May The Force Be With You


Platinum Member
Apr 2, 2017
Stuart Force, the father of Taylor Force, the young man who was stabbed to death by a Palestinian Arab in March 2016, and whose name is now part of American legislation -- The Taylor Force Act (which seeks to stop aid to the Palestinian Authority until they stop incentivising murder of innocent Israelis), said after the bill was passed that he hoped other countries follow suit and cut or reduce aid to the Palestinian Authority.

Last year on a trip to New York City, Mr Force recounted how the Palestinians reacted to Taylor's death: "The celebrations heightened when they [i.e., the Palestinians] found out that Taylor was an American."

This passage brings back to mind how the Palestinian Arabs reacted upon hearing the news of American deaths at the hands of Muslim terrorists on 9/11 when the Palestinian Arabs danced and handed out sweets on America's darkest day!

We Americans will never forget or forgive!

Last week in Geneva, Micah Lakin Avni, son of Israeli-American Richard Lakin, who was killed in a terror attack on a bus in Jerusalem in October 2015, told the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva that those who killed his father and their families will be given $3 million over the course of their lives by the Palestinian Authority. "The Palestinian Authority actually has a pay-to-slay law. Palestinians systematically pay terrorists to murder Jews.

"Your failure to report or condemn these crimes makes you an accessory to the murder of my father, and to the murder of many other Jewish fathers, mothers and children who the Palestinians pay to slay. I call upon this council, and upon all UN members, to stop funding the Palestinian Authority until the Palestinians stop the murderous practice of rewarding terrorists for killing Jews."

This pay-to-slay savagery must stop! And the world expects Israel to sit down and talk peace with these murderous terrorists?
and Bibi, said "this is very good, not good, but good for us".

I suspect Israel and SA was behind 911. All planned out. Where was Bibi during 911??
and Bibi, said "this is very good, not good, but good for us".

I suspect Israel and SA was behind 911. All planned out. Where was Bibi during 911??

There is an entire forum dedicated to conspiracy theories. This is not that forum.
and Bibi, said "this is very good, not good, but good for us".

I suspect Israel and SA was behind 911. All planned out. Where was Bibi during 911??
When one lives by conspiracy theories, as you do, one dies by conspiracy theories.

Most of the attackers on 9/11 were Saudis. It was not planned by the Saudi government.

You do not seem to care where Bibi, or anyone else was. What the truth is about who attacked the USA.

You are anti Israel and anything which accuses and leads to its destruction is good enough for you.

Truth be darned.

"I suspect".

Yes, Shelock Holmes. Where are your powers of investigation as opposed to your powers of theoretical conspiracies.

All terrorism leads to Israel, in the mind of those whose brains are really empty of commonsense, but full of learned hatred for the Jews.

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