Massive Amtrak Crash....but who cares about our highways and trains?

i asked you if the engineer has any responsibility for the crash. i asked you to provide proof that spending cuts were responsible.

you refuse to answer and refuse to provide proof.

what did i distort?

are you jakestarkey's sock puppet?

Read and learn!

This Is Why Amtrak Funding Is So Difficult For Congress

In Washington Amtrak s funding has long been under threat MSNBC

1. i read both links and neither prove that funding was the cause of the accident.

2. you still didn't answer my question about the engineer.

3. using your logic, you caused this accident because you support engineers doing 106 MPH through a 50 MPH curve. you are responsible for this, not me.

1. Your reading comprehension shortcoming is your problem.

2. For the umpteenth time everything to do with the engineer is purely SPECULATION!

3. Your inability to use utterly logic is irrelevant.

Do try and keep up with the rest of the class.

1. the train was going twice the speed limit, but you won't say shit about the engineer, instead you blame me

2. you have nothing but pure SPECULATION that any funding cuts caused this accident....but that hasn't stopped you from passing off your speculation as fact.

1. The engineer is cooperating fully with the investigation. Speculation is pointless until we know more.

2. You were provided with links documenting the funding cuts to Amtrak that you support.

1. yet, the investigators have said flat out that speed is an issue

2. your links to funding cuts bear no, i repeat, no correlation to the accident

3. thank you for finally answering my question about the engineer.
i asked you if the engineer has any responsibility for the crash. i asked you to provide proof that spending cuts were responsible.

you refuse to answer and refuse to provide proof.

what did i distort?

are you jakestarkey's sock puppet?

Read and learn!

This Is Why Amtrak Funding Is So Difficult For Congress

In Washington Amtrak s funding has long been under threat MSNBC

1. i read both links and neither prove that funding was the cause of the accident.

2. you still didn't answer my question about the engineer.

3. using your logic, you caused this accident because you support engineers doing 106 MPH through a 50 MPH curve. you are responsible for this, not me.

1. Your reading comprehension shortcoming is your problem.

2. For the umpteenth time everything to do with the engineer is purely SPECULATION!

3. Your inability to use utterly logic is irrelevant.

Do try and keep up with the rest of the class.

1. the train was going twice the speed limit, but you won't say shit about the engineer, instead you blame me

2. you have nothing but pure SPECULATION that any funding cuts caused this accident....but that hasn't stopped you from passing off your speculation as fact.

1. The engineer is cooperating fully with the investigation. Speculation is pointless until we know more.

2. You were provided with links documenting the funding cuts to Amtrak that you support.

Actually, that's false. The engineer has refused to be interviewed by police. His attorney says that he will meet with the NTSB, but can be expected to assert his 5th Amendment rights.
i asked you if the engineer has any responsibility for the crash. i asked you to provide proof that spending cuts were responsible.

you refuse to answer and refuse to provide proof.

what did i distort?

are you jakestarkey's sock puppet?

Read and learn!

This Is Why Amtrak Funding Is So Difficult For Congress

In Washington Amtrak s funding has long been under threat MSNBC

1. i read both links and neither prove that funding was the cause of the accident.

2. you still didn't answer my question about the engineer.

3. using your logic, you caused this accident because you support engineers doing 106 MPH through a 50 MPH curve. you are responsible for this, not me.

1. Your reading comprehension shortcoming is your problem.

2. For the umpteenth time everything to do with the engineer is purely SPECULATION!

3. Your inability to use utterly logic is irrelevant.

Do try and keep up with the rest of the class.

1. the train was going twice the speed limit, but you won't say shit about the engineer, instead you blame me

2. you have nothing but pure SPECULATION that any funding cuts caused this accident....but that hasn't stopped you from passing off your speculation as fact.

1. The engineer is cooperating fully with the investigation. Speculation is pointless until we know more.

2. You were provided with links documenting the funding cuts to Amtrak that you support.

Respectfully... how can the "engineer" be cooperating fully??

