MASSIVE Conflict of Interest - Biden DOJ Injecting Itself Into Az Election Audit

A number of the courts did and cited the lack of evidence for throwing out the suit.

Please post links to that "number of the courts did and cited the lack of evidence" ...

In its decision, the court highlighted the Trump legal team’s lack of evidence of its claims, and rebuked the lawyers for making “vague and conclusory” allegations, and for requesting a remedy “grossly disproportionate to the procedural challenges raised.”

“The Campaign never alleges that any ballot was fraudulent or cast by an illegal voter,” Judge Stephanos Bibas, who was nominated to the court by Trump in 2017, wrote for the court. “It never alleges that any defendant treated the Trump campaign or its votes worse than it treated the Biden campaign or its votes. Calling something discrimination does not make it so.”

“Charges of unfairness are serious,” Bibas wrote. “But calling an election unfair does not make it so. Charges require specific allegations and then proof. We have neither here.”

Before the Court is a Petition to Command Enforcement of Election Laws which was filed by the Georgia Republican Party and Donald J. Trump for President, Inc. The matter was heard via Webex on November 5, 2020. Having read and considered said petition, all argument and evidence of record, including the evidence presented at the hearing, and the applicable law, the Court finds that there is no evidence that the ballots referenced in the petition were received after 7:00 p.m. on election day, thereby making those ballots invalid. Additionally, there is no evidence that the Chatham County Board of Elections or the Chatham County Board of Registrars has failed to comply with the law.

When Democrats know they are about to be exposed / lose they 'intervene'...
I wonder what would happen if they shut down the audit at midnight, got rid of all the Democrats, and then got caught on tape pulling suitcases of votes out from under tables for rabid Republicans to count, and miraculously, all those votes went for the Republican. Or maybe they took Republican ballots and scanned them through the machine 3,4,5 times each. Democrats did that in November.
You still believe that crap, huh?

Since it was all caught on surveillance video the idiot criminal Democrats forgot existed, YEAH!

We didn't forget it existed....

The full video coverage, instead of the purposeful cut out of the video MEANT TO DECEIVE YOU, IS WHERE THE ACTUAL TRUTH LIES....

NO, we didn't forget about the video at all.... The full video SHOWS where the ballots came from.....
Yup, from inside suitcases pulled out from under tables after the GOP poll watchers were convinced no more ballots would be counted that night.

video was taken out of context

How do you do that? Can you say anything dumber?
I wonder what would happen if they shut down the audit at midnight, got rid of all the Democrats, and then got caught on tape pulling suitcases of votes out from under tables for rabid Republicans to count, and miraculously, all those votes went for the Republican. Or maybe they took Republican ballots and scanned them through the machine 3,4,5 times each. Democrats did that in November.
You still believe that crap, huh?

Since it was all caught on surveillance video the idiot criminal Democrats forgot existed, YEAH!

We didn't forget it existed....

The full video coverage, instead of the purposeful cut out of the video MEANT TO DECEIVE YOU, IS WHERE THE ACTUAL TRUTH LIES....

NO, we didn't forget about the video at all.... The full video SHOWS where the ballots came from.....
Yup, from inside suitcases pulled out from under tables after the GOP poll watchers were convinced no more ballots would be counted that night.

video was taken out of context

How do you do that? Can you say anything dumber?

Your idiocy knows no boundaries. Of course that video was taken out of context. Why else would they only have presented snippets in the hearing? How else would they have created their false narrative?

I post this not for you. You're a lost cause. I posted this for others...

"So he hangs up the phone, he goes over to some boxes, puts some more seals on them because obviously if you watch the video tape, many of the people that are there have been there since 7:00 in the morning. It’s already 11:00 at night. They were all under the impression they were going to get to go home. So you see him spend about 30 seconds going, “Heck, what am I going to say to these people?” So then he walks back over to the corner of a desk and says, “I’ve got the word, we got to keep on scanning.” So they go back to the boxes that you see them put under the table at the approximately 10:00 hour. There is videotape of this. And this is what is really frustrating: The president’s legal team had the entire tape, they watched the entire tape, and then, from our point of view, intentionally misled the state senate, voters, and the people of the United States about this. It was intentional, it was obvious, and anybody watching this knows that. Anyone watching it knows that. That’s why we released the entire tape for people to watch." ~ Gabriel Sterling, Republican COO for the Republican-led Secretary of State's Office, 1.4.21
Of the really low (dumb) end of what the dem party employs to post here, those are the ones just spewing hate and lies here.

