Mathematician destroy Evolution in 5 Min

☭proletarian☭;2191584 said:
Everyone believes in selective breeding. Every time someone choose a sexual partner they find attractive over someone they do not, that is selective breeding- the conscious choosing of a partner based on their fitness and quality. It is mankind's awareness of natural selection and the willful participation in selecting the finest forms.
Plus, in general, people are more attracted to people that look like them, one of the theories behind the different races
have you considered that you are bullshitting yourself about all christians? 'the qualifications for being a scientist is not being an evolutionist' ok.. the qualifications for being a christian is not being an ignoramus. the vast majority of people who believe in and follow Christ aren't fundamentalists. not even close.

Most followers of Christ don't believe in what Christ taught. That's a new one.:lol::lol::lol:

jesus never taught anyone the virtues of ignorance, however, your faith, whatever that may be, has construed him to have done so. dont bother quoting me any scripture, you can keep that to yourself. just dont speak for followers of god who have an understanding of the way his world works. in your narrow little world, such a concept of intellect and faith coexisting might be far fetched, 'a new one', or even funny, but that's the way the other 80%+ christians on the planet roll.

Yes, and 52% of those so called "Christians" believe that Jesus is the only way and ~45% of them say they hardly ever read their Bible. So I don't care what people think God is, I care what God knows God is. If the Bible is true (and I believe it to be the TRUTH) then those who acctually read it would know that it is more important to know what God wants us to be rather than what man wants God to be. ;)

So if that is how they roll, then they will continue to roll to hell. My hope is that I can stop a few along the way.
I've wondered about this for some time. It seems unusual that so many animals have so many similar parts. Different sizes and so on, but very similar. Even dinosaurs had skeletons similar to mammels. Same with reptiles and birds. Nervous systems share many similarities between species.

Probably because they are all the product of a common designer. Most Toyota’s have similar parts in them. Not because a 4Runner evolved from a PreRunner, but because they are both manufactured by the same designer.

Rib cages, two smaller apendages and two larger, a skull, mouth, teeth, two eyes, pelvis, spine, scapulas and so on. Why is the brain always in the skull? Why are the lungs always above the intentines?

Because the skull protects the brain. The rest all point to a common designer and what is wrong with God liking the design he came up with?

Why is sex always the vehicle to procreation?

To show things don’t evolve from rocks.

There are so many similarities that the question should not be to prove there is commonality but rather to prove there is not. Creative people have developed various modes of transport. Some have wheels, some treads, some rails, and some blades. If the various animals on the planet rose from a poof, why are there not equal measures of various designs?

Also, there is the DNA component of every living design. Why DNA and only DNA? Why not some other basic design cue? Why does a fetus grow gills before lungs? Why is every fetus female until well into gestation? If there is a biblical connection, it would seem more logical that every fetus would be male originally.

A baby does not grow gills. That is another lie that has been taught over and over.

DNA is a component of every living thing because it is the operating instructions for you. Why does every computer have an OS? Have you ever considered that your computer that you type on had to be “designed” and “created”? The code couldn’t just evolve on its own.

It seems like there is just too much progression in the process for it to originally have been just a "poof" kind of an affair.

The only progression we see is the ability for things to adapt to their surroundings as encoded by their creator.
Probably because they are all the product of a common designer. Most Toyota’s have similar parts in them. Not because a 4Runner evolved from a PreRunner, but because they are both manufactured by the same designer.

And, just like Toyota, this designer had to learn from its mistakes and tinker around and slowly figure out how to make a 4Runner or a duck?
☭proletarian☭;2194112 said:
Probably because they are all the product of a common designer. Most Toyota’s have similar parts in them. Not because a 4Runner evolved from a PreRunner, but because they are both manufactured by the same designer.

And, just like Toyota, this designer had to learn from its mistakes and tinker around and slowly figure out how to make a 4Runner or a duck?

And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea. -Revelation 21:1
☭proletarian☭;2188616 said:

Please cite where I advocated 'destroying' anyone.

Let me google that for you

If you knew your partner or yourself carried a faulty copy of a gene which, if inherited, would lead to medical problems or other concerns in your child, would you love your child enough to take measures to ensure your child inherited the best you could give?

Eugenics is the moral obligation of those who love Mankind and would see the human form strong and free from disease.

Hitler wanted the same thing. He felt it was his moral obligation to improve the human race.

