Maxine Waters we've got to get more confrontational.

This old hag needs to be in prison
Yous guys don't like freedom of speech much...

A lot of people have a problem with Insurrection, and the idea of a ranking Congressbroad advocating insurrection in the streets.
How is it any diff than the insurrection at the Capital?

Both sides have proven that they are willing to use mob violence to influence politics. I see no diff in either party.
the so called insurrection lie lasted a couple of hrs commie ....your side will be in the streets looting rioting burning assaulting killing taking over sovereign US sections of cities and instilling there own commie gov [chop] again and again and again commie ... turn in your man card punk .

And just like that, Democrats proved that they NEVER cared about inciting violence.

G'head. Keep trying to pretend you have moral standing to criticize anyone for anything. I can always use a laugh.
Who on earth elects this bumbling idiot?
She makes Biden look intelligent.

LOL, now wait a minute here. Not even Nancy can make Biden look intelligent. 0 = 0, you know?

One thing about Mad Max, people like her reflect very badly on their party. She's like a walking, talking political negative ad - "Are you going to vote for HER"?

Mad Maxine reflects very ACCURATELY on her party.
Maxine Waters has a big mouth - but she said nothing wrong regarding the Chauvin case. Blacks must remain "confrontational" if they want to achieve equal justice. The Chauvin verdict was a great step forward - thanks to Steve Jobs (iPhone) and Darnella Frazier (filming George Floyd's murder).

Second Degree UNINTENTIONAL Murder. I think it was INTENTIONAL murder!

Anyway, a great day for the Floyd family, blacks, and the American justice system.

We should all be thankful for Steve Jobs and Darnella Frazier.

"There was nothing wrong with what she said . . . because it supported my agenda!!! Anything that supports what I want is automatically a good thing!!!"

Fortunately, no one in the world EVER expected intelligence, maturity, or morals from you, so no one is the least bit surprised.
Move the trial out of Minneapolis on appeal and Chauvan may have a chance.
If the trial is retried an acquittal is likely, when you get to know the facts offered by medical experts.

If you are just afraid your home will be burned down then of course this (today's verdict) is what you get.

Assuming an appellate court overturns the conviction on the basis that Chauvin did not get and could not have gotten a fair trial in Minneapolis with riots and an unsequestered jury - which is certainly the argument I would be making as his attorney - and orders a new trial, one would think that would pretty much require that the new trial be held in a different venue.

I'm not entirely sure where they could have held it that wouldn't have had a tainted jury pool, given the national media coverage leading up to the trial, but Minneapolis was definitely a non-starter in that regard.
This old hag needs to be in prison
Yous guys don't like freedom of speech much...

You're dumb

What's wrong, can't hold a black woman to any standards right? especially when they're Demonicrat.

How far does someone have to look to see Moonglow was onboard "but Trump told protesters to attack the Capitol etc." which he DIDN'T.

Your PROGS do exactly what you PROGS accuse the opponents of and nothing but excuses. This has been on-going for years.

Fact is you PROGS don't have any standards, and when you pretend you do it's only to critic your opponents as you apply twisted logic you've been trained for.

And just like that, Democrats proved that they NEVER cared about inciting violence.

G'head. Keep trying to pretend you have moral standing to criticize anyone for anything. I can always use a laugh.
Did you forget about inciting and abetting Jan 6th insurrection?
Democrats certainly cared about that one.

No, I didn't forget about it. I remember it very well, which is why I say that you leftist scum-suckers NEVER gave a fat fucking damn about inciting violence. Was I supposed to be convinced of your moral authority on the basis of, "We threw screaming, incoherent tantrums about 'inciting violence' on January 6, so don't notice when we just shrug and make excuses for far worse behavior'?

Democrats didn't care about "inciting violence" then, any more than they give a fat rat's ass about it now. All they give a fuck about is, "Are the right people doing it, and are they doing it in service to our agenda?" I don't know which is more laughable; your failed pretense to moral standing, or your utter blindness to what a hypocritical fool you just proudly proclaimed yourself to be.

But thanks for making my argument for me.

And just like that, Democrats proved that they NEVER cared about inciting violence.

G'head. Keep trying to pretend you have moral standing to criticize anyone for anything. I can always use a laugh.
Did you forget about inciting and abetting Jan 6th insurrection?
Democrats certainly cared about that one.

No, I didn't forget about it. I remember it very well, which is why I say that you leftist scum-suckers NEVER gave a fat fucking damn about inciting violence. Was I supposed to be convinced of your moral authority on the basis of, "We threw screaming, incoherent tantrums about 'inciting violence' on January 6, so don't notice when we just shrug and make excuses for far worse behavior'?

Democrats didn't care about "inciting violence" then, any more than they give a fat rat's ass about it now. All they give a fuck about is, "Are the right people doing it, and are they doing it in service to our agenda?" I don't know which is more laughable; your failed pretense to moral standing, or your utter blindness to what a hypocritical fool you just proudly proclaimed yourself to be.

But thanks for making my argument for me.
Pelosi wants a commission to investigate Jan 6th insurrection.
I never saw any republican trying to get to the bottom of it.

And just like that, Democrats proved that they NEVER cared about inciting violence.

G'head. Keep trying to pretend you have moral standing to criticize anyone for anything. I can always use a laugh.
Did you forget about inciting and abetting Jan 6th insurrection?
Democrats certainly cared about that one.

No, I didn't forget about it. I remember it very well, which is why I say that you leftist scum-suckers NEVER gave a fat fucking damn about inciting violence. Was I supposed to be convinced of your moral authority on the basis of, "We threw screaming, incoherent tantrums about 'inciting violence' on January 6, so don't notice when we just shrug and make excuses for far worse behavior'?

Democrats didn't care about "inciting violence" then, any more than they give a fat rat's ass about it now. All they give a fuck about is, "Are the right people doing it, and are they doing it in service to our agenda?" I don't know which is more laughable; your failed pretense to moral standing, or your utter blindness to what a hypocritical fool you just proudly proclaimed yourself to be.

But thanks for making my argument for me.
Pelosi wants a commission to investigate Jan 6th insurrection.
I never saw any republican trying to get to the bottom of it.

I'm sorry, do you think you're establishing some sort of moral high ground for yourself by harping on, "Well, January 6th!!! January 6th!!! We're all upset about January 6th, so THERE!!!"?

Here's a hot tip from the sane, moral, INTELLIGENT world: You're only highlighting the very hypocrisy and moral vacuum that makes me utterly and profoundly reject your right to pass judgements on anything.

Keep talking, scum-sucker, because I have an unlimited supply of no-fucks-whatsoever to give about your opinion on anything, and I will ALWAYS be a better person than you are, no matter what.
Remember Democrats are the enemy of this Country, pond scum.

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