Maxine Waters Proudly Announces Democrats Were Elected To Impeach

If all were fair in love, we wouldn't have messy divorces or battered mates

Such are not things of love.

And if all were fair in war we wouldn't have had Nuremberg Trials or we wouldn't have hanged the vile Tojo.

Why not?
But I understand why you don't want to hear evidence.

Again? Indeed. How many times should I have to hear it before making an assessment of it?

How many times have you heard Bolton's testimony?

How many times has Schiff heard it? Why didn't he hear it before filing the case with the Senate?

You may be smarter than this, bw. Try harder. It's all a scam.

I'm smart enough to know you haven't heard Bolton's testimony, and so are you.
If all were fair in love, we wouldn't have messy divorces or battered mates

Such are not things of love.

And if all were fair in war we wouldn't have had Nuremberg Trials or we wouldn't have hanged the vile Tojo.

Why not?
But I understand why you don't want to hear evidence.

Again? Indeed. How many times should I have to hear it before making an assessment of it?

How many times have you heard Bolton's testimony?

How many times has Schiff heard it? Why didn't he hear it before filing the case with the Senate?

You may be smarter than this, bw. Try harder. It's all a scam.

I'm smart enough to know you haven't heard Bolton's testimony, and so are you.

Schiff claims the evidence is overwhelming. If so, of what use are witnesses?
This is something I've been saying for the last 3 years.
Mad Maxine admitted to it Sunday.
She thinks that impeachment is what Democrats were elected to do.....not protect the country....or improve lives....impeach the president. That's about it.

I don't know if Maxine is right or not. But the 2018 election was a pretty strong message. I'm pretty sure the message was something like..'do something about this erratic President'. Maybe those voters feel that curbing Trump's excesses IS protecting the country and improving lives. Sadly, yet clearly, our divisions have prevented moving forward. Well before impeachment, some 100-110 House bills sit and grow moldy on McConnel's desk while he bleats about how, because of impeachment, nothing gets done. So maybe Maxine speaks a kernel of truth. Maybe some voters think impeachment is the only way to 'save America'.

You’re are falsely interpreting the election results. The incumbent president’s party has not done well in midterms for the last 60-70 years. 2018 was just following a long standing trend.

That's usually the case, agree.

However, the one thing different about 2018, is the number of people who came out to vote was very high....unusually high for a midterm..... presidential election highs on turnout, on both sides of the aisle....

Which could mean something, which could make this 2018 election different than other midterms?

Yeah....some Democrat districts had 158% participation by registered voters.
If all were fair in love, we wouldn't have messy divorces or battered mates

Such are not things of love.

And if all were fair in war we wouldn't have had Nuremberg Trials or we wouldn't have hanged the vile Tojo.

Why not?
But I understand why you don't want to hear evidence.

Again? Indeed. How many times should I have to hear it before making an assessment of it?

How many times have you heard Bolton's testimony?

How many times has Schiff heard it? Why didn't he hear it before filing the case with the Senate?

You may be smarter than this, bw. Try harder. It's all a scam.

I'm smart enough to know you haven't heard Bolton's testimony, and so are you.

Schiff claims the evidence is overwhelming. If so, of what use are witnesses?
Schiff-face said he had absolute proof Trump colluded with Russia to steal the election too....
If all were fair in love, we wouldn't have messy divorces or battered mates

Such are not things of love.

And if all were fair in war we wouldn't have had Nuremberg Trials or we wouldn't have hanged the vile Tojo.

Why not?
But I understand why you don't want to hear evidence.

Again? Indeed. How many times should I have to hear it before making an assessment of it?

How many times have you heard Bolton's testimony?

How many times has Schiff heard it? Why didn't he hear it before filing the case with the Senate?

You may be smarter than this, bw. Try harder. It's all a scam.

I'm smart enough to know you haven't heard Bolton's testimony, and so are you.

