MASSIVE Conflict of Interest - Biden DOJ Injecting Itself Into Az Election Audit

Of the really low (dumb) end of what the dem party employs to post here, those are the ones just spewing hate and lies here.

It is perfectly clear that the Democrat party does not support democracy...

Biden and the Democrats are SO worried about the truth coming out in Az that Biden's DOJ is injecting itself into the audit process...on top of the Democrats stacking the deck by putting die-hard anti-Trump leftists on the audit team already....

Nothing says 'We cheated & stole the election' like a massive conflict of interest consisting of the stolen election recipient sending in his DOJ to ensure the truth remains hidden and his 'win' is protected.
Conflict of INTEREST?

How about VIOLATION of the US Constitution ....

Can we say Communist Revolution?

Biden and the Democrats are SO worried about the truth coming out in Az that Biden's DOJ is injecting itself into the audit process...on top of the Democrats stacking the deck by putting die-hard anti-Trump leftists on the audit team already....

Nothing says 'We cheated & stole the election' like a massive conflict of interest consisting of the stolen election recipient sending in his DOJ to ensure the truth remains hidden and his 'win' is protected.

Do you want to know what a REAL conflict of interest is? It's when one political party (either the Republicans OR the Democrats) starts an audit of the ballots without the participation of the other major political party, thereby giving the appearance a partisan motivation instead of showing bipartisan cooperation in an effort to investigate what is objectively true regarding the final vote count.

Biden and the Democrats are SO worried about the truth coming out in Az that Biden's DOJ is injecting itself into the audit process...on top of the Democrats stacking the deck by putting die-hard anti-Trump leftists on the audit team already....

Nothing says 'We cheated & stole the election' like a massive conflict of interest consisting of the stolen election recipient sending in his DOJ to ensure the truth remains hidden and his 'win' is protected.

They should interfere with this farce. Apparently you know this is a farce and that is why you don't want them to come in. It is Republicans who are interfering. The vote was audited by the county using outside firms qualified to audit elections. The conflict of interests are all over the REPUBLICAN side. It is clear that they are violating state and federal laws.
Yes, they should interfere with the audits so the fact everyone else already knows isn't confirmed...that the Democrats stole the election, before all the existing evidence is put on display for the world to see.

As I said, if the Democrats really believed the elections were legit they would have sat back and let the audits prove it. THEY KNOW, however, it was all a massive criminal scam, which is why they are doing whatever it takes to 'steal' the election a 2nd time.

There was no criminal scam. This audit is a criminal scam. If this is on the up and up, why are you so afraid of the DOJ monitoring the situation. Instead we have a company that has a clear conflict of interest. Senate Republicans who have a clear conflict of interest. Republicans make up the najority of the Maricopa election board and they are condemning this farce.
The audits exist because of the Constitution and US election law, to protect the integrity of US elections, so of course the Democrats and snowflake trolls like you completely oppose them...and oppose election integrity.


You have no clue what the word integrity is. So you have no clue what election integrity is. Maricopa Republicans did 2 separate audits. They were done by firms qualified to do the work and with no bias. They found no issues. You are nothing but a crooked troll.
They were done by the same Dominion connected companies that did GA. In fact at the time they did the AZ audit they were not certified. I have already proven this.

That is your latest excuse. Just keep making it up.
I have posted the links. What I said was fact. You are spinning your wheels.

Posting biased opinion is not fact. You are spinning.

Biden and the Democrats are SO worried about the truth coming out in Az that Biden's DOJ is injecting itself into the audit process...on top of the Democrats stacking the deck by putting die-hard anti-Trump leftists on the audit team already....

Nothing says 'We cheated & stole the election' like a massive conflict of interest consisting of the stolen election recipient sending in his DOJ to ensure the truth remains hidden and his 'win' is protected.
By "Biden DOJ Injecting Itself Into Az Election Audit," you mean ensuring the law is being followed. That's actually Biden's job.
Sry, that is the state's matter. Feds has no say on the issue. Did you forget the SCOTUS ruling last year? I was wondering the base on the DOJ
" . . We are very concerned that the auditors are engaged in on going and imminent violations of federal voting and election laws. Specifically, we believe that the senate and its agents, including Cyber Ninjas, are 1) violating their duty under federal law to retain and preserve ballots cast in a federal election, which are and have been in danger of being stolen, defaced, or irretrievably damaged,and 2) preparing to engage in conduct which will constitute unlawful voter intimidation in violation of the Voting Rights Act and other federal laws.. . "
That is BS, TX sued other states, and SCOTUS gave TX the finger and I remember Trump had no ground to send lawyers to "questionable" states (or William Barr did not bother, correct me if I am wrong)

The DOJ has every right to intervene if federal laws are potentially being violated.
Do you think we are living in CHIna? DOJ can only intervene if fed laws are being violated, not potentially. Where have you been last year? The Court gave Orange when he filed the mail-in vote violation too early.

