Math Geniuses: Serious question about MLK's tomb..


Senior Member
Jun 13, 2009
If we installed a toilet seat on top of MLK's tomb.. On a per-capita basis, how many fajita's would Americans have to consume to completely fill it with shit/liquid ******?

Welcome back JHoffa_X!!

I see you didn't read the rules too carefully there....
I guess that was the best he had.

Poor showing old chap. You should have been prepared better.
You guys are just too...... premature.....
We hardly have a chance to use and abuse properly. Can't have no fun round here. :(
Don't blame ya.

Here...hand over the banhammer for a while, I'll watch over things while you take a nap :D

The result of such a action:

[ame=]YouTube - Super Smash Bros Brawl - Hammer Brawl[/ame]


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