Schiff claims the evidence is overwhelming. If so, of what use are witnesses?

Trump is innocent because Democrats!

Witnesses are only of use if you're looking for the truth. The evidence is good, and it would be enough if the Republicans weren't all terrified of I Am the Only One. Witnesses are necessary so Republicans will be forced to hear evidence in front of the American people. The Unh-uh Defense looks a lot worse then. It's the same reason the R's want marathon 2-in-the-morning testimony, and the same reason you've heard all you want to hear.
It will set you free, trump is your president.. deal with it...
The country, needs to heal...

A way for this to happen, is a fair and just and impartial trial, with witnesses and evidence from both sides, the prosecution and defendant.

We need to see and hear all of it.

Then, when and if he is acquitted, we all will know that it was impartial, and based on evidence.


If he is found guilty, by 2/3s, you will know that it was impartial, and based on evidence.

I do not think, our founders expected anything less.... than the Senators, doing their constitutional duty, to the Nation.

Though, there were no political parties at the time of our founders, and e State Legislators chose their State Senators at the time..... The founders would be ashamed of this Senate SCAM and SHAM of McConnell's.
No you need to stop being an entitled little brat the people of America voted for Donald Trump you can’t stop your feet and say this is unfair impeach him.. if you don’t like him try to get the peoples vote .
Nope, the people voted for Clinton, by nearly 3 million more votes, the Electoral college, voted to put in the President..... the American people, did not.

Y'all need to stop saying the American people voted for Donald Trump to be President, cuz they didn't choose him, the system of the electoral college did.
Yes America voted for trump, not 3 towns in California.. that’s the law of the land grow up little girl, a world of reality is about to hit you in 2020 you going to lose bad if you can’t grasp reality. You will lose the house and all your gains will be thrown away

Nah. I don't believe that's gonna happen, unless the Republicans cheat again.
Why cheat when you have democrats lol
Bill barr should create a special prosecutor for presidential harassment, and undermining the president. Enough is enough
How about we just have a Senate Impeachment trial, with evidence and witnesses, with 6 to 8 hour days in the court, and let us and most importantly, our Senators, follow the Constitution and oath of impeachment to be impartial, instead of a COVER UP and SHAM Trial that mobsters grovel for....?

Truth will set you free, not this cover up.... truth, facts, and evidence is what could exonerate him.... a real exoneration.... but it seems, McConnell and Trump, must think otherwise....
It will set you free, trump is your president.. deal with it...
The country, needs to heal...

A way for this to happen, is a fair and just and impartial trial, with witnesses and evidence from both sides, the prosecution and defendant.

We need to see and hear all of it.

Then, when and if he is acquitted, we all will know that it was impartial, and based on evidence.


If he is found guilty, by 2/3s, you will know that it was impartial, and based on evidence.

I do not think, our founders expected anything less.... than the Senators, doing their constitutional duty, to the Nation.

Though, there were no political parties at the time of our founders, and State Legislators chose their State Senators at the time..... The founders would be ashamed of this Senate SCAM and SHAM of McConnell's.
Course that impeachment was a sham. All of the evidence should have been introduced then, not now. If they didn't have evidence, they shouldn't have voted for impeachment.

But instead those fuckers voted to impeach so we could find out what Trump did to deserve it. That's not how an impeachment trial is supposed to happen. The discovery phase is in the House. Trump took em to they Impeached him. They're trying to go around the Constitution to throw him out of office.
Shriveled old raisin.
That's the polite version. She (Waters), Diane Feinstein, and Nancy Pelosi are the 3 witches stirring a pot From Shakespeare's Macbeth:

