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Massive riot in Rochester

Sounds scary. I'm almost thinking about voting biden to stay safe! Dems control America with no recourse.

Can you imagine if the dems disarm America.

Oh, noes, scary black people... you guys are all soiling yourselves.

It is time to designate BLM as a terrorist group and these rioters as enemy combatants.

Again, go back to what my CO said about civil disturbances. "Those are you fellow citizens out there, they are angry about something and they have every right to be."

So let's look at what set off folks in Rochester. The police killed a mentally challenged person who had called them for help, then proceeded to lie about it, until the Body Cam Footage was made public and people saw what actually happened.

Check it out, the guy was completely complying, and they killed him anyway.

You have every right to be as outraged as you want in reaction to events in this world.

You do NOT have the right to take it out on completely innocent people who have nothing to do with it. I realize you have a great deal of resentment because other people amount to something in life and you don't, but just because you are bitter and disgruntled, that does not give you the right to attack a small business to retaliate.
1000 Americans being killed every single day from the Corona Virus, and it means nothing to you... the cold hearted Trumpets who have been driven mad by their right wing media and in to authoritarian acceptance, in a Nation where we are suppose to be a Republic, because of some fairly small riots, small compared to the Rodney King riots where 68 people were killed....

Boy, oh boy...... sure seems like a right wing plan, to distract from the crappy crappy job our gvt is doing with controlling the corona virus spread.... 1000 people a day killed from covid....1000 American lives a DAY! A DAY!

Be scared of a riot, coming to a city near you!!! Not!
Only 10k deaths directly due to Corona. As you love to scream

1000 Americans being killed every single day from the Corona Virus, and it means nothing to you... the cold hearted Trumpets who have been driven mad by their right wing media and in to authoritarian acceptance, in a Nation where we are suppose to be a Republic, because of some fairly small riots, small compared to the Rodney King riots where 68 people were killed....

Boy, oh boy...... sure seems like a right wing plan, to distract from the crappy crappy job our gvt is doing with controlling the corona virus spread.... 1000 people a day killed from covid....1000 American lives a DAY! A DAY!

Be scared of a riot, coming to a city near you!!! Not!
You forgot to include dolphins and the ozone layer in your little tirade that has nothing to do with the subject matter.

Why do you think it is your right to destroy what does not belong to you? Didn't anybody ever say "no" to you as a child? Your sense of entitlement is very puerile.

You anti-liberal leftists are sure obsessed with destroying small businesses. First, you support using governmental overreach to prevent people from running one, then you send in the mobs to finish them off.

What the fuck is WRONG with you idiots, anyway?
You have every right to be as outraged as you want in reaction to events in this world.

You do NOT have the right to take it out on completely innocent people who have nothing to do with it. I realize you have a great deal of resentment because other people amount to something in life and you don't, but just because you are bitter and disgruntled, that does not give you the right to attack a small business to retaliate.

I'm not attacking anyone....

Frankly, I don't have a dog in this fight.... I'm white, male, straight and have a good middle class lifestyle, despite the setbacks of Trump's fucking up the economy.

I don't support riots, but I totally get why they are happening. Because, frankly, dumb shits like you don't do anything about peaceful protests.

Riots, like it or not, get results, because eventually the "haves" realize they have to give the "Have-nots" something.
You anti-liberal leftists are sure obsessed with destroying small businesses. First, you support using governmental overreach to prevent people from running one, then you send in the mobs to finish them off.

What the fuck is WRONG with you idiots, anyway?

yes, it's all a conspiracy... It has nothing to do with a deadly plague people are trying to control, or people being rightfully upset about police misconduct.
1000 Americans being killed every single day from the Corona Virus, and it means nothing to you... the cold hearted Trumpets who have been driven mad by their right wing media and in to authoritarian acceptance, in a Nation where we are suppose to be a Republic, because of some fairly small riots, small compared to the Rodney King riots where 68 people were killed....

Boy, oh boy...... sure seems like a right wing plan, to distract from the crappy crappy job our gvt is doing with controlling the corona virus spread.... 1000 people a day killed from covid....1000 American lives a DAY! A DAY!