It is perfectly clear that the Democrat party does not support democracy...

Republicans do not support democracy. That is why they are making it harder to vote. How they want to trample on free speech rights.
Then why did your party take the all-star game out of Georgia, and take it to Colorado? You know the state that has stricter voting rules and is mostly white? You’re a tool. Lol
I wonder what would happen if they shut down the audit at midnight, got rid of all the Democrats, and then got caught on tape pulling suitcases of votes out from under tables for rabid Republicans to count, and miraculously, all those votes went for the Republican. Or maybe they took Republican ballots and scanned them through the machine 3,4,5 times each. Democrats did that in November.
You still believe that crap, huh?

Since it was all caught on surveillance video the idiot criminal Democrats forgot existed, YEAH!

We didn't forget it existed....

The full video coverage, instead of the purposeful cut out of the video MEANT TO DECEIVE YOU, IS WHERE THE ACTUAL TRUTH LIES....

NO, we didn't forget about the video at all.... The full video SHOWS where the ballots came from.....
Yup, from inside suitcases pulled out from under tables after the GOP poll watchers were convinced no more ballots would be counted that night.

video was taken out of context

How do you do that? Can you say anything dumber?

Your idiocy knows no boundaries. Of course that video was taken out of context. Why else would they only have presented snippets in the hearing? How else would they have created their false narrative?

I post this not for you. You're a lost cause. I posted this for others...

"So he hangs up the phone, he goes over to some boxes, puts some more seals on them because obviously if you watch the video tape, many of the people that are there have been there since 7:00 in the morning. It’s already 11:00 at night. They were all under the impression they were going to get to go home. So you see him spend about 30 seconds going, “Heck, what am I going to say to these people?” So then he walks back over to the corner of a desk and says, “I’ve got the word, we got to keep on scanning.” So they go back to the boxes that you see them put under the table at the approximately 10:00 hour. There is videotape of this. And this is what is really frustrating: The president’s legal team had the entire tape, they watched the entire tape, and then, from our point of view, intentionally misled the state senate, voters, and the people of the United States about this. It was intentional, it was obvious, and anybody watching this knows that. Anyone watching it knows that. That’s why we released the entire tape for people to watch." ~ Gabriel Sterling, Republican COO for the Republican-led Secretary of State's Office, 1.4.21
You mean like NBC edited the Zimmerman 911 tapes?
Of the really low (dumb) end of what the dem party employs to post here, those are the ones just spewing hate and lies here.

It is perfectly clear that the Democrat party does not support democracy...

Republicans do not support democracy. That is why they are making it harder to vote. How they want to trample on free speech rights.
Then why did your party take the all-star game out of Georgia, and take it to Colorado? You know the state that has stricter voting rules and is mostly white? You’re a tool. Lol

Oh? Name the Democrats who moved the game....

I wonder what would happen if they shut down the audit at midnight, got rid of all the Democrats, and then got caught on tape pulling suitcases of votes out from under tables for rabid Republicans to count, and miraculously, all those votes went for the Republican. Or maybe they took Republican ballots and scanned them through the machine 3,4,5 times each. Democrats did that in November.
You still believe that crap, huh?

Since it was all caught on surveillance video the idiot criminal Democrats forgot existed, YEAH!

We didn't forget it existed....

The full video coverage, instead of the purposeful cut out of the video MEANT TO DECEIVE YOU, IS WHERE THE ACTUAL TRUTH LIES....

NO, we didn't forget about the video at all.... The full video SHOWS where the ballots came from.....
Yup, from inside suitcases pulled out from under tables after the GOP poll watchers were convinced no more ballots would be counted that night.

video was taken out of context

How do you do that? Can you say anything dumber?

Your idiocy knows no boundaries. Of course that video was taken out of context. Why else would they only have presented snippets in the hearing? How else would they have created their false narrative?

