Amtrak Crash and America’s Declining Construction Spending

Amtrak Crash and America’s Declining Construction Spending
MAY 13, 2015

Investigators into the Amtrak crash in Philadelphia are focusing on excess speed, but there is a related issue: the overall condition of Amtrak and the nation’s infrastructure. One of the reasons that American trains should not travel 100 miles an hour in many places is that the state of our rail system — like the state of our bridges, highways and airports — is not good.

Many airports here look dilapidated relative to those in Asia and Europe. Roads are choked with traffic. The fastest train from Boston to Washington takes about six and a half hours. The fastest train from Paris to Marseille — a slightly longer distance — takes just over three hours.

The train that derailed on Tuesday was thought to be traveling at least 100 miles an hour — twice the speed limit on that section of track. That is about half the French train’s average speed on the trip from Paris to Marseille. (Reuters has also reported that the section of the track where the crash occurred lacked advanced braking technology designed to prevent derailments.)

Much of the problem of crumbling infrastructure has existed for years. There is, however, a new development that has made things worse. The combined money that federal, state and local governments spend on construction has dropped significantly, relative to the size of the economy, in the last five years. And only part of the decline stems from the end of the stimulus program, which temporarily lifted infrastructure spending.

A chart is in the linking showing that we're spending only 1.5% of budget on infrastructure. This is the lowest in at least 2 decades! The gop wants to gut it all and turn our country into Haiti. Cut, slash and burn isn't a plan!!! Stop the fucking cuts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anyone that thinks infrastructure, science, r&d and education is the cause of our debt needs to become educated. They're fucking wrong.

Does your figure include the $1 trillion stimulus bill? You remember, the bill that was going to pay for "shovel ready" jobs? The term "shovel ready" means infrastructure jobs. How much of the stimulus was used for infrastructure spending?
Amtrak Crash and America’s Declining Construction Spending
MAY 13, 2015

Investigators into the Amtrak crash in Philadelphia are focusing on excess speed, but there is a related issue: the overall condition of Amtrak and the nation’s infrastructure. One of the reasons that American trains should not travel 100 miles an hour in many places is that the state of our rail system — like the state of our bridges, highways and airports — is not good.

Many airports here look dilapidated relative to those in Asia and Europe. Roads are choked with traffic. The fastest train from Boston to Washington takes about six and a half hours. The fastest train from Paris to Marseille — a slightly longer distance — takes just over three hours.

The train that derailed on Tuesday was thought to be traveling at least 100 miles an hour — twice the speed limit on that section of track. That is about half the French train’s average speed on the trip from Paris to Marseille. (Reuters has also reported that the section of the track where the crash occurred lacked advanced braking technology designed to prevent derailments.)

Much of the problem of crumbling infrastructure has existed for years. There is, however, a new development that has made things worse. The combined money that federal, state and local governments spend on construction has dropped significantly, relative to the size of the economy, in the last five years. And only part of the decline stems from the end of the stimulus program, which temporarily lifted infrastructure spending.

A chart is in the linking showing that we're spending only 1.5% of budget on infrastructure. This is the lowest in at least 2 decades! The gop wants to gut it all and turn our country into Haiti. Cut, slash and burn isn't a plan!!! Stop the fucking cuts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anyone that thinks infrastructure, science, r&d and education is the cause of our debt needs to become educated. They're fucking wrong.

Have you no decency? Science and infrastructure be damned, R&D be damned, education be damned. None of that caused the engineer to run a train off of perfectly good tracks at twice the allowed speed limit. The dead deserve reverence, not to be used as pawns in your sick little political game.

Nothing you tab as the cause is the cause. You're fucking wrong. I hope you regret writing this thread Matt. I really do.
Have you no decency? Science and infrastructure be damned, R&D be damned, education be damned. None of that caused the engineer to run a train off of perfectly good tracks at twice the allowed speed limit. The dead deserve reverence, not to be used as pawns in your sick little political game.

Nothing you tab as the cause is the cause. You're fucking wrong. I hope you regret writing this thread Matt. I really do.

again, you can tell the condition of these tracks by looking at a video?

And you can tell the train accelerated due to operator error and not mechanical error?
I'd like to know more about exactly where the "stimulus" / "shovel ready" money went to first.

Does anyone have a link to data that is not polluted and distorted by partisanship in one direction or the other?