Be scared of a riot, coming to a city near you!!! Not!
Your counter protest against stopping the violence in the streets by deflecting somehow to the corona virus was unbelievable. Good grief that was pathetic. If you think that American's are so crazy to not see the larger implications of certain groups having free range to commit crimes, hurt people, destroy cities, and murder the innocent for something that isn't even registered as a serious threat to civilized society in percentages of, then you have got some serious brain damage going on.
1000 Americans being killed every single day from the Corona Virus, and it means nothing to you... the cold hearted Trumpets who have been driven mad by their right wing media and in to authoritarian acceptance, in a Nation where we are suppose to be a Republic, because of some fairly small riots, small compared to the Rodney King riots where 68 people were killed....

Boy, oh boy...... sure seems like a right wing plan, to distract from the crappy crappy job our gvt is doing with controlling the corona virus spread.... 1000 people a day killed from covid....1000 American lives a DAY! A DAY!

Be scared of a riot, coming to a city near you!!! Not!
Will you hysterical idiots quit beating the corona virus drum already?

Question: if the media hadn't told you about it, how many of you would have even noticed there was a new, harsh strain of the flu going around?

Not many, I'll bet.

Get the fuck out of here with that shit, you fucking drama queen.....
Will you hysterical idiots quit beating the corona virus drum already?

Question: if the media hadn't told you about it, how many of you would have even noticed there was a new, harsh strain of the flu going around?

Not many, I'll bet.

Um, yeah, place I consulted for had six people contract it, and had to shut down operations six times to santize the work areas... so I definitely would have noticed.
1000 Americans being killed every single day from the Corona Virus, and it means nothing to you... the cold hearted Trumpets who have been driven mad by their right wing media and in to authoritarian acceptance, in a Nation where we are suppose to be a Republic, because of some fairly small riots, small compared to the Rodney King riots where 68 people were killed....

Boy, oh boy...... sure seems like a right wing plan, to distract from the crappy crappy job our gvt is doing with controlling the corona virus spread.... 1000 people a day killed from covid....1000 American lives a DAY! A DAY!

Be scared of a riot, coming to a city near you!!! Not!
You forgot to include dolphins and the ozone layer in your little tirade that has nothing to do with the subject matter.

Why do you think it is your right to destroy what does not belong to you? Didn't anybody ever say "no" to you as a child? Your sense of entitlement is very puerile.

You anti-liberal leftists are sure obsessed with destroying small businesses. First, you support using governmental overreach to prevent people from running one, then you send in the mobs to finish them off.

What the fuck is WRONG with you idiots, anyway?
No one has the right to destroy these businesses or loot them or burn them....

But this is what our President, and his followers by default, are focusing on, as if that is all that matters, which is simply a deflection away from America's piss poor handling with the virus and economy..... 1000 fellow American human beings are dying, each day that passes from this virus.... a building or car can be replaced, but a human living being, can not!

I just do not think Trump and his followers, have their priorities straight... the focus should be on reducing the spread of the virus....And then we can get the economy going again, and then all these protesters would be back at work, not giving them time to protest 24/7.... And if there are fewer protests or none, the criminal rioters would not have a legitimate protest group, to hijack or hide behind.....

The key to getting the economy going is MORE testing, and getting billions of instant result testing, in to the hands of everyone, cheaply or free....funded by our gvt.....

Movie theaters, sports arenas, restaurants, concert halls, businesses, bars etc could all be packed to the rim with customers if the customers took an instant test, before entering, and were negative....

We really are not handling this virus well... it's been nothing but knee jerk actions and reactions.... :(
Americans are particularly pugnacious; they don't like being hassled and pushed around.

These people keep coming at people on the streets and in restaurants and bars and they are going to get shot.
The rioters are taking advantage of freedom loving law abiding citizen's, and the federal government is tasked with protecting the freedom loving law abiding citizen's of this country, as is outlined under the constitution. From what we have seen taking place in this nation, Marshall Law is the only answer in order to sort this back out. There is no better time to implement this law than under the current circumstances, and while in this pandemic.

Panels would then be created to oversee, and then to re-educate our lost society into becoming a better more peaceful loving society at large hopefully. If done right we would be on our way, and thank God for it.