Isn't he saying

that he forgot everything? that he apparently "lost" his memory totally....isn't it that what his lawyer is saying?

was he sleeping? what's going on? only God knows.
nice dodge of my question.

still waiting for that keep claiming that budget cuts were at fault, but can't cite a single thing to support that claim. how much are you paying jakey for this lesson?

you must have already forgotten that i said the recent budget cuts by the pubs was dumb, you even thanked the post.....but yeah....their blood is on my hands and the engineer is totally not at fault. :rolleyes:

So you agreed with all of the prior tax cuts and spending cuts that resulted in Amtrak not having sufficient funding to fully implement PTC which would have prevented this accident therefore you do bear your share of responsibility for the blame.

Too bad you lack the honesty and integrity to admit to your own greed and selfishness.

i have honesty and integrity. you're the one being dishonest by claiming i am at fault and blaming spending with no proof, no citations, no evidence. if you were honest and had integrity, you would answer my question about the engineer and provide evidence of your claims.

instead, you're just a spiteful partisan hack who makes wild ass claims that have no basis in reality.

You were given the opportunity to state which tax cuts and spending you opposed. Since you did not state that you opposed prior spending cuts to Amtrak that prevented it from installing PTC that means that you supported them ergo you bear partial responsibility for the accident.

And yes, you lack the honesty and integrity to admit to your own role. But that is your problem, not mine.

Allow me to be as succinctly clear as I can be ... I'll use small words so you can keep up. Feel free to send me $12.95 for the children's version, if you need it.

I adamantly support tax cuts that prevented the injection of funding to AMTRAK - for any reason!!

Amtrak is a failed government subsidy program that has wasted billions of dollars that could have been used for education, infrastructure, and greens fees for our illustrious leader. Supporting a failed program is criminal, or stupid, depending on your point of view.

I've listened to all this malarkey about how the eastern corridor NEEDS Amtrak. If so, then let them pay for it --- raise the price of tickets to match the cost of the service, and see how that works out. It is unconscionable to ask the farmers in Nebraska to pay for a rail line so that New Englanders don't have to spend their own money.

Yes, it killed 8 people - today. And, it will kill 8 people the next time, and the time after that. That's what happens when you have financial and management abuses the order of magnitude present at Amtrak. There should be criminal investigations about why they let it happened, and criminal investigations into why the people we hired to oversee the management, operation, and safety of Amtrak failed to do their jobs.

Anything else I can do for you???


You just managed to send your credibility into negative territory.

Great job!

You must be so proud of yourself.

Wow! What a cogent response!! I am ever so impressed ...

Quit acting like a little baby, lashing out at anybody who might have the temerity to disagree with you, and try to have an intelligent conversation. Frankly, your immature act is getting old - very old.

1. i read both links and neither prove that funding was the cause of the accident.

2. you still didn't answer my question about the engineer.

3. using your logic, you caused this accident because you support engineers doing 106 MPH through a 50 MPH curve. you are responsible for this, not me.

1. Your reading comprehension shortcoming is your problem.

2. For the umpteenth time everything to do with the engineer is purely SPECULATION!

3. Your inability to use utterly logic is irrelevant.

Do try and keep up with the rest of the class.

1. the train was going twice the speed limit, but you won't say shit about the engineer, instead you blame me

2. you have nothing but pure SPECULATION that any funding cuts caused this accident....but that hasn't stopped you from passing off your speculation as fact.

1. The engineer is cooperating fully with the investigation. Speculation is pointless until we know more.

2. You were provided with links documenting the funding cuts to Amtrak that you support.

1. yet, the investigators have said flat out that speed is an issue

2. your links to funding cuts bear no, i repeat, no correlation to the accident

3. thank you for finally answering my question about the engineer.

1. Speed caused the accident. What caused the speed? That is still TBD.

2. Your lack of reading comprehension is your problem.

3. You are welcome but I have been saying the same thing about the engineer from the beginning. See #2 above.
The engineer was not competent, promoted for political reasons, it's apparent. But now a days I wonder about fellow drivers, the stupidity and incompetence of people operating motor vehicles. Our standards of knowledge and integrity are so lax, this society on a slippery slope to chaos. Standards discriminate. Damn straight they do, against ignorance and stupidity.

how do you know he was promoted for political reasons? and before this accident, what proof do you have of his incompetence?
Call it an informed hunch. A militant gay man. Crashes a train at twice the speed, doesn't sound like that girly man knew what the hell he was doing. But, his incompetence speaks more for the people that hired him, AMTRAK. They will have to answer for the deaths of 7 or 8 people, not me.

how was he "militant"?

and yes, if it is proven he was incompetent here, amtrak will be held liable.
Perhaps you need to look deeper into the engineer's history. And go from there.

