Maui resident calls out Joe Biden for his incompetence and cruelty

Maybe Maui needs to pipe in a couple real news channels in addition to fake news outlets, CNN and MSNBC, that they're currently being brainwashed by. Informed people don't vote for Democrats. MAGA.
You'd think that stammering shit clown that took $50 Million in bribes (some are now estimating $100+ Million) could help out the residents of "the island that's on fire... not the BIG island, the one you see on tv!"

Go through a shell company (he's got more than 20), use an alias (Robert L. Peters is available) and give them some money, for fucks sake.

$700 is:
one trip to the grocery store in Hawaii
what Hunted snorted with an underaged hooker last night
your diaper budget for the week

Keep it real Briben!!

Maybe this in combination with the Trump arrest willwake some people up.

Your government is failing you.

For Maui residents impacted by the fire, they have been neglected by the Fed, State, and County governments.

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