Mayday! Top Trump Allies Plot 'Intervention'

Key Republicans close to Donald Trump's orbit are plotting an intervention with the candidate after a disastrous 48 hours led some influential voices in the party to question whether Trump can stay at the top of the Republican ticket without catastrophic consequences for his campaign and the GOP at large.

Republican National Committee head Reince Priebus, former Republican New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani and former House Speaker Newt Gingrich are among the Trump endorsers hoping to talk the real estate mogul into a dramatic reset of his campaign in the coming days, sources tell NBC News.

The group of GOP heavyweights hopes to enlist the help of Trump's children — who comprise much of his innermost circle of influential advisers — to aid in the attempt to rescue his candidacy. Trump's family is considered to have by far the most influence over the candidate's thinking at what could be a make-or-break moment for his campaign.


Whoa, it doesn't sound good.
Ahhhh. "Sources".
Go out and clean up the hundreds of garbage bags full of Pampers in your front yard Pocahontas.

Are those the ones picked up from the Quicken Arena in Cleveland, Mr. Boy?
All the Liberal pukes are scared to death of The Trumpinator.

Mr. Hoss, if you think for one minute that this man cares about the right and conservatism, you are woefully mistaken. He doesn't spend one minute of his time thinking about anyone but himself. Republicans will suffer at his hands just as everyone else will. Mark my words if he is elected.[ /QUOTE]
Three things in his favor that makes me vote for him.
1. He's already rich. He doesn't need lobbyists to make him richer.

2. He only wants one term. Two terms if he doesn't make his goal in the first.

3. He's not a sleazy politician.

An empty void suits your commentary perfectly, Mr. Hoss.
I answered your quote. Expand the quote in my reply
All the Liberal pukes are scared to death of The Trumpinator.

Mr. Hoss, if you think for one minute that this man cares about the right and conservatism, you are woefully mistaken. He doesn't spend one minute of his time thinking about anyone but himself. Republicans will suffer at his hands just as everyone else will. Mark my words if he is elected.[ /QUOTE]
Three things in his favor that makes me vote for him.
1. He's already rich. He doesn't need lobbyists to make him richer.

2. He only wants one term. Two terms if he doesn't make his goal in the first.

3. He's not a sleazy politician.

An empty void suits your commentary perfectly, Mr. Hoss.
I answered your quote. Expand the quote in my reply

You are wrong on all three points. He's soliciting money from the Russians since he can't raise any here. He doesn't want the office at all now, that's why he's gone off the cliff and he's not a politician, he's just a sleazy realtor from Queens who would be nowhere if his father hadn't loaned him millions, co-signed and underwritten all of his deals in the 90s, about the time he started filing many bankruptcies. Find a new hero, Mr. HorseFly.
All the Liberal pukes are scared to death of The Trumpinator.

Mr. Hoss, if you think for one minute that this man cares about the right and conservatism, you are woefully mistaken. He doesn't spend one minute of his time thinking about anyone but himself. Republicans will suffer at his hands just as everyone else will. Mark my words if he is elected.
If, as you suggest, Trump wants to become President to satisfy his ego, he will also want to leave behind a legacy he can be proud of to satisfy his ego, and he has indicated that will mean America will take a fresh look at it problems, polices and commitments for the first time since the end of WWII with the aim of making America safer in today's world and more competitive in today's global economy. When Trump wins, all Americans win.
All the Liberal pukes are scared to death of The Trumpinator.

Mr. Hoss, if you think for one minute that this man cares about the right and conservatism, you are woefully mistaken. He doesn't spend one minute of his time thinking about anyone but himself. Republicans will suffer at his hands just as everyone else will. Mark my words if he is elected.[ /QUOTE]
Three things in his favor that makes me vote for him.
1. He's already rich. He doesn't need lobbyists to make him richer.

