Massachusetts Welfare Recipients Are Spending EBT on Tropical Vacations


Platinum Member
May 1, 2024
This has been going on for decades. All the blue sanctuary states do it. If you're non-white or illegal you get like $40,000 a year in freebies.

sep 8 2024 Massachusetts welfare recipients have been using their EBT cards while on tropical vacations to Hawaii, the Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico, and other trips thousands of miles away from their home state, an investigation by the Boston Herald revealed.

Public records obtained by the outlet showed dozens of EBT card expenditures at several popular vacation destinations, including California, Florida, and Alaska, as well numerous holiday islands. Massachusetts, a sanctuary state for illegal immigrants, allows migrants to have access to these government-funded welfare benefits as well.

Not "on" tropical vacations but "while on" tropical vacations. There's a difference. Of course the problem is that the Boston welfare agencies fail to monitor the actual income of welfare recipients but that ain't likely to change.
Brietbart trash . More of the white right wing race hustle.
Massachusetts is 67 percent white. Whites are probably most of the welfare recipients in the state.
Not "on" tropical vacations but "while on" tropical vacations. There's a difference. Of course the problem is that the Boston welfare agencies fail to monitor the actual income of welfare recipients but that ain't likely to change.

Fair, but if you can afford a tropical vacation?

You shouldn't be on welfare in the first place.
If the govt counted people living off welfare as unemployed, the unemployment rate would be 30%. Among blacks 70%. But they are not counted. If you say, "I ain't looking for work," you are not counted.
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Not "on" tropical vacations but "while on" tropical vacations. There's a difference. Of course the problem is that the Boston welfare agencies fail to monitor the actual income of welfare recipients but that ain't likely to change.
Yep. Another lie by the OP.

And the board mods allow it.

Officials are under orders to list all hispanics as white when reporting on welfare. When the subject is say HS graduation , they list all whites as hispanic.
Its Hispanic, not hispanic.

Hispanic is an ethnicity. White is a race. Hispanics, by definition are White.
Not "on" tropical vacations but "while on" tropical vacations. There's a difference. Of course the problem is that the Boston welfare agencies fail to monitor the actual income of welfare recipients but that ain't likely to change.

They should have welfare permanently revoked and be required to pay it back or face jail time.

I'm not a fan of welfare to begin with because the ones that actually need it and use to help get their lives together are the minority. Personally the whole program should be scrapped or made very restrictive because I think it is abused more than anything. But people like this should be fined and jailed.
Officials are under orders to list all hispanics as white when reporting on welfare. When the subject is say HS graduation , they list all whites as hispanic.
Do you actually believe that bullshit or are you just being a good little tRumpling and toeing the party line?
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Well there it is, the dumbest post of September so far. Nice job IM2.
Dude, it's true in every state.

The majority of those who receive government assistance in the U.S. are not Black. Using research from the Urban Institute (gathering data from 59 million people), the graph below presents the largest percentage of welfare recipients in 2019. The majority of recipients were white (43 percent), followed by Hispanic (26 percent), and Black (23 percent). These figures fall in line with population demographics and debunk the misconception that welfare programs are predominantly associated with the Black community.

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Officials are under orders to list all hispanics as white when reporting on welfare. When the subject is say HS graduation , they list all whites as hispanic.
There are black hispanics, so stop trying that excuse. White non hispanics are 68.8 percent of the Masschusetts population.

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