Mass Voter Fraud Scheme Uncovered in Nevada

Some Republicans Acknowledge Leveraging Voter ID Laws for Political Gain


Deep in a trove of leaked documents made public this week was the latest example of Republican candor over voter ID laws — this time in Wisconsin.

There, as a tight race for election to the state’s Supreme Court came to a close in April 2011, conservative leaders wondered aloud how to respond should Justice David Prosser Jr. — a reliable opponent of legal challenges to the agenda of Gov. Scott Walker, a Republican — go down in defeat.

A senior vice president of the Metropolitan Milwaukee Chamber of Commerce, Steve Baas, had a thought. “Do we need to start messaging ‘widespread reports of election fraud’ so we are positively set up for the recount regardless of the final number?” he wrote in an email on April 6 to conservative strategists. “I obviously think we should.”

Scott Jensen, a Republican political tactician and former speaker of the State Assembly, responded within minutes. “Yes. Anything fishy should be highlighted,” he wrote. “Stories should be solicited by talk radio hosts.”

That email exchange, part of documents published by The Guardian on Wednesday with a report on Governor Walker’s political operations, was followed by a spate of public rumors of vote-rigging. A month later, legislators passed a state law requiring Wisconsin voters to display one of five types of approved photo IDs before casting ballots.

The Wisconsin statute was part of a wave of voter ID laws enacted in the last six years, mostly by Republican-controlled legislatures whose leaders claimed that cheating at the ballot box is a routine occurrence.

Yet academic studies and election-law experts broadly agree that voter fraud is not a widespread problem in American elections. Rather, they say, it is a widespread political tactic used either to create doubt about an election’s validity or to keep one’s opponents — in most cases, Democratic voters — from casting ballots.

In unguarded moments, some Republican supporters of the laws have been inclined to agree.

Claiming Democratic voters cheat
Right, Glenn Grothman, Republican of Wisconsin, said in April that his state's photo ID law would hurt Hillary Clinton's campaign. Video by TODAY’S TMJ4
In April of this year, Representative Glenn Grothman, Republican of Wisconsin, predicted in a television interview that the state’s photo ID law would weaken the Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s chances of winning the state in November’s election.

It was not the first time he cited voter ID requirements’ impact on Democrats; in 2012, speaking about the law’s effect on President Obama’s re-election race, Mr. Grothman said voter ID requirements hurt Democrats because Democratic voters cheat more often — a premise that remains unproven. One of the few verified instances of recent voter fraud at a Wisconsin polling place — the only kind of fraud that a photo ID might prevent — padded a Republican governor’s tally.


And then there is this '

In Pennsylvania, the state Republican Party chairman, Robert Gleason, told an interviewer that the state’s voter ID law “had helped a bit” in lowering President Obama’s margin of victory over the Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney in the state in 2012.





Also in Wisconsin, Todd Allbaugh, 46, a staff aide to a Republican state legislator, attributed his decision to quit his job in 2015 and leave the party to what he witnessed at a Republican caucus meeting. He wrote on Facebook:

I was in the closed Senate Republican Caucus when the final round of multiple Voter ID bills were being discussed. A handful of the GOP Senators were giddy about the ramifications and literally singled out the prospects of suppressing minority and college voters. Think about that for a minute. Elected officials planning and happy to help deny a fellow American’s constitutional right to vote in order to increase their own chances to hang onto power.

So you admit then that fraud is the key to democrat victories? If ID is used and fraud limited as a result, you fascists cannot win.:thup:
So you admit then that fraud is the key to democrat victories? If ID is used and fraud limited as a result, you fascists cannot win.:thup:

It should be so easy to prove fraud. They have the voter records, they have the green card records. Why haven't any states come up with hundreds of matches? Maybe because those people didn't vote.
Your IQ is nonexistent 7, but election fraud is rampant by you fascist democrats.

Then the states should have found some by now. Anybody check the voter records against those ineliglble to vote? And did they come up with any matches, no less prosecute hundreds of people for it. NOPE, there may be around a dozen instances in the entire country. So i'll conceed that Hillary only won the popular vote by 2,999,988 votes.
this same claim was made in all the states who let illegal and legal immigrants to get drivers licenses to legally drive,

BUT they were ALL PROVEN TO BE FAKE STORIES and false.

Uh no. You democrat fascists SCREAM a great deal, but evidence? :lol: much less "proof."

There is this bizarre belief among you fascists that if you tell the same lie repeatedly, it will somehow be true.

California was busted registering in excess of 10,000 illegal aliens. The retort from your fascists was "well, you can't prove they voted." The fascist dictatorship in California is not registering these people to NOT vote.

States who allow immigrants to get drivers licenses all have a separate process for immigrants than citizens when applying for a driver's license, and they also by Federal law are required to issue different drivers licenses to immigrants verses citizens that state they are not for federal use and can not be used as ID for voting, and other government uses. Immigrants are NOT offered to register to vote, the system won't even allow the registration to go through now, without proof of citizenship, and a green card in the system is not any proof the system would accept.

Immigrants also, are required to set up a special appointment to get their drivers licenses, and can not just walk up like citizens and say, hey, I want to get a drivers license...

Read the Nevada DMV rules on all of this, for immigrants, on their website.

And yet both Nevada and California have been busted registering illegal aliens to vote.