2. He only wants one term. Two terms if he doesn't make his goal in the first.

3. He's not a sleazy politician.

An empty void suits your commentary perfectly, Mr. Hoss.
I answered your quote. Expand the quote in my reply

You are wrong on all three points. He's soliciting money from the Russians since he can't raise any here. He doesn't want the office at all now, that's why he's gone off the cliff and he's not a politician, he's just a sleazy realtor from Queens who would be nowhere if his father hadn't loaned him millions, co-signed and underwritten all of his deals in the 90s, about the time he started filing many bankruptcies. Find a new hero, Mr. HorseFly.
I believe I'll stick with this horse. Unlike Hilliary fans who are voting for the Devil.
All the Liberal pukes are scared to death of The Trumpinator.

Mr. Hoss, if you think for one minute that this man cares about the right and conservatism, you are woefully mistaken. He doesn't spend one minute of his time thinking about anyone but himself. Republicans will suffer at his hands just as everyone else will. Mark my words if he is elected.
If, as you suggest, Trump wants to become President to satisfy his ego, he will also want to leave behind a legacy he can be proud of to satisfy his ego, and he has indicated that will mean America will take a fresh look at it problems, polices and commitments for the first time since the end of WWII with the aim of making America safer in today's world and more competitive in today's global economy. When Trump wins, all Americans win.

Really, Mr. TooMuch....You must consider his reputation in the business world before you can claim he will do right by America.
Donald Trump’s Business Plan Left a Trail of Unpaid Bills
Why do they keep asking Donald to "reset" as if there is some other Donald somewhere to present or asking him to fake it until he makes it?
Well he's popular with the uneducated and treats this like a reality show with big promises he cant keep.

Its called Sales

He isn't skilled at politically correct, lying politics. He's better at recognizing a problem and coming up with common sense solutions, e.g. want to avoid more slaughters in Orlando night clubs? Stop giving radical Islam access to Orlando.
Tact would be nice, but it is not a requirement. A rational thought process is a necessity, with or without tact. And a will to help America rise from the ashes should be tantamount. Selling it off to the highest bidder is crippling, regardless of how tactfully it was accomplished.

See but your common sense solutions arent common sense once you ask a one word question.

Stop giving radical Islam access to Orlando.


Heed ISIS' warning, that they are coming with the others. Then stop the others from coming. Create a safe zone in the countries for the refugees that Bush and Obama and Hitlery and Soros have created. And enforce our immigration laws. Because they are there for a reason and they work.

Give them a warning?

How would that have stopped the Orlando shooter who was an American? See? His solutions dont make sense and they are more wishes than they are plans.

You misunderstood. Not, give them a warning, but HEED THEIR warning. The Orlando shooter should not have been here. You can radicalize a child here as easily as in Syria, or Iran. The difference is they can't shoot us from Syria or Iran or Yemen.
We have immigration laws for a reason, and therein lies common sense. We need to hone those laws and refine them, considering our enemy just told us they plan on taking advantage of Obama's free for all.
Now is not
the time do away with them.
Your/Obama's solution is to quietly fly them over here to give them better aim. Ignoring our laws does not make sense and is down right irrational under the circumstances. See?

Now if we can just get rid of these blacks who shoot cops
All the Liberal pukes are scared to death of The Trumpinator.

Mr. Hoss, if you think for one minute that this man cares about the right and conservatism, you are woefully mistaken. He doesn't spend one minute of his time thinking about anyone but himself. Republicans will suffer at his hands just as everyone else will. Mark my words if he is elected.
If, as you suggest, Trump wants to become President to satisfy his ego, he will also want to leave behind a legacy he can be proud of to satisfy his ego, and he has indicated that will mean America will take a fresh look at it problems, polices and commitments for the first time since the end of WWII with the aim of making America safer in today's world and more competitive in today's global economy. When Trump wins, all Americans win.

Really, Mr. TooMuch....You must consider his reputation in the business world before you can claim he will do right by America.
Donald Trump’s Business Plan Left a Trail of Unpaid Bills
It doesn't begin to compare with the trail of dead bodies Ol Rottencrotch has left behind.
Republican National Committee head Reince Priebus, former Republican New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani and former House Speaker Newt Gingrich are among the Trump endorsers hoping to talk the real estate mogul into a dramatic reset of his campaign in the coming days, sources tell NBC News.

