Maybe every White Right Winger talking about being slaves to the government should be required to put this picture in their homes.

Pretty benign postcard that sems to elicit episodes of paranoia on certain segments of society. Get some professional help.
This is slavery.

View attachment 1018622

Government mandating vaccines that can save lives isn't.
My grandmother had picture of slaves on her wall. A set of them, in fact. Pictures of people being forced to do things against their will, give what they worked for to people who did not, and having their lives planned from cradle to grave, "for their own good." Slaveholders were universally Democrats and your party still likes to make people do things against their will, take the fruit of their labor, and plan their lives for them.

You think it kewl now, because they cater to the black vote after spending nearly a century after the 15th amendment was passed trying to nullify it.

It was only when Democrats fully realized that great Republicans would not let them stop blacks from voting that the Democrats dreamed up the modern slavery of welfare and the soft bigotry of low expectations.

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