I post this not for you. You're a lost cause. I posted this for others...

"So he hangs up the phone, he goes over to some boxes, puts some more seals on them because obviously if you watch the video tape, many of the people that are there have been there since 7:00 in the morning. It’s already 11:00 at night. They were all under the impression they were going to get to go home. So you see him spend about 30 seconds going, “Heck, what am I going to say to these people?” So then he walks back over to the corner of a desk and says, “I’ve got the word, we got to keep on scanning.” So they go back to the boxes that you see them put under the table at the approximately 10:00 hour. There is videotape of this. And this is what is really frustrating: The president’s legal team had the entire tape, they watched the entire tape, and then, from our point of view, intentionally misled the state senate, voters, and the people of the United States about this. It was intentional, it was obvious, and anybody watching this knows that. Anyone watching it knows that. That’s why we released the entire tape for people to watch." ~ Gabriel Sterling, Republican COO for the Republican-led Secretary of State's Office, 1.4.21
You mean like NBC edited the Zimmerman 911 tapes?

Good to see you recognize Trump's legal team lied to Georgia's Senate and to the American people.
I wonder what would happen if they shut down the audit at midnight, got rid of all the Democrats, and then got caught on tape pulling suitcases of votes out from under tables for rabid Republicans to count, and miraculously, all those votes went for the Republican. Or maybe they took Republican ballots and scanned them through the machine 3,4,5 times each. Democrats did that in November.
You still believe that crap, huh?

Since it was all caught on surveillance video the idiot criminal Democrats forgot existed, YEAH!

We didn't forget it existed....

The full video coverage, instead of the purposeful cut out of the video MEANT TO DECEIVE YOU, IS WHERE THE ACTUAL TRUTH LIES....

NO, we didn't forget about the video at all.... The full video SHOWS where the ballots came from.....
Yup, from inside suitcases pulled out from under tables after the GOP poll watchers were convinced no more ballots would be counted that night.

video was taken out of context

How do you do that? Can you say anything dumber?

Your idiocy knows no boundaries. Of course that video was taken out of context. Why else would they only have presented snippets in the hearing? How else would they have created their false narrative?

I post this not for you. You're a lost cause. I posted this for others...

"So he hangs up the phone, he goes over to some boxes, puts some more seals on them because obviously if you watch the video tape, many of the people that are there have been there since 7:00 in the morning. It’s already 11:00 at night. They were all under the impression they were going to get to go home. So you see him spend about 30 seconds going, “Heck, what am I going to say to these people?” So then he walks back over to the corner of a desk and says, “I’ve got the word, we got to keep on scanning.” So they go back to the boxes that you see them put under the table at the approximately 10:00 hour. There is videotape of this. And this is what is really frustrating: The president’s legal team had the entire tape, they watched the entire tape, and then, from our point of view, intentionally misled the state senate, voters, and the people of the United States about this. It was intentional, it was obvious, and anybody watching this knows that. Anyone watching it knows that. That’s why we released the entire tape for people to watch." ~ Gabriel Sterling, Republican COO for the Republican-led Secretary of State's Office, 1.4.21
All the testimony was about suspected fraud. That is the context. Next.

A number of the courts did and cited the lack of evidence for throwing out the suit.

Please post links to that "number of the courts did and cited the lack of evidence" ...
The election was over 6 months ago loon. GTF over it!

No, you loons want to cover up your cheating.
Yeah. We are really worried about all the bamboo fibers you’re going to find and prove that the ballots came from, you know, South Asia or something?
I saw that. Desperation time!
And NOW they gotta be out by 5-15 having counted fewer than 10% of the ballots! :laughing0301:

Why not verify every vote?

Over and over until you find what you what you think you'll find?

They haven't been verified yet.

Liar. The state verified their results for the first time on November 30th. Then again following a recount.

No they didn't the signatures were not verified and they are fighting it now.

They were verified and Maricopa County Republicans agree.

How were they verified when county officials did not have the password or control?
Since the routers don’t record and save the information transferred to and from the County it is not possible to see any data with social security numbers and health info in routers. This is total BS – said one of our experts who looked at this.