Gotta deal with the chaos and out of control violence, and it seems we are ripe to implement a temporary strategy in order to get things back in order as they should be. Either we are a civilized society or not. It's our choice, and we need to get it right.
No thanks.
I'm not in favor of giving more power to the government.

We can sort this out ourselves.

Why do you think we bought all that ammo over the last few months?
Well if you think that this can be sorted out without government help or in a way that doesn't cause government to react against you, then I got some ocean front property in AZ for you to buy.

The thing is that government belongs to you,vand it is there to serve you depending on the administration in charge, and if you as a concerned citizen don't take full advantage of that power when have it in your possession, then that's on you. The Democrats couldn't wait to gain back power in the house, and why was that ??? You have your answer, and that's the way power works. The dumb Anti-Trumper Republicans have hung you out on a weak limb, but those demon-cratzi's haven't done that to their most radical supporter's. See the differences ??

Not taking advantage of power in government when have it, is a fool's game.

Now when I say take advantage of power, that is to mean in affect to use that power to fight against evil or bad in society, and to change things for the betterment of all American's who want good and peace to come as a result of the changes that are made. Using government power had become the iron fist of the Democrat's, but in many cases that oppression by way of has been highly flawed. It ushered in many bad things as is proven.

If power is to be utilized, then let it be for good, and not for bad.

If anyone can't tell the difference, then that's on them.
Sounds scary. I'm almost thinking about voting biden to stay safe! Dems control America with no recourse.

Can you imagine if the dems disarm America.

Oh, noes, scary black people... you guys are all soiling yourselves.

It is time to designate BLM as a terrorist group and these rioters as enemy combatants.

Again, go back to what my CO said about civil disturbances. "Those are you fellow citizens out there, they are angry about something and they have every right to be."

So let's look at what set off folks in Rochester. The police killed a mentally challenged person who had called them for help, then proceeded to lie about it, until the Body Cam Footage was made public and people saw what actually happened.

Check it out, the guy was completely complying, and they killed him anyway.

I'm sure it was tragic..... maybe, the video doesn't show either way, and I really don't care. But let's say it was, just for shits and giggles....

Now how does that tragedy justify invading businesses, destroying property, disrupting commerce at said property, and terrorizing and harassing uninvolved bystanders who just want to eat their dinner?

Sounds scary. I'm almost thinking about voting biden to stay safe! Dems control America with no recourse.

Can you imagine if the dems disarm America.
How did thousands of BLM and Antifa members get to Rochester so fast?
Probably just a couple of dozen who know how to organize. In the Army, we'd call them "force multipliers".
There needs to be a militia to round all these mentally ill people up. Spray them with frozen paintballs, round them up in large shipping containers, then ship them to the education camps in China.
If we keep firing police officers everytime a drug addict overdoses in custody, we will run out of police long before blacks run out of druggies.

Except that' the cops inject people with ketamine nowadays. Apparently they get credit in their Executioner gangs even if they just make the "suspect" OD.

Sounds scary. I'm almost thinking about voting biden to stay safe! Dems control America with no recourse.

Can you imagine if the dems disarm America.

Oh, noes, scary black people... you guys are all soiling yourselves.

It is time to designate BLM as a terrorist group and these rioters as enemy combatants.

Again, go back to what my CO said about civil disturbances. "Those are you fellow citizens out there, they are angry about something and they have every right to be."

So let's look at what set off folks in Rochester. The police killed a mentally challenged person who had called them for help, then proceeded to lie about it, until the Body Cam Footage was made public and people saw what actually happened.

Check it out, the guy was completely complying, and they killed him anyway.

Ok dummy, so just as it should be the body cam footage revealed the lies. Isn't that the way it's supposed to work, yet you support anti-police actions by rioting in the streets, commiting crimes, burning things, hurting and killing people instead of letting due process and the evidence convict ??? So you are just a race baiting/race hustling activist among other troubled goings on in that scheming mind of yours eh ????
Actually, the situation was being dealt with....

But that just doesn't take the place of arson and lots of "free shit", does it???

The situation happened back in March. Are the cops involved in jail and convicted yet? Then it isn't being "Dealt with".
It’s very likely nothing would have happened to the criminal cops, had the video not leaked.

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