Anyway, the whole issue is voter intimidation because AZ is playing bully now.

The DOJ can step in to ensure federal laws are not violated.
Pelosi, Schumer, Mad Max, and others literally told Americans to illegally stalk, invade the personal spaces of, to harass, and to illegally engage with Republican politicians, violent rhetoric that resulted in GOP election HQs being vandalized and burnt down, liberals illegally initiating physical confrontations / altercations with GOP candidates and Republican politicians, and finally incited the attempted assassination attempt of GOP politicians in a public park, in which GOP Rep Steve Scalise was gunned down and put in the hospital.

Democrats and snowflakes continue to intentionally ignore these documented historic events while moronically claiming that Trump encouraging supporters to 'PEACEFULLY WALK down to the Capitol' and SHOW SUPPORT for the Republicans was / is somehow ;inciting an insurrection'.

They KNOW its all BS...but they keep repeating the lies that were written for them to parrot.

Meanwhile right wing fascists were shooting a Democrat congresswoman. Sending mail bombs to Trump's political enemies. The Gov Doucey had to provide state police protection to the secretary of state because of death threats made by right wing fascists. We also have the plot to kidnap the Michigan governor.

The Trump campaign collected 150 million dollars in donations from people like you, small individual donors to STOP THE STEAL, they had the money to recount the entire state and audit for signature matches in every county, legally, and bring lawsuits with evidentiary proof of fraud that would affect the results of the election, prior to the certification....

Thank you, as usual, for that BS fairytale in which you spin stories that are in no way true. Nice story, brau, but like Biden's Amtrak story, it's all made up with no substantiating evidence....just your 'bedtime' story.
Why don't you do some actual research on it Easy?

Look up the court case for this audit....Republicans Senate was sued...the State wanted it stopped, on the grounds of the audit, being illegal....if it was to change the results of the State's certified election....the Rs swore it was just for legislative purposes....

LOOK IT UP! You won't trust any of my sources...
So why are you and the Democrats so worried about a fair and neutral audit being conducted? Why do you fear transparency?

Why do you fear the outcome if you truly believe there was no election fraud?

Why are Democrats trying so hard to block , control, or steal the audit process...if they truly believe the election was legit?

Why are you so afraid of the outcome if you believe that the judge authorized the audit AS LONG AS THE RESULTS ARE NOT USED TO TRY TO OVER-TURN THE ELECTION?

If the findings can not change the outcome of the election, why try to hard to void the audit and / or control the process and findings?

Democrats and snowflakes claim to care about election integrity and transparency, but their actions show just the opposite.

The trouble is that it is not fair and neutral. Republican election officials in Maricopa conducted 2 fair and unbiased audits. They also oppose this. Even one Republican state senator has admitted this is turning into a farce.
Arizona's audit can just needs to follow the legal statute....

The State election committee, has to have legal custody of the ballots to make certain they are kept secure and maintain integrity...

So, with a few minor changes, the audit can continue.

ROFLMAO, no one concerned themselves with other States that violated their own election laws to install xiden in the oval. You hypocritical commies need to just STFU.


You need to STFU. The DOJ has every right to enforce FEDERAL law.

The audit was ordered by the State senate, for their information, the feds have no roll in it.

But why don't you tell the class, exactly what federal law would be in play?

You're fucked in the head con. :cuckoo:

It was a federal election. Of course the federal government has a role in it.

Poor little commie, the election is OVER, how a State choses to conduct an audit after the fact is none of the feds fucking business.


Yes it is when you are potentially breaking federal law.

Biden and the Democrats are SO worried about the truth coming out in Az that Biden's DOJ is injecting itself into the audit process...on top of the Democrats stacking the deck by putting die-hard anti-Trump leftists on the audit team already....

