Mathematical Logic.

2 is a human construct, like time, in order to measure our stuff.

2 is a construct of the universe, just as time is. And both can easily be demonstrated both within and without human beings involved. You've been smoking too many Yahoo videos on theoretical physics.
The universe is binary.

The universe we exist in is necessarily analog down to the quantum level where on only the most minute level elementary particles too small to measure or observe bordering on statistical existence begin to be able to only be described as in one state or the other to fit the limitations of our understanding and ability to describe, so fall down to a binary state as being limited to either an existing or not existing within a framework of ordinary spacetime being in a given space at a finite time. Tread carefully Ace or I will get serious and mop the floor with you.
2 is a construct of the universe, just as time is. And both can easily be demonstrated both within and without human beings involved. You've been smoking too many Yahoo videos on theoretical physics.
Actually no, I make up stuff as I go man. And I was wrong to agree with you. Because 2 is a construct of the human mind. It just helps us add. It's the way we do mathematics. But it doesn't exist in reality, because the universe is either "exist" or "not exist". And then a fundamental nature of that reality. But there is never a "2". It's one or none, or all or none. Nothing ever behaves as 2.
Time also doesn't exist. It's a unit of math so that we can calculate shit. Just like "2".

It is a human construct.

We need to look at the universe without time or numbers. And come to a new reality.
I don't know how it works at all, but to me it's kinda like a "soup" of possibilities and realities. There's no definite conclusions, just endless possibilities.

None of us know. We can only do the best we can in our reality, to make it the best it can be. That's it. That's all we can do.

And it has nothing to do with politics, or religions.... It's doing and living the right way. And if our reality is right, then we shall continue surviving.
My high school was the first school in Texas to have computer math class.

I took it.

I had absolutely NO idea what I was doing. I used my logic and reason to do my assignments.

I got a 91 as a passing grade for the whole semester. I got 90s and 100s on my tests.
And yes, I still had no idea what I was doing.

I wish I had been told that computers would become a base technology. I might have kept up with it and made it my career.
But nobody tells kids the truth about the real world in school. We have to find out the hard way. Which is usually the WRONG way at that.
There is some evidence suggesting that our physical reality could be a simulated virtual reality rather than an objective world that exists independently of the observer.
look at it this way, you move away to a roomier place and what happens, it fills back up. Thas the Universe, its constantly expanding space forever and you can' never gonna understand why stuff keeps hopping into existence cause it jus that you to dang dumb. It's ok cause you got no way to ever happening to experience it anyway.
Is reality a simulation? A physicist explains how the truth may be revealed (
An you know thas also really a stupid reality too.

Why does stuff keep popping into existence, Well cause it can! Why can it, Well cause there is Mt space to do it in, why cause space keeps expanding cause it has an unlimited area to expand into so somewhere in the Universe open areas keep happening to allow matters elemental particles to emerge into. its a no brainer.

Basically it comes down to Elementals. The elemental energy is there / everywhere and if the open area of space happens no mater where the Universe just keeps on keepin on. Moma Says to do, twss.
Things change but thas all, it never leaves ____ its elemental facts. Basically its Forever! Even the stuff sucked into a Black Hole is simply a Storage Battery that has a set change some time in eternity.

Of course the question to answer is What is the elemental energy and Why! Ha Ha Ha Ha, its not all that hard to get!
Is there another Choice ? Sure there are. Does Mt space mean it all has to Happen ? Just Because? Sure there is a elemental soup that provides the get=e =up=go for it all. Thas a no brainer. Distance means nothing!~
of course its another purr-fect example of Politics wanting to destroy Collective bargaining, its been going on for 5o years. Railroad workers do not do most of the USA's Economic hauling to warehouses, just mostly import cartons off Chinese container ships, get the facts? and a small percentage of oil shipments. Mostly the Railroads are decrepit today and a shell game of what they once were even most all the spur lines closed up, dug up and trees planted where they once were. Rural Communities with very little or 0 Rail services relying on Trucking of 18 wheelers for commodities. Yep the average truck driver earn around $50,000 in many states. Subsistence wages also.

You know where this is going, its a no brainer!

Of course its lawyers against Collective Bargaining, it scares em cause of the right to a decent life in the Constitution. The right to happiness, free speech, warship and etc. Sure they play with the right to ask for a raise as a group. thats a no brainer, they charge what they want with only the going rate slowing them down. Maybe excesses of $1000 , $10,000, $50,000 an hour going forward as a stall tactic to wear out the poor, tired and weary. Sounds very Familiar too me. an age old forever tactic.
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Just as an industrial/commercial electrician you must be comfortable with trigonometry and Polar addition and basic algebra.

Can't be any good otherwise.
Because in three phase world 120+120=208 and 277+277=480. Everything is 60⁰ apart. In residential you get a center tapped leg of a delta wired of course its 180⁰ and straight addition.

Now we are desperate for people who are like the rest of us electricians and only appear dumb but really aren't. We work with cosecants and hypoteneuse all day long when running conduit.

Then you have machinists who also use trig and geometry all day long. Pi is their friend. Radius, diameter and height for columns....and when it comes to gears? Very complex geometry comes out. Especially with helical gears. Diametrical pitch is very important.

But today know all the rules about posting on tic toc....but ask them the following and they get it wrong every time.

A bat and baseball together cost $1.10.
The bat cost $1 more than the ball.
How much does the baseball cost?
And if you said $ NOT touch an electrical panel or anything else that requires mathematics!

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