1. i read both links and neither prove that funding was the cause of the accident.

2. you still didn't answer my question about the engineer.

3. using your logic, you caused this accident because you support engineers doing 106 MPH through a 50 MPH curve. you are responsible for this, not me.

1. Your reading comprehension shortcoming is your problem.

2. For the umpteenth time everything to do with the engineer is purely SPECULATION!

3. Your inability to use utterly logic is irrelevant.

Do try and keep up with the rest of the class.

1. the train was going twice the speed limit, but you won't say shit about the engineer, instead you blame me

2. you have nothing but pure SPECULATION that any funding cuts caused this accident....but that hasn't stopped you from passing off your speculation as fact.

1. The engineer is cooperating fully with the investigation. Speculation is pointless until we know more.

2. You were provided with links documenting the funding cuts to Amtrak that you support.

Actually, that's false. The engineer has refused to be interviewed by police. His attorney says that he will meet with the NTSB, but can be expected to assert his 5th Amendment rights.

Your ignorant canards are treated with the contempt they deserve!

Amtrak Engineer Very Distraught Doesn t Remember Crash Attorney Says - ABC News

The engineer, Brandon Bostian, 32, of Queens, New York, was “very distraught” to learn that the crash killed at least seven people, the attorney, Robert Goggin, told ABC News. He added that Bostian voluntarily turned over a blood sample and his cell phone and is cooperating with authorities.

Though Bostian retained an attorney, Goggin said, he has not stopped cooperating with police, and was willing to speak to National Transportation Safety Board investigators, as well.
The engineer was not competent, promoted for political reasons, it's apparent. But now a days I wonder about fellow drivers, the stupidity and incompetence of people operating motor vehicles. Our standards of knowledge and integrity are so lax, this society on a slippery slope to chaos. Standards discriminate. Damn straight they do, against ignorance and stupidity.

how do you know he was promoted for political reasons? and before this accident, what proof do you have of his incompetence?
Call it an informed hunch. A militant gay man. Crashes a train at twice the speed, doesn't sound like that girly man knew what the hell he was doing. But, his incompetence speaks more for the people that hired him, AMTRAK. They will have to answer for the deaths of 7 or 8 people, not me.

how was he "militant"?

and yes, if it is proven he was incompetent here, amtrak will be held liable.
Perhaps you need to look deeper into the engineer's history. And go from there.

you made the claim, i'm not doing your homework for you

1. i read both links and neither prove that funding was the cause of the accident.

2. you still didn't answer my question about the engineer.

3. using your logic, you caused this accident because you support engineers doing 106 MPH through a 50 MPH curve. you are responsible for this, not me.

1. Your reading comprehension shortcoming is your problem.

2. For the umpteenth time everything to do with the engineer is purely SPECULATION!

3. Your inability to use utterly logic is irrelevant.

Do try and keep up with the rest of the class.

1. the train was going twice the speed limit, but you won't say shit about the engineer, instead you blame me

2. you have nothing but pure SPECULATION that any funding cuts caused this accident....but that hasn't stopped you from passing off your speculation as fact.

1. The engineer is cooperating fully with the investigation. Speculation is pointless until we know more.

2. You were provided with links documenting the funding cuts to Amtrak that you support.

Respectfully... how can the "engineer" be cooperating fully??

Isn't he saying

that he forgot everything? that he apparently "lost" his memory totally....isn't it that what his lawyer is saying?

was he sleeping? what's going on? only God knows.

He could have had a blackout or a seizure. He might have an undiagnozed medical condition like narcolepsy.

Yes, that is pure speculation but it won't be the first time that has happened. Not being able to recall what happened in an accident is also common enough.

What makes no sense is for the train to accelerate and then for the engineer to slam on the brakes. Something there was screwy. I have traveled that route on Amtrak and I know that the trains can do up to 125 mph between DC and NYC. The Acela can do up to 150 mph.

Right now we just don't know but he does deserve the presumption of innocence while the investigation is ongoing.
So you agreed with all of the prior tax cuts and spending cuts that resulted in Amtrak not having sufficient funding to fully implement PTC which would have prevented this accident therefore you do bear your share of responsibility for the blame.