The group of GOP heavyweights hopes to enlist the help of Trump's children — who comprise much of his innermost circle of influential advisers — to aid in the attempt to rescue his candidacy. Trump's family is considered to have by far the most influence over the candidate's thinking at what could be a make-or-break moment for his campaign.


Whoa, it doesn't sound good.

Sounds very good for Ted Cruz vs Hillary Clinton, GJ and Stein.
Mr. Hoss, if you think for one minute that this man cares about the right and conservatism, you are woefully mistaken. He doesn't spend one minute of his time thinking about anyone but himself. Republicans will suffer at his hands just as everyone else will. Mark my words if he is elected.[ /QUOTE]
Three things in his favor that makes me vote for him.
1. He's already rich. He doesn't need lobbyists to make him richer.

2. He only wants one term. Two terms if he doesn't make his goal in the first.

3. He's not a sleazy politician.

An empty void suits your commentary perfectly, Mr. Hoss.
I answered your quote. Expand the quote in my reply

You are wrong on all three points. He's soliciting money from the Russians since he can't raise any here. He doesn't want the office at all now, that's why he's gone off the cliff and he's not a politician, he's just a sleazy realtor from Queens who would be nowhere if his father hadn't loaned him millions, co-signed and underwritten all of his deals in the 90s, about the time he started filing many bankruptcies. Find a new hero, Mr. HorseFly.
I believe I'll stick with this horse. Unlike Hilliary fans who are voting for the Devil.

Whatever you say, Mr. Hoss. Here are some of the latest "devil" voters from the right. And the list grows daily.

Members of Congress
  • Rep. Richard Hanna (R-N.Y.), a moderate Republican who is retiring this year, told that he will support Clinton and that Trump is unfit to lead. He cited Trump's criticism of Khizr Khan. "I think Trump is a national embarrassment," Hanna said. "Is he really the guy you want to have the nuclear codes?"
Bush administration officials
  • Henry Paulson, treasury secretary
  • Richard Armitage, deputy secretary of state and adviser to Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush — Trump "doesn't appear to be a Republican, he doesn't appear to want to learn about issues. So I’m going to vote for Mrs. Clinton."
  • Brent Scowcroft, chairman of the President's Intelligence Advisory Board and adviser to three previous GOP presidents — "The presidency requires the judgment and knowledge to make tough calls under pressure.... [Clinton] has the wisdom and experience to lead our country at this critical time."
  • Alan Steinberg, regional EPA administrator
  • Kori Schake, National Security Council and State Department aide
Foreign policy leaders
  • Robert Kagan, a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution, former Reagan State Department aide and adviser to the presidential campaigns of John McCain and Mitt Romney
  • Max Boot, senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations and adviser to GOP presidential candidates — "I'm literally losing sleep over Donald Trump. She would be vastly preferable to Trump."
  • Peter Mansoor, retired Army colonel and former aide to David Petraeus — "It will be thefirst Democratic presidential candidate I’ve voted for in my adult life."
Business leaders/donors
  • Meg Whitman, former HP CEO and California gubernatorial nominee -- "Donald Trump's demagoguery has undermined the fabric of our national character. America needs the kind of stable and aspirational leadership Secretary Clinton can provide."
  • Marc Andreessen, venture capitalist — "[Silicon] Valley wouldn't be here, we wouldn't be doing any of this if we didn't have the amazing flow of immigrants that we've had in the last 80 years. And the idea of choking that off just makes me sick to my stomach."
  • Dan Akerson, former chairman and chief executive of General Motors — "Serving as the leader of the free world requires effective leadership, sound judgment, a steady hand and, most importantly, the temperament to deal with crises large and small. Donald Trump lacks each of these characteristics."
  • Chuck Robbins, chief executive of Cisco
Officials in previous GOP administrations
  • Doug Elmets, former Reagan spokesman — "I could live with four years of Hillary Clintonbefore I could ever live with one day of Donald Trump as president." Elmets spoke at the Democratic National Convention, along with other Republicans now backing Clinton.
  • Jim Cicconi, former Reagan and George H.W. Bush aide — "Hillary Clinton is experienced, qualified and will make a fine president. The alternative, I fear, would set our nation on a very dark path.”
  • Charles Fried, former U.S. solicitor general under Reagan and current Harvard Law professor -- "Though long a registered Republican, this will be the third consecutive presidential election in which my party forces the choice between party and, in John McCain’s words, putting America first. ... It is to [Mitt[ Romney's credit that this year, like John Paulson and George Will, he is standing up against the brutal, substantively incoherent, and authoritarian tendencies of Donald Trump.
Former Republican elected officials
  • Larry Pressler, former three-term Republican senator from South Dakota who lost an independent campaign for his old seat in 2014 — "I can’t believe I’m endorsing Hillary Clinton for president, but I am. If someone had told me 10 years ago I would do this, I wouldn’t have believed them."
  • Arne Carlson, a former two-term Republican governor of Minnesota who supported President Obama
  • Robert Smith, former judge on New York's highest court, the Court of Appeals — "This year, I’m going to vote for a Democrat for president  —  the first time I’ve done it in 36 years  —  and I think the decision is easy. Hillary Clinton is the only responsible choice, and I don’t understand why so few of my fellow conservatives see it that way."
Political operatives
  • Mark Salter, former top adviser to John McCain — "Whatever Hillary Clinton’s faults, she’s not ignorant or hateful or a nut. She acts like an adult and understands the responsibilities of an American president. That might not be a ringing endorsement. But in 2016, the year of Trump’s s campaign, it’s more than enough."
  • Sally Bradshaw, former top Jeb Bush adviser, told told CNN that she had left the Republican Party to become an independent due to Donald Trump's presence at the top of the ticket — and that if the race were close in her home state of Florida this fall, she would be voting for Hillary Clinton. "As much as I don't want another four years of (President Barack) Obama's policies, I can't look my children in the eye and tell them I voted for Donald Trump."
  • Maria Comella, former spokeswoman for two of Trump's top backers, Chris Christie and Rudy Giuliani -- "Instead of speaking out against instances of bigotry, racism and inflammatory rhetoric whether it's been against women, immigrants or Muslims, we made a calculus that it was better to say nothing at all in the interest of politics and winning elections."
  • Mike Treiser, former Mitt Romney aide — "In the face of bigotry, hatred, violence, and small-mindedness, this time, I’m with her.”
  • Craig Snyder, former chief of staff to then-Republican former senator Arlen Specter (Pa.) and also an ex-colleague of former top Trump adviser Roger Stone and current top Trump adviser Paul Manafort.
  • Ben Howe, contributing editor at
All the Liberal pukes are scared to death of The Trumpinator.