3. The third paragraph basically says we will keep looking at this issue and if we find a way to safely provide you the data from the routers we’ll let you know. (Yes, more BS)

4. In the fourth and final paragraph the County addresses their inability to provide passwords:
This last issue is very concerning. A company needs the admin system passwords to run their systems. If true, then who does have the administration passwords. This indicates the County has ceded full reign of their election tabulators to some other entity. This puts the County more at risk than any of their concerns with sharing router data. This is actually appalling but it is supported by testimonies held after the election:

Your Q-Kooks will get routers with personal info including SS numbers about the time hell freezes over :)
I wonder what would happen if they shut down the audit at midnight, got rid of all the Democrats, and then got caught on tape pulling suitcases of votes out from under tables for rabid Republicans to count, and miraculously, all those votes went for the Republican. Or maybe they took Republican ballots and scanned them through the machine 3,4,5 times each. Democrats did that in November.
You still believe that crap, huh?

Since it was all caught on surveillance video the idiot criminal Democrats forgot existed, YEAH!

We didn't forget it existed....

The full video coverage, instead of the purposeful cut out of the video MEANT TO DECEIVE YOU, IS WHERE THE ACTUAL TRUTH LIES....

NO, we didn't forget about the video at all.... The full video SHOWS where the ballots came from.....
Yup, from inside suitcases pulled out from under tables after the GOP poll watchers were convinced no more ballots would be counted that night.

video was taken out of context

How do you do that? Can you say anything dumber?

Your idiocy knows no boundaries. Of course that video was taken out of context. Why else would they only have presented snippets in the hearing? How else would they have created their false narrative?

I post this not for you. You're a lost cause. I posted this for others...

"So he hangs up the phone, he goes over to some boxes, puts some more seals on them because obviously if you watch the video tape, many of the people that are there have been there since 7:00 in the morning. It’s already 11:00 at night. They were all under the impression they were going to get to go home. So you see him spend about 30 seconds going, “Heck, what am I going to say to these people?” So then he walks back over to the corner of a desk and says, “I’ve got the word, we got to keep on scanning.” So they go back to the boxes that you see them put under the table at the approximately 10:00 hour. There is videotape of this. And this is what is really frustrating: The president’s legal team had the entire tape, they watched the entire tape, and then, from our point of view, intentionally misled the state senate, voters, and the people of the United States about this. It was intentional, it was obvious, and anybody watching this knows that. Anyone watching it knows that. That’s why we released the entire tape for people to watch." ~ Gabriel Sterling, Republican COO for the Republican-led Secretary of State's Office, 1.4.21
All the testimony was about suspected fraud. That is the context. Next.
Nope, it was an outright lie. They cut up the tape and showed pieces while excluding others to make it appear as though a suitcase full of illegal ballots was hidden under a table when the truth was it was an official ballot case, tagged to maintain chain-of-custody; and containing legal ballots. And Trump's legal team intentionally didn't show the part where that case was brought in; instead, they lied and claimed it was snuck in.

And as Sterling said, Trump's legal team had the entire video. They knew what it actually contained. It was beyond deceptive.

That's why Georgia released the the entire video to the public. So the public would know the truth.

A number of the courts did and cited the lack of evidence for throwing out the suit.

Please post links to that "number of the courts did and cited the lack of evidence" ...
The election was over 6 months ago loon. GTF over it!

No, you loons want to cover up your cheating.
Yeah. We are really worried about all the bamboo fibers you’re going to find and prove that the ballots came from, you know, South Asia or something?
I saw that. Desperation time!
And NOW they gotta be out by 5-15 having counted fewer than 10% of the ballots! :laughing0301:

Why not verify every vote?

Over and over until you find what you what you think you'll find?

They haven't been verified yet.

Liar. The state verified their results for the first time on November 30th. Then again following a recount.

No they didn't the signatures were not verified and they are fighting it now.

They were verified and Maricopa County Republicans agree.

How were they verified when county officials did not have the password or control?
Since the routers don’t record and save the information transferred to and from the County it is not possible to see any data with social security numbers and health info in routers. This is total BS – said one of our experts who looked at this.