Too bad you lack the honesty and integrity to admit to your own greed and selfishness.

i have honesty and integrity. you're the one being dishonest by claiming i am at fault and blaming spending with no proof, no citations, no evidence. if you were honest and had integrity, you would answer my question about the engineer and provide evidence of your claims.

instead, you're just a spiteful partisan hack who makes wild ass claims that have no basis in reality.

You were given the opportunity to state which tax cuts and spending you opposed. Since you did not state that you opposed prior spending cuts to Amtrak that prevented it from installing PTC that means that you supported them ergo you bear partial responsibility for the accident.

And yes, you lack the honesty and integrity to admit to your own role. But that is your problem, not mine.

Allow me to be as succinctly clear as I can be ... I'll use small words so you can keep up. Feel free to send me $12.95 for the children's version, if you need it.

I adamantly support tax cuts that prevented the injection of funding to AMTRAK - for any reason!!

Amtrak is a failed government subsidy program that has wasted billions of dollars that could have been used for education, infrastructure, and greens fees for our illustrious leader. Supporting a failed program is criminal, or stupid, depending on your point of view.

I've listened to all this malarkey about how the eastern corridor NEEDS Amtrak. If so, then let them pay for it --- raise the price of tickets to match the cost of the service, and see how that works out. It is unconscionable to ask the farmers in Nebraska to pay for a rail line so that New Englanders don't have to spend their own money.

Yes, it killed 8 people - today. And, it will kill 8 people the next time, and the time after that. That's what happens when you have financial and management abuses the order of magnitude present at Amtrak. There should be criminal investigations about why they let it happened, and criminal investigations into why the people we hired to oversee the management, operation, and safety of Amtrak failed to do their jobs.

Anything else I can do for you???


You just managed to send your credibility into negative territory.

Great job!

You must be so proud of yourself.

Wow! What a cogent response!! I am ever so impressed ...

Quit acting like a little baby, lashing out at anybody who might have the temerity to disagree with you, and try to have an intelligent conversation. Frankly, your immature act is getting old - very old.


1. i read both links and neither prove that funding was the cause of the accident.

2. you still didn't answer my question about the engineer.

3. using your logic, you caused this accident because you support engineers doing 106 MPH through a 50 MPH curve. you are responsible for this, not me.

1. Your reading comprehension shortcoming is your problem.

2. For the umpteenth time everything to do with the engineer is purely SPECULATION!

3. Your inability to use utterly logic is irrelevant.

Do try and keep up with the rest of the class.

1. the train was going twice the speed limit, but you won't say shit about the engineer, instead you blame me

2. you have nothing but pure SPECULATION that any funding cuts caused this accident....but that hasn't stopped you from passing off your speculation as fact.

1. The engineer is cooperating fully with the investigation. Speculation is pointless until we know more.

2. You were provided with links documenting the funding cuts to Amtrak that you support.

1. yet, the investigators have said flat out that speed is an issue

2. your links to funding cuts bear no, i repeat, no correlation to the accident

3. thank you for finally answering my question about the engineer.

1. Speed caused the accident. What caused the speed? That is still TBD.

2. Your lack of reading comprehension is your problem.

3. You are welcome but I have been saying the same thing about the engineer from the beginning. See #2 above.

you finally admit speed caused the accident. good for you. we are getting somewhere.

who controls the speed on a train, me, republicans or the engineer?
1. i read both links and neither prove that funding was the cause of the accident.

2. you still didn't answer my question about the engineer.

3. using your logic, you caused this accident because you support engineers doing 106 MPH through a 50 MPH curve. you are responsible for this, not me.

1. Your reading comprehension shortcoming is your problem.

2. For the umpteenth time everything to do with the engineer is purely SPECULATION!

3. Your inability to use utterly logic is irrelevant.

Do try and keep up with the rest of the class.

1. the train was going twice the speed limit, but you won't say shit about the engineer, instead you blame me

2. you have nothing but pure SPECULATION that any funding cuts caused this accident....but that hasn't stopped you from passing off your speculation as fact.

1. The engineer is cooperating fully with the investigation. Speculation is pointless until we know more.

2. You were provided with links documenting the funding cuts to Amtrak that you support.

Respectfully... how can the "engineer" be cooperating fully??