Double, double toil and trouble; (The Biden Boys)
Fire burn and caldron bubble. (Ninnyhammer Nadler)
Fillet of a fenny snake, (Slimy Adam Schiff)
In the caldron boil and bake; (Chuck Schumer)
Eye of newt and toe of frog, (Al Gore)
Wool of bat and tongue of dog, (Rashita "MF" Tlaib)
Adder's fork and blind-worm's sting, (Ilhan Omar)
Lizard's leg and howlet's wing, (Avenatti)
For a charm of powerful trouble, (Diane Feinstein)
Like a hell-broth boil and bubble. (Lizzie Warren)

Double, double toil and trouble; (Maxine Waters)
Fire burn and caldron bubble. (Bernie Sanders)
Cool it with a baboon's blood, (Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez)
Then the charm is firm and good. (Nancy Pewlosi)
Macbeth: IV.i 10-19; 35-38
The country, needs to heal...

A way for this to happen, is a fair and just and impartial trial, with witnesses and evidence from both sides, the prosecution and defendant.

We need to see and hear all of it.

Then, when and if he is acquitted, we all will know that it was impartial, and based on evidence.


If he is found guilty, by 2/3s, you will know that it was impartial, and based on evidence.

I do not think, our founders expected anything less.... than the Senators, doing their constitutional duty, to the Nation.

Though, there were no political parties at the time of our founders, and e State Legislators chose their State Senators at the time..... The founders would be ashamed of this Senate SCAM and SHAM of McConnell's.
No you need to stop being an entitled little brat the people of America voted for Donald Trump you can’t stop your feet and say this is unfair impeach him.. if you don’t like him try to get the peoples vote .
Nope, the people voted for Clinton, by nearly 3 million more votes, the Electoral college, voted to put in the President..... the American people, did not.

Y'all need to stop saying the American people voted for Donald Trump to be President, cuz they didn't choose him, the system of the electoral college did.
Yes America voted for trump, not 3 towns in California.. that’s the law of the land grow up little girl, a world of reality is about to hit you in 2020 you going to lose bad if you can’t grasp reality. You will lose the house and all your gains will be thrown away

Nah. I don't believe that's gonna happen, unless the Republicans cheat again.
Why cheat when you have democrats lol

Exactly. We saw both parties cheat in the last election. Yet, you still choose to be a partisan Cult45 dip shit troll. I have no use for you.
No you need to stop being an entitled little brat the people of America voted for Donald Trump you can’t stop your feet and say this is unfair impeach him.. if you don’t like him try to get the peoples vote .
Nope, the people voted for Clinton, by nearly 3 million more votes, the Electoral college, voted to put in the President..... the American people, did not.

Y'all need to stop saying the American people voted for Donald Trump to be President, cuz they didn't choose him, the system of the electoral college did.
Yes America voted for trump, not 3 towns in California.. that’s the law of the land grow up little girl, a world of reality is about to hit you in 2020 you going to lose bad if you can’t grasp reality. You will lose the house and all your gains will be thrown away

Nah. I don't believe that's gonna happen, unless the Republicans cheat again.
Why cheat when you have democrats lol

Exactly. We saw both parties cheat in the last election. Yet, you still choose to be a partisan Cult45 dip shit troll. I have no use for you.
How did trump cheat? Lol this should be good haha
Or maybe the media has been manipulating the public into believing that nonsense.
Ain't it curious that both sides are using the same argument? Because I believe that you are manipulated.
Explain how someone who studied journalism in college, and does not trust the media, can be easily manipulated?

The same way someone who studied and worked in journalism, and does not trust the media does. You aren't a special snowflake.
Nope, the people voted for Clinton, by nearly 3 million more votes, the Electoral college, voted to put in the President..... the American people, did not.