The Bible teaches that every living soul has worth no matter what their handicap or physical condition.
as to scientists trying to discover missing links and all that, the bear share of genetic and biological research, even directly related to evolution, is not focussed on making the theory more convincing to fundamentalists. you could look into what breakthroughs biological science has derived since darwin for some evidence of that. but i'm pleased that people are working toward understanding of our nature and physical origins, rather than claiming that 'knowledge' of our spiritual origins will suffice.
Modern biologists are too busy trying to prevent and repair the diseases this so-called "intelligent designer" gave us to bother arguing with the fundamentalist nutjobs all day.
☭proletarian☭;2191584[B said:
]Everyone believes in selective breeding. Every time someone choose a sexual partner they find attractive over someone they do not, that is selective breeding-[/B] the conscious choosing of a partner based on their fitness and quality. It is mankind's awareness of natural selection and the willful participation in selecting the finest forms.

it's not the natural selection preached by Darwin and nazis.
Most followers of Christ don't believe in what Christ taught. That's a new one.:lol::lol::lol:

jesus never taught anyone the virtues of ignorance, however, your faith, whatever that may be, has construed him to have done so. dont bother quoting me any scripture, you can keep that to yourself. just dont speak for followers of god who have an understanding of the way his world works. in your narrow little world, such a concept of intellect and faith coexisting might be far fetched, 'a new one', or even funny, but that's the way the other 80%+ christians on the planet roll.

Yes, and 52% of those so called "Christians" believe that Jesus is the only way and ~45% of them say they hardly ever read their Bible. So I don't care what people think God is, I care what God knows God is. If the Bible is true (and I believe it to be the TRUTH) then those who acctually read it would know that it is more important to know what God wants us to be rather than what man wants God to be. ;)

So if that is how they roll, then they will continue to roll to hell. My hope is that I can stop a few along the way.

to each his/her own, man :thup:

my bone to pick is with your representation that all christians believe as you do. i'd go one further and challenge the moral high ground that you claim over christians who disagree with you, specifically because of your adherence to the bible, also a work of man, and which paints God to be what man wants God to be. men of 2000+ years past. The context by which Jesus refers to scripture, and, in fact lived his life, as recorded in the bible, doesn't support a fundamentalist approach to what it says. I would say Jesus challenged us to find truth in the Word beyond taking the word as truth.

im not a theologian or anything, but have read everything between the bible's covers a couple times. I fail to see the mandate for denying what can be shown of nature through science. I think that men, like yourself, have made God into an excuse for ignorance with that conjecture. you've thereby lowered His creation to a contradiction of what evidence can be seen of the way the world works, rather than allowing discovery of the greatness of the world to be a tribute to God's greatness.

that's different doctrine then what you're on about, and i dont feel the need to preach the virtues of intelligence. i'd just rather not be maid out to be classed among idiots because i believe in God, who's blessed me with my intellect to start with.
A baby does not grow gills. That is another lie that has been taught over and over.
A lie taught from the pulpit, you mean!

Vertebrate embryos universally have prominent structures in their neck region that are called by various names in the scientific literature: branchial, pharyngeal, or visceral pouches or grooves or furrows or arches. Because they may appear as a repeating series of slits in the neck of the embryo, resembling the pattern of repeated elements in the neck of adult fish, they have also been colloquially called "gill slits" or "gill pouches." They are not, however, gills - and scientists have not been claiming that they are (Wells even quotes several authors, Wolpert and Rager, who explicitly state this simple, obvious fact). So what are they?

"Gill slits" are common structural elements of vertebrate craniofacial development. "Common" is the important term here. It turns out that all vertebrates build their face in the same, somewhat improbable and counterintuitive way; it is this deep similarity that is the root of the evolutionary argument that it reflects common ancestry.

The head of all vertebrate embryos, whether they are a fish or a human, can be simply described as a curved tube largely made up of presumptive brain (Figure 2), with a series of 4 to 7 finger-like tissues hanging down from it, the pharyngeal arches. What we consider a face, everything from just below the eyes, back to the ears, and down to the neck, is absent. Instead, we have these dangling blobs, each of which will contain a cartilaginous rod, a column of muscle, a significant branch of the circulatory system, and an assortment of other cell types. These arches are reiterated modules that will subsequently merge and rearrange themselves (along with other cranial tissues, most importantly a migrating population of cells from the top of the head called the neural crest) to form the more familiar face. They do so in similar ways in all vertebrates: the first pharyngeal arch, for instance, always forms the jaw, and the second arch always forms the hyoid. There are also differences that emerge in different classes. Pieces of the first two arches find their way into bones of the mammalian ear. The third and subsequent arches in fish end up in the gills, while those same arches in a human form a series of cartilages in the throat. The third fuses with the hyoid, the fourth forms a major part of the thyroid cartilage, and the fifth forms the cricoid and arytenoid cartilages. Non-cartilaginous elements of these structures end up incorporated into all kinds of tissues, glands and muscles and epithelia, of the neck and face.

Figure 2. Drawings of the developing human head and face between the 4th and 5th week (adapted from Nelson, 1953). The top row are side views, and the bottom row are face views of the same stages. The face develops from extensions and fusions of the pharyngeal arches, structures which are found in all other vertebrates, and which are modified in different ways in different species. Abbreviations: m, maxillary process (upper jaw); j, lower jaw; h, hyoid; n, nasal pit.
☭proletarian☭;2194112 said:
Probably because they are all the product of a common designer. Most Toyota’s have similar parts in them. Not because a 4Runner evolved from a PreRunner, but because they are both manufactured by the same designer.

