Matt Gaetz Just Bitch-Slapped Speaker McCarthy - Wow!

WASHINGTON ― Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) this week described impeaching President Joe Biden as less an opportunity to remove Biden from office than a performance for the American people.

Gaetz said that even if the House impeaches Biden, there’s little chance the Democratic-controlled Senate would convict and remove the president from office.

“The purpose of that impeachment, from my standpoint, is not to force a vote that loses ― it’s to put on a trial in the Senate, and by the way, not for the sake of conviction,” Gaetz said during a live audio interview on Twitter.

“The purpose of the impeachment to me is to use the Senate as the stage, but they’re not the jury. The jury is the American people,” Gaetz continued. “And if we had the Senate as the stage and the platform for James Comer to put on his evidence and advance this impeachment, it will not result in a conviction, but the true verdict can still be rendered by the American people.”

In other words, a Biden impeachment would be less about Congress fulfilling its constitutional duty than ensuring Biden loses the next election because Gaetz assumes the evidence wouldn’t convince Senate Democrats to vote to convict. (Bipartisan Senate guilty votes are not impossible to achieve; seven Senate Republicans joined Democrats in voting to convict Donald Trump for the 2021 insurrection.)

House Oversight Committee chair James Comer (R-Ky.) has overseen Republicans’ investigation into the Biden family and has sought to connect the president to his son Hunter Biden’s income from foreign nationals. So far, witness testimony and bank records haven’t established such a connection.

More at the link below...

Matt Gaetz Says Biden Impeachment A ‘Platform’ To Tarnish President Before 2024

“The purpose of that impeachment, from my standpoint, is not to force a vote that loses ― it’s to put on a trial in the Senate, and by the way, not for the sake of conviction,” the Florida Republican said.

In other words - Republicans want to unfairly taint President Biden before the 2024 election like they did to Hillary Clinton with Benghazi and emails right before the 2016 election. It will all be based on lies, rumors and conspiracy theories. What do you think?
What you lack in all of this is the one you will need, evidence.

All there is conjecture/contention/hearsay/inudendo/suposition.

There no real proof of anything.

If it were to happen, there are at least 12-Republicans in Purple States who want to be reelected. Don't count on their vote.

Just remember, both Schumer and McConnell can block a vote in the Senate as well.

This is gamble more than anything else. Marjorie (I banged men at my gym while I was still married) Taylor Green squeezed McCarthy's balls just prove she could. All for the of seek a way to redirect/misdirect/deflect away the upcoming trials of P01135809. She dimwitted to thinks P01135809 will offer the VP slot, that won't happen,. His ego will NOT tolerate anyone him being the center of attention.
What you lack in all of this is the one you will need, evidence.

All there is conjecture/contention/hearsay/inudendo/suposition.

There no real proof of anything.

If it were to happen, there are at least 12-Republicans in Purple States who want to be reelected. Don't count on their vote.

Just remember, both Schumer and McConnell can block a vote in the Senate as well.

This is gamble more than anything else. Marjorie (I banged men at my gym while I was still married) Taylor Green squeezed McCarthy's balls just prove she could. All for the of seek a way to redirect/misdirect/deflect away the upcoming trials of P01135809. She dimwitted to thinks P01135809 will offer the VP slot, that won't happen,. His ego will NOT tolerate anyone him being the center of attention.
Your daily TDS meltdowns are hilarious.
In this case, the ReNaziKlans will be throwing shit againist the wall and see if it sticks.
Will they be using the same allegations Comer already tried to use?

This is about impeachment, am I right? Or is this red meat bullshit?
What you lack in all of this is the one you will need, evidence.

All there is conjecture/contention/hearsay/inudendo/suposition.

There no real proof of anything.

If it were to happen, there are at least 12-Republicans in Purple States who want to be reelected. Don't count on their vote.

Just remember, both Schumer and McConnell can block a vote in the Senate as well.

This is gamble more than anything else. Marjorie (I banged men at my gym while I was still married) Taylor Green squeezed McCarthy's balls just prove she could. All for the of seek a way to redirect/misdirect/deflect away the upcoming trials of P01135809. She dimwitted to thinks P01135809 will offer the VP slot, that won't happen,. His ego will NOT tolerate anyone him being the center of attention.

They have the evidence.

Biden won the election.

Their problem is it doesn't rise to the level of high crimes and misdemeanors.

The House GOP clown show however, could be tried for felony stupidity.

Of which there is actual evidence.
They have the evidence.

Biden won the election.

Their problem is it doesn't rise to the level of high crimes and misdemeanors.

The House GOP clown show however, could be tried for felony stupidity.

Of which there is actual evidence.
We’re all so lucky to have a message board lawyer to a’splain stuff.
Oh come on. Three different Congressional committees have spent the last nine months investigating Biden. They have spent millions of dollars of OUR MONEY. They haven't came up with jack shit.

I mean how stupid can you get? You really think you can get a conviction out of a Democrat majority Senate? I mean these morons are off the chain stupid.
Not all Senate Democrats are practiced criminals. Many of them are fine people who care about the quality of life for their states' peoples, and they show it by playing fair with constituents both liberal and conservative. The same goes for Senate Republicans and Senate Independents.

Sooner or later, President Biden will have to be accountable, although he's good at getting lost when it comes down to the brass tacks.
He'd be wise to carve out a retirement package with his once fellow Senators who are currently discussing whether it will take an impeachment, or if he finds it better to resign and avoid the boids on accout of the henpecking he's gonna get.

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