Isn't he saying

that he forgot everything? that he apparently "lost" his memory totally....isn't it that what his lawyer is saying?

was he sleeping? what's going on? only God knows.

He could have had a blackout or a seizure. He might have an undiagnozed medical condition like narcolepsy.

Yes, that is pure speculation but it won't be the first time that has happened. Not being able to recall what happened in an accident is also common enough.

What makes no sense is for the train to accelerate and then for the engineer to slam on the brakes. Something there was screwy. I have traveled that route on Amtrak and I know that the trains can do up to 125 mph between DC and NYC. The Acela can do up to 150 mph.

Right now we just don't know but he does deserve the presumption of innocence while the investigation is ongoing.

holy effing shatner..................what a HUGE back peddle

from stating as fact that it was myself and the gop that caused the accident, the back peddler is now saying speed caused the accident, but....the engineer might not be at fault. which could be true, if the train was found to be faulty, which the investigators has said is unlikely since it is a brand new.

at least the hack finally admitted speed was the cause of the accident.
1. i read both links and neither prove that funding was the cause of the accident.

2. you still didn't answer my question about the engineer.

3. using your logic, you caused this accident because you support engineers doing 106 MPH through a 50 MPH curve. you are responsible for this, not me.

1. Your reading comprehension shortcoming is your problem.

2. For the umpteenth time everything to do with the engineer is purely SPECULATION!

3. Your inability to use utterly logic is irrelevant.

Do try and keep up with the rest of the class.

1. the train was going twice the speed limit, but you won't say shit about the engineer, instead you blame me

2. you have nothing but pure SPECULATION that any funding cuts caused this accident....but that hasn't stopped you from passing off your speculation as fact.

1. The engineer is cooperating fully with the investigation. Speculation is pointless until we know more.

2. You were provided with links documenting the funding cuts to Amtrak that you support.

1. yet, the investigators have said flat out that speed is an issue

2. your links to funding cuts bear no, i repeat, no correlation to the accident

3. thank you for finally answering my question about the engineer.

1. Speed caused the accident. What caused the speed? That is still TBD.

2. Your lack of reading comprehension is your problem.

3. You are welcome but I have been saying the same thing about the engineer from the beginning. See #2 above.

Bout time...
Your reading comprehension disorder is painfully obvious in those 3 posts.

What came immediately after that sentence?

Why didn't you address the pertinent question?

Was it because you can't?
Gays like outing people. And, as they say, the truth WILL out. facts aren't politically correct.[/QUOTE]
The engineer was not competent, promoted for political reasons, it's apparent. But now a days I wonder about fellow drivers, the stupidity and incompetence of people operating motor vehicles. Our standards of knowledge and integrity are so lax, this society on a slippery slope to chaos. Standards discriminate. Damn straight they do, against ignorance and stupidity.

how do you know he was promoted for political reasons? and before this accident, what proof do you have of his incompetence?
Call it an informed hunch. A militant gay man. Crashes a train at twice the speed, doesn't sound like that girly man knew what the hell he was doing. But, his incompetence speaks more for the people that hired him, AMTRAK. They will have to answer for the deaths of 7 or 8 people, not me.

how was he "militant"?

and yes, if it is proven he was incompetent here, amtrak will be held liable.
Perhaps you need to look deeper into the engineer's history. And go from there.

you made the claim, i'm not doing your homework for you

Gays like outing people. And, as they say, the truth WILL out. Facts aren't politically correct.
1. i read both links and neither prove that funding was the cause of the accident.

2. you still didn't answer my question about the engineer.

3. using your logic, you caused this accident because you support engineers doing 106 MPH through a 50 MPH curve. you are responsible for this, not me.

1. Your reading comprehension shortcoming is your problem.

2. For the umpteenth time everything to do with the engineer is purely SPECULATION!

3. Your inability to use utterly logic is irrelevant.

Do try and keep up with the rest of the class.

1. the train was going twice the speed limit, but you won't say shit about the engineer, instead you blame me

2. you have nothing but pure SPECULATION that any funding cuts caused this accident....but that hasn't stopped you from passing off your speculation as fact.

1. The engineer is cooperating fully with the investigation. Speculation is pointless until we know more.

2. You were provided with links documenting the funding cuts to Amtrak that you support.

Respectfully... how can the "engineer" be cooperating fully??

