May 2017 Fundraising:Lowest May for Dems since 2003, Highest May ever for Pubs

I don't think it matters all that much. Look how much more Hil-Liar spent than Trump. Look at how much (record amount) of money was spent in Georgia by the Democrap candidate.

Money doesn't always equate results. If it did, Ross Perot would have been one of our past Presidents. What it does indicate however is how fed up people are with Democrats.
maybe after that typical democrat tried to shoot 20 Republicans have something to do with it?
I'm amazed the scum are doing that well. Look at the people who run the show; a bum with a foul mouth that doesn't even know what a razor and soap are. Obviously, their donors have run out of cash for this lost-cause organization. I could have sworn I saw a lady that looked just like Pelosi at the window handing me my McDonalds fries the other day but my eyes must just be playing tricks with me!
I'm amazed the scum are doing that well. Look at the people who run the show; a bum with a foul mouth that doesn't even know what a razor and soap are. Obviously, their donors have run out of cash for this lost-cause organization. I could have sworn I saw a lady that looked just like Pelosi at the window handing me my McDonalds fries the other day but my eyes must just be playing tricks with me!
i guess all of the 12 Million snowflakes are broke
Libs don't have much disposable income right now due to the pain meds they are gobbling up like candy.
I don't think it matters all that much. Look how much more Hil-Liar spent than Trump. Look at how much (record amount) of money was spent in Georgia by the Democrap candidate.

Money doesn't always equate results. If it did, Ross Perot would have been one of our past Presidents. What it does indicate however is how fed up people are with Democrats.

It's indicative of how much confidence Dem donors have in the currrent Dem leadership.

I don't think it matters all that much. Look how much more Hil-Liar spent than Trump. Look at how much (record amount) of money was spent in Georgia by the Democrap candidate.

Money doesn't always equate results. If it did, Ross Perot would have been one of our past Presidents. What it does indicate however is how fed up people are with Democrats.

It's indicative of how much confidence Dem donors have in the currrent Dem leadership.


Which is why they need to keep lying to them.

With the Trump win, they told their sheep it was because of Russia.
When GW won first term, it was because the SC handed him the election.
When GW won his second term, it was because of Diebold and other things.

As long as they can keep convincing their idiots that they actually won, but got cheated somehow by the Republicans, they maintain their confidence. As you pointed out, now that confidence is running out and they are coming face to face with facts: Americans don't want a Socialist government.
I don't think it matters all that much. Look how much more Hil-Liar spent than Trump. Look at how much (record amount) of money was spent in Georgia by the Democrap candidate.

Money doesn't always equate results. If it did, Ross Perot would have been one of our past Presidents. What it does indicate however is how fed up people are with Democrats.

It's indicative of how much confidence Dem donors have in the currrent Dem leadership.


Which is why they need to keep lying to them.

With the Trump win, they told their sheep it was because of Russia.
When GW won first term, it was because the SC handed him the election.
When GW won his second term, it was because of Diebold and other things.

As long as they can keep convincing their idiots that they actually won, but got cheated somehow by the Republicans, they maintain their confidence. As you pointed out, now that confidence is running out and they are coming face to face with facts: Americans don't want a Socialist government.

You are absolutely corrrect. Dems always have some lame excuse for why they lost.

This whole thing is bananas. They have 1 goal, to remove Trump from office. We are witnessessing the throwing of shit against the wall to see what sticks...unfortunately for them, nothing is sticking.
As long as they can keep convincing their idiots that they actually won, but got cheated somehow by the Republicans, they maintain their confidence.

But, . . . but . . . Hillary DID win! Right candidate, just wrong country.

All of this from a party that thinks we have 57 states. It was an easy mistake.

Comes from hiring cheap foreign labor to write your patter for you.
As long as they can keep convincing their idiots that they actually won, but got cheated somehow by the Republicans, they maintain their confidence.

But, . . . but . . . Hillary DID win! Right candidate, just wrong country.

All of this from a party that thinks we have 57 states. It was an easy mistake.

Comes from hiring cheap foreign labor to write your patter for you.

Let's have a moment of silence for the 93 million Americans who die every day from gun violence, according to Virginia Governor McAuliffe.
I don't think it matters all that much. Look how much more Hil-Liar spent than Trump. Look at how much (record amount) of money was spent in Georgia by the Democrap candidate.

Money doesn't always equate results. If it did, Ross Perot would have been one of our past Presidents. What it does indicate however is how fed up people are with Democrats.
I agree with that. I think that money not guaranteeing success is a symptom of traditional media not carrying any weight anymore. People are free to find their own sources of information on the web. I might disagree with the Ross Perot example, I don't know if a third party candidate will ever break through.
Oh, look, a loony right whack-off fest.