The claim that voter roles are later purged rings hollow. Fraud is such an integral part of the fascist democratic party strategy that only a fool would believe that the Soros Reich gathers the illegal votes only to discard them.
In California and Nevada those "strict rules" include registering illegal aliens.

California AB60

Lying about that again, huh?

Let's remind the class;

If a person who is ineligible to vote becomes registered to vote pursuant to this chapter and votes or attempts to vote in an election held after the effective date of the person’s registration, that person shall be presumed to have acted with official authorization and shall not be guilty of fraudulently voting or attempting to vote pursuant to Section 18560, unless that person willfully votes or attempts to vote knowing that he or she is not entitled to vote.}

Not only do you fascist register illegals to vote, you run cover for them to ensure there is no penalty for their illegal vote.
Your IQ is nonexistent 7, but election fraud is rampant by you fascist democrats.

Then the states should have found some by now. Anybody check the voter records against those ineliglble to vote? And did they come up with any matches, no less prosecute hundreds of people for it. NOPE, there may be around a dozen instances in the entire country. So i'll conceed that Hillary only won the popular vote by 2,999,988 votes.

Read the OP, you fucking retard.
Massive Voter Fraud Investigation Begins


I saw the effort to get non-citizens to vote first hand. But, this piece goes a bit too far, IMHO, in that it claims this entire voter fraud thing is being funded by – you guessed it – George Soros. And it claims Fauxahontas is tied into it too.

Barbara Cegavske, Nevada’s secretary of state, has launched a fraud probe after a pipeline of noncitizen voters was discovered.

The Associated Press first reported on the investigation that was announced in a letter sent by Cegavske to Terri Albertson, the state director of the Department of Motor Vehicles.

Cegavske said in the letter that DMV employees offered and accepted voter registrations from people seeking identification cards and driver’s licenses. The workers allegedly did this even if the individual presented a Green Card showing that they were not U.S. Citizens.

Under Nevada law, individuals can register to vote when they apply for a license or identification card. The DMV then takes the voter registration information and passes it off to the county elections department for processing, AP noted […]

Full story @ Massive Voter Fraud Investigation Begins
It’s the only way Shrillary had a chance to win the state last year.

It has come to our attention that when offering voter registration opportunities to customers, DMV’s employees offer voter registration materials to DMV customers whom they know to be non-citizens based upon their presentation of a Green Card for identification purposes,” Cegavske wrote.

More specifically, it is our understanding that some DMV employees have been instructed to accept registration materials from all customers, including those who present a Green Card for identification purposes…This practice must cease immediately,” Cegavske continued.

Please take appropriate actions, as we have reason to believe that non-citizens have unlawfully registered to vote in Nevada as a direct result of DMV’s practices. Moreover, we now have confirmed that some non-citizens illegally cast votes in the 2016 election.”

More @ BREAKING: Mass Voter Fraud Scheme Uncovered in Nevada

I love it!

Cegavske approved the very procedures that she is complaining about.

DMV Responds to Cegavske Rebuke
DMV Director Terri Albertson fired a reply back today, saying her department flags applications which appear questionable when forwarding applications to the appropriate county clerk. Albertson also said that Cegavske herself has reviewed and approved the current procedures.

And in true Trump form- she of course offers no evidence to support her claims!

The Nevada DMV director responded to Cegavske’s allegation with a strongly worded letter on Saturday that said the secretary of state’s office had signed off on the DMV’s voter registration procedures.

“Your letter comes as a complete surprise as you and your office have reviewed, contributed to, and approved the processes you are expressing concerns about,” DMV director Albertson wrote.

Albertson noted that DMV officials would flag suspect applications for further review by a county clerk or registrar to determine voting eligibility.

The governor defended the DMV in the public dispute. “They were operating under the policies and guidelines that were adopted pursuant to input, review and approval of the Nevada Secretary of State’s Office,” Sandoval told the Independent.

“I’m going to rely on (DMV Director) Terri Albertson — they are proceeding in accordance with what has been approved,” Sandoval told the Las Vegas Review-Journal. “So I guess the ball is in the secretary of state’s court.”
Massive Voter Fraud Investigation Begins


I saw the effort to get non-citizens to vote first hand. But, this piece goes a bit too far, IMHO, in that it claims this entire voter fraud thing is being funded by – you guessed it – George Soros. And it claims Fauxahontas is tied into it too.

Barbara Cegavske, Nevada’s secretary of state, has launched a fraud probe after a pipeline of noncitizen voters was discovered.

The Associated Press first reported on the investigation that was announced in a letter sent by Cegavske to Terri Albertson, the state director of the Department of Motor Vehicles.

Cegavske said in the letter that DMV employees offered and accepted voter registrations from people seeking identification cards and driver’s licenses. The workers allegedly did this even if the individual presented a Green Card showing that they were not U.S. Citizens.

Under Nevada law, individuals can register to vote when they apply for a license or identification card. The DMV then takes the voter registration information and passes it off to the county elections department for processing, AP noted […]

Full story @ Massive Voter Fraud Investigation Begins

So massive....that she hasn't produced a single example of voter fraud yet........

This is going to be HUGE!

Imagine how embarrassing it must be for her- to be telling everyone that the very procedures that she and her office approved are so bad.

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