Nothing says 'We cheated & stole the election' like a massive conflict of interest consisting of the stolen election recipient sending in his DOJ to ensure the truth remains hidden and his 'win' is protected.

They should interfere with this farce. Apparently you know this is a farce and that is why you don't want them to come in. It is Republicans who are interfering. The vote was audited by the county using outside firms qualified to audit elections. The conflict of interests are all over the REPUBLICAN side. It is clear that they are violating state and federal laws.
Yes, they should interfere with the audits so the fact everyone else already knows isn't confirmed...that the Democrats stole the election, before all the existing evidence is put on display for the world to see.

As I said, if the Democrats really believed the elections were legit they would have sat back and let the audits prove it. THEY KNOW, however, it was all a massive criminal scam, which is why they are doing whatever it takes to 'steal' the election a 2nd time.

There was no criminal scam. This audit is a criminal scam. If this is on the up and up, why are you so afraid of the DOJ monitoring the situation. Instead we have a company that has a clear conflict of interest. Senate Republicans who have a clear conflict of interest. Republicans make up the najority of the Maricopa election board and they are condemning this farce.
The audits exist because of the Constitution and US election law, to protect the integrity of US elections, so of course the Democrats and snowflake trolls like you completely oppose them...and oppose election integrity.

Well that's complete bullshit since nothing in the Constitution addresses holding a meaningless audit of an election 6 months later.

State legislatures can investigate any damn thing they wish. The results may prompt STATE legislative changes to THEIR election laws.


A biased audit proves nothing.
Sheriff Paul Penzone (D) said in a statement that providing router information to a shadowy private company led by a conspiracy-embracing CEO would compromise sensitive and highly classified law enforcement data and equipment.

“The Senate Republican Caucus’ audit of the Maricopa County votes from last November’s election has no stopping point,” Penzone said. “Now, its most recent demands jeopardize the entire mission of the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office.”

[...] In response to Senate subpoenas last week, county attorney Allister Adel explained in a letter that turning over the requested routers or “virtual images” of routers not only poses a significant security risk to the sheriff’s office, it also “puts sensitive, confidential data belonging to Maricopa County’s citizens — including Social Security numbers and protected health information — at risk as well,” reported the Arizona Republic.
And the $150 million collected to stop the steal is also, all over the news and has been for months... It's up to $250 million collected from y'all now.... This STOP THE STEAL shenanigans is quite lucrative....!:eek:

WHY do you give such a damn about people donating money - not yours - to a cause, especially if what you believe is true, that there was no election fraud occurred?

Some states reported they would not conduct an audit unless the money to fund such an endeavor was people raised the money to pay for the audits. Why does the fact they did so scare the hell out of you so?

We have a right to know who is paying for this. It is called transparency.
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“Why Are You Working So Hard to Shut the Audit Down? What Are You Hiding” – TGP Reporter Confronts AZ Secretary of State Katie Hobbs — Katie Hobbs Runs! (VIDEO)

Jordan Conradson: Secretary Hobbs, why are you sending top Democrat operatives into Arizona audit and hiding it from the officials?… Why are you working so hard to shut the audit down?… What are you hiding?… Isn’t it your job to be nonpartisan?… You called this a Republican audit, this is an audit for the people… Secretary Hobbs, do you have any comments?

Katie Hobbs ran and refused to answer a SINGLE QUESTION!

They can't even answer 1 question millions of Americans want answered - WHY ARE THE DEMOCRATS TRYING TO SHUT THE AUDITS DOWN / CONTROL THEM, & WHY ARE THEY RUNNING FROM THAT QUESTION?

Why are you so afraid of Democrat representatives observing what is going on? Any norfmzal person would shut this down. At least 1 Republican senator regrets his support for it and admits it makes them look like idiots. The only people doing that are un-American Trump supporters.

I am certainly not scared of them finding massive fraud. It will be proven to be the obligatory witch hunt by republicans.

Yup....if you completely ignore, as Democrats / liberals have done, the numerous 1st-hand-account whistleblowers who provided evidence of election fraud under oath before Congress, ignore the Chief justice / USSC who publicly acknowledged how Pa Democrats violated both state and federal Constitutions and election laws in the middle of an election, and other evidence that has exposed election fraud occurred....

You just repeat the same lie over and over. Roberts did no such thing. There is no evidence that election fraud has occurred.

I am certainly not scared of them finding massive fraud. It will be proven to be the obligatory witch hunt by republicans.