Amtrak Crash and America’s Declining Construction Spending
MAY 13, 2015

Investigators into the Amtrak crash in Philadelphia are focusing on excess speed, but there is a related issue: the overall condition of Amtrak and the nation’s infrastructure. One of the reasons that American trains should not travel 100 miles an hour in many places is that the state of our rail system — like the state of our bridges, highways and airports — is not good.

Many airports here look dilapidated relative to those in Asia and Europe. Roads are choked with traffic. The fastest train from Boston to Washington takes about six and a half hours. The fastest train from Paris to Marseille — a slightly longer distance — takes just over three hours.

The train that derailed on Tuesday was thought to be traveling at least 100 miles an hour — twice the speed limit on that section of track. That is about half the French train’s average speed on the trip from Paris to Marseille. (Reuters has also reported that the section of the track where the crash occurred lacked advanced braking technology designed to prevent derailments.)

Much of the problem of crumbling infrastructure has existed for years. There is, however, a new development that has made things worse. The combined money that federal, state and local governments spend on construction has dropped significantly, relative to the size of the economy, in the last five years. And only part of the decline stems from the end of the stimulus program, which temporarily lifted infrastructure spending.

A chart is in the linking showing that we're spending only 1.5% of budget on infrastructure. This is the lowest in at least 2 decades! The gop wants to gut it all and turn our country into Haiti. Cut, slash and burn isn't a plan!!! Stop the fucking cuts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anyone that thinks infrastructure, science, r&d and education is the cause of our debt needs to become educated. They're fucking wrong.

Drivin' that train
High on cocaine
Casey Jones you better
watch your speed
Trouble ahead
Trouble behind
and you know that notion
just crossed my mind

Tickets for the Final Grateful Dead Shows Are Going for $114,000

Tickets for the Final Grateful Dead Shows Are Going for 114 000 - The Daily Beast
Amtrak is losing money.....
The liberal response is give them more money.
Amtrak Crash and America’s Declining Construction Spending
MAY 13, 2015

Investigators into the Amtrak crash in Philadelphia are focusing on excess speed, but there is a related issue: the overall condition of Amtrak and the nation’s infrastructure. One of the reasons that American trains should not travel 100 miles an hour in many places is that the state of our rail system — like the state of our bridges, highways and airports — is not good.

Many airports here look dilapidated relative to those in Asia and Europe. Roads are choked with traffic. The fastest train from Boston to Washington takes about six and a half hours. The fastest train from Paris to Marseille — a slightly longer distance — takes just over three hours.

The train that derailed on Tuesday was thought to be traveling at least 100 miles an hour — twice the speed limit on that section of track. That is about half the French train’s average speed on the trip from Paris to Marseille. (Reuters has also reported that the section of the track where the crash occurred lacked advanced braking technology designed to prevent derailments.)

Much of the problem of crumbling infrastructure has existed for years. There is, however, a new development that has made things worse. The combined money that federal, state and local governments spend on construction has dropped significantly, relative to the size of the economy, in the last five years. And only part of the decline stems from the end of the stimulus program, which temporarily lifted infrastructure spending.

A chart is in the linking showing that we're spending only 1.5% of budget on infrastructure. This is the lowest in at least 2 decades! The gop wants to gut it all and turn our country into Haiti. Cut, slash and burn isn't a plan!!! Stop the fucking cuts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anyone that thinks infrastructure, science, r&d and education is the cause of our debt needs to become educated. They're fucking wrong.

Right, but you want to borrow more money to spend on it, right?
I'd like to know more about exactly where the "stimulus" / "shovel ready" money went to first.

Does anyone have a link to data that is not polluted and distorted by partisanship in one direction or the other?


How about Wiki?

American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Of the 787 billion, 288 billion was tax credits (yes, Obama drank some of the Supply Side Koolaid) and 144 Billion was payments directly to states to make up for lost revenues due to the recession. So really, only 355 Billion went to other projects.


In fact, in the three year period, only 111B went to "infrastructure", when the needs to fix infrastructure are in the 3.6 TRILLION range.
First of all, taxpayer funded construction while necessary and ongoing, does not spike the GDP. Most of us citizens have been inconvenienced by taxpayer funded infrastructure repair and expansion in the NorthEast corridor in the last 25 years. It's such an issue that local news agencies factor in construction problems on a daily traffic issue. Amtrac is similar to Fannie Mae.. Democrats who had supervisory authority pretended that republicans were responsible.

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