Massive technology breakthrough in fusion


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 21, 2020

As the Doctor says in the end - this will be as monumental as the change from horse to the automobile
so controlled fusion is the new save the planet shtick?

sounds like something for Greta to howl about....


Folks that are old enough to remember, have probably heard of this tech supposedly being advertised as a breakthrough, several times in history.

I remember the cold fusion kerfuffle, those two guys were forgotten/silenced, depending on ones POV. One of them, if I remember right, moved to France and denounced his US citizenship, given what occurred, the other, moved back to Britain never backing down, all the while claiming, against the peer review, that the work was good. But the lime light just disappeared.

Then there was that other project in Italy, where they said they were going to sell fusion generators to the public, they needed funding to get the whole thing off the ground, there was some excitement, and that whole thing disappeared.

I think that was back sometime around Obama's first term.

unless big oil sells it Mike,.......
I think you mean, "buys," the patent. . I have heard, through the years, conspiracy theories over "free energy," systems, where inventors either die, disappear, etc., and/or the patent seems to get shelved.

I don't understand patent law though. I was under the impression that patents had an expiration date.

It is sort of like this whole, EV craze. IMO, and think a lot of forward thinking folks don't really believe they will be around for the long haul. I have heard rumors that Toyota is putting most of its long term research and development into hydrogen fuel cell technology.

What If Cold Fusion Is Real?

I have always believed, and maintained, that these scientists have known that this tech IS indeed real, but there are. . . "reasons," the folks in control don't want this tech out of the box yet.

Rebunking Claim: While they are currently preventing perpetual motion machines and other free energy sources from working, the laws of physics are simply waiting to receive a large enough bribe to allow them exist. Leave a large enough bag of cash outside of a particle accelerator and the impossible will become possible. Humans will be able to do whatever we want, including bringing Einstein and Newton back to life and making fun of them for being stupid and not thinking with their wallets.


I remember that old forum I was at, was a scientific forum. This was the biggest news that the whole site was following, for like a year.

Nothing ever came of it. It was strange for sure.

I remember that old forum I was at, was a scientific forum. This was the biggest news that the whole site was following, for like a year.

Nothing ever came of it. It was strange for sure.
Oil bought it all.
What was old becomes new again.
I hope fusion powers the phasers that replace guns, and we can use fusion to power the food simulator in our fusion powered Jetsons style cars.
An old fairy-tale recycled is always quaint.
What was old becomes new again.
I hope fusion powers the phasers that replace guns, and we can use fusion to power the food simulator in our fusion powered Jetsons style cars.
An old fairy-tale recycled is always quaint.
IMO? The biggest and best use would be to desalinize water.

All of the Sahara would over night, change the face of Africa.

Africa, would no longer need to be a, "developing," continent," and could completely take care of itself.

The world's oceans would all become not only usable fresh water, but sources of minerals and rare earth resources.
IMO? The biggest and best use would be to desalinize water.

All of the Sahara would over night, change the face of Africa.

Africa, would no longer need to be a, "developing," continent," and could completely take care of itself.

The world's oceans would all become not only usable fresh water, but sources of minerals and rare earth resources.
I am certain that wouldn't have any environmental consequences.

Most of my life fusion energy has been "10-20 years away and will solve the world's problems"
Some have turned this into a partisan issue.


If it is real, then great.

If they are lying, we will know.

Who would be ANTI FUSION? (Big oil?)

As the Doctor says in the end - this will be as monumental as the change from horse to the automobile

This could be an understatement. It's not only a question of energy - it is perhaps also a first step to create whatever form of material and to win the same time energy with this process. For sure it is an excellent fundamental research. Congrats.

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What was old becomes new again.
I hope fusion powers the phasers that replace guns,

Waste paper baskets are a much better replacement for guns. What for needs a normal human being in whatever situation of normal life a sword, a gun or a phaser?

and we can use fusion to power the food simulator in our fusion powered Jetsons style cars.
An old fairy-tale recycled is always quaint.

Rebunking Claim: While they are currently preventing perpetual motion machines and other free energy sources from working, the laws of physics are simply waiting to receive a large enough bribe to allow them exist. Leave a large enough bag of cash outside of a particle accelerator and the impossible will become possible. Humans will be able to do whatever we want, including bringing Einstein and Newton back to life and making fun of them for being stupid and not thinking with their wallets.

I remember attending a seminar by two persons in Ventura County, California in the mid 1980's who claimed a perpetual motion machine that would generate energy for a house fed with garbage, water and anything else as well. It seemed to work too. They took their invention to Southern California Edison and got praises for it. Shortly after, both were arrested and thrown in jail. One of them died while in jail under suspicious circumstances. The other was held for a couple of years and threatened. The difference is this fusion invention has gone viral and can't be put back in the bag either. It was clear, however, that this technology would not be available for decades.
They took their invention to Southern California Edison and got praises for it. Shortly after, both were arrested and thrown in jail.
That pretty much sums up the whole green machine shtick Cougar

They can't and won't do the math

And those that can, are ostracized as conspirator theorists


Rebunking Claim: While they are currently preventing perpetual motion machines and other free energy sources from working, the laws of physics are simply waiting to receive a large enough bribe to allow them exist. Leave a large enough bag of cash outside of a particle accelerator and the impossible will become possible. Humans will be able to do whatever we want, including bringing Einstein and Newton back to life and making fun of them for being stupid and not thinking with their wallets.


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