Yup....if you completely ignore, as Democrats / liberals have done, the numerous 1st-hand-account whistleblowers who provided evidence of election fraud under oath before Congress, ignore the Chief justice / USSC who publicly acknowledged how Pa Democrats violated both state and federal Constitutions and election laws in the middle of an election, and other evidence that has exposed election fraud occurred....

You just repeat the same lie over and over. Roberts did no such thing. There is no evidence that election fraud has occurred.
No no - The lie is TRUE! 65 Federal Judges never actually looked at the evidence! :lol:
Arizona's audit can just needs to follow the legal statute....

The State election committee, has to have legal custody of the ballots to make certain they are kept secure and maintain integrity...

So, with a few minor changes, the audit can continue.

ROFLMAO, no one concerned themselves with other States that violated their own election laws to install xiden in the oval. You hypocritical commies need to just STFU.


You need to STFU. The DOJ has every right to enforce FEDERAL law.

The audit was ordered by the State senate, for their information, the feds have no roll in it.

But why don't you tell the class, exactly what federal law would be in play?

You're fucked in the head con. :cuckoo:

It was a federal election. Of course the federal government has a role in it.

Poor little commie, the election is OVER, how a State choses to conduct an audit after the fact is none of the feds fucking business.

Dumbfuck, the federal government can still pass legislation on how states handle ballots used in a federal election. You're dumber than shit.

Really, quote such a law.

Like I said, you're as crazy as they come, ya brain-dead con.

Every officer of election shall retain and preserve, for a period of twenty-two months from the date of any general, special, or primary election of which candidates for the office of President, Vice President, presidential elector, Member of the Senate, Member of the House of Representatives, or Resident Commissioner from the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico are voted for, all records and papers which come into his possession relating to any application, registration, payment of poll tax, or other act requisite to voting in such election, except that, when required by law, such records and papers may be delivered to another officer of election and except that, if a State or the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico designates a custodian to retain and preserve these records and papers at a specified place, then such records and papers may be deposited with such custodian, and the duty to retain and preserve any record or paper so deposited shall devolve upon such custodian. Any officer of election or custodian who willfully fails to comply with this section shall be fined not more than $1,000 or imprisoned not more than one year, or both.

And AZ is violating that HOW?????????????? And there's no such thing as a federal election, each State runs their own elections.


They are mishandling and destroying the ballots. Also they are attempting to intimidate voters.

I am certainly not scared of them finding massive fraud. It will be proven to be the obligatory witch hunt by republicans.

Yup....if you completely ignore, as Democrats / liberals have done, the numerous 1st-hand-account whistleblowers who provided evidence of election fraud under oath before Congress, ignore the Chief justice / USSC who publicly acknowledged how Pa Democrats violated both state and federal Constitutions and election laws in the middle of an election, and other evidence that has exposed election fraud occurred....

You just repeat the same lie over and over. Roberts did no such thing. There is no evidence that election fraud has occurred.
No no - The lie is TRUE! 65 Federal Judges never actually looked at the evidence! :lol:

A number of the courts did and cited the lack of evidence for throwing out the suit.

I am certainly not scared of them finding massive fraud. It will be proven to be the obligatory witch hunt by republicans.

Yup....if you completely ignore, as Democrats / liberals have done, the numerous 1st-hand-account whistleblowers who provided evidence of election fraud under oath before Congress, ignore the Chief justice / USSC who publicly acknowledged how Pa Democrats violated both state and federal Constitutions and election laws in the middle of an election, and other evidence that has exposed election fraud occurred....

You just repeat the same lie over and over. Roberts did no such thing. There is no evidence that election fraud has occurred.
No no - The lie is TRUE! 65 Federal Judges never actually looked at the evidence! :lol:

A number of the courts did and cited the lack of evidence for throwing out the suit.
That has little to do with the audit, if anything at all.
There's no such thing as a federal election. They are ALL State and local elections.

You're as crazy as they come, ya brain-dead con.


Federal elections occur every two years, on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November.

So you believe the BIG LIE do ya?

Elections for STATE REPRESENTATIVES TO the federal government are elected every two and four years.

You're as crazy as they come, ya brain-dead con. :cuckoo:

What part of "federal elections" did you not understand?

Federal elections are as fictional as the popular vote. All contrived BS.


Elections for federal offices are federal elections. The Constitution gives Congress the power to regulate federal elections.

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