Massive increase in Fatal Islamic Terrorist Attacks. Progressives Ignore the Topic. WHY?

So, what are you going to do about it? Start a crusade against Islam? Firebomb your local mosque? Kill a raghead for Jeezus? Enlist so you can fight them over there? Or piss and moan and blame gays and liberals?
Well this time it was a US born Muslim liberal democrat who slaughtered 50 gays in a nightclub in the name of Islam. What say you now?
Well clearly we must abolish the first Amendment and ban Islam. Then we must round up all the Muslims in America and put them into FEMA camps unless they renounce their faith. Even then, they and their descendants for 7 generations should be on watch lists and denied their 2nd, 4th and 5th amendment rights. Those who won't renounce their false faith should be sterilized. Once America has been purified we can start attacking the hotbeds of this pernicious religion. We should nuke Mecca to show the filthy ragheads we mean business. Once Islam has been eradicated, we can start on the gays, liberals, Catholics, Jews, global climate change believers, fatties, left handed people, the old, the senile, the disabled, the sickly, anyone who espouses anything outside the strictly defined norms. Then we will all live happily ever after in conservative utopia la la land.

Should non-Muslim Americans be assessed a dhimmi tax? Wouldn't that make Islamists feel welcome and love us more?
So, what are you going to do about it? Start a crusade against Islam? Firebomb your local mosque? Kill a raghead for Jeezus? Enlist so you can fight them over there? Or piss and moan and blame gays and liberals?
Well this time it was a US born Muslim liberal democrat who slaughtered 50 gays in a nightclub in the name of Islam. What say you now?
Well clearly we must abolish the first Amendment and ban Islam. Then we must round up all the Muslims in America and put them into FEMA camps unless they renounce their faith. Even then, they and their descendants for 7 generations should be on watch lists and denied their 2nd, 4th and 5th amendment rights. Those who won't renounce their false faith should be sterilized. Once America has been purified we can start attacking the hotbeds of this pernicious religion. We should nuke Mecca to show the filthy ragheads we mean business. Once Islam has been eradicated, we can start on the gays, liberals, Catholics, Jews, global climate change believers, fatties, left handed people, the old, the senile, the disabled, the sickly, anyone who espouses anything outside the strictly defined norms. Then we will all live happily ever after in conservative utopia la la land.

Should non-Muslim Americans be assessed a dhimmi tax? Wouldn't that make Islamists feel welcome and love us more?
That should make them feel just like it was back in their home country, where they treat non Muslims like second class citizens.
I find it funny that on one hand Democraps and leftists claim to be for "women's rights" and "LGBT rights" yet promote tolerance ideologies that kill gays, enslave women, and cater to intolerant nations.
There are so many inconsistencies and hypocrisies when it comes to democrat agendas and groups that it would take forever to list. This is why democrats should not be allowed to vote.
Most Americans have grown so accustomed to reading and hearing about "terrorist attacks" elsewhere in the world they have become numbed to the effect. It's become the same thing over and over the only change being the Middle-Eastern locations, typically with Arabic names which have some level of meaning only to those Americans who have been there in a military capacity.

When it happens here it's news. Otherwise it is as commonplace as are commercials and low-budget military melodrama.
Massive increase in Fatal Islamic Terrorist Attacks. Progressives Ignore the Topic. WHY?

Worldwide, fatal Islamic Terrorist Attacks are in dramatically increasing.

Do Progressives want to touch this third rail of the Lame Duck President Obama administration or change the subject?

Obviously, they prefer changing the subject to gays and guns rather than the real issue. They are following the talking points issued to them by President Obama through his comrades.

Shameful and disgusting.
SHHH!!!! Quiet! He already warned us that speaking the monster's name gives it power!


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