Maxine Waters under ethical scrutiny, transferring $100k to daughter from campaign funds


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Democrat California Congresswoman Maxine Waters is slated to pay her daughter over $100,000 in campaign funds this election cycle, drawing scrutiny from multiple media outlets.

Maxine Waters Under Ethical Scrutiny, Transferring $100K to Daughter from Campaign Funds

This is another twit that needs to be sent up the river for criminal activity. She is such a skank liar and a racist bitch.
"Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington named Waters one of the “most corrupt” members of Congress in 2011."

Just another conservative rag.

The bitch Potus needs to go to jail. Orange will match his skin.
Most Americans believe it's against the law for congressmen and senators to profit personally from their political office but it's an open secret in Washington that that's not the case. As the saying goes the real scandal in Washington isn't what's illegal, it's what is legal.

Georgia Sen. Saxby Chambliss likes golf, so much so that he spent more than $100,000 the past two years entertaining at some of the finest courses in the world. New York congressman Gregory Meeks prefers football. He spent $35,000 on NFL games. All of this was paid for with political contributions -- all in the name of democracy.

Washington's open secret: Profitable PACs
Democrat California Congresswoman Maxine Waters is slated to pay her daughter over $100,000 in campaign funds this election cycle, drawing scrutiny from multiple media outlets.

Maxine Waters Under Ethical Scrutiny, Transferring $100K to Daughter from Campaign Funds

This is another twit that needs to be sent up the river for criminal activity. She is such a skank liar and a racist bitch.

the DNC will never allow a decent black or hispanic person anywhere near their operations, and they will never ever support one for any office, period. If the Party supports a black or any other 'minority' candidate running for an office, or as a choice for an appointment, you can be absolutely certain of them being a totally corrupt piece of shit who will sell out their 'people' in a heartbeat, and at dirt cheap firesale prices.
Democrat California Congresswoman Maxine Waters is slated to pay her daughter over $100,000 in campaign funds this election cycle, drawing scrutiny from multiple media outlets.

Maxine Waters Under Ethical Scrutiny, Transferring $100K to Daughter from Campaign Funds

This is another twit that needs to be sent up the river for criminal activity. She is such a skank liar and a racist bitch.

the DNC will never allow a decent black or hispanic person anywhere near their operations, and they will never ever support one for any office, period. If the Party supports a black or any other 'minority' candidate running for an office, or as a choice for an appointment, you can be absolutely certain of them being a totally corrupt piece of shit who will sell out their 'people' in a heartbeat, and at dirt cheap firesale prices.

Sen. Saxby Chambliss is a republican. Look at the Potus and his yahoos, mainly all white pieces of shit.

PS: if I lived in TX, I'd probably be racist as well. It goes with the territory.
"Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington named Waters one of the “most corrupt” members of Congress in 2011."

Just another conservative rag.

The bitch Potus needs to go to jail. Orange will match his skin.
Entertaining to see how far Trump has infiltrated your little brain. Is he all you think about? Get a life.
"Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington named Waters one of the “most corrupt” members of Congress in 2011."

Just another conservative rag.

The bitch Potus needs to go to jail. Orange will match his skin.
Conservative rag? You uninformed fool. It's a liberal rag and anyone that goes to that liberal rag will see article after article of Trump hating.
"Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington named Waters one of the “most corrupt” members of Congress in 2011."

Just another conservative rag.

The bitch Potus needs to go to jail. Orange will match his skin.

CREW has named far more Republicans as corrupt than Democrats. Depending on whom you ask, they are often refereed to as a liberal organization or nonpartisan.
Should she be thrown under a Greyhound bus for it..........Yep.

It would be a good start..........clean house of the wanker Career politicians and clean up Washington from the Wankers who have self served on politics their entire life.
Jose freaking christ if anyone thinks family connections and transferring money is a problem better look away from this administration.

And the fact don pervs on his daughter.
Democrats aren’t getting the donations they once got because people are waking up. People are starting to see how they’ve been throwing their $ down a bottomless pit.

President Trump has pretty much decimated the Democratic Party. :)
Jose freaking christ if anyone thinks family connections and transferring money is a problem better look away from this administration.

And the fact don pervs on his daughter.

Campaign money?

Does that fact comes from personal experience?
Jose freaking christ if anyone thinks family connections and transferring money is a problem better look away from this administration.

And the fact don pervs on his daughter.

Pervs on his daughter, Oh MSM lies that fools believe made up rumors that can't even proven and save the photoshopped bs that were created by assholes who hate Trump of course they would stoop that low. They want their idiots sheeps to keep on the COMMIE DREAM since your little bitch Clinton lost now there's been a halt put on the NWO deployment something most dildo's can't even figure out as it stands right in front of the Trump hating idiots.
Jose freaking christ if anyone thinks family connections and transferring money is a problem better look away from this administration.

And the fact don pervs on his daughter.

Campaign money?

Does that fact comes from personal experience?

What do you expect from a leftist moron who doesn't know that is illegal and to dumb to comprehend it.

Same thing goes for people like Martha Stuart, Denesh D. Souze even though not relatives the same scenario of money was the issue.

If it was not a problem it would be mentioned , but asses can't figure that out either they live in their own world. lol
"Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington named Waters one of the “most corrupt” members of Congress in 2011."

Just another conservative rag.

The bitch Potus needs to go to jail. Orange will match his skin.

welll, they have a point. She makes under 300,000 per year, yet is worth millions of dollars. Funny how that works.

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