And, just like Toyota, this designer had to learn from its mistakes and tinker around and slowly figure out how to make a 4Runner or a duck?

And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea. -Revelation 21:1

So your designer is a fuck-up who can't get anything right?
☭proletarian☭;2179350 said:
There is NO evidence that any animal has ever mutated into existence from another totally different animal.

Exactly as evolutionary theory predicts should be the case.

When a dog gives birth to a whale that grows legs and becomes a human being, you will have disproven evolutionary theory.

Once again the theory claims men evolved from an ape like creature. And that other animals evolved from other totally different species. YET there is absolutely NO evidence of these claims. NOT a single one.

Seems to me that the existence of so many highly similar species is the evidence for this theory

What sort of evidence would one need to satisfy you?
☭proletarian☭;2179350 said:
Exactly as evolutionary theory predicts should be the case.

When a dog gives birth to a whale that grows legs and becomes a human being, you will have disproven evolutionary theory.

Once again the theory claims men evolved from an ape like creature. And that other animals evolved from other totally different species. YET there is absolutely NO evidence of these claims. NOT a single one.

Seems to me that the existence of so many highly similar species is the evidence for this theory

What sort of evidence would one need to satisfy you?
The Church would have to add The Origin of the Species to the canon.
☭proletarian☭;2194679 said:
☭proletarian☭;2194112 said:
And, just like Toyota, this designer had to learn from its mistakes and tinker around and slowly figure out how to make a 4Runner or a duck?

And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea. -Revelation 21:1

So your designer is a fuck-up who can't get anything right?

And when He comes again, every knee will bend before Him (including yours)!
☭proletarian☭;2179350 said:
Exactly as evolutionary theory predicts should be the case.

When a dog gives birth to a whale that grows legs and becomes a human being, you will have disproven evolutionary theory.

Once again the theory claims men evolved from an ape like creature. And that other animals evolved from other totally different species. YET there is absolutely NO evidence of these claims. NOT a single one.

Seems to me that the existence of so many highly similar species is the evidence for this theory

What sort of evidence would one need to satisfy you?

How about leaving animals on an island and watching them for several hundred years to see if they change into a new species? How about 'fossils' that demonstrate one species changing into another species? Since man has been documenting animals, there have been no such changes: domesticated dogs have not turned into domesticated bovines, equines or felines. This has never been documented.

Scientists that want to support evolution will show 'missing link' fossils implying they have an entire skeleton, when they may only have a small section or even a single bone. They do not have an adult skeleton of a neanderthal man, yet they (some scientists) teach that we evolved from this mythological creature. It would be like listening to the Egyptians, telling us we 'evolved' from Annubis (man's body, dog's head). There are statues and drawing so there must have been a bunch of them walking around....right?

Seriously, the people that 'believe' in 'evolution' have a LOT more faith than your average Christian. At least 'their Book' was written by several different authors over thousands of years, saying similar things, describing the Lord in similar ways, and in many cases being killed for their telling the 'rulers' they were living against G*d. Maybe evolutionsists tell their children: you better behave or you will evolve into an invertebrae. It is pure logic....not.
Once again the theory claims men evolved from an ape like creature. And that other animals evolved from other totally different species. YET there is absolutely NO evidence of these claims. NOT a single one.

Seems to me that the existence of so many highly similar species is the evidence for this theory

What sort of evidence would one need to satisfy you?

How about leaving animals on an island and watching them for several hundred years to see if they change into a new species?...

madegascar, anyone? the first part of arguing evolution is the acknowledgment of the age of the planet and the time frames proposed by the theorists in the first place. you're not talking about evolution here with your 'few hundred years'; you're talking about a miracle. indeed, as you said, one would have to be quite faithful to believe that the bizarre creatures on madegascar, for example, diverged to their state in a few hundred or even thousand years. what requires less faith, is the recognition that during the time these populations were isolated from the mainland of africa, they evolved. as much is evidenced by their uniqueness to the island, genetic roots to mainland creatures, and convenient adaptation to the habitat they live.

funny you mention islands, that's where the argument for evolution speaks loudest. try 150,000,000 years of isolation in madegascar's case.
☭proletarian☭;2194679 said:
And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea. -Revelation 21:1

So your designer is a fuck-up who can't get anything right?

And when He comes again, every knee will bend before Him (including yours)!


Your attempt to debunk evolution is to yell that we;ll all see when your god comes?

And you people expect to be taken seriously?
Since man has been documenting animals, there have been no such changes: domesticated dogs have not turned into domesticated bovines, equines or felines. This has never been documented.

And if it were, the theory of evolution would go out the window.

Do you people put forth an effort to be this stupid and ignorant or are you just simple?

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