Isn't he saying

that he forgot everything? that he apparently "lost" his memory totally....isn't it that what his lawyer is saying?

was he sleeping? what's going on? only God knows.

He could have had a blackout or a seizure. He might have an undiagnozed medical condition like narcolepsy.

Yes, that is pure speculation but it won't be the first time that has happened. Not being able to recall what happened in an accident is also common enough.

What makes no sense is for the train to accelerate and then for the engineer to slam on the brakes. Something there was screwy. I have traveled that route on Amtrak and I know that the trains can do up to 125 mph between DC and NYC. The Acela can do up to 150 mph.

Right now we just don't know but he does deserve the presumption of innocence while the investigation is ongoing.

Interestingly enough, the safety equipment has been installed. Just not turned on. The reason? FCC hasn't released enough bandwidth to support it. Uh, oh spaghetti oh...... They claim it's all about the budget, but in reality it's one incompetent bureaucracy interfering with another. Who knew!

Yet another meme falls by the wayside in the cold light of fact.

"But the system, which was tantalizingly close to being operational, was delayed by budgetary shortfalls, technical hurdles and bureaucratic rules, officials said Thursday."
Gays like outing people. And, as they say, the truth WILL out. facts aren't politically correct.
how do you know he was promoted for political reasons? and before this accident, what proof do you have of his incompetence?
Call it an informed hunch. A militant gay man. Crashes a train at twice the speed, doesn't sound like that girly man knew what the hell he was doing. But, his incompetence speaks more for the people that hired him, AMTRAK. They will have to answer for the deaths of 7 or 8 people, not me.

how was he "militant"?

and yes, if it is proven he was incompetent here, amtrak will be held liable.
Perhaps you need to look deeper into the engineer's history. And go from there.

you made the claim, i'm not doing your homework for you

Gays like outing people. And, as they say, the truth WILL out. Facts aren't politically correct.[/QUOTE]

if that is true, how does that show his being gay caused this crash?
Your reading comprehension disorder is painfully obvious in those 3 posts.

What came immediately after that sentence?

Why didn't you address the pertinent question?

Was it because you can't?

Speed caused the accident

finally, and i did address what came after.....but at least you stop saying it is the gop or me that caused the crash.
i have honesty and integrity. you're the one being dishonest by claiming i am at fault and blaming spending with no proof, no citations, no evidence. if you were honest and had integrity, you would answer my question about the engineer and provide evidence of your claims.

instead, you're just a spiteful partisan hack who makes wild ass claims that have no basis in reality.

You were given the opportunity to state which tax cuts and spending you opposed. Since you did not state that you opposed prior spending cuts to Amtrak that prevented it from installing PTC that means that you supported them ergo you bear partial responsibility for the accident.

And yes, you lack the honesty and integrity to admit to your own role. But that is your problem, not mine.

Allow me to be as succinctly clear as I can be ... I'll use small words so you can keep up. Feel free to send me $12.95 for the children's version, if you need it.

I adamantly support tax cuts that prevented the injection of funding to AMTRAK - for any reason!!

Amtrak is a failed government subsidy program that has wasted billions of dollars that could have been used for education, infrastructure, and greens fees for our illustrious leader. Supporting a failed program is criminal, or stupid, depending on your point of view.

I've listened to all this malarkey about how the eastern corridor NEEDS Amtrak. If so, then let them pay for it --- raise the price of tickets to match the cost of the service, and see how that works out. It is unconscionable to ask the farmers in Nebraska to pay for a rail line so that New Englanders don't have to spend their own money.

Yes, it killed 8 people - today. And, it will kill 8 people the next time, and the time after that. That's what happens when you have financial and management abuses the order of magnitude present at Amtrak. There should be criminal investigations about why they let it happened, and criminal investigations into why the people we hired to oversee the management, operation, and safety of Amtrak failed to do their jobs.

Anything else I can do for you???


You just managed to send your credibility into negative territory.

Great job!

You must be so proud of yourself.

Wow! What a cogent response!! I am ever so impressed ...

Quit acting like a little baby, lashing out at anybody who might have the temerity to disagree with you, and try to have an intelligent conversation. Frankly, your immature act is getting old - very old.




Can't you get a new shtick??

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