Massive Deportation Is Necessary:


Gold Member
Jun 11, 2010
We need to deport all male Islamic refugees, especially those of military age, who cannot prove they are peaceful, useful resident aliens.

Women who do not represent a conspicuous threat should be allowed to stay provided they agree to stop wearing burkas and hajib and agree to abandon all public Muslim practices.

Male children under age 10 can stay if they wish to but they must learn English and be schooled in exclusively American, non-religious customs.

If we intend to take serious, aggressive steps to eliminate terrorism in our homeland we need to get serious and stop with the politically correct nonsense. If we're not willing to do this we can expect another 9/11 size attack and a permanent progression of the smaller ones, such as the recent New York City truck vs bicycles.

And we need to shut down all mosques! All of them.

It's either them -- or it's us.
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Seig heil

Fascism is what this is.

How about deporting all christian religious fascist that wish to limit peoples rights?
We need to deport all male Islamic refugees, especially those of military age, who cannot prove they are peaceful, useful resident aliens.

Women who do not represent a conspicuous threat should be allowed to stay provided they agree to stop wearing burkas and hajib and agree to abandon all public Muslim practices.

Male children under age 10 can stay if they wish to but they must learn English and be schooled in exclusively American, non-religious customs.

If we intend to take serious, aggressive steps to eliminate terrorism in our homeland we need to get serious and stop with the politically correct nonsense. If we're not willing to do this we can expect another 9/11 size attack and a permanent progression of the smaller ones, such as the recent New York City truck vs bicycles.

And we need to shut down all mosques! All of them.

It's either them -- or it's us.

Thank you for this thread and your post. Some RWNJs try to pretend they are just honest people concerned about violence, but your thread lays your racism and hatred out there for all to see. The more you post, the more sane right wingers will realize the vile hatred they have been drawn into.
Seig heil

Fascism is what this is.

How about deporting all christian religious fascist that wish to limit peoples rights?
What rights are you talking about? The right to drive trucks into crowds of innocent people? The right to set off bombs in public places? The right to fly planes into skyscrapers?

Please be specific.
Thank you for this thread and your post. Some RWNJs try to pretend they are just honest people concerned about violence, but your thread lays your racism and hatred out there for all to see. The more you post, the more sane right wingers will realize the vile hatred they have been drawn into.
So you're okay with committed militant enemies who despise us and are sworn to kill us living right among us?

If my proposal reflects "racism and hatred," then so be it. But I want those Allah-worshipping bastards gone -- before one of them kills my children or grandchildren. If you happen to be one of them I suggest you start taking steps to demonstrate whose side you're on.
Thank you for this thread and your post. Some RWNJs try to pretend they are just honest people concerned about violence, but your thread lays your racism and hatred out there for all to see. The more you post, the more sane right wingers will realize the vile hatred they have been drawn into.
So you're okay with committed militant enemies who despise us and are sworn to kill us living right among us?

If my proposal reflects "racism and hatred," then so be it. But I want those Allah-worshipping bastards gone -- before one of them kills my children or grandchildren. If you happen to be one of them I suggest you start taking steps to demonstrate whose side you're on.
Right-Wing Extremists Are a Bigger Threat to America Than ISIS
Socialism is far worse than religious fanatism, fascism, and Islam combined.

Neo socialism has already totally taken over the United Kingdom. After that, the USA is next, total disgrace.

You can shoot down an Islamic bully using the 2nd amendment. But the socialist take away the very 2nd amendment.

The terrorist only blows you up. But the socialist writes laws, then puts you to prison, bankrupts your family, and sucks your blood in total joy over your suffering.

Only the Muslims stood up against socialism so far.
Seig heil

Fascism is what this is.

How about deporting all christian religious fascist that wish to limit peoples rights?

It is not the Christian's but the sneaky socialist vampires that suck away your rights.
It is important when discussing the destructively parasitic nature of socialism that we do not inclusively condemn all socialist policies some of which are extremely beneficial within the framework of a capitalist system. In the same way as drinking water to sustain life does not equate to drowning, implementation of certain socialist policies does not equate to full-blown socialism
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We need to deport all male Islamic refugees, especially those of military age, who cannot prove they are peaceful, useful resident aliens.

Women who do not represent a conspicuous threat should be allowed to stay provided they agree to stop wearing burkas and hajib and agree to abandon all public Muslim practices.

Male children under age 10 can stay if they wish to but they must learn English and be schooled in exclusively American, non-religious customs.

If we intend to take serious, aggressive steps to eliminate terrorism in our homeland we need to get serious and stop with the politically correct nonsense. If we're not willing to do this we can expect another 9/11 size attack and a permanent progression of the smaller ones, such as the recent New York City truck vs bicycles.

