Master of explosives who turned his own brother into a bomb: 'Evil genius' created de


Gold Member
Mar 22, 2012
Life must be so cheap for them if one brother can do this to another brother. And the worrisome thing, now more innocent people might be harmed by this animal's new invention. This is one man who certainly should be sent to the Islamic Cat House in the Sky.

Master of explosives who turned his own brother into a bomb: 'Evil genius' created devices that can be sewn into the body and are virtually undetectable

Ibrahim Al-Asiri was born into respectable middle class Saudi family
He first tried out chilling tactics on willing younger brother, Abdullah
In 2010, his devices were found in printer cartridges on US bound plane


PUBLISHED: 18:25 EST, 3 July 2014

He is Al Qaeda’s most valued bombmaker and the creator of explosives so dangerous only an ‘evil genius’ could have come up with them.

Such is the skill of chemistry student Ibrahim Al-Asiri, who was born into a respectable middle class Saudi family, that his devices can be sewn inside a human body.

And terrifyingly, because they contain no metal elements, they are virtually undetectable and can evade airport security.

The master explosives-maker first tried out his chilling tactics on his willing younger brother, Abdullah.

He implanted a suicide bomb inside the 23-year-old for an assassination attempt on a Saudi Arabian prince.

Although the device went off as planned, Abdullah succeeded in killing only himself and not his target. Al-Asiri’s sinister creations have also been used on two high-profile terror attempts in the US, including the underwear bomb carried by Nigerian Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab in his attempt to blow up a plane carrying 300 passengers over America on Christmas Day 2009.

Read more:

Master of explosives Ibrahim Al-Asiri who turned his own brother into a bomb | Mail Online
They sew plastic explosive into someone. I saw this one coming a mile away, it was the next step in the evolution of the suicide bomber. Islamic suicidal maniacs get a new weapon in their arsenal. And, given the western laws wavering on deterrence (because, it...excuse me, is "profiling",) we can't actually investigate someone that is suspicious because it violates their rights? What about the rest of us that have a right to...Life, liberty and all that? There is a balance that needs to be struck.
What about the rest of us that have a right to...Life, liberty and all that?

Liberty, you say? What about the suspect's liberty to go about their lives unless there is probable cause to justify a search... or is guilty until proven innocent the new normal?
What about the rest of us that have a right to...Life, liberty and all that?

Liberty, you say? What about the suspect's liberty to go about their lives unless there is probable cause to justify a search... or is guilty until proven innocent the new normal?

Mere conjecture for the pseudo intellectuals of academia.

Bet you'd feel just a bit verklempt if you were sitting behind some cat named "Habib" at 30,000 feet.

Just sayin'.

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