Mr. Hoss, if you think for one minute that this man cares about the right and conservatism, you are woefully mistaken. He doesn't spend one minute of his time thinking about anyone but himself. Republicans will suffer at his hands just as everyone else will. Mark my words if he is elected.
If, as you suggest, Trump wants to become President to satisfy his ego, he will also want to leave behind a legacy he can be proud of to satisfy his ego, and he has indicated that will mean America will take a fresh look at it problems, polices and commitments for the first time since the end of WWII with the aim of making America safer in today's world and more competitive in today's global economy. When Trump wins, all Americans win.

Really, Mr. TooMuch....You must consider his reputation in the business world before you can claim he will do right by America.
Donald Trump’s Business Plan Left a Trail of Unpaid Bills
It doesn't begin to compare with the trail of dead bodies Ol Rottencrotch has left behind.

But Mr. Hoss, Mr. Trump has repeatedly said he's honest and true compared to the Clintons, remember? Oh, I guess you filter those things out, don't you?
Key Republicans close to Donald Trump's orbit are plotting an intervention with the candidate after a disastrous 48 hours led some influential voices in the party to question whether Trump can stay at the top of the Republican ticket without catastrophic consequences for his campaign and the GOP at large.

Republican National Committee head Reince Priebus, former Republican New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani and former House Speaker Newt Gingrich are among the Trump endorsers hoping to talk the real estate mogul into a dramatic reset of his campaign in the coming days, sources tell NBC News.