And we need to shut down all mosques! All of them.

It's either them -- or it's us.
Why parse? Why not just all of them?
Thank you for this thread and your post. Some RWNJs try to pretend they are just honest people concerned about violence, but your thread lays your racism and hatred out there for all to see. The more you post, the more sane right wingers will realize the vile hatred they have been drawn into.
So you're okay with committed militant enemies who despise us and are sworn to kill us living right among us?

If my proposal reflects "racism and hatred," then so be it. But I want those Allah-worshipping bastards gone -- before one of them kills my children or grandchildren. If you happen to be one of them I suggest you start taking steps to demonstrate whose side you're on.
Right-Wing Extremists Are a Bigger Threat to America Than ISIS
Right wing extremists, aka, "Americans", you traitor.
Seig heil

Fascism is what this is.

How about deporting all christian religious fascist that wish to limit peoples rights?
Still no reply as to whose rights and specifically what rights you're talking about.
Seig heil

Fascism is what this is.

How about deporting all christian religious fascist that wish to limit peoples rights?
No, deport the Jewish supremacist genocidalists who are responsible for our participation in WWI and WWII, the 1965 Immigration Act that started all this nonsense, and the steady stream of anti-white hatred coming from Hollywood.
Why parse? Why not just all of them?
Because I don't believe that neither the majority of the (relatively few) Muslim women who are migrating to the West, nor the little kids, represent any threat at all. It is the military-age men I'm concerned about. It is the men who are perpetrating all the terrorist acts. Not the women or the kids.

85% of the Muslims pouring into the West are military-age males. Can you explain why these men who claim to be "asylum-seeking refugees" chose to flee their troubled homelands, leaving their women and children behind, rather than stand and fight whatever oppression they are running from?

Would you do that? Did you do that? Are you one of them?
No, deport the Jewish supremacist genocidalists who are responsible for our participation in WWI and WWII, the 1965 Immigration Act that started all this nonsense, and the steady stream of anti-white hatred coming from Hollywood.
I hear so much negative condemnation of Jews but it wasn't Jews who brought down the World Trade Center towers, nor was it Jews who perpetrated any of the progression of terrorist attacks our Nation has experienced. It's the goddam Muslims who are doing it. Not only here but all over Europe.
Why parse? Why not just all of them?
Because I don't believe that neither the majority of the (relatively few) Muslim women who are migrating to the West, nor the little kids, represent any threat at all. It is the military-age men I'm concerned about. It is the men who are perpetrating all the terrorist acts. Not the women or the kids.

85% of the Muslims pouring into the West are military-age males. Can you explain why these men who claim to be "asylum-seeking refugees" chose to flee their troubled homelands, leaving their women and children behind, rather than stand and fight whatever oppression they are running from?

Would you do that? Did you do that? Are you one of them?
Your last two sentences I'm assuming are attempts at humor, but why let any in? There are plenty of examples of Muslims born here who radicalize. Why have any here at all. Diversity is not a strength. It is a big fat lie the Jews fed us and we swallowed. Those Muslims have their own countries, let them live there. Don't you understand there is no end to it? Even if we ONLY allow women we will soon be swamped.

Look at this:

Population of US vs population in the world living in countries POORER THAN MEXICO:

Let x = 100 million

US: xxx
World: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
No, deport the Jewish supremacist genocidalists who are responsible for our participation in WWI and WWII, the 1965 Immigration Act that started all this nonsense, and the steady stream of anti-white hatred coming from Hollywood.
I hear so much negative condemnation of Jews but it wasn't Jews who brought down the World Trade Center towers, nor was it Jews who perpetrated any of the progression of terrorist attacks our Nation has experienced. It's the goddam Muslims who are doing it. Not only here but all over Europe.
If it weren't for Jews, there would be no Muslims in the US or Europe.
Thank you for this thread and your post. Some RWNJs try to pretend they are just honest people concerned about violence, but your thread lays your racism and hatred out there for all to see. The more you post, the more sane right wingers will realize the vile hatred they have been drawn into.
So you're okay with committed militant enemies who despise us and are sworn to kill us living right among us?

If my proposal reflects "racism and hatred," then so be it. But I want those Allah-worshipping bastards gone -- before one of them kills my children or grandchildren. If you happen to be one of them I suggest you start taking steps to demonstrate whose side you're on.
Right-Wing Extremists Are a Bigger Threat to America Than ISIS
Right wing extremists, aka, "Americans", you traitor.

Americans who happen to be extremists, and a bigger threat to our safety than ISIS.
I have no problem in deporting all male Islamic refugees of military age from Western countries!

You are just deporting them, you are not killing them.

I say deport them.

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