I find it weird you Petals are celebrating these elections. Let's recap: Since The Orange Buffoon's election, the GoP have won four elections whereby the incumbents have been promoted to the Buffoon's cabinet. You guys seem surprised. Only idiots would be surprised...

....oh that's right, we're dealing with Deplorables...
and to think that even one prostitute in vegas is alone making more money than the DNC
The only people donating are filthy rich Hollywood types who have nothing better to do with their millions than throw it away on failed DEM campaigns.
I don't think it matters all that much. Look how much more Hil-Liar spent than Trump. Look at how much (record amount) of money was spent in Georgia by the Democrap candidate.

Money doesn't always equate results. If it did, Ross Perot would have been one of our past Presidents. What it does indicate however is how fed up people are with Democrats.

It's indicative of how much confidence Dem donors have in the currrent Dem leadership.


Which is why they need to keep lying to them.

With the Trump win, they told their sheep it was because of Russia.
When GW won first term, it was because the SC handed him the election.
When GW won his second term, it was because of Diebold and other things.

As long as they can keep convincing their idiots that they actually won, but got cheated somehow by the Republicans, they maintain their confidence. As you pointed out, now that confidence is running out and they are coming face to face with facts: Americans don't want a Socialist government.

You are absolutely corrrect. Dems always have some lame excuse for why they lost.

This whole thing is bananas. They have 1 goal, to remove Trump from office. We are witnessessing the throwing of shit against the wall to see what sticks...unfortunately for them, nothing is sticking.

That includes the media. In the GA contest, it was predicted a sure Republican defeat. As Rush said repeatedly, the media no longer informs--they try to manipulate.

The media tries to convince us everybody hates Trump; people are sick of Republican politics; people want more free stuff.

None of it is true and election results are proof-positive of this. The lesson learned from this (which Democrats will never admit to) is that money can't bury the truth. Truth will still bleed through no matter how much money or brainwashing goes into hiding it.

America is starting to wake up, and it's about damned time.
Oh, look, a loony right whack-off fest.

I find it weird you Petals are celebrating these elections. Let's recap: Since The Orange Buffoon's election, the GoP have won four elections whereby the incumbents have been promoted to the Buffoon's cabinet. You guys seem surprised. Only idiots would be surprised...

....oh that's right, we're dealing with Deplorables...
We won. Why would it be weird to celebrate that?
I don't think it matters all that much. Look how much more Hil-Liar spent than Trump. Look at how much (record amount) of money was spent in Georgia by the Democrap candidate.

Money doesn't always equate results. If it did, Ross Perot would have been one of our past Presidents. What it does indicate however is how fed up people are with Democrats.

It's indicative of how much confidence Dem donors have in the currrent Dem leadership.


Which is why they need to keep lying to them.

With the Trump win, they told their sheep it was because of Russia.
When GW won first term, it was because the SC handed him the election.
When GW won his second term, it was because of Diebold and other things.

As long as they can keep convincing their idiots that they actually won, but got cheated somehow by the Republicans, they maintain their confidence. As you pointed out, now that confidence is running out and they are coming face to face with facts: Americans don't want a Socialist government.

You are absolutely corrrect. Dems always have some lame excuse for why they lost.

This whole thing is bananas. They have 1 goal, to remove Trump from office. We are witnessessing the throwing of shit against the wall to see what sticks...unfortunately for them, nothing is sticking.

That includes the media. In the GA contest, it was predicted a sure Republican defeat. As Rush said repeatedly, the media no longer informs--they try to manipulate.

The media tries to convince us everybody hates Trump; people are sick of Republican politics; people want more free stuff.

None of it is true and election results are proof-positive of this. The lesson learned from this (which Democrats will never admit to) is that money can't bury the truth. Truth will still bleed through no matter how much money or brainwashing goes into hiding it.

America is starting to wake up, and it's about damned time.

The media has completely lost its way from the intent of the FREEDOM OF THE PRESS in the FIRST AMMENDMENT.

They push personal partisan politics. They do not "REPORT".
Let's have a moment of silence for the 93 million Americans who die every day from gun violence.

Well, you know it is a war zone there in Chicago where Obama is from and his buddy Emmanuel runs!

Those 177 bodies a minute pile up real fast.


Whoops! My mistake! That was a picture from Haiti, where people donated millions to the Clinton Foundation, but Hillary kept 97¢ out of every dollar.

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