The group of GOP heavyweights hopes to enlist the help of Trump's children — who comprise much of his innermost circle of influential advisers — to aid in the attempt to rescue his candidacy. Trump's family is considered to have by far the most influence over the candidate's thinking at what could be a make-or-break moment for his campaign.


Whoa, it doesn't sound good.
Who has intervened with your magic neeeeeeeegro? You've allowed him to wander around, bump is head, get his nuts kicked...get his ass handed to him on every front from Cuber to China to Iran. Too late now!
Carson aren't well a candidate in republican Party if Trump get out from his campaign. I does not want Carson in final series.

An empty void suits your commentary perfectly, Mr. Hoss.
I answered your quote. Expand the quote in my reply

You are wrong on all three points. He's soliciting money from the Russians since he can't raise any here. He doesn't want the office at all now, that's why he's gone off the cliff and he's not a politician, he's just a sleazy realtor from Queens who would be nowhere if his father hadn't loaned him millions, co-signed and underwritten all of his deals in the 90s, about the time he started filing many bankruptcies. Find a new hero, Mr. HorseFly.
I believe I'll stick with this horse. Unlike Hilliary fans who are voting for the Devil.

Whatever you say, Mr. Hoss. Here are some of the latest "devil" voters from the right. And the list grows daily.

Members of Congress
  • Rep. Richard Hanna (R-N.Y.), a moderate Republican who is retiring this year, told that he will support Clinton and that Trump is unfit to lead. He cited Trump's criticism of Khizr Khan. "I think Trump is a national embarrassment," Hanna said. "Is he really the guy you want to have the nuclear codes?"
Bush administration officials
  • Henry Paulson, treasury secretary
  • Richard Armitage, deputy secretary of state and adviser to Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush — Trump "doesn't appear to be a Republican, he doesn't appear to want to learn about issues. So I’m going to vote for Mrs. Clinton."
  • Brent Scowcroft, chairman of the President's Intelligence Advisory Board and adviser to three previous GOP presidents — "The presidency requires the judgment and knowledge to make tough calls under pressure.... [Clinton] has the wisdom and experience to lead our country at this critical time."
  • Alan Steinberg, regional EPA administrator
  • Kori Schake, National Security Council and State Department aide
Foreign policy leaders
  • Robert Kagan, a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution, former Reagan State Department aide and adviser to the presidential campaigns of John McCain and Mitt Romney
  • Max Boot, senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations and adviser to GOP presidential candidates — "I'm literally losing sleep over Donald Trump. She would be vastly preferable to Trump."
  • Peter Mansoor, retired Army colonel and former aide to David Petraeus — "It will be thefirst Democratic presidential candidate I’ve voted for in my adult life."
Business leaders/donors
  • Meg Whitman, former HP CEO and California gubernatorial nominee -- "Donald Trump's demagoguery has undermined the fabric of our national character. America needs the kind of stable and aspirational leadership Secretary Clinton can provide."
  • Marc Andreessen, venture capitalist — "[Silicon] Valley wouldn't be here, we wouldn't be doing any of this if we didn't have the amazing flow of immigrants that we've had in the last 80 years. And the idea of choking that off just makes me sick to my stomach."
  • Dan Akerson, former chairman and chief executive of General Motors — "Serving as the leader of the free world requires effective leadership, sound judgment, a steady hand and, most importantly, the temperament to deal with crises large and small. Donald Trump lacks each of these characteristics."
  • Chuck Robbins, chief executive of Cisco
Officials in previous GOP administrations
  • Doug Elmets, former Reagan spokesman — "I could live with four years of Hillary Clintonbefore I could ever live with one day of Donald Trump as president." Elmets spoke at the Democratic National Convention, along with other Republicans now backing Clinton.
  • Jim Cicconi, former Reagan and George H.W. Bush aide — "Hillary Clinton is experienced, qualified and will make a fine president. The alternative, I fear, would set our nation on a very dark path.”
  • Charles Fried, former U.S. solicitor general under Reagan and current Harvard Law professor -- "Though long a registered Republican, this will be the third consecutive presidential election in which my party forces the choice between party and, in John McCain’s words, putting America first. ... It is to [Mitt[ Romney's credit that this year, like John Paulson and George Will, he is standing up against the brutal, substantively incoherent, and authoritarian tendencies of Donald Trump.
Former Republican elected officials
  • Larry Pressler, former three-term Republican senator from South Dakota who lost an independent campaign for his old seat in 2014 — "I can’t believe I’m endorsing Hillary Clinton for president, but I am. If someone had told me 10 years ago I would do this, I wouldn’t have believed them."
  • Arne Carlson, a former two-term Republican governor of Minnesota who supported President Obama
  • Robert Smith, former judge on New York's highest court, the Court of Appeals — "This year, I’m going to vote for a Democrat for president  —  the first time I’ve done it in 36 years  —  and I think the decision is easy. Hillary Clinton is the only responsible choice, and I don’t understand why so few of my fellow conservatives see it that way."
Political operatives
  • Mark Salter, former top adviser to John McCain — "Whatever Hillary Clinton’s faults, she’s not ignorant or hateful or a nut. She acts like an adult and understands the responsibilities of an American president. That might not be a ringing endorsement. But in 2016, the year of Trump’s s campaign, it’s more than enough."
  • Sally Bradshaw, former top Jeb Bush adviser, told told CNN that she had left the Republican Party to become an independent due to Donald Trump's presence at the top of the ticket — and that if the race were close in her home state of Florida this fall, she would be voting for Hillary Clinton. "As much as I don't want another four years of (President Barack) Obama's policies, I can't look my children in the eye and tell them I voted for Donald Trump."
  • Maria Comella, former spokeswoman for two of Trump's top backers, Chris Christie and Rudy Giuliani -- "Instead of speaking out against instances of bigotry, racism and inflammatory rhetoric whether it's been against women, immigrants or Muslims, we made a calculus that it was better to say nothing at all in the interest of politics and winning elections."
  • Mike Treiser, former Mitt Romney aide — "In the face of bigotry, hatred, violence, and small-mindedness, this time, I’m with her.”
  • Craig Snyder, former chief of staff to then-Republican former senator Arlen Specter (Pa.) and also an ex-colleague of former top Trump adviser Roger Stone and current top Trump adviser Paul Manafort.
  • Ben Howe, contributing editor at
A gaggle of lying thieving RINOs. Good riddance.
All the Liberal pukes are scared to death of The Trumpinator.

