisoning is specific to designers and office workers, not the factory itself.

5 Mar 2018 Novosti: V Taganroge rassleduiut massovoe otravlenie talliem rabotnikov aviazovoda
Taganrog is Investigating Mass Thallium Poisoning at the Aircraft Factory
В Таганроге расследуют массовое отравление таллием работников авиазавода
'Po infornmatsii SMI, sotrudniki prepriatniia pri nevyiasnennykh obstoiatel'stvakh otravilis' toksichnym metalloi talliem.
According to the media, the employees of the company, under the explained circumstances, were poisoned by the toxic metal, thallium.'
Ótmetchaetsia, chto vse otravivshiesia -- rabotniki iuridicheskogo i ekonomicheskogo otdelov, a sil'nee vsekh postradal vedushchii nizhener -- konstruktor Konstantin Kolesnikov.
It is noted that all of the poisoned -- (were) employees of the legal and economic departments -- and the most affected was the leading designer, Konstantin Kolesnikov.

Imenno ego zhena v Seti petitiu, v kotoroi rasskazala, chto v noiabre proshlogo goda u Kolesnikova noavilis'ostrye boli v briushnoi polosti i prinazki otravleniia.
It was his wife who posted to the Web a petition in which she told that in November of last year Kolesnikov had acute pains in the abdominal cavity and signs of poisoning.

Takzhe, no ee slovam, u muzhchiny nachali vypadat' volosy.
Also, she said, the man started to lose his hair.'

Is is possible that the factory offices are setting over what are called "thallium haloes," natural thallium emanations from the earth.

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