Y'all need to stop saying the American people voted for Donald Trump to be President, cuz they didn't choose him, the system of the electoral college did.
Yes America voted for trump, not 3 towns in California.. that’s the law of the land grow up little girl, a world of reality is about to hit you in 2020 you going to lose bad if you can’t grasp reality. You will lose the house and all your gains will be thrown away

Nah. I don't believe that's gonna happen, unless the Republicans cheat again.
Why cheat when you have democrats lol

Exactly. We saw both parties cheat in the last election. Yet, you still choose to be a partisan Cult45 dip shit troll. I have no use for you.
How did trump cheat? Lol this should be good haha

Good 'ol Russian propaganda and manipulation, comrade.
Yes America voted for trump, not 3 towns in California.. that’s the law of the land grow up little girl, a world of reality is about to hit you in 2020 you going to lose bad if you can’t grasp reality. You will lose the house and all your gains will be thrown away

Nah. I don't believe that's gonna happen, unless the Republicans cheat again.
Why cheat when you have democrats lol

Exactly. We saw both parties cheat in the last election. Yet, you still choose to be a partisan Cult45 dip shit troll. I have no use for you.
How did trump cheat? Lol this should be good haha

Good 'ol Russian propaganda and manipulation, comrade.
Ohh face book ads gotcha lol
Or maybe the media has been manipulating the public into believing that nonsense.
Ain't it curious that both sides are using the same argument? Because I believe that you are manipulated.
Explain how someone who studied journalism in college, and does not trust the media, can be easily manipulated?

The same way someone who studied and worked in journalism, and does not trust the media does. You aren't a special snowflake.
No really.
That person is a total retard.
Nah. I don't believe that's gonna happen, unless the Republicans cheat again.
Why cheat when you have democrats lol

Exactly. We saw both parties cheat in the last election. Yet, you still choose to be a partisan Cult45 dip shit troll. I have no use for you.
How did trump cheat? Lol this should be good haha

Good 'ol Russian propaganda and manipulation, comrade.
Ohh face book ads gotcha lol

I get that you don't think you fools treat politics like a sporting event. I also get that you don't believe you are easily manipulated. You're all stable geniuses lol
Or maybe the media has been manipulating the public into believing that nonsense.
Ain't it curious that both sides are using the same argument? Because I believe that you are manipulated.
Explain how someone who studied journalism in college, and does not trust the media, can be easily manipulated?

The same way someone who studied and worked in journalism, and does not trust the media does. You aren't a special snowflake.
No really.
That person is a total retard.

Everybody has an opinion.
Nope, the people voted for Clinton, by nearly 3 million more votes, the Electoral college, voted to put in the President..... the American people, did not.

Y'all need to stop saying the American people voted for Donald Trump to be President, cuz they didn't choose him, the system of the electoral college did.
Yes America voted for trump, not 3 towns in California.. that’s the law of the land grow up little girl, a world of reality is about to hit you in 2020 you going to lose bad if you can’t grasp reality. You will lose the house and all your gains will be thrown away

Nah. I don't believe that's gonna happen, unless the Republicans cheat again.
Why cheat when you have democrats lol

Exactly. We saw both parties cheat in the last election. Yet, you still choose to be a partisan Cult45 dip shit troll. I have no use for you.
How did trump cheat? Lol this should be good haha
He he cheated.
So did Bush.
Yes America voted for trump, not 3 towns in California.. that’s the law of the land grow up little girl, a world of reality is about to hit you in 2020 you going to lose bad if you can’t grasp reality. You will lose the house and all your gains will be thrown away

Nah. I don't believe that's gonna happen, unless the Republicans cheat again.
Why cheat when you have democrats lol

Exactly. We saw both parties cheat in the last election. Yet, you still choose to be a partisan Cult45 dip shit troll. I have no use for you.
How did trump cheat? Lol this should be good haha
He he cheated.
So did Bush.

CoNsPiRaCy!!!! Derp.
This is something I've been saying for the last 3 years.
Mad Maxine admitted to it Sunday.
She thinks that impeachment is what Democrats were elected to do.....not protect the country....or improve lives....impeach the president. That's about it.

She's the female equivalent of Al Sharpton. Made millions because she is a Black Racist with a big mouth. She never stops running it because she knows she can get away with any stupid shit she wants.

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