Mr. Hoss, if you think for one minute that this man cares about the right and conservatism, you are woefully mistaken. He doesn't spend one minute of his time thinking about anyone but himself. Republicans will suffer at his hands just as everyone else will. Mark my words if he is elected.
If, as you suggest, Trump wants to become President to satisfy his ego, he will also want to leave behind a legacy he can be proud of to satisfy his ego, and he has indicated that will mean America will take a fresh look at it problems, polices and commitments for the first time since the end of WWII with the aim of making America safer in today's world and more competitive in today's global economy. When Trump wins, all Americans win.

Really, Mr. TooMuch....You must consider his reputation in the business world before you can claim he will do right by America.
Donald Trump’s Business Plan Left a Trail of Unpaid Bills
It doesn't begin to compare with the trail of dead bodies Ol Rottencrotch has left behind.

But Mr. Hoss, Mr. Trump has repeatedly said he's honest and true compared to the Clintons, remember? Oh, I guess you filter those things out, don't you?
Key Republicans close to Donald Trump's orbit are plotting an intervention with the candidate after a disastrous 48 hours led some influential voices in the party to question whether Trump can stay at the top of the Republican ticket without catastrophic consequences for his campaign and the GOP at large.

Republican National Committee head Reince Priebus, former Republican New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani and former House Speaker Newt Gingrich are among the Trump endorsers hoping to talk the real estate mogul into a dramatic reset of his campaign in the coming days, sources tell NBC News.

The group of GOP heavyweights hopes to enlist the help of Trump's children — who comprise much of his innermost circle of influential advisers — to aid in the attempt to rescue his candidacy. Trump's family is considered to have by far the most influence over the candidate's thinking at what could be a make-or-break moment for his campaign.


Whoa, it doesn't sound good.
this is great entertainment

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