3. The third paragraph basically says we will keep looking at this issue and if we find a way to safely provide you the data from the routers we’ll let you know. (Yes, more BS)

4. In the fourth and final paragraph the County addresses their inability to provide passwords:
This last issue is very concerning. A company needs the admin system passwords to run their systems. If true, then who does have the administration passwords. This indicates the County has ceded full reign of their election tabulators to some other entity. This puts the County more at risk than any of their concerns with sharing router data. This is actually appalling but it is supported by testimonies held after the election:

Your Q-Kooks will get routers with personal info including SS numbers about the time hell freezes over :)

You can't get those from the routers. Your excuse is non existent. I posted that fact.

A number of the courts did and cited the lack of evidence for throwing out the suit.

Please post links to that "number of the courts did and cited the lack of evidence" ...
The election was over 6 months ago loon. GTF over it!

No, you loons want to cover up your cheating.
Yeah. We are really worried about all the bamboo fibers you’re going to find and prove that the ballots came from, you know, South Asia or something?
I saw that. Desperation time!
And NOW they gotta be out by 5-15 having counted fewer than 10% of the ballots! :laughing0301:

Why not verify every vote?

Over and over until you find what you what you think you'll find?

They haven't been verified yet.

Liar. The state verified their results for the first time on November 30th. Then again following a recount.

No they didn't the signatures were not verified and they are fighting it now.

They were verified and Maricopa County Republicans agree.

How were they verified when county officials did not have the password or control?
Since the routers don’t record and save the information transferred to and from the County it is not possible to see any data with social security numbers and health info in routers. This is total BS – said one of our experts who looked at this.

3. The third paragraph basically says we will keep looking at this issue and if we find a way to safely provide you the data from the routers we’ll let you know. (Yes, more BS)

4. In the fourth and final paragraph the County addresses their inability to provide passwords:
This last issue is very concerning. A company needs the admin system passwords to run their systems. If true, then who does have the administration passwords. This indicates the County has ceded full reign of their election tabulators to some other entity. This puts the County more at risk than any of their concerns with sharing router data. This is actually appalling but it is supported by testimonies held after the election:

Your Q-Kooks will get routers with personal info including SS numbers about the time hell freezes over :)

You can't get those from the routers. Your excuse is non existent. I posted that fact.

Not what was reported last night loon.
Put it this way, your Q-Kooks get NO personal information.
Go home - Be happy - Stop whining

A number of the courts did and cited the lack of evidence for throwing out the suit.

Please post links to that "number of the courts did and cited the lack of evidence" ...
The election was over 6 months ago loon. GTF over it!

No, you loons want to cover up your cheating.
Yeah. We are really worried about all the bamboo fibers you’re going to find and prove that the ballots came from, you know, South Asia or something?
I saw that. Desperation time!
And NOW they gotta be out by 5-15 having counted fewer than 10% of the ballots! :laughing0301:

Why not verify every vote?

Over and over until you find what you what you think you'll find?

They haven't been verified yet.

Liar. The state verified their results for the first time on November 30th. Then again following a recount.

No they didn't the signatures were not verified and they are fighting it now.

They were verified and Maricopa County Republicans agree.

How were they verified when county officials did not have the password or control?
Since the routers don’t record and save the information transferred to and from the County it is not possible to see any data with social security numbers and health info in routers. This is total BS – said one of our experts who looked at this.

3. The third paragraph basically says we will keep looking at this issue and if we find a way to safely provide you the data from the routers we’ll let you know. (Yes, more BS)

4. In the fourth and final paragraph the County addresses their inability to provide passwords:
This last issue is very concerning. A company needs the admin system passwords to run their systems. If true, then who does have the administration passwords. This indicates the County has ceded full reign of their election tabulators to some other entity. This puts the County more at risk than any of their concerns with sharing router data. This is actually appalling but it is supported by testimonies held after the election:

Your Q-Kooks will get routers with personal info including SS numbers about the time hell freezes over :)

You can't get those from the routers. Your excuse is non existent. I posted that fact.

Not what was reported last night loon.
Put it this way, your Q-Kooks get NO personal information.
Go home - Be happy - Stop whining

Because the routers have none they can get. You already lost this argument, hack.

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